Chapter 11 in my book, Close Your Church for Good, is called “Enough with Evangelism.”
In this chapter, we look at some of the forms of evangelism today, and how they amount to little more than talking at people, which is not Scriptural and does more damage to the Gospel than good. To live and practice the way of love as modeled by Jesus, one step we can take is to stop our evangelism strategies and techniques, and start living the principles of the Kingdom within our communities.
Please note that due to some of the feedback I receive on these posts, this chapter might be radically revised for the final edition of the book. These changes will only be available in the print or eBook version when it comes out.
Here are the blog posts that are based on the chapter about evangelism:
- Evangelism: More than Words
- Street Evangelism
- Crusade Evangelism
- Is Crusade Evangelism Effective?
- How to Get More Converts than Billy Graham
- Convert or Die
- Is the Gospel Really Preached at Evangelism Crusades?
- Cherry-Picking the Gospel
- Need Based Evangelism
- Is Need-based Evangelism Needed?
- Meeting Physical Needs to Get at the Spiritual
- Meeting Needs vs. Loving People
- People’s Greatest Need is Salvation
- Needs, No. People, Yes.
- Jesus Evangelism
To read the content of other chapters, check out the post which contains the Table of Contents to Close Your Church for Good.
The Old Testament’s message for Christmas – Ezekiel 20:28.
Jesus also condemned idolatry.
I think maybe you meant this comment to be on a Christmas post?
It may well be. Sorry.:-)
Dear Sandor, I don’t really get what you are saying, you are obviously a person of few words.
I believe we are all called to evangelise, but I am told by my Church leaders that is not the same as an evangelist. I am not convinced I think it’s more about semantics than the reality. One could say I evangelise to an indivigual therefore I am an evangelist.
At the end of Matthew Jesus said go into the world and tell. Can’t get more clear than that.
Remember when a non believer was healing in the name of Jesus, (Mark 9 v 38 to 40). What would we Christians say about that today. I’m in the Church of England and because I am not an ordained minister I am not allowed to bless the Bread and the Wine for communion. Or if I see an accident and a man laying on the floor dying I cant give him his last opportunity to confess and repent of his sins before he meets his maker.
I obviously disagree, and when you look at the state of some of our so called ordained ministers I don’t think I would want them to be giving me my last rights. Does not God look at the heart. All that say Lord Lord may not necessarily enter into His Rest, (Matthew 7 v 21 to 23).
In the same chapter Jesus talks about false prophets in verse 15 to 20 maybe that is what you are saying Sandor. Jesus also said to the people “practice and obey what they tell you but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach” Matthew 23 v 1 to 5a, Jesus says a few other things up to and including v 36.
So, if we stop evangelising who will tell the lost. If we ban all the more flowery Evangelists who make a very good living out of it, who will take their place. When we listen to anyone do we not engage our brain and heart and discern what is being said, then check it out with the Holy Spirit through scripture. Paul said “don’t follow me or Apollos” follow Jesus teachings. They and we are not The Good News we are bearers of it.
God can use a talking donkey to get His message over He can even use people who bray like a donkey. Lets not get hung up on the messenger but listen to the message.
The Muslims and in the past the Christians think it’s a good idea to judge people on what they say and do about God. We used to torture them until they submitted. Have a look in the Bloody Tower in London, those instruments of torture were invented and used by the Church, plus other stuff like Hung, Drawn and Quartering people.
God and Jesus never ever told anyone to abuse his people in such barbaric ways, but we continue to do so, the Christians in more subtle ways.
Let’s move away from evil ways and follow The Way. When we point an accusing finger at someone, remember you are pointing three back at yourself, the boomerang effect is to triple the curses on yourself that you pour on them. Be careful, God does not need defending, He can look after Himself. When we judge others we are dethroning God and taking His place. The devil tried to do that and see where it got him, hell bent into hell.
I am not against evangelism exactly, but a particular form of evangelism which is most prominent in churches today. More will become clear as the series progresses.