A reader recently sent in this astute question:
Why does Jesus tell people to “Go and sin no more” when He knew it was basically impossible for them to stop sinning?
This is a great question, and one that has been cropping up a lot in the comments on this blog recently. For example, check out some of the comments in my post about “How do I stop sinning?”
“Go and Sin No More” Disclaimers
Before I attempt to answer this important question about what Jesus means when He says “go and sin no more,” let me state two disclaimers.
Yes, I know that Scripture contains numerous passages which seem to teach that sinless perfectionism is possible in this life (cf. Matt 5:48; 1 John 3:4-10). So please … don’t leave a comment below quoting all the text in the Bible which you think I haven’t read. I have read them, studied them, and believe them. I simply have a different understanding of those texts than you do.
Second, just because I believe the Bible teaches that it is not possible in this life to go and sin no more at all ever again in any way, this is not at all the same thing as telling people to go sin all they want. I believe that Christians can and should stop sinning, but I approach the issue of sin differently than often encountered elsewhere. I think the primary reason God wants us to stop sinning is not because it offends Him, but because sin damages us.
So can we “Go and Sin No More”?
There are two times in the Gospels when Jesus tells people to “go and sin no more.” One is after Jesus healed the man by the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:14) and the other is after He rescued the woman caught in adultery from getting stoned to death (John 8:11).
“Go and Sin No More” in John 5:1-18
What is strange about the instance with the man by the Pool of Bethesda is that the text mentions no sin which had led to his condition. The text simply says he had been there for 38 years (John 5:5). We aren’t told why. We aren’t told what happened. Though most commentators say that the man must have sinned in some way to cause his condition, the text says nothing of the sort.
Bible scholars say, “Well, it must have been some sort of sin which led to the man’s condition, or else why would Jesus say, ‘Go and sin no more or else something worse will happen to you’?”
Really? I have major problems with this. First, if the man had been invalid for 38 years, how old could he have been when he committed this terrible sin which caused God to strike him down as an invalid for the next four decades? I mean, what sort of terrible sin had this child from 38 years ago (or possibly a teenager) committed, which would cause God to punish him in such a terrible way?
And then, Jesus comes along and say, “Now don’t do that again, or I’ll have to punish you even worse!”
Does that sound anything like Jesus? Not the Jesus I know. I don’t think that sin led to this man being an invalid for 38 years, and I definitely don’t think that Jesus was threatening this poor man with some greater punishment if he committed that sin again.
So how then are we to understand Jesus’ statement, “Go and sin no more”?
Well, notice that it is not in the context of healing the man from being an invalid that Jesus says “Go and sin no more.” It is in the context of the religious leaders threatening the man’s life because he had the audacity to carry his bedroll on the Sabbath (John 5:10). Why do I say there were threating his life? I believe there is a parallel in John 5 with something that happens in Numbers 15:32-35.
There, man is caught picking up sticks on the Sabbath, so they arrest him and take him to Moses, who consults God on the matter. God (apparently) tells Moses that the community should stone the man for the high crime of picking up sticks on the Sabbath.
So when Jesus tells the man “Go and sin no more or else something worse might happen to you,” I think he says it with a sparkle in His eye, some satire in His voice, and a head nod toward the disapproving and judgmental religious leaders.
Essentially Jesus tells the man (read the following with soft sarcasm): “Oh no! You carried your bedroll on the Sabbath! How could you do such a terrible thing! You sinner! Stop it! If you don’t, they’re going to have your head.”
Of course, although Jesus was speaking to the man with satirical humor, the situation was deadly serious as well, and Jesus knew it. It was true that if the man was not careful, the religious leaders would try to kill him simply because he carried his bedroll on the Sabbath. In fact, in the very next verses, their murderous rage gets redirected toward Jesus because He is the one who told the man to carry His bedroll (John 5:15-18). The text says they sought for a way to kill Jesus. The “something worse” which was going to happen to the man is now directed toward Jesus.
So was Jesus telling the man to “Go and sin no more”? Well … yes, but it is more like this: “Go and ‘sin’ no more, or the sin police over there are going to kill you.”
That’s how I read John 5:15-18.
Based on this, you can probably predict how I understand John 8:1-11.
“Go and Sin No More” in John 8:1-11
I think John included this incident in his Gospel just a few chapters after the “grievous sin of bedroll-carrying incident” because unlike the carrying of the bedroll on the Sabbath, the woman in this event was truly sinning. She was caught in the act of adultery.
The religious leaders are about to stone her to death when Jesus shows up, scribbles in the sand, and when no one is left to condemn her, tells her to “Go and sin no more.”
Most commentators note the connection here with the Levitical law that the punishment for adultery was death by stoning (Lev 20:10; Deut 22:22). Most commentators also point that the Levitical law required that both the man and the woman are to be stoned, but in John 8, only the woman is present. This was not because the religious leaders didn’t know who the man was, for they had caught the woman in the very act of adultery. Where is the man? We do not know.
There is some speculation that this woman was simply the innocent bystander in a malevolent plan by the religious leaders to accuse and attack Jesus (John 8:6). Since John 5:1-18, the religious leaders had been looking for ways to discredit and kill Jesus, and they had now found (or created?) a way in this poor woman. Could it be that her guilty partner was involved in the scheme himself?
It is likely that the woman was actually a prostitute, and the religious leaders saw this situation as a “win-win” opportunity for them. If Jesus did not defend her, then they got to stone a prostitute. Yay! If Jesus did defend her, then they could stone Him too as a bonus.
The plan, of course, didn’t go as expected, and Jesus wrote something in the sand which caused all the men to slink away. We don’t know what He wrote, though there is endless speculation about it might have been.
Anyway, once they have all left, Jesus tells the woman that He does not condemn her (and He is the only one present who could have!), and that she should “Go and sin no more.”
Why? For the same reason Jesus told the man in John 5 to go and sin no more: because the religious leaders were out to get her. Now that they had been rebuffed by Jesus and their righteous activity of stoning a prostitute had been denied them for the day, they would doubtless begin looking for a way to kill her again.
Basically, Jesus is saying, “My beautiful lady, I am sorry you got caught up in this. They were after me; not you. They framed you to get at me. I want to protect you from them, so please, consider leaving your current profession. They are likely going to seek to frame you again, and the next time, they won’t bring you to me. They’ll just kill you. Neither one of us want that, so go … do something different with your life.”
Clearly, Jesus did not mean that the woman should never sin again in any way whatsoever. He knew, and we know, that this is impossible. He was simply warning her about the danger of continuing in her current lifestyle.
Can you “Go and Sin no More”?
So what does this way of reading these texts say to you and me? Several things.
First, please, please, please … don’t be a religious jackass. If Jesus is the only one who has the right to condemn and judge a person, but He chooses not to (cf. John 8:11, 15), then we all better think twice (and thrice!) before we cast the first stone. Don’t call for people’s jobs, or pray for their house to burn down, or tell them that because of their lifestyle they are headed for hell.
Such behavior looks less like Jesus and more like the religious leaders who sought to kill Jesus.
Second, recognize what sin is (and isn’t). Sin damages our relationship with God and with one another. Sin destroys our lives and causes emotional, financial, physical, spiritual, and psychological harm. The reason God wants us to stop sinning is simply because God wants what is best for us, and sin does not result in God’s best.
Our sin doesn’t cause God to turn away from us, reject us, hate us, or cast us out. Our sin grieves God because He knows how much sin hurts us, and as our loving Father, He doesn’t want us to get hurt.
God doesn’t care about our sin; He cares about us — which is why He wants to help us not sin.
Finally, as I’ve said before, we stop sinning not by trying to stop sinning, but by walking with Jesus and inviting God into the dark places of our life. When a room is dark, you don’t chase away the darkness by talking against it, praying against it, and commanding the darkness to leave. No, darkness naturally recedes when light enters the room. You want to stop sinning? Invite God into it, and watch the light of His love cast out all sin.
It’s a great question. Well I could cheat and simply say that the passage in John about the woman caught in adultery is a latter scribal addition and most likely not part of the original. Most bibles have an asterix on this passage saying it doesn’t appear in the earlier manuscripts. However Jesus mentions something similar in John 5 as you pointed out. John 8 seems more about Himself than us. BUT BUT… here is what I think. Does Jesus mean sinless perfection? Probably not. But I think he means that sinful lifestyles or patterns must be addressed. Adultery is a cycle of sin that needs to be stopped. Also I think in Jesus’ day he was often accused of breaking the law or doing away with it. So his stance on sin made it clear that Jesus was not minimizing the law. If I ask myself, is the goal to “sin no more.” Actually yes! Will it happen in toto in this life – no! As holiness by the Spirit increases the desire to sin no more increases – not by a feat of the will but by the Spirit in you.
I do know there are some textual issues here. I tend to follow the Majority Text, which includes these statements.
Regardless of how you understand them, your final point there is exactly right. Holiness will eventually happen at glorification.
I can’t agree there Jeremy. God has given us the Bible for down here and it says , ‘You be Holy as I am Holy’.
Yes, it does say that in the English translations, though “holy” can be translated in various ways. Regardless, have you been able to become as holy as God?
Jeremy i dont know whether you are making that statement to stir us up.i see where Ross is coming from i agree with him.As i see it in my life i am more holy than i used to be why because i choose to live my life for Christ now .
So as we conform to his image by walking according to his holy spirit and being obedient to the word then we become more holy like him that doesnt mean we are him but like him.The verse as he is so are we in this world is that we are his reflection we are not the true light he is the true light and so others should see his light reflect in us through his holiness his love his compassion etc etc brentnz
As He is so are we in this world.
He who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit with Him.
I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me
Let him who is righteous continue to be righteous and let him who is holy continue to be holy.
Greetings to all the holy brethren.
And be perfect, AS your heavenly FATHER is perfect.
by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these YOU may be PARTAKERS of the DIVINE NATURE.
He became sin who knew no sin, that we might BECOME the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD in Him
Absolutely to all the scriptures you refer to here Ross. When we are “in Christ”, have put on the Whole Armor, being crucified in Him…we ARE Holy, as He is Holy.
The question is, have you achieved this on a 24/7 basis? I would suggest that is not possible, because you do still live in this dark and fallen world. Remember too, that our very thoughts are subject to the law.
I don’t believe I’ve ever met a person who has 24/7 “become holy as He is holy”. I think possibly pride could/would become an issue for such a person. The flesh is very deceptive. And until said flesh is fully dead, we are susceptible to sin.
So are you actually doing it? Have you gone and sin no more. For if you still sin you can’t defend your lifestyle based on this scripture. Sin no more doesn’t mean don’t practice sin, it means sin no more. So since you take it the way you do, are you doing what Jesus commanded?
yes it’s a purification process.Amen
Nomad you hit the nail on the head. Just ask Todd White…he’ll tell you he hasn’t sinned since he got saved not one time basically saying he doesn’t need Jesus because he’s just like him.
Sin No More
Sin is a violation of the divine given conscience that will eventually bring illness that are physical like in the case of the paralytic and psychological both as a natural reaction to the un natural presence of sin!
The Conscience is the Mind of the mind!
The Holy Fathers of the Greek Orthodox Church teach that ~The mind of the MIND~ is the CONSCIENCE. The conscience which is described to be LAW testifies to the present of God in the heart without His presence and without hindering man’s freedom! According to the Holy Bible those who have never heard of Lord Jesus will go to Paradise if they have kept their conscience/Law unsoiled! [Romans 2:14] “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves”. Furthermore the conscience belongs to the heart and the heart is a PERSON upon which Lord Jesus will recreate man after the heart exits the body when rendering his Justice at His Second Coming! [1 Peter 3:4] “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price”
Lord Jesus heals the one in order to reveal His healing power to many!
Lord Jesus came to cure the body and the soul both!
The Role of the Soul in Psychiatry and Psychology
You seem to think that we christains have to sin. I”d like to know what kind of sins are you talking about. Are there sins we don’t think about or sins listed in the commandants. Maybe you just feel like Jesus set the bar to high. Aren”t you sending a message to christains it”s ok to sin, you can’t help it. After reading your letter I”m trying to see what I”ve done in the last few days or wks that would be called sinful. thank you
So gluttony is a sin – ever overeaten at a meal? So, gossip is a sin – ever repeated what a person told you about someone else? Anger is a sin – ever felt betrayed or ignored and spoke harshly towards someone? So, slander is a sin – ever made a negative comment about someone else? So, coveting is a sin – ever wanted the raise or item that someone else received? and the list goes on and on … To repent of sin is a daily struggle if one is honest with himself. The closer we come to God, the more we recognize our inherent sinfulness.
I have to agree with you. Having pure thoughts is a work. If we think a bad thought towards our brother (for I am my brothers keeper) it is a sin. I do believe we have to live by the laws of Jesus. One of the laws is repentance. And you’re right this is daily. I do believe we sin less when we feed our spirit and starve our flesh. But as long as we are in the flesh, (and we are borne into sin), we will sin.
Beautiful statements. I agree
Well said Sister!
so babies born sick they sinned in the womb ? silly lol
Go and sin no more. When you repent you are telling God forgive I won’t do that vile sin anymore. That is why Jesus said forgiven go and sin no more. If you repent for cheating never stop. No fore-giveness. God never said he would forgive 70×7. He won’t
Nice post . 🙂
‘If thou sinnest, what doest thou against him? or if thy transgressions be multiplied, what doest thou unto him? If thou be righteous, what givest thou him? or what receiveth he of thine hand?’ – Elihu
I think you are right in pointing out that the real problem of sin is not so much that it harms or injures God, but that it is damaging to ourselves and to our relationship with God. You can’t actually oppose an omnipotent being, as Elihu points out in Job. (The idea that you can is the root of the atheistic use of the Problem of Evil, where God wants good, but can’t do it or doesn’t want it and so isn’t good – and either way he isn’t ‘God’).
I like the way you’ve looked at these passages. I know there are many who argue that because he said to go and sin no more that it must therefore be possible to do so. This is understandable because in ethics, they rightly say, ‘ought’ implies ‘can.’
Fortunately, Jesus didn’t come to bring us more ethics – more law.
Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount to, ‘Be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect.’ Peter was there; he preached this to Peter.
However, he later prophesied that Peter would deny him (he also said that he would deny before his Father those who denied him). If his command to ‘Be perfect’ implies that Peter ‘could’ be perfect, then it would have been ‘possible’ for Peter to make the Son of God a liar by not denying him (by being perfect).
But the prophesy of Jesus would seem to imply, contrary to our instincts, that it was not possible for Peter to not sin.
At the root of the disagreement about perfection, I think, is the fact that we sometimes forget that according to Christianity the purpose of moral imperatives is not to make people righteous, but to show them their sin (as Paul taught in Galatians). If you just read the Torah, without knowing the grace of God that Jesus taught, the letter will kill you, because no one can do it. This much Peter clearly learned by the time the First Council of Jerusalem was held, where he said concerning the law that, ‘neither our fathers nor we were ABLE to bear [it].’ [Emphasis mine, of course]
What he learned was what Jesus taught them, that with men, salvation is impossible, but not with God.
In other words: He finally understood Grace.
Love the comment, and the point that “ought” does not imply ‘can.”
The question creates a problem where there is none. Jesus was not telling the woman to remove sin from her life but to stop the sexual sins she was currently engaged in. Which was completely possible and reasonable. Perhaps the article goes on to say this.
I find it somewhat humorous that one can take the time to make a comment (add their two cents) to a post… without actually reading the whole post!
Yes, it happens all the time. I saw a very humorous April Fool’s joke about this last week and will post it here on Sunday.
I think Jesus gives people power to overcome sin(evil) but He does not make us perfect in this life so we won’t be self righteous judgmental jerks about it. It is not me it is all Him. When we love God we do not pursue (evil)sin. If we do sin we have an advocate. If we confess our sins(evil deeds)He is faithful to continue to cleanse from all manner of evil.
Absolutely true! I love how you phrased this, and believe that John really unpacks this whole issue in his first letter (which you have alluded to).
I think the problem with this whole “can we stop sinning” issue has to do with how we are taught. From the very beginning of our new life in Christ, from the time that we are considered babies in the Lord, we are taught that we are never going to stop sinning until we get to heaven. Is this true? Is this okay with God? When we stand before the judgement seat of God and have to give an account for everything ever said or done in the body, will God accept anything as a justifiable excuse for sinning? I think not.
I think another problem is that we think that to stop sinning means being perfect or as some call it, sinless perfection. I think we are sort of misled by our English definition of the word perfect and what it actually means in the Greek which is “to be complete”. Also the word sinless causes confusion. We can never be sinless since we are already born into it and have already committed sin but we can sin less and if we can sin less then we can sin even less than that and so on.
I have been saved for 44 years and have only over the last 2 or 3 years have I been wondering about whether or not a Christian can actually stop sinning in this life. I certainly believe in the possibility because I believe it is attainable and if that is true we’ll never know it in the person who has attained this because they’ll probably be the most humble individual that you’ll ever meet and they would never even consider talking about themselves that way. Christ was sinless, did he ever talk about it or point it out? Christ never patted himself on the back and if we are to be Christlike then I don’t think we would be any different.
What would happen if we started teaching new babies in Christ differently? I can only speak for myself but I know that when I surround myself with God I wind up choking the world out. The temptations I once so easily gave into are no challenge at all to say no to. We control the influences of our lives. If you let bad in then bad will come out, let Christ in and only Christ will come out. I don’t believe God gives us things that can’t be accomplished, we are without excuse. The word of God states that we are never tempted beyond that which we can withstand and provides a way of escape every time. James says that we give birth to sin when WE give into our lustful desires. Paul writes that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfil the lust and desires of the flesh.
Though I personally have not stopped sinning I do sin less. I do believe that one can in this life stop sinning and if I’m wrong then it will be when God himself tells me it wasn’t attainable. At the very least it is a very worthwhile goal that all Christians should try to attain to for no other reason than to glorify God. I would rather have to stand before His throne and have to answer for trying and failing at this than to have never even tried at all.
And finally to whoever reads this very lengthy post, if to stop sinning is not attainable, then what did John mean we he wrote in 1 Jn 2:1,2 “Little children I write these things so that you may not sin. If anyone sins we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous.” The word ‘IF’ strongly implies that he isn’t expecting his readers to sin. It’s as if he is saying but in case you do miss the mark we have an advocate etc…What did he mean in 1 Jn 3:6 “Whoever remains in him doesn’t sin.” and the one that scares me the most is 1 Jn 3:9 “Whoever is born of God doesn’t commit sin, because his seed remains in him; and he CAN’T SIN, because he is born of God.” Sounds like not sinning is not only achievable but expected. God bless you all!
Michael – I believe you’ve put an unnecessary burden on yourself. The fact is, that when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior – sin is no longer an issue. Period. We are clothed by His righteousness and covered by the blood. If it were possible for men to live a sinless life – why would Jesus have even come to be our kinsman redeemer?
So – I guess maybe in a sense we Can live a sinless life. Because when Jesus saves us – He no longer sees our sin. Paul says in Romans “For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.” – but as he goes on, he says that Jesus rescued him from his body of sin and death.
So, I would agree that “not sinning” is expected – only in that we should accept Christ for the forgiveness of our sins – so that they are separated from us as far as the East is from the West. And that HE will be faithful to complete the good work He started in us. 🙂
I know that’s right,Amen 🙏🙌🙏 Thank you Jesus
He promised.
While stumbling and temptation is part of our fallen nature, willful, deliberate and continual sin isn’t, and shouldn’t continue in a Believer’s life. Jesus was setting the standard for all of us – If a prostitute caught in the act could repent and live a pure life, so can we.
how do you determine if it is willful, deliberate sin or a “stumble?
good question.
I have a question about willfully, deliberately, presumptuously or stumble in sin. I believe that God has drawn me to Christ Jesus for repentance of my sin’s which I believe I have done 100 percent. but I have a drug addiction that I keep returning to even though I don’t want that life anymore because it’s separates me from God. so in 2015 I shot myself with a 12 guage shotgun in a attempt to either end my life or cause so much pain that if I ever used again I would remember what I did to be free. well today I struggle with the question did God really grant me repentance or draw me to Christ Jesus or did I just want to stop using of my own desire? because I seem to stop using and serve God let I desire. Roman’s 6:12 do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. I try on a daily basis to live by this verse. I read daily and pray daily. I’m almost to the point again to end my life if I can’t totally overcome this and whole heartly live for God and be a living sacrifice for Christ Jesus. I’m mentally, spiritually and physically lost. and it’s has nothing to do with my faith being to little. I put my life on Christ Jesus as my savior. I know only through Him can I be saved. But way can’t I stop doing the things I hate and do the very thing I know will have better consequences. I dream and fantasize about witnessing to lost souls about being delivered and what Christ Jesus has done for me. it almost seems impossible but I still have hope at the moment.
Andy brother, hope you are well.
I’m sorry this is late (I am not the person you asked the question to, but I hope if this is still something on your mind, this may help you).
First, God knows you and is the one drawing you. ‘No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.’ (John 6:44) You cannot come to Christ unless God draws you.
Second, repentance is a gift of God, if you can repent it is God granting you that gift. ‘in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth’ (2 Timothy 2:25)
Therefore if you’re worried about whether your repentance is of self-will or of God, know that is from God.
The drug addiction you have is demonic. Drugs open portals to demons (former drug addict myself). If you are unable to stop the drug use it’s a demon causing it. Likewise the thoughts of self-harm and suicide are demons. You need deliverance ministry. Find a deliverance ministry either in person or online if need be. Self-deliverance is possible too (though I recommend in person and online first).
Most importantly you must be filled with the baptism of the spirit. I suggest you look up David Wilkerson, he was a prominent pastor that worked with heroin addicts in the streets of New York in the 50’s/60’s. He has stories of many people finding freedom from drug addiction that was killing them. He noted that they all consistently found freedom when they were baptised in the spirit.
Brother, I pray you receive the blessing from God. Praying for you.
I hear you brother!!! I can totally relate to your pain….differently but relate none the less…my word for you is overcome….through Christ and His Love for us….we can overcome….we can be victorious….and that may look different for every one of us….but you should realize that you are His temple!!!! I can tell by your words that you love the Lord with all your heart!!!! But I think you need to redirect your focus….you need to look at things from His perspective….He loves you far more than you could ever love Him…..He died an excruciatingly horrific, pain filled death just to be with you!!!!! Because we all have sinned…. because We all were born to sin as descendents of Adam and Eve we were and are separated from God’s Holiness…..but He wanted us back….He pursued us….He found a way when there seemed to be no way….you were worth it!!!! He would have done it just for you!!!! He delights in you!!!! Did you know it even says that He sings over you!!!! imagine the feeling of looking down on a newborn baby and that love that overcomes you that makes you want to sing over them. want to cradle them and hold them and give everything you can so that they have absolutely the best life….. that I believe is the closest. we can come on this Earth to understanding the absolute unconditional love that God has for us!!!!! You know God has many many names, but one of the names that he has is Immanuel…. that name means God with us…. that name God is with us is what took place when he came and lived here on this Earth and died on the cross just to have a reunited relationship with us just so he could be with us…. He came to this sin-filled. Earth left heaven and came here. he pursued you. he sought you and he died for you…. And he says that he resides inside of you…. Now I want you to think about this….
You being the temple where he lives are very very very special!!!! if you were to walk by a Holy Temple and see someone desecrating it….painting graffiti…. tearing up the pews….urinating on everything…. you would be so upset you would be enraged!!! It would make you so angry that they would be so disrespectful to the temple…. yet that is what you are doing sir to your body to your temple…. He created that body!!! He created you….just the way you are with all of your flaws. He created you!!!! You are His child!!!! You are His precious one!!!! You are wonderfully created… knit together inside your mother’s womb…. He breathed life into you…. He has plans for you, plans for a hope and a future….plans for good and not evil!!!!
I truly believe you are an overcomer and once you understand your value and how He sees you, you will have a different perspective of your body and what you should do to honor the one who loves you!!!!!
This is not intended to be a shame on you post. This is intended to be an uplifting and encouraging post so that you can take the time to really focus your vision on what he did for you and not what you struggle to do….it’s not about you….it’s all about Him!!!!
Blessings to you my fellow journeyman….we are all on the journey and no one knows when we will arrive but we press on….I many times have to stop looking out there and turn inward and say ok God I need you to help me….put blinders on my face and help me to just focus on you and to just take one step at a time in your pathway….show me your foot steps so I can follow you….help me to do the one next best thing….and not worry about anything past the next one best thing….
love to you!!!!
Christ said that we would know them by their fruits, referring to those who do not believe. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Deliberate is identifiable by the fact that it is continual. It is a normal everyday part of that individual’s life. Interestingly enough, since Peter has been brought up several times in other comments, one of the ways in which he denied Christ was by swearing. I can attest to the fact that God can give anyone victory over sin for good. Before I was converted, every other word that left my mouth was a curse word. Praise God that today, almost six years after my baptism, not a single curse word has, since, left my mouth, nor will it ever, by God’s grace. I believe that we can live perfectly holy lives on this present earth if we maintain an intimate connection and relationship with Christ. We have men such as Daniel as examples, men of whom it has been written that, because the officials of his time could find no fault with him, laws were purposely passed that went against his principles, and as a result, he was thrown into the lion’s den. He is just one of several examples. Joseph is another.
willful & deliberate sin is when you know that you are about to sin & you are willing to go ahead & do it any way, not caring & wanting to have it. To stumble is when you fall into sin quickly & not being prepared to avoid the sin that comes upon you quickly. The woman that was caught in sin knew what she was doing before she sinned, it just didn’t happen there were plans made to do it, that is deliberate & willful.
Jack – your definition of ‘willful & deliberate sin’ is the same as the Biblical definition of “transgression” – or a deliberate trespass. Knowing what is wrong – but willfully doing it anyway.
Thankfully, in Psalm 103 we read:
‘he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”
Also Isaiah 43:
“I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”
Praise God. 🙂
The first sin of the human race (Adam’s sin), every sin, comprises, has within it, every evil thought, word, and deed that has ever been thought, said, or done in the existence of humanity. There is no such thing as a little sin that shouldn’t bother us. The “littlest” sin than any human can articulate results in death-“the wages of sin is death (eternally).”
That littlest sin required the Son of God to die on the cross
Timothy, I think you have come closest to decerning the meaning of ” Go and sin no more”
Do you think she lived a pure life in all ways from that point on, or just regarding the prostitution?
Where does it say that she never sinned again? And if she DID would our Savior say… that’s it. I gave you your chance? Now Hell awaits you? Please.
“Master… how many times should I forgive a brother who sins against me… seven times…”?
He replied “Seventy times seven times…”
Does anymore need to be said?
Well, I’ll leave you with this:
John 6:37-40
English Standard Version
37 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. 38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. 39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. 40 For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”
Very good, Jeremy. I have some similar thoughts about God’s attitude toward sin I wrote down here: http://boldgrace.org/article/36/because
Thanks, I’ll check it out! I am reading your book. Very good! Will review it soon.
How do you determine if it is willful, deliberate sin or a “stumble”?
Lisa surely thats an easy answer wilful sin is a sin is that you continue to do.Its like going somewhere that you have been before and decide to keep going back though you know its not good for you.It is a deliberate choice to be where you are and that you want to be there.
A stumble is going somewhere and you realise you are somewhere you shouldnt be and leave and confess to God that you shouldnt have been there in the first place it was a mistake and you are sorry.God forgives either if we repent and tell him that we are sorry and its important to know that in our strength we cant change who we are only by admitting that we need his help can we break those strongholds over our lifes.When we admit our weakness and ask him to help us he will through his holy spirit no matter what we have done or where we are at he will save us.brentnz
Your interpretation of Jesus’ possible take on the bedroll thing made me laugh. I do hope you are right! 🙂
“…watch the light of His love cast out all sin.”
Yep! That’s the only solution that makes sense. No man is able to save himself from sinful flesh which IS sinful. Period.
I, too, think, that we stumble as long as we are being kept imprisoned in sinful flesh. But a spiritually redeemed nature does not want to sin any more. Therefore, they try – and often fail (sigh) – to put an end to it as Jesus said. Experiencing such saddening setbacks during their looooong sanctification process, again and again, grieves them a lot and they looooong to be set free from sinful flesh (Rom 7). Although “big” sins as in the case of the adulteress won’t (probably) committed any more as long they rely on Him alone, “smaller” sins, particularly those wedded to our tongue (speaking) remain an ongoing problem until death. Perfection, to me, rather, refers to perfection as for loving God and our neighbors. But even this love is imperfect compared with God’s perfect standard.
Just some other thoughts.
Was that woman a prostitute or not? Either way, if someone has come to the end of himself, here herself, and is facing death as it was in her case, Jesus has always open arms and forgives every sin ever committed. The prostitutes I have come to know were mostly women who had been severely abused by men; they had been emotionally broken and often times physically as well. Nobody of them had a sort of moral self-confidence as the scribes and the Pharisees used to display. I guess that is one of the reasons why it is easier for prostitutes to go into the kingdom of God than for the self-righteous religious man and woman.
[I believe that all people on earth, Christians or not, will have the chance to enjoy such an encounter with Jesus at least on their deathbed, so that everyone has the possibility to say “Yes” or “No” to Jesus sacrifice. However, that’s my personal belief which is grounded in my own NDE and in the ND descriptions of others, especially of former non-Christians who believed in Jesus after their NDE.]
Knowing that God judges the heart in which the rotten roots for our sinful behavior are located, I think that Jesus who forgave that poor woman also set her heart free from the desire to commit adultery at the same moment [finally, she met THE Love of her life – God in human shape, so to speak]. “Go and sin no more,” thus, were words of love which Jesus spoke to her very heart. And when God really speaks to us, we can even do the impossible.
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Is 55:11 KJV)
My interpretation of the effect of Jesus’ light in this particular situation was
(1) that the hidden sins of the accusers were exposed to their own conscience. Therefore they went away.
(2) that the publicly exposed sin of the woman was forgiven while the hidden love of the Savior was revealed to her heart. Therefore she stayed.
It’s all about Him. The more we know God’s love, the more we want to stay with our Lord and, driven by Spirit-power, we eventually want to do what He wants us to do. Or in other words,
“Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”” (Jn 14:23 ESV)
“I believe that all people on earth, Christians or not, will have the chance to enjoy such an encounter with Jesus, at the latest on their deathbed, so that everyone has the possibility to say “Yes” or “No” to Jesus’ sacrifice.”
An additional thought regarding the power of God’s word(s).
If Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven”, they were forgiven, a fact, which He also proved through healing the same person.
If Jesus said, “Carry your bedroll” to an invalid, everybody could see that the person was no invalid any longer afterwards.
If Jesus said, “Go and sin no more”, we may believe that the power to abstain from a particular sin [which He and those who have been forgiven surely both knew about] was given to them too.
Excellent points and insight. Thanks for including your thoughts on this tough text.
What does NDE and ND mean?
near death experience? (my guess)
Indeed, you got it, Lisa.
If you’re interested, you can find a description of my NDE (:-) linked on my Google account (cf. “My Testimony” – Part 1).
Yes, we seem to overlook Jesus’ “and neither do I condemn you” to the woman. Well, Jesus should have condemned her, right? But since he didn’t, it’s up to us to take up where Jesus left off, condemn her and spread the word. Who said the “cult” of the Pharisees is dead?
We might consider that our definitions of “sin” vary. What you do that I disapprove of is “sin”. What I do that others think is sin is probably due to ignorance on their part, or something like that. If you once had an abortion, or if you’re attracted to same gender, that’s clearly sin, but if I had a three year affair with a neighbor’s wife, that was a “mistake”. Focusing on what we suppose to be the sins of others helps us overlook our own sins.
Ah, the cult of the Pharisees! You are right that is is alive and well! I even see it in my own life on frequent occasions.
how do you see it in your own life? what do you mean?
When people say to me they don’t sin anymore because Jesus said to someone “go and sin no more” I ask them if they have “sold every thing they have to come follow Jesus” like the rich man. After , Jesus said that too…why do you still have any possessions if Jesus commanded that we are to sell everything we have?
Saying “Go and sin no more” is better than saying “Go and try not to sin any more,” because the latter leaves it open to using the excuse, “Oh well, I tried,” without sincerely trying. Also, by saying “Sin no more” Jesus was showing more faith in the moral compass of the sinners, being more supportive than if he had said “Try not to sin any more,” which would seem to imply the unspoken, judgmental “though you probably will, anyway,” which would have been quite out of character.
Right. Although even then, n my own experience, trying not to sin seems to lead to more sin. I am learning to not worry too much about my sin, and just remember that God loves and forgives me, and as I do this, I find that the desire for some sins ceases to have power and I sin less (while at the same time, learning about other sins that I was blind to).
This is something that not many Christians believe or can understand and takes faith and humility to accept.
Yes, as with most things in Scripture and theology, right?
I’d agree, but add that it takes faith and humility, and the resulting spiritual experience, to understand not only scripture and theology but also all the human errors that have been made in presenting them.
Jeremy, this is one of your most insightful and spot on BLOGS. I appreciate your thoughts of this subject & couldn’t agree more. Thanks
Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement.
Thanks you soooooo………!!!!Much. You have no idea what this article meant to mean, but not only me. The people around mean will hear of these words, because I will share them when ever I get a chance.
Thanks for your writings Jeremy I enjoy your insightful blog entries.
I haven’t given it much thought as to why Jesus said to “Go and Sin No More” in John 5:1-18 before. But, when I read this passage I take encouragement from Jesus on how we should be living. I believe Jesus was telling the man just to keep it simple.
Thanks for weighing in and for the encouragement.
Excellent thoughts in this post, Jeremy. I believe you are right on target about why we should stop sinning and how we can eliminate sin from our lives.
In the past, I held the view that it was possible to stop sinning entirely (and even said as much from a pulpit). I’ve softened on that a bit, though, because I’ve realized that stopping sin is not our ultimate calling here on earth (healing people’s perception of God is much more important). I still cling to one aspect of my earlier thought on this topic, though: When God gives us a directive (“be holy” “be perfect” “sin no more”), it is a sort of “speaking the end from the beginning.” I believe he is not making demands of us, but calling us up to a higher place and giving us an assurance of his ability to make good on it. And that thought gives me hope for a better future, rather than condemning me for continued sin.
Regarding the man with the bedroll: Sickness often does come as a result of sin. As an example, many people suffer from STDs which they picked up through fornication. I don’t think saying “They became sick through a sinful act” is the same as saying “God is punishing them,” though. Paul said quite a bit on this, including “they who sow to the flesh will reap corruption from the flesh” and that God abandons people over to the consequences of their sin (as in Romans 1). Neither of these imply direct punishment or even ill-will on God’s part, but only that our sinful choices have terrible consequences. Was the man sick because of personal sin? It is not clear (I think your view of what Jesus was saying is very likely true), but that does not mean it is not possible.
It is true that sickness does often result from sin. And I did speculate some some on what the nature of his sin might have been which would lead to 38 years bedridden, but the text simply doesn’t tell us, which seems to me that this is not the point of the story.
Tony though we may never attain to sinlessness as only Christ is sinless i believe we can get to a point in our walk where the old nature is crucified and the spirit is reigning over our hearts so that we choose to follow Christ and it is not hard to follow him if we abide in him.Rather than walk according to our old nature otherwise verses like sin shall not have dominion over us or we are overcomers in Christ more than conquerers would be meaningless.Have experienced the power of God in overcoming sin and the flesh in my own life i know that in my weakness i am made strong in Christ Jesus.brentnz
If we want to stop sinning we need to receive the experience Jesus gifted to us at the Cross when He said ‘it is finished’. It is clearly revealed in the New Testament, which also says that we are to rightly divide the word of truth. I for one am not brave enough to call those things impossible which God calls ‘already done ‘. Hebrews 10 v 1-3 and Titus 1 v 15 for example, are references to our true state as Christians. How am I going to ‘invite God into the dark places in my life ‘ when my Bible tells me that I am ‘light in the Lord ‘. Not that I have light but that I AM, light in the Lord. The New Testament reveals a new person in Christ Jesus that is beyond all of our previous experience, We should go up to that experience, not water it down because we don’t understand it or because it seems impossible to us. Of course it is impossible–to ordinary human beings–but we are are Sons and Daughters of God. We should heed Gods instruction to Peter( Acts 10 v 15 ) ‘what God has cleaned you must not call unclean ‘.
Right. The love and forgiveness of God. When we understand these, the perfect love of God casts out fear, and we can rest in God’s love, and allow desire for Him to wash over the desire to sin.
I have a quote about Gods love that affects me every time I read it, and I have been reading it for years. It is in a book by Starr Daily, who was a gangster in the early 1900’s. Jesus appeared to him and saved him after many years of crime and when it seemed he was going to die in prison as an incurable criminal.( Quote.).We swim in an infinite ocean of love. To become increasingly conscious of our oneness with love, is the mark of exercising intelligent self interest. To this end , we do not labour and strain in our search for love. It is above, beneath, and about us. It is seeking us..(unquote) The book is…….Love Can Open Prison Doors
It had occurred to me recently that Jesus was warning the woman caught in adultery to sin no more because He knew the Pharisees would be watching her closely (after all, He had publicly humiliated them over her) but I had never put it together before with the invalid healed on the Sabbath.
We see the Pharisees going after others that Jesus healed such as the blind man (they kicked him out of the Temple and dragged his frightened parents in for interrogation) and Lazarus (they plotted to kill him after Jesus raised him from the dead.)
Thanks for this insight, Jeremy!
I am glad you saw that too. Many miss that and think he was just telling her to stop her sinful ways. He was doing this, of course, but for other reasons than simply that “It’s wrong.”
Wonderful and profound. I love this piece.
Fascinating post. I have often reflected on the beauty of Jesus’ actions with the woman caught in adultery as the Light of the World. But I completely agree with your conclusion, ‘He was simply warning her about the danger of continuing in her current lifestyle’ is spot on… I had come to the same conclusion myself… Great insights…
It is a beautiful account, right? Thanks for the comment.
I really like this article it was great and it made me really reflect about judging because I judge a lot and after reading this it hit a nerve. I have actually been going through very hard time “spiritually” I can’t seem to help myself and I expect too much from God. I’ve prayed but I’m not being 100% sincere so why do I expect him to listen and fix me…. But I keep on searching and searching some help. I really need light in my dark heart and everyone saids Jesus is the way but I don’t know… I’m just not putting the right effort and I’m pitying myself ….
God loves you more than you know, and does not cast you aside or refuse to be with you because of your doubts or fears or failures. Just know that He loves you, and as you learn this, his perfect love will cast out your fear, and you will see the “fixes” begin to develop in your life.
Me too. You hit the nail on the head and said it so eloquently. Thank you for saying exactly what I was incapable of saying myself. This is the best blog I’ve read in a long time. Thank you, Everybody
Ps I was referring to Adree’s post about pitying himself. That’s my downfall too
I loved reading your insight as I have struggled with this…. My prior thought was that He said ‘go and sin no more’ because these two (the invalid and the adulterous woman) were not seeking Him.. therefore He gave these words in order to bring them to the place of needing Him. But I really treasure the love, wisdom and humor expressed in the insight above… from you and others. I needed to see that. I thank you for sharing. Be blessed!
Thank you, Lisa. I am glad you found this post and the comments encouraging and helpful. May you be blessed as well!
To me Jesus it is giving the woman the choice to follow him isnt the question go and sin no more about repentence turning from our lives of sinfulness to follow him the one who saves.
The exciting part is that it isnt just when we are saved but a continual ongoing process of choosing between the spirit and walking in Christ in obedience or walking according to our old sinful nature.This is the battle we all face the struggle over the old nature and the power of Christ in us to overcome our weakness.I believe that is what he is saying when he tells her to go and sin no more and he speaking through that word to our hearts today.i hear this verse ring in this JOISHUA24:14-15 and it says choose this day whom you may serve as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. brentnz
Lovely article. I am searching in how to be a more affective witness in sharing God’s truth against sin. So many folks say Jesus was all about love and not judgement but indeed He was about exposing the truth in the folks hearts revealing/identifying their true sin encouraging them to sin no more.
My issues today in 2015, are with sexual orientations being slammed in our faces from local judges to the Supreme Court affecting our children in schools and Christian business owners. I am searching how to stand up for God’s morals speaking against such sins but at the same time recognizing the sinful world as twisting God’s truths and if I correct folks I can be accused of judgement. So I am not even correcting folks in public but trying to lovingly show Jesus did address sin (thus I found your blog) through the Biblical accounts mentioned above.
The days are getting very evil and I do not want to be accused of self – righteousness and find this to be so touchy of a subject with family and friends I feel if I mess up sounding judgemental those folks souls are on my head. Thus the reason why I am searching to learn how Jesus addressed the sinners He was confronted with or stumbled across without a judgemental attitude but one of love that struck the hearts of those He told “… go and sin no more.”
The thing that keeper me from this book and many of it atheist included is something better is out there that we can make . I was told by someone at a Church that Jesus said work or nothing will happen with ” gods help” then way say as is on earth as is in heaven. Why not skip this what we have now make every ones life better and show them heaven on earth and talk of witch heaven it will be in a non war like manner
Thank you very much for addressing this issue. I hope to research even more on this to understand these 2 instances where Jesus says “go and sin no more.” I wonder if it is some type of Hebraism or other figure of speech related to that time period. People often point to these verses when judging others and I’d like to know how to respond. As far as I’m aware of, the only time Jesus pointed to the Mosaic law was when people first pointed to it in judgement against others…. and He simply pointed the law back at them.
Thank you! – Janet
Janet i think what you have said is quite insightful and you are right and there is another meaning to Go and sin no more and that speaks to me of repentence making a decision to Follow Christ the one who saves.The words Go and sin no more is referring to a continual ongoinging process of living for Christ rather than dying in our sins daily there is no comparison.I thought that was awesome pointing the law back to all of us for we all have sinned and the judgement is death but Jesus came that we might have life in its fullness.Many people only see the adulterer when she portrays who we are as sinners that he came to save all of us sin is sin and the punishment is death so again you are quite right people use the scriptures to judge and that was never Jesus intention.I hope that helps when someone uses that scripture incorrectly and you can you use it like Jesus did to point it back at those who judge i hope that helps.brentnz
God gave me a revelation about this, go ahead and commit the unpardonable sin for me and say it wasn’t God haha…. this scripture caused me much pain, and I asked Jesus HOW He could say such a CRUEL thing to a woman who obviously loved a man so much that she was willing to risk her very life to be with him, and Jesus sends her off with this heartbreaking command.
anyway, the revelation was that it was NOT a command, but a HEALING and He showed me what He did for that woman that day, He showed me that that kind of love is BONDAGE, that was indeed hurting her badly. and He healed her when He said that and replaced the bondage with a gentle and beautiful love for God that ENABLED her to go and sin no more….
now don’t rag on me about it that i’ve heard a lie from the devil…. did Jesus just come to issue different kinds of commands with NO POWER OF GOD? no, so shush, receive what i have said or not, but don’t argue with me about it. i know what i know.
i’m turning off notifications to listen to replies, so don’t even bother, i just thought i might try and offer what i’ve been given on the subject, it’s yours if you take it.
When Jesus said “Sin no more”, he meant exactly that. This is a message that has been misunderstood or lost. The broken telephone analogy. Be perfect/holy as I am and follow/imitate me. The Doutos Esemplo. 2 Tim. 3:5 holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power. The power to sin no more lies in truly believing or knowing who God is and his divine nature. By ‘being like Jesus’ is to tap into the power of the spirit of God/Holy Spirit. Truly having the spirit of God completely indwell in you will make you no different than Jesus. 2 Cor. 6:16 “I will dwell in them and walk among them.
A misunderstood point about salvation. Salvation is a ‘life long endeavor’ and not an instant ticket into the kingdom of heaven/God by saying some magical words like ‘I am a sinner, come into my heart and forgive me”. Admitting that I am a sinner and always will be if not for the power of God within you is just the start or turning point from heading towards death to heading towards a new life/birth into growing into a ‘fully mature’ Christian/imitator of Christ/God.
A ‘mature’ Christian will be able to follow/imitate Jesus and his disciples/apostles to be able to ‘sin no more’. This is not some unattainable goal, but is an expected state of ‘being’ that all truly mature Christians should be able to practice and uphold.
“Sin no more” is not only possible but expected of us if we are to enter the kingdom of heaven. This is made evident in the telling of the rich man in Matthew 18:18-27
Matthew 18:26-27 And they who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?” But He said, “The things impossible with men are possible with God.”
The earliest reference to ‘sin’ is found in Genesis 4:7 If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”
A great modern example of how to ‘sin no more’ is by following a 12 step program. Substituting ‘sin’ in place of the primary addiction such as drugs, sex, love of money/gambling etc. The key to ‘sin no more’ is to surrender completely our lives over to the higher power/God. Take it one day at a time, or even 1 minute at a time.
In summary, when Jesus said “sin no more:, he meant exactly that. And it can be done, if you ‘truly’ believe it could. As they say in the 12 step programs, it works if you work it.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one can come to the Father except through me.”
The ‘way’ to a better way of living, to ‘sin no more’, is not easy but it is attainable only if you truly believe you can and by living one day at a time with the help of the Spirit of God that dwells with in you.
Have you sold everything you have like the rich man? Jesus said that too…or was it just to literally to him because your just want to pick out his commands?
Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment? His answer was matthew 22:37″ love the Lord with all your heart with all your soul and with mind.38 this is the first and greatest commandment 38 and the second is like it; love your neighbor as yourself. 40 all the law and prophets hang on these 2 commandments. ” while I do not think that a perfect sinless life is something that I will ever be able obtain. Every ones hero, Paul, who we look at more highly than Jesus at times, said that he hadn’t obtained perfection. If we could grasp it ourselves then Jesus would have suffered and died for nothing. but I also believe that if I love God and my brothers like he tells me to, this love will keep me from sinning. The problem is that my love is not always perfect but God’s love for all mankind is always perfect. We focus on the do’s and don’ts so much that we forget to love. If we would focus more on love ,then the other sin in our lives would leave because of the law of love. Love covers over a multitude of sin. We stop sinning because we love God and our brother.1 cor. 13 tells us what love is. If we would practice love instead of trying to be good enough to make the cut, we would find out that it is much easier to love and be successful, than be tied down by religion. I obey the law automatically because of the law of love. I don’t worry about doing anything wrong because I’m not planning to because I love God and my brother. The last verse said” the law and the prophets hang on these 2 commandments. You can try to be perfect and fall every time. I choose to love because the scripture says LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!!!
Don’t you know? It’s Gods goodness that leads you to a change of mind, that saves.
I did not read everything that was here in comments, but two things come to mind to me:
I find the idea of sarcasm in the first example something worthy of some possible consideration – yet doubtful that it is really it. Perhaps the man was 60. Then he would have been 23 perhaps when he became crippled perhaps really doing something wrong. I tend to think your example is possible, but it is more likely that He really was genuinely saying it in reference to not returning to a specific sinful life style the man had practiced before that directly contributed to or caused his condition. The reason He did not always say that is that it was not always the cause – only God would know.
God loves us and since our sin destroys us it grieves Him, but it is also because He is Holy and cannot fellowship with darkness and sin. He hates sin so much that Jesus Christ died for all of it. So we must not ever minimize sin by considering that it is only for us that He hates it. He hates it because it is evil and He is Holy. ‘that sin may become utterly sinful’ is also scriptural. The idea of “sin no more” is to not carry on in practice of willful sinning as a life style. It is that simple. Seeking to walk free from sin as much as it depends on our relating with God for the strength to do so as well as we are able to on this side of heaven is wise.
Therefore did that which is good become a cause of death for me? May it never be! Rather it was sin, in order that it might be shown to be sin by effecting my death through that which is good, so that through the commandment sin would become utterly sinful.
Romans 7:13
I believe we would not see Jesus Christ using the word sin in a light way when it was what brought Him here to die for us.
Just last evening during our conference call Bible study, we discussed our inability to be perfect, while we still reside in our flesh. In Philippians 3, Paul tells us that he has NOT yet achieved perfection, but that our obligation to Christ, and to ourselves, is to “press on”, leaving the past in the past, while we remain focused on the GOAL, moving TOWARD the prize, of this high calling.
And we talked about the purpose…because God loves us, and doesn’t want us to be harmed by our sin.
This “harm” should bring us back to Him, as we continue to “press on”.
The answer to these questions is so simple both the man and women exited when Christ was with us ,there was no salvation from sin at this point as Christ was alive on earth i. Christ freed both the man and the women from sin but for their redemption to remain the both had to not sin anymore as Jesus’s hour had still not come so there was no salvation from sin at this point. When Jesus died on the cross he took all of our sin past present and future with him so this why there is this supposed contradiction as Christ had not paid the penalty at this point of the Bible for sin.
Does this mean we have a green light to sin all we want? Can we simply decide to sin and when we come to the pearly gates we can say, oh sorry God I really didn’t mean it please forgive me. It’s like a get out of jail free card. I have a problem with wrapping my head around that, Jesus wants us to amend our lives to lead as good as humanly possible. To simply commit adultery and lie, kill, steal and wreak havoc only to pull the get out of jail free card right at the time of death is simply something that seems hard to swallow, doesn’t God have some limit as too what he’ll allow his children to do?
I get asked this question a lot when I teach … and the answer is Yes. Since Grace is free, yes, you can just go sin all you want… but when you understand sin, why would you want to? That is Paul’s answer in Romans 6 as well… Here is a post that explains more: Yes, You Can Go Sin All You Want
Orthodox Chrisitians (which I am) believe that it is very rare, like a hand full of people on Earth per generation will ever reach a point of living free from sin, but we do believe it’s possible. Of course, I’m not talking about going from birth to death without sinning — no one has done that but Christ himself. But is it possible to go and sin no more? Orthodox believe that yes, it is, just that it’s very very hard and very very rare for it to happen. I’m referring to men and women who leave the world; they go into the wilderness avoiding all contact with the outside world and just pray for every moment of their waking lives and devote every second of their lives to prayer until the moment they take their last breath. Obviously this is not for everyone, even not for most people. But in my travels, I’ve heard of such people.
I have witnessed this myself. Whenever I hear something like “we will never be perfect here on earth” I feel distressed. I wish the Church here in America discover and obtain a gift of God that has made it impossible for someone to sin.
Mark 11:22-24
Matthew 21:21
Luke 17:6
With God all things are possible, and if you pray that God makes it impossible for you to sin in this present life (by the power of the Holy Spirit), and you believe that you have received it (even if for a moment aka as small as a mustard seed), whether before or after you prayed for it, it will be yours.
Sounds like all those fake perfect ppl didn read The Holy Bible…….
what did they think they could cheat n skip all sections on love n dealin w others forgiveness etc. church
Great piece, Jeremy! I agree with pretty much what you said except for this assertion: “Why? For the same reason Jesus told the man in John 5 to go and sin no more: because the religious leaders were out to get her.”
I do not agree that the reason Jesus told her to “go and sin no more” was because the religious leaders were out to get her, no! Whether they were out to get her or not, she was living a sinful life, and though Jesus didn’t condemn her (as is His nature), He also doesn’t approve that lifestyle. The religious leaders’ motives is immaterial here, she had to stop living in sin.
The same is true of our lives, regardless of who’s watching or not; or who’s taking note of our actions, we should live as honestly as we could.
That aside, as most have said on here, it would be near impossible to “go and sin more” if you interpret the statement as, “go and never sin again for once”.
But that is not what Jesus had in mind. He meant, “go and (live in) sin no more”, that is, “stop living a life of sin”.
I do not live in sin, nor live a life of sin, that doesn’t mean I do not sin at all.
Jesus was clearly telling her to take on a new nature, and put away the sinful one. Sin is a nature, not just the act. It’s not because we sin that makes us sinners, we are by nature sinners that’s why we sin. And until Christ cleanses you with His blood, you’ll continuing living in sin, whether you think you sin or not.
I could go on…let’s leave that for another day.
More inspired thoughts here… http://www.stillsmallvoiceblog.blogspot.com
Kindly visit. Thank you.
Although scripture is clear that all have sinned and come short of Gods glory, I don’t believe it was ever the intent of Christ for us to remain there.
The following scriptures are a few I have personally wrestled with.
I John 3:6
No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.
I John 3:9
No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.
The apostles asked Jesus a very interesting question after Jesus made the statement ” it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:24
They then asked him ” who then can be saved.”
Jesus answers ” with man it is impossible but with God ALL THINGS are possible.
I have one question to ask. If it is possible for the power of God to save then why is it NOT possible for the power of God to keep what he’s saved?
Jesus did say “ALL THINGS are possible with God. Was Jesus just kidding when he said ALL THINGS are possible? Was he like ” psych!….I was just kidding.”
We believe ALL THINGS are possible when we believe for healing.
We believe ALL THINGS are possible when we believe for financial breakthroughs.
Why do we NOT believe it’s possible for God to keep us from sin?
I personally have not obtained a sinless life but I do think we more often than not dumb down the gospel to our level of experience than we do trying to raise our experience to level of the gospel.
I think you are trying to make excuses for people to say oh well, everyone now knows you can’t so it’s okay if I sin, this guy says it’s okay. And later someone says when I die it will be alright if I sleep around all my life for it is impossible to put aside the wills of the flesh.
That is one of the problems of today. You’re okay, I’m okay, we can’t do it so lets go party and we will damn those who condemn us.
Bad precedence I belief. And one of the reasons the church has fallen badly last 40 years. All you have to do is look, not my opinion on that part.
I am not better than anyone, but I believe this is a wrong direction from what The Word says.
God Bless
I am a prodigal of the worst kind.
I sinned in terrible ways after hearing and praying to receive Christ sacrifice for myself in my early thirties. It seems I was in the third soil for 17 years after my supposed profession of faith in Christ. I did horrible things and felt they were wrong. but I would ask for forgiveness totally only out of fear of God’s wrath. Then, I would go out and sin again and again. I did not have Godly repentence or a fear of God at all. I had a humpty-dumpty fall because sin causes you to lose people and things precious to you. After my fall and subsequent loses, God gave me godly repentence for all my years of sin. However, because I don’t have a date or dramatic time of salvation, it is still hard for me to fully embrace and receive His love and complete forgiveness. I try to read about it in books and in the scriptures and I understand intellectually what Jesus has done for me but to fully be in joy and total peace and freedom of heart and soul seems to be hard for me to grasp. What do I need to do?
The first thing would probably be to realize that you have likely been listening to some poor teaching about the love and grace of God and what is required for forgiveness. God loves you more than you can possibly know, and while He is saddened by the pain you have experienced from your sin, He is not angry with you about your sin. He has already completely forgiven you of all of it. You don’t need a date or a dramatic event to know what you are part of His family and are accepted and loved.
Just know that you have eternal life because Jesus has offered it to you freely. That’s it.
Freedom, peace, and joy come from knowing that you are safe and secure in the arms of God forever, and that He loves you completely no matter what.
Thank you very much for your encouragement.
Tonight just a few minutes ago, The Lord gave me a rainbow. It’s 630 pm here on the Lake and we had no rain whatsoever and it’s been beautiful all day long.
I just read a Spurgeon devotional on the rainbow this morning when I woke up. He gave me someone in the library this afternoon to share my past with to encourage him in his past sins and mistakes. It was a God moment. He just broke up with His girlfriend– both of them supposedly know the Lord and have a child together. He moved up here in Minn. and gave himself back to the Lord but is suffering from consequences of his sins just like me. How awesome of the Lord to encourage me by sending you to encourage me and sending meto encourage him. The Lord be praised. Thank you again brother Jeremy for your kind words. They are life giving to a broken soul like mysrlf.
This was a very eye opening study with many great things to consider.
I was pondering that MAYBE, just maybe, “go and sin no more” is really an invitation to live by another life, the HIGHEST life since it is impossible for the natural, serpentine man to do so. Only Christ living by the Father’s life in me can show a sinless life. This revealing of perfection does not come through my efforts or activity but rather through my death.
I think so her life choices led her to a place of death he saved her it seems logical for him to say turn away from that life style she has a second chance so she shouldnt waste it by going back to her old sinful life.brentnz
Hi Jeremy. Do you have an article on the question, “As a Christian, why do we continue to sin, in spite of being told to sin no more?” I have been walking with the Lord for 38 years and yet I still find myself sinning? Two quotes that I picked up from Brennan Manning – “God loves you unconditionally, just as you are, and not as you should be. Because none of us are as we should be.” “God expects more failure from you than you expect from yourself.” When we do sin, it does not intimidate God, and our repentance doesn’t change God’s attitude towards us – repentance doesn’t change God, it changes us – yet we continue to sin even when our deepest desire is to live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit – yet I still sin. Why?
Keith the verse go and sin no more is a choice the choice is the giver of life Jesus or go and sin no more change the word sin for death.Its our hearts it chooses to sin because it likes to sin thats our nature and the word is clear that our hearts are deceitfully wicked.How do we overcome by admitting our weakness and asking the holy spirit to help us.That is how i have been able to break sins over my life personally i am powerless in the flesh and i freely admit that but i have the spirit of God at work in my life who is able to raise me above my weakness in him.He empowers us to do that so when you feel weak tell the Lord and ask the holy spirit to help you.The more you rely on the holy spirit the more you walk in the spirit and the less influence sin has over you.brentnz
Jeremy i believe you are on the right track my take is slightly different but we end up in the same place if we look at the story we see the cross portrayed the condemned sinner judgement for sin condemnation and death Jesus the son of God intervenes on her behalf and forgives her
and gives life restoration and the chance for her to start again without guilt or condemnation.That summs up our life storys.
When he said go and sin no more to the woman.We look at it from the sin aspect we are conditioned that way. When Jesus looks at sin he sees life healing and restoration when he saw lazarus he didnt see death but resurrection the unclean leper and the sick he saw healing and wholeness.So in affect he is saying to the woman i have given you life i have set you free you have a choice to make, choose life not death go and sin no more.Like the woman at the well her life was changed forever and she would have followed him to the ends of the earth she had tasted love in the worldly sense but now Jesus showed her what true love was what she truly was searching for how could her life not be changed.brentnz
Why does Jesus say “Go and sin no more” when it is impossible to “go and sin no more”?
When i read that i translate that into two views one is to be empowered the other is to be disappointed.
The first is to choose Jesus above all else he is the way the truth and the life.In him we achieve what is impossible to man he puts to death our old nature so that we walk in Christ empowered by his holy spirit.When we do that we dont give the flesh or the devil a foothold to influence us for evil or to bring guilt or condemnation upon ourselves.One of the verses i really like is that sin shall not have dominion over me.I have experienced Christs power to be an over comer he gives me the strength to follow him knowing that my flesh is weak but that in Christ i am empowered to defeat sin in my life therefore i am no longer its slave but its master.
That to me is what we should experience in our christian walk and what Jesus means when he says. “go and sin no more”
The other choice is to try and stop sinning by trusting in ones own strength or by our own efforts which is impossible and always ends in failure and disappointment.
Jeremy have been asking the holy spirit for his help with this and in regards to the lame man that Jesus healed I dont believe that sin was the issue for him just like the blind man was it his parents or did he sin the answer was neither but so that God would be glorified.What was the sin that may have been worse for him.The two situations are related of the woman caught in adultery the key words being go and sin no more only two references in the bible and will explain later the lame man we see at first his dependency on everyone else for his needs he cant do it he is in the best position to receive Gods grace but what does he do with it.Does he follow Jesus no we are told he goes to the temple and Jesus finds him now that he has his strength to do things on his own what his response to follow the way of the pharisees that is what is worse than his condition before so he is warned by go and sin no more.We get confused because we see the word sin but the giver of is speaking to him to go another way means death.Getting back to the two situations of the woman caught in adultery and the lame man here we see a picture of our hearts on the one our love for sin and on the other the desire to work out our salvation on our terms they are the two areas we have to submit to God.My experience was the self righteousness was the harder to deal with because it is linked in to our feelings of self worth and self confidence so we have to be broken so we are humble enough to realise that without God we can do nothing our flesh hates that so it is a struggle at first to change our way of thinking.brentnz
The mission of Christ on earth was to save man from sin. All other miracles He performed was to alleviate suffering of man, and to establish His divinity.
God Who saves through the sacrificial death of His Son still gives grace and power to sin no more Mat 1:21; Heb 2:14; His disciples were already saved before He prayed for their sanctification. John 13:10; 15:3; 17:14-17
If you are still conscious of sin, go back to God to sanctify you with same blood of Christ rather than justifying imperfection Hebrews 13:12;
If sin is dealt with in the heart – the root, or generator of sin is removed, your life will reflect holiness and perfection all the times, without twisting Bible again. Rev. 22:11; Gen 17:1; Deut 18:13; Mat 5:8,48; Heb. 12:14; Luke 1:69-74
Jesus stated what His mission was ” I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure ‘ ( Jn 10 )
Neville sin is what created death in the first place Jesus paid the price for our sin so that we would be raised to life in him so you both are correct
Thanks Brent. I wasn’t really worried about being ” correct ” I just thought it is worth noting that Jesus calls us to live a life not sit in a corner sifting through theological formulae.
Neville i never used to understand the word very well until i started living for Jesus i knew the word but i wasnt living for him it was more for myself.So my walk was pretty shallow and i was a carnal christian .Its all about our relationship with Jesus and not just knowing the word but living it for him then the word comes alive and the more you live for him in obedience to his word the more he reveals its awesome. brentnz
Had another thought on this Go and sin no more in the first instance when the pharisees were condemning the woman Jesus says you without sin cast the first stone thats present tense when he said Go and sin no more that future tense he is letting us know that since we all are sinners deserving of death he does not condemn us but came to save us and we see him do that for the woman caught in sin as we all are.Humanly speaking none of us can walk without sinning it is impossible unless we submit ourselves to Christ and walk by faith by the holy spirit and we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.brentnz
“Go and sin no more” means just that.
As for additional sins in the future, God most certainly knows your intentions, your sincerity, and if you regret your actions and repent. We all fall short of the glory of God, yet we are called to aspire to it. Aspire in His image. Be righteous! Don’t just punt because you know you’ll screw up at some point. Do your best to serve Him! All powerful, Almighty God made you. You must realize He is everywhere all the time and knows everything. He can read your mind and knows your heart of hearts better than you do. He knows if you deliberately meant to sin or not and how you respond thereafter. If you offend, ask forgiveness and make amends.
I have had a change of heart on this and i believe that jesus means what he says for us to go and sin no more.Why because the women caught in adultery is us it is a universal message for us sinners judged and condemned by the law if we dont want to be under the law then the only way is to follow jesus but not according to the flesh but according to the spirit.Because if we walk in the spirit we will not gratify the desires of the flesh.Which means we will not sin that sums up the message once having been saved by jesus we follow him and walk by the spirit the message is clear and he provides the means for us to do it through his holy spirit.For sin shall not have dominion over us we are more than conquerers overcomers through Jesus Christ.
The incident with the man carrying the bedroll is the exact opposite to the woman caught in adultery her issue was sin the paralysed mans issue is something completely different.The incident of the man carrying the bedroll gives it away jesus highlights it because it is rediculous they have turned Gods laws in to petty man made laws.so the danger for him is self righteousness to become like they were followers of the law but not followers of God that is the danger that we all face either to come to terms with the sin in our lives and or come to terms with our pride and self righteousness the answer to both is the same deny the flesh and walk by the spirit and go and sin no more.That way we evade these traps of the flesh.
This was truly an amazing way to help better understand. I am a sinner. I was married to a man whom abused me and my children, always though still, trying to always get him to go to church, but even so he’d use that time to cheat on me. He’s not a believer, I’ve prayed for him and prayed over and over, but he filed for divorce. Still 2years awaiting for it to be final. I’ve met someone who is a believer as well, but feels like if he stays with me he’ll be condemned. Thoughts on this subject? I know it says,” Moses permitted you to divorce, but it was not always this way. I say to you who so ever divorces their wife’s, except for sexual immorality, commits adultery and makes her commit adultery and whosoever marries her commits adultery. Does this mean because my husband is divorcing me because he committed sexual immorality, that I’m free to marry a man of faith? Does it not also say,” if a nonbeliever leaves a believer, let it be so, for there are no bondage in such cases, He has called us to peace.”…
Thoughtful post. I find it interesting that the blog description – rescuing us from religion- is easier said than done, according to a skimming of the comments. My only comment is that as long as we live, we are deluding ourselves to think sin is no longer in our lives. No sin is not the equivalent to a chemical addiction, because while you can remain sober for many years, the Big Book clearly states that the personality traits that give birth to addictions are still an issue. For the alcoholic, it would be resentment, according to Bill. For others in recovery, emotional sobriety- not living out our character defects is not a destination, it’s a journey. To say anyone can be sinless is really to heap a load of guilt, manipulation, and shame. There’s also a lot in the comments about being perfect, which is, in the biblical sense, about achieving the purpose, the telios, for which you were created. It’s about fulfilling, completing your end in life, not about being in a state of sinless-ness, or moral perfection.
Altho we have never been taught it, I think that when we live in, and through Christ, we will live without sin. Through His whole life, Jesus teaches us that when he hear the words he has to say, follow them and obey them we will live without sin. In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus gives us a beautiful example of what will happen when we follow his teaching when he gives us the example of the wise and foolish builder. In Paul’s writings especially Romans it says that when we are baptized into Jesus, we die with Him and we are raised with Him in His resurrection. With that being said he goes on giving the picture that because we died and are raised with Christ that we are dead to our flesh and sin no longer has a hold on us. In Ephesians 1 we read that we have the same power that God used to raise Christ from the dead, and with that, we can overcome anything. If we say we can’t live without sin throughChrist we are saying that the power that God gives us is not great enough to overcome the power of the Devil.
excellent i feel the same way
I think jesus knew she would not stop sinning and the woman knew who jesus was ,there was probably more to the conversation and jesus would not say go your way and keep sinning, knowing the destruction sin caused in the garden and in this womans life
Love this, yes exactly!
Your exegesis is filled with personal ideological thoughts. You said “God wants us to stop sinning is not because it offends Him” – so does our sinning please him?
Sin no more – God cannot tolerate sin. We are redeemed with a hefty price. Sin no more is by following Jesus and not returning to a sinful lifestyle.
Please don’t monger cheap grace and water down the Gospel! Gospel is NOT cheap.
So God can forgive, might that mean i could find myself in heaven standing next to the man who committed adultery with my wife? It is God’s place to forgive but I can’t. I just can’t let go, so my next question is if I don’t forgive and the other fellow repents eternal life awaits him and not me, something is amiss here.
Eternal life has nothing to do with how good you are or whether or not you repent. Eternal life is the free gift of God to anyone who simply believes in Jesus for it.
Hey man, nice article. Jesus actually answers the question about the man at the pool and his “sin” with another story when the Pharisees ask him about another fellow and say “What about this man, was it his sin or his parents?” to which Jesus replies “Neither, but that the glory of God could be revealed (in him)”.
I believe the context of both situations where Jesus states “go and sin no more” rely more on the full condition of “sin” and not the “effects”. What I mean, is that sin is written as “Anything done without faith”. Lack of faith results in all sorts of sinful “effects”, like war, for example. But I digress. I believe that Jesus is saying, in those moments he’s standing inside the temple surrounded by the legal system and the law – go now and doubt no more, believe me when I tell you you are healed.
Ian, it is never easy but you have to trust in God with all things. God forgives our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Forgiving is not forgetting. We will always know what someone has done to us but we do have to forgive them. In time it becomes less important to us as God gives us better things to dwell upon.
Just tell God you are unable to forgive. Then ask Him for His help to forgive. He knows a sincere heart when He sees one and will help you do what you ask of Him.
Ive been in the word for awhile and have felt more confused and lost then ever but almost like the ending of Twister when in the middle of a impossible to live with moment, im starting to see the breaking up of clouds and see the path im on and realizing that the path i choose isnt the wrong one because YWHY through YESHUA was , is and always will be, so when i chase the storm, the storm will consume my life. We are told it is impossible to sin. Lets see if its really impossible. Through Jesus Christ which is translation for what is his name YESHUA we our forgiven for debts (sins) but you must forgive those who have debts to you (sinned against us). The light breaking through the clouds taking away the deadly tornado that i believed was impossible to live through is telling me that because our Lord YWHY the creator of everything gave up the ultimate sacrifice to send his son YESHUA to earth where man was wicked in breaking all commandments and laws of God and through the pureness of the Son of God and his love for us but great understanding died as a perfect being on this earth, in which the very law he was being charged with was the truth in fact (Claiming to be Messiah) so then he was guilty which was why he asked God to forgive them for they do not know. This means to me that the laws of God no longer apply which allows me to go and sin no more by living by the biggest commandment our saviour was and thats to Love, in Love sin has no power. To live by the law holds us to be condemned. Yeshuas death was the laws that no longer exist. Deception is evil and Satan is existed in your whole life that through our obedience to the government we serve make the sacrifice from YWHY putting his child through death for our sake meaningless. Sin no longer exist everybody but because you live through the root of all “money” and pay taxes (tithing to another God) and live by deception from satan then death will be your end result. Repent now, Christians always because of their faith in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice by our Lord God that they are going to heaven and im saying those gates are very narrow and if u sin and believe in sin then those will all fall short from the glory of God. So when i say repent then remove your arrogance of the idea that you deserve heaven and acknowledge that you are deserving of death and you are not worthy to inherit the kingdom of heaven or even the next breath you take as long as you pledge to the United States of America or any (false gods) and live under the rules of Satan which is sin then you will not inherit eternal life. Im telling you this because I Love You. Everything you believe is true so stop. Believe in YWHY and YESHUA and what they did for you and seek them then shall you be free The illusion of death and disease and debt are not real and as a nation we deserve everything that comes up on us as you can tell the end has already begun. We have rejected the Gift and choose to stand and be proud for something that has no representation of the Love that Is, The mark of the beast has been in you since you were born. Everybody receives a birth certificate and a social security number that keeps your name out of the book of life and to the end result of the death certificate. You are Sovereign and as a Sovereign nation under YWHY may you sin no more but love and show others the truth that so many have failed to receive due to false deception and show them love and forgiveness and what it means to be born through Salvation and to give up inheritance of sin through the believing of Satan by giving consent to rule over you and your children. No one has authority over you. standing before a judge in court is giving him the power to judge you, through deception and translation of the word and ignorance of voluntary enslavemnt that keeps you from having the time to seek the truth will be the end. With the power that you are receiving right now in his true name comes responsibility. Theres a price on your head if you choose to be sovereign and is dangerous for anyone who chooses to be free and live in love through salvation and his word. All nations that serve as a god to their people will turn on you and spread false witness to you as a immigrant and foreigner possibly a terrorist for you not serving as a proud to be an american but they are weak for he is strong and in his name fear no longer can intimidate you. Do not stand with Satan under God but stand up against Satan with YWHY through the salvation of YESHUA. You are not given Free Will as a choice of yours to make but rather you have no choice in his Will but to be free for in Christ death all debts are paid in full or only alternative is death. You are not under arrest for nobody has the right to falsely imprison you, but rather take your opportunity to tell your brothers and sisters under law of deception that you you only live according to the law of YWHY and forgive him for you were once lost and bound by the deception of Satan and his help is greatly appreciated if he can contribute to the waking up of those that have been asleep there whole life by showing love and truth in his name.
My thought is that the woman and the men were both conspiring to trap Jesus……The Jews did not have the right to put someone to death under Roman Law…….if they did they would have taken her to the synagogue for trial……..The mob was not going to stone her…….They wanted Jesus to condemn her so they could condemn Jesus to the Roman rulers…….when the woman saw how Jesus faced down the mob she converted calling Jesus ”Lord” or Messiah.
I think a good start would be to find out what “sin” and “holy” really mean. Hint: It has nothing to do with moral perfection.
There was no debt with the Father in the first place. God will not give up on any of his children. He will not rest until all are restored in Fellowship. Fear has no place in love. I pray you will experience God’s love and be able to leave fear behind
Hi Jeremy,
It has recently been discovered what sin the man was committing at Bethesda. He and all the rest were seeking healing from the Greek god Asclepis as introduced by the Romans at this pool. Perhaps you already know this? This is coming out of recent archeological findings in Jerusalem.
I think possibly his sinfulness was putting more faith in the pool than in the Lord. Therefore the statement, if he wouldn’t put his faith and trust in God the something worse or the alternative would be to be eternally condemned to hell.
Interesting perspective. I have also considered this. I found myself lead to John 16:8-9. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would “…convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement: concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me.” Could it be that Jesus was saying to the woman (and man), “Be not unbelieving but believing.”? And also, I’ve read somewhere a translation which reads, “go YOUR way, and sin no more.” (Emphasis mine.) In that I see Jesus saying “go and live your life your way (as opposed to that dictated by someone else), and be not unbelieving but believing.” I agree of course, that its beneficial to avoid “the sin that so easily entangles.” Yet we learn obedience by the things we suffer. Lol.
So you admit “that Scripture contains numerous passages which seem to teach that sinless perfectionism is possible in this life (cf. Matt 5:48; 1 John 3:4-10).” and that you “simply have a different understanding of those texts than [others] do.” but why won’t you strengthen your case by addressing these stronger arguments instead of this easier strawman of a scripture?
There’s people like me who are really struggling to overcome this thinking, and when you skirt past the more difficult scriptures in favor of addressing the easy ones you leave open those gaping holes in the argument that you know how to close. Why, if you know how to close them, will you not share this wisdom you have?
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but you’ve only addressed one small piece. I find the strongest argument for ending sin in our lives to be 1Cor 10:13 which seems to make evident that there is always a path out of temptation. Mark 9:43-48 and its equivalent Matt 18:8,9 seem to make apparent the severity and seriousness of taking that path to the offered freedom. Despite your wonderful explanation above which I agree with, I cannot help but see the entirety of what’s left as still pointing against your initial statement of “I believe the Bible teaches that it is not possible in this life to go and sin no more at all ever again in any way” which contradicts 1Cor 10:13 and your latter statement of “I believe that Christians can […] stop sinning” because I am withheld from your merciful wisdom that justifies the man who slept with my wife and condemns the one wronged by his hatred of the cruel man that left him homeless and broke with all his pets murdered. I don’t mean this to attack you, but rather to point out my understanding so you can better address my conundrum.
I know one does not simply stop sinning. I know it’s a process because I’ve been through it and was lead to a place where sin was impossible for me save for the outright choice to go against the strong gentle voice guiding me. I did eventually go against what I believe was the Holy Spirit even though I knew it was wrong, and now I can’t seem to get back to that place of sinlessness since it wasn’t of my own strength that I got there, but I can’t help but believe that it is possible for everyone to get there.
Maybe in the end you agree with me and there is nothing to correct save for my understanding of what you were claiming. No matter what, I thank you for taking the time to read this and help me.
I absolutely love this. Thank you! I needed to read this and I feel that God led me to this page. I enjoy your perspective and truly appreciate your explanation. Again, thank you!
I strongly disagree with your opinion. By the truth here is that we don’t want to be holy like Jesus is Holy because of the persecution. Like the lady that was brought to Jesus because she was an adulterer,Committing sin. The Bible tells us that when we resist temptation.,The devil will flee from us. We will be tempted but not to the extreme that we can’t say no and run away from sin.the moment we Start living a holy life. We are going to be persecuted by others and Even from our own selves, for following Jesus and living Holy.
This is a very good interpretation. Very well thought out! My question is this: Jesus did not tell in John 4, the woman at the well (Samaritan) who had 5 husband and was living with the current one and not married in John 4:16 -18 “Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.” 17 The woman answered him, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’; 18 for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.” Why didn’t Jesus tell her to “go and sin no more”?
Because as Jesus said, He isn’t judging anyone. God seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Be real with God. He appreciates it. He can work with that. However, He can’t work with liars. Lol.
First, it is clear in God’s Word thst Jesus never causes or does anything bad to people, if something bad happensvto us in this world, all the credit goes to the prince of the air and his minions. This said, I believe when Jesus tells us all to “go and sin no more”, he means just that. Will we sin again, most likely, it is man’s nature to sin. Do we go and sin intentionally and perpetually, no. When we do sin, accidentally, what do we do, if not immediately, in very short order because we have been endowed with the Holy Spirit, we repent. We take our sin to God, in Jesus’ name and we ask for forgiveness and God, being the loving Father he is, forgives us as we forgive thos who sin against us. Once God forgives us, the sin, because Christ has already died for it, is wiped away completely as if it never happened and we continue forward, white as snow. We can be perfect in this world, perfect in Christ, as we know how to cleanse ourselves of the sin because God’s Commandments clearly show us what sin is, we don’t have to guess.
But Mark, it’s not about attaining and maintaining sinless perfection. It’s about His sinless perfection. Its about believing that He has fully accomplished all that is necessary to our salvation and reconciliation to God. It is about rejoicing in His victory. The commandment our Lord gave us is that we love one another. Jesus came to save them that believe, not them that behave. He is our redemption and sanctification. Could an obsession with ones own personal whiteness in actual fact be a declaration of not believing on the saving grace of God? The simplicity of the gospel is Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sin. It was a one time event. Fulfilled in Him. 2,000 years ago. The question is, do you believe this?
Getting back to the original question regarding “go your way and sin no more.” You note Jesus said “go YOUR way”, not someone else’s way (commit YOUR way to the Lord)? And concerning sin, if you read John 16:9 you’ll see Jesus points out that sin is unbelief. “Because they do not believe in Me.” These two people had seen first hand who Jesus really was. Jesus was merely saying, “go and live your life and be not unbelieving but believing.”
Dear Pastor
Wow – You have no idea how you have set me free from the confusion i had about the statement “Sin No More” because i have always argued its not possible for people not to sin anymore and began to doubt my faith , fellowship and relationship with God. This does not encourage myself nor others to sin but yoh it seemed a more difficult task not to. You are very correct – there was greater risk that those who escaped death if found in future could not be so lucky. Praise be to God Almighty (Psalms 68:19)
Jesus is Grace
He showed her grace when she didn’t deserve it. It is impossible to go and sin no more, that would be like he gave her grace and put her right back in the law.
When Jesus told her to go and sin no more he was saying now that you have experienced unearned unmerited favor go experience my grace the rest of your life
Thank you so much i have been blessed. This makes so much sense and gives understanding of a whole lot of things concerning sin.
God bless you sir.
Thank you for the way you explained your understanding it was very helpful
Our Messiah never said “Your forgiven but if you sin again then your not forgiven”. I believe it’s as simple as fully believing he has taken the first Adams place. Now we are in a rest daily just as Adam and Eve were before the fall. When you know that, then it’s really simple. I see so many religions preaching standing in the synagogues and none sitting on the ground just talking to their brothers and sisters. It’s either “yes” or “no”. Religions say “DO” but Yehoshwa says “DONE” ♥️
I wish you had a free class so I can learn more about Jesus. I can’t afford the discipline classes.
You don’t need a class . Jesus is the Word . Open up your Bible and go straight into communion with Him personally . The more you chase after Him through prayer and visiting with Him through His Word , you will find , there’s no reason to chase because you have found Him ! Just open your heart and receive .
Jeremy, your article brought much Enlightenment to me. I found personally that sometimes are own perception of what we have been taught about sin, such as in these stories and my own life, holds us in bondage for years, such as 38 yrs reference. Only Truth can set us free. The Truth has set me free. I see through the eyes of God. Not my blinded eyes. Now healing can begin.
Revelation HE HAS GIVEN To
When I read It I Knew It Was The
Ate you supposed to divorce if you are married in adultry?
I believe what Jesus meant when He said go and sin no more is because that person has been not only healed but corrected therefore they would now be aware that That particular thing is what led them down that wrong road..so basically , that person has now reached the age of accountability in that particular area in their life. To go and sin no more, i would think, means not to repeat the same mistake, or at least that is what we are to do…strive to get through our lessons and accept correction and grown from there…do not repetitive…learn…grow…carry on…but keep in touch with the Father for guidance. Let Him teach you in gentle correction. I also do not believe that God punishes us…I believe that for some reason we are to learn from both bad and good things that happen in life. We learn to avoid the things that bring destruction that naturally occurs in this corrupted world. Unfortunately the enemy is always right there to try and destroy, because of the adversaries hate for human creation. I know that I for one am very tenacious and stubborn and I think that God simply allowed me to fall hard so when I was truly truly ready to change my life, my lesson would be well learned, therefore, I hopefully will not go back down that avenue when He has pulled me out of the fire and healed my wounds. So, thats my understanding, or my take on this….maybe my explanation is wrong for others but it has been this way for me. He finally received my full attention..I just wasnt listening…..so I sought earnestly….and He came through for me in some very amazing ways! Amen? Take care..God bless!
So by preaching such a message to someone like me who believed in Christ and accepted him as my personal lord and savior in 2010 but still I am ahomosexual,,,, so you are simply telling me God has nothing to do with my homosexual life, homosexuality harms me therefore if it’s goods are better than harms I should continue with it cause nothing is perfect, I mean completely advantageous,
You are like telling me once saved always saved, even if I fornicate, even if I womanize, even if I drink alcohol, I can still go to heaven according to your twisting of God’s word to your understanding
It’s true we always have sinful impulses luring us to sin but now we have a choice to make cause we are no longer slaves to sin
When we are born again we are given over to Jesus Christ . We no longer belong to ourselves or the world of sin around us . When we choose to lay down the world of sin and rest “ IN “ Jesus Christ we will rest in Him , without fear and see to world through His eyes .
When we try to figure out what sins are OK for us to participate in we need to consider how many sins will be accepted into Heaven . God is pure and If He is OK with sin , then He isn’t God .
This message was very helpful for me, because I have sinned the worst sin, adultery. I have experienced the consequences in the worst way. I am thankful that GOD has forgiven me. I have turned my life over to GOD and want to be my Best Self without sin, to please him. Thank you for this message.
Sin is sin and God is not happy when we act outside His will . We have all been found guilty and had to repent . Just remember He cast our sins as far as the East is from the west . We just have to dust our selves off , get up and start again .
But , He is forgiving and we must have faith that His Word rings true throughout eternity . If we truly want to rest completely IN Him , go to cross , lay it down through repentance and never go back and pick it up again . I trust Him and I know you do too . I enjoyed you comment because I to have been in the same position and your comment rang so true to me .
Proud of you !
Wow thats is brilliant explanation on this scrpture
I am blessed by the revelation you got concerning this scriptures that talk of going and sinning no more.
I would guess this is why He tells us to pray without ceasing . Each sin , new prayer. If we are praying sincerely without ceasing I believe the prayers register as praise and we all know , He inhabits the praises of His people . How much more could we ask for .
Let’s compare being born again and filled with the Holy Spirit to the operation to the R15 assault rifle . Try firing you R15 without any bullets . Yeh right ! Try living and ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ without the anointing of the Holy Spirit filling your words and penetrating hearts to the point a soul can be changed . This is one of the biggest things wrong today in the ministry , so called ministers raising their R15 with no ammunition while they are blowing empty , words into the ears of the lost and nothing happening . Man cannot do it without God no matter how hard they try and how much they lie . Have you ever wondered why the churches are empty these days ? There’s no ammunition in the weapon and there is no anointing coming from the ministers lips . People will congregate to be in God’s presence and they are very much aware when He’s not in the house . Get what you need on your knees beside your bed at home . Take that to the church and share it . When everyone comes to the place of worship filled with God’s Spirit and in one accord , look out because revival is on the way . This can only come from relationship with Jesus Christ and not with dead religion ! The empty assault rifle and the mouth spewing empty words achieve the same results , “ NOTHING “ ! There’s no POWER IN EITHER .
God is Love and if you don’t have Love for your fellow human beings , you don’t have GOD ! Am I being straight forward and to the point ? Yes , I am and so is God’s Word !
My husband cheated on me with another woman well a few he said he was trying to find the right one for him although he was married to me … I loved him with my whole heart , never cheated on him we were married 19 yrs when he did this… we have 3 children our lives were just starting to get better we just bought a home and we just moved back from South Carolina he was in the military… he left me and my children for 8 yrs he lived with the other woman… the divorce was filed but he just left it there… his new girlfriend was waiting to see if she was going to get money from when her mother was murdered my husband told his brother if she gets it he’s going to marry her if she doesn’t get it he’s going to stay with me… I didn’t know this till after we got divorced. The divorce went thru the year I lost my mom 2008 if I didn’t sign the papers they would still put the divorce thru and it would be over… well I lost I had to sign the papers I lost my health insurance and I made too much money to get help from the government I was a single mom that lost my husband the love of my life , my health insurance I’m diabetic insulin dependent and my kids every other weekend and shared holidays … my dad was very sick snd he just lost my mom it was devastating for all of us… but the woman that took my husband fir herself didn’t care . So now it’s 13 yrs later I’m not with anyone I tried but I felt it was wrong so I’m single my children are adults now they don’t talk to him cuz they tried calling texting even going to his house he and she wants nothing to do with them… he has a new family her kids and grandchildren he does acknowledge any of his children or grandchildren at all his family is for him also… so what she his new wife cuz they got married in 2009 his brother was killed coming home from their reception and they laughed it off now his new wife is writing on Facebook all about God every post is about God but she thinks she did nothing wrong… she broke up a family and since all of this my 2 oldest went to drugs 5 yrs I dealt With and them on heroin but they got thru it with my help they are now working and found their soulmates my son has 2 children they are doing fine… so since she thinks God forgave her… did he? She and my x husband are still living in the sin of adultry right? Please just pray for me and my children to find happiness we are still grieving with what he did to us… thank you for listening…
I been reading the bible for years now. Seems like god wants us to basically sit still and die sinless. Meaning don’t do anything, likecwork, buy houses donall the things we need to do to live.
We can’t love the worldly ways, yet the worldly ways are if you work you get to buy things like houses, food and enjoy life.
But we seem to not be able to do these things.
I don’t want to rent forever, nor do i want to struggle when i see I don’t have to.
Seems like i have to become completely perfect to atain gods love and blessings.
I know i cant bring my house, my wealth or anything i gain in life to my grave, but i also know that i need these things while i am here.
So if i am to drop everything, then my only option is to lay on the side walk and love god and wait to die to be with him.
I can’t eat, work or do anything because its sin to do these things. So collectively i should do nothing snd just wait on my final resting day.
I’ll always be a sinner, no matter what i do, there’s alwsys going to be that one sin I’ll have that makes me imperfect falling short of the glory to god.
I know im dirty and will alwsys be dirty, i dont want to live this way but what am i supposed to do?
I just want to live a fair life being as honest as possible and to have things only while im here. After im gone, so are my things. Im ok with that, but hiw am i supposed to live.
Im on earth and so therefore i think I should live in a earthly way doing earth things like, work and do things to get by like owning things to live comfortably while here and to do it with out sinning but this is not possible.
I can’t love god and do what i need to do st the same time because it seems like it’s opposite of what he wants. Thats why i think, is it better to just stretch out on the sidewalk and wait for my resting day, doing nothing to live and have things to be clean and blameless.
I want to help people but how can I do that if I can’t help my self.
How can i be a child of god wanting to do things that please god yet i cant seam to ever qualify unless i do nothing.
If i am to forget about having things and doing things that are considered earthly and love god, how will i live then?
Its best i just do nothing seek nothing but god and hope he just takes care of my daily needs until i sleep permanently.
I have no energy to do things to live this life other then love god and do as his word says but to me that seems like do nothing, want nothing, have nothing.
So do I be still and do nothing but love him? Its cold outside, its a cold world but if i do nothing I’ll suffer more.
So what’s the point of living on earth when its no good in anyway. I just want to die now this second so i end the chase for an ability to live here since nothing here us good , even though god sees that its good.
Is it good or is it bad? I’d rather die now and just live eternity with god knowing nothing can harm me anymore, and the chase is no longer a race in my life.
I just dont see a point for life if we cant work and get blessed until we are perfect. Perfect how? Its a perfection i cant chase because it seems to go against god. So its best i give up everything including trying to survive and just lay out on a sidewalk waiting for god and then my life will be perfect.
Because doing nothing at all seems like the best option to ein gods love because anything added to that will be sin.
So what’s the point of being here on earth where everything is good but at the same time its not.
God give me is the worst thing to ask for if its for things to just live, eat and have joy.
Cant smile, cant get comfortable because ince you do, boom it grows wings and flys far from me.
Do i give up on god? No of course not, but what the heck do i do.
Omar, which verses of the bible were you reading that brought you to this conclusion? I’ve been reading the Word of God for 48 years and have never read anywhere that to eat, work, etc… is a sin. God gave us work. To not work is a sin. To not provide for one’s family is worse than an infidel. (Timothy 5:8) I believe you’ve either been led astray or simply just misinterpreted certain passages. Would love to help you any way I can just let me know.
Yes you do have to become completely Perfect to attain Gods blessings and eternal life .. we accomplish this by Christ putting his righteousness onto us by the acceptance of his sacrifice! Now in Christ we are complete! understand another thing Perfect in the bible does not mean the type of perfect we understand it means the ability to do the job set before us ie COMPLETE.
its not often perfect in the way we know is used .. so B attitudes says be ye therefore perfect as God is perfect ..this perfect IS what is meant ..we attain that in Christ immediately upon acceptance of his sacrifice which is why the link to this in another book says the B attitudes with the last being BE YE THEREFORE MERCIFUL as God is merciful! His great mercy was shown in the sacrificing of his son for US .. so to do Gods will IS to accept Christ ..
now there are other things that is in Gods will this will is secondary to the first being acceptance of his son his ultimate will for us! God bless you and keep the faith we cannot serve god out of fear my friend in order not to serve him out of fear THE ONLY WAY is to KNOW we are saved in Christ otherwise you will constantly doubt and serve out of fear haha ..
you miss lots of rewards doing it that way and live a life not very peaceful 🙂 but as is shown in the end you stand before judgment seat of christ and all works fear based will burn up as stubble so on but there still will be works done in faith EVEN if some or most of our service is done worrying … these will be gold precious jewels .. and if ALL the works are burned up YOU will still remain ..so your still good man! Peace to you!
I hate sinning. It makes me loathe myself. It makes me feel desperate, afraid and ashamed. But I have such a difficult time overcoming my sinful tendencies. There was another guy in the Bible that had the same problem. His name was Paul. Romans 7:15 he explains to us that he does what he does not want to do and doesn’t do what he should; and just like me, he also loathes himself for being that way. Romans 7:24 “O wretched man that I am, who will set me free from this terrible dilemma? Sin is not just an attitude that we have, but sin is actually a law! just like gravity. If you hold your arms straight out with a weight on each end, you will find that you cannot do it very long, no matter how hard you try; gravity will take over and make you give in after a while. Sin is also a law, you may struggle not to sin, but after a period of time, the law of sin will win. Romans 7:21-23 says so. And where does this law of sin get its power? From the law! The power of sin is the law. 1 Corinthians 15:56 says so. And why were the laws even given? Romans 5:20: to show us that we can’t keep them! Isn’t that amazing? God knew that we could never keep His laws, so He did something incredible for us—He took His laws out of the way! Colossians 2:14 says He abolished the law with its ordinances, Romans 7;14 also says we died to the law, and that we are joined to another that we may bear fruit. We are joined to Jesus and His Spirit lives in us so that we might bear fruit (Galatians 5;22.) Also concerning the law of sin; Romans 8:2 says “the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death. The law of sin makes us do things we don’t want to do. The Spirit set us free from this law! So count on this law of the Spirit of life to be working for you when the law of sin wants to control you. Believe that the law of the Spirit has set you free from this law of sin. Believe that the Spirit of life has set you free from this terrible bondage of whatever sin is controlling you! Remember that it is the Spirit who gives life, and that the flesh profits nothing. Jesus said so Himself in John 6:63.
May I also say that the mind set on the flesh will not win you the battle. In the context of Romans 7; the flesh is what Paul keeps talking about in what he is dealing with. What is the flesh as he means here? It is referring to his own natural strength that he is uses as his weapon against sin: His own natural strength was not getting the job done! Notice what he says in Romans 8:7 “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; for it does not submit to God’s laws; indeed, it cannot! If you or I rely on our own natural strength— born out of a fallen nature that we inherited from our forefather, Adam; then my friend; you will fail, just like me. Please relate this back to the law of sin: our fallen nature is no match for this law of sin. We must rely on the Spirit of life alone to make good that we have indeed been set free from this hideous law of sin that so easily trips us up!
God makes such beautiful promises to us: listen to this one: Philippians 2;13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Please remember, that when you cannot keep yourself from sinning, do not become all introverted and be discouraged at your own failures; but look up! Be extraverted and look to God and His many promises for you to get you over the top! He will put “the will” in you” and He will put the “do” in you! And know this–All the promises of God are a resounding “Yes” in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 1:20 says so. What is bothering you? Go to God’s promises concerning your situation. If you are in Christ Jesus, then He promises to help you. And how do you get in Christ Jesus? You don’t. You don’t work for this position. It has been done for you—just receive. 1 Corinthians 1:30 It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus…God put us there; not ourselves. In a matter of fact Romans 5:10 says “For if while we were His enemies we were reconciled to His Son… The fact is we were not looking for God, but God came looking for us! So you see, being in Christ is a matter of accepting what God has done for us. Not trying to “earn” a place of acceptance with God.
So be encouraged, I know I am right now as I am writing this.
Hi, I recognize your post is 8 years old. Thanks for your thoughtful comments on the subject.
Since it’s pure speculation, there’s no reason to debate your position.
However, I do wonder if the cripple had sinned causing an injury. For instance maybe he got into a brawl.
The women caught in adultery, very well could have been just caught in adultery and Jesus was saying, I might not be there if you’re caught again.
But it is interesting to note that they didn’t bring the man forward. That does stink of fowl play.
The truth still remain our nature is not sinful because we are made with the image of God it is only the devil that corrupted our thoughts by our accepters if only we can clip to the holy spirit and allow his leds & direction we are free from sin.
I strongly believe a man can be free from sin totally if only he can work in the spirit.
What you say here makes me think about the young rich man that asked Jesus what he had to do to be saved. People, in particular, preaching works-based/”stop sinning” false gospel(s) have a tendency to take this completely out of context.
“Look! He, literally, tells the man what he has to do to be saved!”
Jesus was/is/forever shall be none other than the Living God, Himself. He knows every last detail of everyone’s lives, and even what’s in our hearts; He knew us in the womb, and no doubt even before He formed us there!
That being said, He knew what was in the rich man’s heart, and what he was really asking Him. He told him exactly what he wanted to know: what HE would have to do to enter the kingdom. Then, right after, He tells His disciples about the difficulty rich men have of entering heaven, on account of their trust in worldly things; particularly, themselves and their abilities.
The point I’m making is that Jesus was indeed telling the rich man he had to be perfect to get into heaven, because He knew the man’s heart; that he wasn’t seeking after Jesus. He wanted validation, in and of himself, to continue as he was and remain his own master. Without realizing it, people who rail against others to “stop sinning,” are not only (by implication) declaring themselves to have “stopped sinning,” but also doing the same thing as the rich man. They’re “rich” rather than “poor in spirit.” Who’s is the kingdom of heaven, again?
In any event,
“Who then can be saved?”
“With men, this is impossible; but with God, all things are possible.”
The point of this encounter was to drive the point home that unless you can do the impossible, yourself, you can’t be saved. With God, it’s not just possible, but a promise to us. The fact that it doesn’t happen until we’re away from these bodies of death (where there will always be sin), doesn’t lessen that promise.
ENCOURAGEMENT: The LORD sees everything; past, present, and future. If He picked you out of the world, it’s not because He’s hoping you’ll be able to “stop sinning.” It’s because He sees the “final product” that we can’t see.
“Go and sin no more” meant for HER to go and not commit adultery again. The passage was not about a sinless perfection, staying within the context of the passage the answer is clear since many many places in scripture clearly show we cannot be perfect we need a savior, Jesus of all people knew this! Therefore it applies to the sin she committed and was forgiven for.
Great points. Either way, the “pursuit of living a perfectly sinless life” has definitely saved my life. Reaching for the “out of reach” is what creates growth. Thanks for the article
I simply love the way you explain these scriptures it really cleared up some misunderstanding. God Bless you
I’ve read only this one article/post by you. But your theology seems sound (orthodox!) and your heart loving. (Not that my assent is any litmus test) But I know enough to hear the heart of Christ when it is spoken. Shalom.
Thank you!
I like the piece- it’s a different “spin”…and I mostly agree with it on my first reading.
But I see a lot of what Paul was talking about in 1 Cor 2:14 in the comments.
To my point for even posting a comment- it is impossible to “not sin”. Oh, you might go through a day of solitude in which you don’t “do” anything “wrong” that is a sin or that makes God “mad”. In fact, there are things that might be “sin” to others that you are perfectly OK with.
BUT, don’t go breaking your arm patting yourself on the back if you happen to achieve this monumental (and I think, impossible) task, because it is also a sin to not love God with all your heart- and no one can do that. It is a sin to not love your spouse as Jesus loved the church. You can’t do that, either.
I’m talking about sins of “omission”. They are sin, just as surely as murder is a sin. God makes no distinction regarding sin. I refer you to Jas 2:10.
Jesus instructs in Mark 12:30,31 “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
You haven’t and don’t do that, either. If you even begin to tell me you do…well, don’t bother- you’re lying, or delusional.
My point being- even if a person has achieved a level of purity and holiness above all others- that person still commits individual acts of sins of omission.
Plus, it puts part of your salvation on YOU- and not 100% on Jesus.
Jesus came to earth primarily to bridge the gap between God and man that Adam caused at the fall.
Jesus came to reconcile man to God- and that was impossible as long as there was no price paid for man’s sin- the sin that caused the gap…the gap that Adam caused. “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” (Heb 10:4).
In that same verse, “sin” simply means, according to Strong’s, to “miss the mark”.
To live sinless as Jesus did is “the mark”. You ain’t gonna get that done, son.
In the Old Testament, God is angry at sin and holds man accountable for man’s sins. There had to be a price paid that man could not pay- Jesus did- go read 2 Cor 5:17-21.
It is paramount to understand that man is a triune being, according to 1 Thess 5:23- just like God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a triune being.
The ONLY part that got renewed- born again, as Jesus explained to Nicodemus in John 3:3, when you got saved was your spirit (don’t ask me to list all of those references, please). If you were fat (your body) the moment you got saved- you’re still gonna be fat when you wake up tomorrow. Your soul (mind, will, emotions) did not get renewed, else Paul would not have instructed us in Rom 12:2 to “renew your mind”.
So- that leaves us with the spirit part of us. And that is what got born again when you got saved- and it’s the ONLY part that got renewed.
And, according to 1 John 4:17, that part of you is identical to Jesus.
God no longer “sees” sin. The only sin that God recognizes if the sin of rejecting Jesus’ FINISHED work at the cross- and that’s the only thing that causes people to go to hell. By not accepting the grace that another man paid a price which you did not and can not ever pay.
ALL sin, for ALL time was paid for by Jesus at the cross. See Heb 10:10-18 and it’ll assure you of that.
Blessings on each of you-
my wife left her first husband and remarried.her second husband then left her for another woman.i then met my wife and got married to her.we have been together for thirteen years,and are happy.i married before becoming a born again Christian.this is my first marriage.am I living in sin,or will God bless my marriage.i am very worried due to reading Luke:16:18.Please advise.much appreciated.God Bless.
Hi Laurie,
No you are not living in sin. What was done before your conversion happened while you were counted as dead. “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins”, (Eph 2:1–5). Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2Co 5:17). and you were not responsible for your wife’s actions. If she is also a believer now then she also begins with a clean slate and can expect to be blessed by the Lord.
Jesus dying on the cross is only part of his purpose. His main purpose was to restore us back to the Father so he could put his life in us so we can walk in the light as he is in the light as though sin had never been so righteousness can rein on the earth and bring forth the Kingdom of God through us. If I have a sin consciousness’ I will be always aware of sin but; if I have a righteousness consciousness I will be aware of my right standing with the Father. Sin minded…righteousness minded…you chose which mind set you would rather have. John tells us in 1 Jn 2:1 that he writes these things that we may not sin and IF we sin…not when we sin. Is it possible to live a sinless life YES it is. If Jesus calls us to be like him than yes it is.
Thanks for allowing comments…
Maybe the reason Jesus tells us to sin no more is quite a bit more simplistic…
God the Father and the Son can not tolerate sin in any degree if we are to gain eternal salvation and be with them. To tell the woman to go her way betrays his calling and purpose. He can not condone that sin may continue subconsciously without addressing corrective action. To remove all doubt generated by the woman, we are required to become perfect like him. To say otherwise is being permissive to sin and engenders imperfection which can not be in order for God and the Son to remain perfect with themselves and in their connection with others.
Though He is bound to tell us to not sin, He does it with infinite compassion and love knowing that he has paid for everyone’s sins who desire it.
I don’t think it was ‘satirical humor’ or a ‘malevolent plan’, in either case. The man at the pool had done nothing, the adulteress had broken a commandment. They were different… but what was the common denominator? unbelief maybe? Unbelief is, and has always been, THE sin. Unbelief is what will keep any of us out of God’s Kingdom. Our actions and/or works do not, will not, save us. John 16:9 ‘of sin, because they believe not on me’.
Why so complicated. To sin is to go far from, hide from, God. That is all. Go and Sin no more simply means, do not stray anymore from God’s presence. Those petty sins as one knows is simply result of Sinning, going away from God, from His presence. One commit sins when he SIN (go astray, separate, hide) from God.
at first when you said jesus wasn’t telling the man and the woman to “quit sinning” and the. you said “God doesn’t care about our sin.” I almost closed the page. but I kept reading as I rolled my eyes. then as I read further, I started to see what you were saying. and to some point, I agree. it’s not necessarily that we should STOP sinning, we can’t, even if we could, I think the nay-sayers would yell out “you’re teaching works!” but sin is a disease that destroys and God is a father to literally billions of children. He doesn’t want us to be hurt. however, there are biblical verse that say sin separates us from God because He is holy. I don’t think that it is so much that he doesn’t care about our sin, it’s more that he loves us more than he hates our sin. God knows what we don’t realize: our hearts are wicked continually. He knows that we, because we have corrupt flesh, cannot be sinless 100% and we can only sin less. I think jesus means that as children of light, we should focus on Him and less on our physical, sinful needs and wants. I do like how you said “want to stop sinning? invite jesus into your life.” we cannot fix ourselves and then come to jesus. we’d all end up in the lake of fire before that happened. instead, we turn to Him and let his love guide us and clean our houses. the more the holy spirit takes up residence within us, the less room there is for sin to occupy.
thank you so much for putting you study on line for other christains gain knowledge and wisdom through.
The sinner we are at birth is the sinner we were before we got here.
That’s right, we are either eternal beings or we’re not, right?
Well, we are eternal, our souls live forever (heaven or hell) but does eternity only go in one direction?
We came from somewhere and we’re put in these carcasses of flesh and bone. Have you ever considered it to be a punishment (for disobedience perhaps)?
Too deep for you?
Every single characteristic about us, from the number of hairs (or none) on our head, to our weight, height, skin color, to our personality, how we think, and how we believe, are all part of each of our individual, distinct, and unique test.
So when we come to earth, we come with baggage, and we are born into sin, because that is what we are, disobedient (some worse than others) but all sinners, just the same).
Can a person live here on earth without sinning? Yes, Jesus demonstrated as much. Oh, I see, you believe Jesus had supernatural powers, that he was just pretending to be human, right? I don’t think so, if that were true, the abuse he suffered for 40 days in the desert and on his last day here, would not mean anything. I mean who couldn’t endure these things if they had a special disposition? Others have been hung on a cross, in fact it is understood that thousands died just like Jesus did.
Now, I understand, Jesus died without committing a sin or transgression, but plenty of people have been falsely accused and disposed of, that were not guilty (at least not for what they were accused of).
People choose to sin. Yes, we do, we choose to sin. We don’t have to, nobody can force you to sin, you do have free will. Now, it is true satan works hard to trip us up, but there is no Biblical evidence that man must sin. In fact, once we have repented (turned from the flesh, the world, satan, & sin, and received the Holy Spirit, we can actually live a sinfree life, because we have the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We were all sinners (disobedient), that’s why we’re here, but that does not mean we should, or have to, continue living in sin. Have you ever practiced not sinning? If you have, after receiving the Holy Spirit, check a couple things. First, and most important, make sure you have actually repented and received the Holy Spirit, if you have not reached this level of righteousness, you need to go back and get that done. The Born-again (received the Holy Spirit) Christians have a huge advantage, in fact it is my belief that until you get here (received the Holy Spirit), you most likely have not reached a spiritual point in your life where you care enough if you sin or not and thus you probably won’t even try.
You are right, we cannot be righteous on our own, but you do realize that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one in the same, right? Once we have received the Holy Spirit, there is no reason we should sin, is there? In fact, it is my belief that if you are still living in sin, it is that you have not quite gotten around to repenting of sin completely yet.
Do I believe that it is possible to fall down after receiving the Holy Spirit and becoming righteous in Christ? Yes, if we are not careful, but it will be the exception, not the rule and I have found that the more I have practiced over the years, sin has become sickening to me.
Jesus tells us : 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
So we live sinfree, with less and less “accidents”, but with a repentant heart, responding immediately by going to God directly (this is the grace we talk about, we have direct access to the Father) in the name of Jesus.
Not only do I believe we can, I believe we must reject sin, satan, the flesh, and the world.
You believe we were somewhere before we became flesh and blood? Do you have scripture to back that up? Other than we are eternal beings? Our beginning is birth. Show us where it says we were here or somewhere before birth. Thank you
You said, a couple of times, God doesn’t care about sin, he cares about us and knows what sin does to us. I disagree. God is Holy and He can not tolerate sin. Sin is the reason why Jesus died on the cross. Yes, He cares for us, but sin separates us from Him. Sin is serious and should be treated that way. You spoke as if the only reason God detests sin is because of what it does to us. That is the outcome of sin on the human race. Not the sole reason why He hates sin. First and foremost, He is Holy and can not tolerate it.
I wish jesus would come back to earth soon
You bring out some really good points. Even with your satirical nostalgic spin on the text. I think it’s really brilliant. Let’s also consider that the bible has been taken apart and things removed so we really can’t get the full picture. Example when the word talks about in some verses, “A certain man”. I wonder what was significant or special about that particular man…It just says a certain man. What was special about that “certain man”. I digress. I think based on what were reading a man stayed at the pool for 38 years and later was healed. We don’t know anything about the man. We don’t even know the man’s name. Jesus told him in verse 14 “Go your way and sin no more or else something worse will come upon you”. This tells me that this man made a decision to do something possibly that God told him not to do which caused him to be stuck for 38 years at Bethesda. Jesus heals him then later reminds him not sin anymore so nothing worse would happen to him. I’ll go out on a limb; Since we know nothing about this man what if his name was Judas Iscariot before he met Jesus. What about the man who was born blind and the people wondered who sinned him or his parents?? Just my thoughts!! Thanks
This is such a great explanation! I truly appreciate the study and prayer that brought this post to the internet. All should appreciate this because we ALL fall short and we ALL need Jesus…ALL the time!!
praise God!!
Brother Jeremy, this is a thoughtful article, and presents an unexpected viewpoint, which I find refreshing. I’d like to point out (in reciprocal edification), that Jesus most likely was not writing in the dust. In John 8 Jesus is in the Temple precincts teaching. The outer court of the Temple was completely paved with stone. I submit to you that as the woman’s accusers were awaiting His response, He stooped down and was writing on stone, as if to say, “you presume to tell Me the Law of Moses? I WROTE the Law of Moses.” This idea is reinforced when Jesus stoops a SECOND time to write with His finger upon the stones, just as God wrote the Law on stone a second time.
Thank you for your article. Joe
Because it’s not impossible! People have been lying about that for years (all under the influence of the enemy, getting God’s people to doubt His words, just like Eve in the Garden). “Did God really say?”….
So then you would change the scripture to your way of thinking. “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound” most certainly – oh I think it says God forbid Rom 6:1
Or I realize that you are living in the flesh so certainly this would not apply to you.
“So they that are in the flesh cannot please God” Rom. 8:8
Giving into temptation produces spiritual life or is it death?? I guess you better read James 1:14-16
There is no way the bible teaches us to live holy in this life, right – Heb 12:14, 1 peter 1:14-16, luke 1:74,75
I disagree. Always look at the word therefore in Scripture.
When this man was healed carrying his bed, the religious leaders confronted him for working on the Sabbath. A serious offense.
He shifted the blame to Jesus saying “the man who healed me told me to.”
He didn’t know Jesus’ name.
Then Jesus found this man in the temple and told him , “See! You are well! Sin no more that nothing worse may happen to you.”
The next sentence .
The man went away and tattled to the Jewish Sabbath police that the man’s name was Jesus!! Why did he do this!!?? He knew it would get Jesus in trouble.
Then Scripture says, “ THEREFORE , the Jews persecuted Jesus and sought to kill Him BECAUSE He had done these things on the Sabbath day.”
They had proof from the man who tattled on Jesus.
Maybe He was scared he wouldn’t be allowed into the temple or in polite society anymore as he was before not allowed in the temple since he was deformed.
I think Jesus was warning him not to give Him away to the authorities.
Nowhere does it say this man ever thanked Jesus let alone worship him like a blind man did or the leper.
No thanks. No questions like who are you Lord that healed me?
Just an ungrateful man who turned him into the authorities.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah and that his sacrifice was for man’s redemption but that doesn’t mean that he stops sinning just because of his faithfulness to the lord.when Jesus disciple called Jesus good master Jesus asked him why he called him good no one is good no one but one meaning god.thats it.and if man is without sin then that makes God a lier.for we only have forgiveness by his grace not for what anyone does.our best deed’s are like filthy rags to God.
In this article, you have said that we shouldn’t tell people they are going to go to hell if they keep sinning. I would like if you please elaborate on you perspective on that very statement because countless times scripture speaks about hell. Now in the book of Ezekiel chapter 33 is basically saying that if we don’t warn heathens they will catch God’s wrath and be sent to hell. Lets not forget that Yeshua Ha-mashiach preached mostly about how not to go to hell during His sermon on the mount along with other times. Lastly scripture also said that we need keep eachother accountable. if we don’t warn each other James chapter 5 is where it speaks about it plainly. So with that being said I would like understand more what you are saying.
Jeremy, I’m not so sure of your conclusions re the meaning of “sin no more” in that it was “because the religious leaders were out to get her”. I do however appreciate your sentiment, Jesus came to save and is forgiving and loving by nature.
I think there is an area you have overlooked when dealing with these two examples and it comes from 1Jn.
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth IS NOT in us” (vs 8). This confirms your interpretation that Jesus cannot mean that the cripple and the woman are capable of never committing sin again. However, compare this vs to the following verses in Ch 3:6 & vs 9 “Whoever abides in Him DOES NOT (emphasis mine) sin. Whoever sins HAS NEITHER seen Him NOR Known Him” (vs 6) & “Whoever has been born of God DOES NOT sin, for His seed remains in him; and he CANNOT sin, because he has been born of God (vs 9).
There is obviously an apparent contradiction here which actually gives us a clue as to how Christ’s words are meant to be understood. Therefore we need to look at the wider Biblical picture.
Notice at the end of vs 9 we have “because he has been born of God”. John has used this term “born of God” & “born again” in ch’s 1 & 3 of his Gospel re the new age of the kingdom which Jesus brings.
I think there are two ways in which to understand Jesus’ meaning of these two events. Firstly, Jesus is not commanding him or her to ‘never sin again’, an impossibility for even the most devout saints, but rather that Jesus knew what their specific sin(s) were that led to their predicament and didn’t want to see a repeat.
Secondly, being “born of God” or being “born again” speaks of a coming, and now is, an eschatological age also known as the New Covenant whereby all God’s children will have ALL their iniquities forgiven, past, present and future and that these sins will be remembered no more Jer 31:34. Just as David proclaims (quoted in Romans 4:7-8),
“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the LORD SHALL NOT impute sin.”
Therefore this is, I believe, what John is saying: that it is “impossible” for a Christian to sin because sins are no longer reckoned to him, just as the Apostle says
“For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. 20 Now if I do what I will not to do, IT IS NO LONGER I WHO DO IT, BUT SIN THAT DWELLS IN ME”(Rom 7:19-20).
John and Paul are both emphasising a ‘state of being’ our ‘new nature’. The regenerate born again believer cannot sin. It is a legal pronouncement or standing.
But our physical experience, in that we still live in this world with our old nature which still sins and does so constantly and continually (“in our flesh dwelleth no good thing”) thus our need for continued confession and repentance.
Therefore the phrase “sin no more”, is being used by Jesus not to refer to outward abstinence of sin but refers to the new eschatological age that this man & woman MUST (or have just) enter(ed) into. It is a statement of fact.
this make alot of since because this one of my favorite bible verse. it doesn’t matter what ours sins is because we all born in sins . however doesn’t mean that in christ that we should sin on a daily on purpose or doing it to enjoying without feeling the guilt the that lifestyle of sins and that is livings
in a flesh and being fake Christians without having relationship with god .and but we do slip into small things of sins and we feels guilty about we asked God to forgive us asking for holy spirit helps us and guide us and teaches us in names of Jesus and Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-20. that he come to fulfill the
laws and he also said whoever practices and teaches theses commands will be called greatest in kingdom of
heaven . the most important is as Christians we practice God words and Jesus commands and do the best we can what God want us to do and that is love your God with all your heart and all ur soul and love your neighbor and your enemies and have a relationship with God and talks to God everyday those who love God will obey God commands and practices and study the words of God and he will be called greatest in kingdom of heaven and whoever believes in his son will have every last life . this so beautiful because God is so good and loving God ❤️
Hi Jeremy, My name is Andy and I’ve been struggling with meth addiction and have tried in many ways to stop, even praying, confession to God and my pastor and even asked my pastor to call or message me to check on me. I don’t blame anyone but myself for giving in to the temptation to use again. but I’m feeling like I’m not able to obtain faith that I’ve been forgiven and therefore I have not received God’s holy spirit to help me. but God’s word says He is faithful and just to forgive sin to everyone who ask. and I believe I ask in faith and I’m sincere in my decision to turn from my sin and turn to God. but I miserably fail day after day. I get physically sick to my stomach just thinking about my failure. and the mental and emotional torment is got me twisted in my thoughts. I only want to live for God and Christ Jesus but I keep damaging any hope that I receive each new day as it starts out with joy as I pray and read the Bible and feel for certain that I’m not going to miss up and God’s holy spirit is going to help me if and when temptation comes. well you know the rest of the story. why can’t I stand firm and remember that I don’t have to give in to sin. and make no provisions for my strong holds to attack me and bring me back into bondage. I’m grateful for God’s grace and for the blood of Jesus Christ and don’t want to take it for granted. I pray God will create in me a love that will be greater than my addictions of my sinful desires of my flesh. God bless you and good night
Andy – My heart breaks for you. I’m just another sinner out here who read your post. I don’t have any magic answers for you, because I too just can’t seem to understand the forgiveness offered in Christianity. I suspect it is because we are both very rational, logical people. I’m trying to accept the notion that sinning is inherently human. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you stop being human. We will continue sinning right up until the day we die, accept this. God knows this, designed us this way, and will NOT condemn you for your humanity. My rational brain, and my heart, tells me God loves you just the way he made you. He sees the real you. The one who reaches for him, tries to do better each day, yet fails repeatedly due to both physical and mental limitations. What would you say to your own son if he were in the perdicament you are in? Would you blame him? Hate him? Or would you love him, pity him, and try to comfort him in his pain? I suspect it would be the latter. My advice, quit judging yourself. Reverse the old adage… Love yourself, as you would love others! As for addiction, for your own freedom and happiness (not because fear of hell or God’s judgement), get professional help. I love you, brother. Dust yourself off, love yourself, forgive yourself, and get well. You don’t need to add self-hatred to your already overwhelming burdens.
Well said, thank you for explaining why sin grieves Abba Father. I love Romans 12:1-2, we must reprogram our minds and think the thoughts of Abba Father! All things are possible with God, even that which seems impossible with man!!!
Your last 4 paragraphs are gold. Thank you, and I agree. However, everything above it is very questionable. Put simply, if God (likely the greatest communicator in the universe) intended sarcasm and knew we would continue to sin, why didn’t he just say that? It is hard enough believing someone accurately recorded Jesus’s words, but to attempt to decipher the subtleties (wink of an eye, sarcasm) of those words compounds the difficulty. Again, I agree with the logic of your conclusions, so I’m running with that.
Andy – My heart breaks for you. I’m just another sinner out here who read your post. I don’t have any magic answers for you, because I too just can’t seem to understand the forgiveness offered in Christianity. I suspect it is because we are both very rational, logical people. I’m trying to accept the notion that sinning is inherently human. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you stop being human. We will continue sinning right up until the day we die, accept this. God knows this, designed us this way, and will NOT condemn you for your humanity. My rational brain, and my heart, tells me God loves you just the way he made you. He sees the real you. The one who reaches for him, tries to do better each day, yet fails repeatedly due to both physical and mental limitations. What would you say to your own son if he were in the perdicament you are in? Would you blame him? Hate him? Or would you love him, pity him, and try to comfort him in his pain? I suspect it would be the latter. My advice, quit judging yourself. Reverse the old adage… Love yourself, as you would love others! As for addiction, for your own freedom and happiness (not because fear of hell or God’s judgement), get professional help. I love you, brother. Dust yourself off, love yourself, forgive yourself, and get well. You don’t need to add self-hatred to your already overwhelming burdens.
this did not say where is the scripture I was looking to find where did JESUS say to the men who threw a woman at his feet, where’s the man someone please find it and comment why 99% of other preachers left it out of their sermons?
I whole heartedly agree my brother and would also add that Yahusha said this:
“Prostitutes and corrupt tax collectors are entering the Kingdom of Heaven before the Pharisees and religious leaders..” and the woman at the well who was in her 5th relationship with a man (who wasn’t even her husband… they were simply living together) received not ONE WORD of condemnation for Yahusha but instead he said to her “if you would ask… I would give you a drink of Living Water and you would never thirst again..” — I’m every single instance of sexual immorality Yahusha forgave the person and based on this—we should too—
“Master, how many times should we forgive our brother (or sister) who sins against us..? “Seven times…?”
He answered: “I tell you the truth, Seventy times seven times…”
One more comment on this article…
EVERY SINGLE Old Testament Servant of the Most High (except Enoch) has character flaws and has sinned in some way … King David (“a man after Father’s own heart..” sinned greatly more than a few times and yet still this is said of him. And Solomon… don’t even get me started! Wow.
Yet these men and others (including women!) were still used by Heaven Father and Son to do His work in this world. Why? Because Heavenly Father mostly ONLY WORKS with flawed people! Because WE ARE ALL FLAWED PEOPLE whether we are walking in Him or not!
We are in a state of Sanctification in this life and do not reach a perfect holy nature within ourselves until we are in the Spirit fully — until then — we are “made righteous through faith in someone else’s righteousness… namely our Holy Savior’s righteousness. When we believe in HIS righteousness Father inputs His righteousness to us in the covenant relationship we have with Him and He alone is our covering, just like for King David or any other follower of the Most High. The Apostle Paul was GUILTY of actual murder of Believers based on his own self righteous hypocrisy! What is a worse song than this?
Murder is a VERY serious matter and a VERY serious sin, especially when it’s out of pure religious hypocrisy!
So what is worse?
Perhaps “unbelief” and that’s about it.
This is why Paul said of himself… “I am the chief of sinners..” and “I am the least of all the apostles…”
And I agree with him! Yet Paul was clearly forgiven and went on to lead a humble and faithful life for the Savior… and he obviously DID still struggle with sin still as he had such a sharp dispute with Barnabus that they stopped working together!
We tend to put the Apostles on a platform when they were just as human as anyone else … even AFTER being born again and walking in the Spirit. We need to take them down from there and look at the OT Bible characters to understand more clearly that we are loved by Him and chosen by the Father to do good in this world DESPITE our struggles with sin!
John 6:37-40
English Standard Version
37 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. 38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. 39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. 40 For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”
Jesus forgave prostitution. She wasn’t told not to commit any sins. Jesus told her not to commit the sin of prostitution again. God commanded us to forgive 70×7. God will forgive whom he will forgive. If you are cheating on your wife you need to repent. If you repent and keep cheating good luck on forgiveness. God knows your heart. Sin is not sin. If you steal God says pay back 3 times the amount. The sins that are the most agregious are sins that you can’t fix. If I burn down your house and want forgiveness I better make sure you get another house. If I were to cheat on my wife I would be so sorry it would tear me apart so not only do I need to ask God to forgive me the terrible part is I would have to face the beautiful woman who stuck by my side and tell her what I did and according to the Bible she can forgive me or if she chooses she can put me away. That’s divorce do you really think I would do it again and face her again. Adultery is a sin against God and a sin against your spouse. God commanded us to forgive all men but God knows your heart and mind.He knows if you are really sorry and come to him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. If God knows,and he does, that you will cheat again before the weekend is over then you probably aren’t forgiven. Just like I said it is commanded for us to forgive 70×7 but God will forgive whom he will forgive.
It becomes readily apparent when someoone is imposing their personal bias onto the text. There is no easy-out for sin. No, in this life time we will never achieve perfection and sinlessness, but there is a big difference between occasional slipups and mistakes and just taking the path of least resistance and doing anything one feels like doing because God is totally cool with it and will never judge us. Big Wrong Answer. “That’s how I read it'” and “by my understanding” have no place in scriptural interpretation. There is only one correct intepretation and exegesis can’t be a game of what a passage means to whoever is reading it. Hermeneutics don’t work that way. When you come at the Bible that way all you are doing is making it say what you want it to say. We make judgement calls every day and we are supposed to. The entire concept of “we are not supposed to ‘judge’ someone” is wrong all day long. If you are beating up your wife and I judge you for it by telling you its wrong and to stop it, I am doing the right thing. You are not. And I am supposed to call you on it. This isn’t even a difficult passage to understand. Jesus is quite simply telling the woman to go and sin no more. As in, don’t committ adultery anymore. She was caught in adultery. Jesus tells her not to do that anymore. Pretty basic. The sin of adultery is completely controllable. But it sure won’t be is someone is telling the person engaged in it that it isn’t a problem and they always get a pass for it.
Very well explained. I must admit I had to laugh at the question. Never thought that dep about it. Just tried not to sin.
You said, “jackass”. That is enough for me to know that your heart is not with God. Thus, nor is your writing.
I am going to share with you a quote anyways. Because your anger in your writing tells me that you are willfully sinning, and sharing this post only to excuse your behaviors. That is Satan talking to you, your father. If you truly want to be saved, and help save others instead of putting their blood in your hands, then you must pray, repent, and truly allow Jesus to live in your heart so he can show you how to live righteously.
1 Peter 4:1-2. “Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.”
“All is vanity” (Ecclesiastes). Vanity creates a thirst for light.
I love your interpretations of Scripture. Our go should be to become more like (imitate) Jesus.
This was an accurate teaching. Thank you.