Books I read in 2011
Here are my 5 favorite:
1. Simply Jesus
by N. T. Wright
This book may simply be the best book about Jesus I have ever read (Yes, yes. Apart from the Bible. Does it really need to be said?)
But the book is not just about Jesus. It is about the church, the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, Israel, history, government, social involvement, eschatology, and a mind-numbing array of other topics, all of which swirl around and center upon the person and work of Jesus Christ. Read the full review here.
2. Till We Have Faces
by CS Lewis
Though I love The Chronicles of Narnia, this is my favorite novel by C. S. Lewis.
He wrote that it was his favorite as well, though when the book came out, it was not well received by the public, and never gained much notoriety. Even today, few people even know that he wrote the book. Learn more about the story, and read my full review here.
3. Engaging the Powers by Walter Wink
This is the third book is a three part series which addresses the biblical, theological, and practical issue of Satan, demons, the demonic, and the world of spiritual powers.
Of the three books, this one is the the most practical, though the other two lay the biblical and theological groundwork for the ideas in this book. Unless you read the first two, the ideas of this book may sound outlandish, unsupported, and even extreme. Read the full review of this book here.
4. The King Jesus Gospel
by Scot McKnight.
Scot McKnight is concerned that that most evangelicals have a very narrow and unbiblical understanding of the Gospel.
Most of us, he believes, hold to something which he calls “a soterian Gospel” which is the idea that the Gospel message primarily concerns me and my salvation. Read the full review here.
5. Finding Organic Church by Frank Viola
This book is a good guide to help people find or develop a community of like-minded people with whom they can live and worship. While I haven’t read everything on the subject, I know of no other book like it on the market, and it really helped answer some of my own questions and provide me some direction as I seek to follow Jesus by loving and serving others in my community. The book provided a fairly clear picture of Viola’s experience with the organic church and the Scriptural basis for this model. Read the full review here.
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