Last week I promised you that Genesis 2–4 contained some revolutionary ideas about everything related to life, humanity, society, religion, war, politics, violence, and pretty much everything else in life. But other than the fact that God is relational, we didn’t really see anything too revolutionary in Genesis 2:4-6.
But that is about to change. Today, as we look at Genesis 2:7, we will learn something rather shocking about the creation of man. You don’t want to miss this!
The Text of Genesis 2:7
Genesis 2:7. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
In this discussion of Genesis 2:7 we look at:
- The unique religious features of the creation of man in Genesis 2:7
- Why it is biblical to call a man a “clod”
- The parallel of Genesis 2:7 to the making of idols in Mesopotamia
- The 5 truths from Genesis 2:7 about how to know God, reveal God, and treat human beings
- Beckerleg, “The ‘Image of God’ in Eden”
- Boyd, Greg, Sermon titled “Image That”
- Collins, Genesis 1-4 – Amazon or CBD
- Dick, Intellectual Life in the Ancient Near East
- Hamilton, Genesis 1–17 – Amazon or CBD
- Walton, The Lost World of Adam and Eve – Amazon or CBD
- Wenham, Genesis – Amazon or CBD
- Zevit, What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden? – Amazon
- Was there Death Before the Fall?
- The Fish and Nephesh
- I’m Inviting You to Invent God
- – Helping you and your Theology Look Like Jesus
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Lots of good stuff here.
Your article on the 3% tithe in my email today really blessed me, after years and years of only hearing Malachi 3 over and over I’d done my own study of every reference to the tithe. I was shocked, back then when I read that God wanted us to use one of the tithes for celebrating with our families (picnics? parties?) I could never understand why only Malachi was referred to come offering time, and was even warned about God cursing us with a curse….. As a single mom in the 80’s it was cautioning us not to take or use money from the government. But nobody else was helping us, and I even gave 10% of the government money I received once a month, which was not much….but it was gladly accepted from me. Now, retired and receiving only social security, the only help I ever get is, besides my family, from God/ “) Here is what Ii posted on Facebook today after sharing your article, and I also am asking which of your books, if any, contains that article? I often wondered why this was never taught in any of the churches I’ve attended. Didn’t they read this themselves? If so why hold back from teaching what is told here? I don’t want to get into a debate about this, and everything told here is in the Bible….If you have a concordance, look up every scripture on the tithe. When I read this, about 15 years ago, I was stunned that God wanted His people to use the tithe to celebrate with our families and to help the less financially ‘properous’ people (instead of judging them) I had such mixed feelings, of freedom and joy in God but also a kind of betrayal from what has been taught, almost to scare us. One teacher even said we ourselves would be cursed if we didn’t give 10% I receive mail from the ministries I used to listen to, and even in the first paragraph of their monthly letters they began writing about money
Fascinating teaching. This is why I keep coming back is for teachings like this. I’ve heard teachings on Genesis a thousand times and never have I heard some of the Near Eastern accounts that aid us in performing our own grammatical historical exegesis. Is there any way you could provide the reference to the ancient texts of the egyptian account(s), and/or some of the others(Sumerian, akkadian…etc.)? It would be cool to go back and read some of those in more detail(if english translations are available).
Thanks! Good stuff and looking for to more.