Have you considered that Jesus may be leading you to leave the church as you know it so that you can be the church as it was meant to be?
Please don’t dismiss such an idea too quickly.
There are lots of people who leave the church today, and they often get criticized for abandoning God or disowning Jesus. But in my experience, I don’t find this at all. I find that people who “leave the church” have not given up on God or stopped following Jesus. Instead, many of them are simply learning to follow Jesus outside the four walls of a church building. They are seeking to be the church by following Jesus into the world.
So let me encourage you … if you find a rapidly growing unrest with church as it has always been done, this unrest may come from Jesus.
Millions of people today know that something is missing from their normal church experience, and they sense Jesus leading them to something more, but they don’t know what …
Some Christians think Jesus is leading them to leave the church they are in to start attending a different church down the street. More often than not, they get to this new church, and find that the internal unrest has followed them to the new building. So they start looking for a new church to attend, or think that maybe they misunderstood God’s leading.
Some Christians think Jesus is leading them to leave the church they are in so they can go on a mission’s trip to Africa. So they raise funds, pack bags, and spend $10,000 for a six-week trip to Africa. And while they might have a spiritual mountaintop experience while there, they find that the internal unrest followed them to the new continent, and is multiplied even more once they return.
Some Christians think Jesus is leading them to leave the church they are in so they can go to seminary and become a pastor or church leader. They have ideas for how the church could be different, better, more productive, and believe God wants to do new things in His church through their ministry. But in the process, they get saddled with a bunch of debt and end up leading a church which is almost identical to every other church in the country.
Some Christians think Jesus is leading them to leave the church they are in so they can follow “the New Testament pattern” and get involved in a home church or community collective. They long for that intimate setting where everybody has everything in common, where people get to share as the Spirit leads, and where there are no professional clergy, choirs, or classes. But they soon find that although the setting might be smaller, home churches are not that much different than regular churches.
Some Christians go through some (or all) of the experiences described above, and think that the unrest they feel is because church is simply a waste of time and energy, and so they leave the church … and Jesus too. They turn their back on all of it, saying that they tried the whole “church thing” and it wasn’t for them.
If you want Jesus to lead your life, I can pretty much guarantee you have gone through one or more of the experiences above. I have personally experienced all of the scenarios above, other than that last one.
So are these experiences wrong? Was that feeling of unrest not from Jesus after all, but from some self-centered desire to experience something new, do something adventuresome, or fulfill an unmet need?
I say no.
I firmly believe that when people feel that Jesus is calling them to leave the church they are in, they are rightly discerning what Jesus is saying through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
The problem, however, is that when people feel Jesus calling them to leave the church they are in, along with this leading, they want to know where Jesus is calling them to go. But very rarely does Jesus offer this direction. If Jesus says, “Leave” and we say, “Okay … but to where?” Jesus will answer with “Just leave.”
The mistake is when we try to fill in the blank ourselves and say, “Well, I can’t just leave the church. So I guess I’ll go to another church. Or go to Africa. Or attend seminary. Or start a house church.” But Jesus never led us to those places, and so after going to these places where He never led, we will soon have that feeling of unrest again, and we will wonder if we misunderstood or misheard Jesus.
You didn’t misunderstand or mishear. But now Jesus has to call you to leave the church all over again.
Do you want to know where Jesus is leading you? Jesus is leading you to leave the church “as you know it” so that He can guide you into being the church “as He wants it.”
The church Jesus wants has little to do with the things that are often identified as “church.” The church Jesus wants has little to do with fundraising, mission’s trips, attendance numbers, ministry programs, large-group events, personality cults, best-selling authors, TV and radio programs, stained-glass windows, padded pews, professional choirs, or regularly scheduled Bible studies.
Instead, the church Jesus wants has everything to do with personally loving our neighbors, hanging out with “sinners,” spending time with societal rejects, defending the cause of the weak, and a variety of other ways of living that look just like Jesus. But you will never learn to be the church Jesus wants until you take the step of faith to leave the church that you want.
Do you feel a growing unrest or dissatisfaction with the church? That’s not wrong. That’s Jesus calling you to leave the church. Will you follow?
P.S. Please note this: I am not telling you that Jesus is calling you to leave the church you are in. If you sense no such leading from Jesus, then stay put!
Left it earlier, and Thank You Lord Jesus, I found the Organic, real world, and genuine Body of Christ Jesus/Family who want only to let Jesus express Himself In and through us! 🙂
It can be a tough decision to leave the church your are attending. Particularly because many Pastors teach just the opposite of what you have stated in your post. They always say, God is not going to tell you to leave a church and he doesn’t tell you where to go. Now thinking about it, this is not necessarily true. God told Abram to leave his family and everything he knew, to go to a place God was yet to show him. This manipulation keep many Christian, stuck in Churches years after God has told them to leave.
Very good reference.
So true! I agree with you
I was born mormon and they pulled all sorts of things on the members, when they started their dogma on me and told me I was either in or out, I told them I was out and very soon after I had the opportunity to meet the Lord, He and I have had 40+ yrs together including 7 trips to Israel where the opportunity to minister to both Israelis and Palestinians. The churches that preach the gifts have ceased or that they are to worship on the seventh day (Sat) this all church dogma. The man that picked sticks on the 7th day died, actually they were to do nothing on the saboth, not go to church ( NOTHING) ! Look at Acts 19:2-7, Col: 2-16 1st Tim: 1:4 1st Tim: 4:3-5
This is very true, Pam. I really appreciate your honesty.
Did you make the decision to leave?
I know many of these posts are of age but they all just blessed me. I was struggling on a faith desicion to leave my church or not. it was prophesied to me that like the woman with the issue of blood I have been and then I should go and connect with my leadership.
i have been randomly having the thoughts to be alone with God no interfece just me and Him. Knowing that I will be judged I choose to stay and go with the flow but I am not hearing or learning and I have tried.
I’m not sure when this article was posted.
The Lord called me out of “church” for 2 1/2 years to meet with Him on my bed. Everyday, sometimes up to 5 hours in a day. It was the most intimate time of growth and time of getting to seek His face and of Who He IS.
I sense this “calling out” again. I haven’t been looking for a new church, He’s just leading (pulling) me away. His Spirit in us = we are the Church. A fellowship of believers witnessing to the world wherever God leads us. I am growing in my faith and God is providing a band of followers/believers in my life to grow and to minister to.
I pray the Lord has opened your heart enough to hear His calling for your life, whether in church or on a street corner.
God bless.
I ‘left the church’ by being driven out, and it was the best (but most painful) thing that ever happened to me. I don’t have any answers but I’m learning to trust Jesus and let him teach me how to live as he envisioned.
Yes, sometimes that is how it works … as painful as it is, we can look back and thank God that He used such pain to draw us closer to Him and what He is doing in our lives.
He led me out of the church building by being totally discontent and bored. Showed me the double talk about not having a christmas tree but putting garland and lights in the building. Couldnt see the difference. That was the final one for me.
He showed me how torah is for all believers and that He came and died to take away only the penalty of sin and death. The torah, teachings, laws are ways to live and His commands to us so that we will be blessed.
Same thing as for us as parents..we have Torah for our children. Dont run into the street or you can get hit by a car. Cursed by getting hit or blessed for minding the parents by not getting hit and being obiedient. People think the Torah is hard, Yaweh says it is perfect. Is He a liar? I think not. Also, the church is Israel and He is waking us up . Read about the lost tribes that He is gathering this moment. What an awakening to the lies of mainstream christianity.
Hi Jeremy! I too left the church building… But how do you gather together with other believers? How do we find find that body of belivers that are in the same place you are?
For anybody that is still coming across this post now, i just want to recommend the website of Chip Brogden which is really helping me in this journey, and in relation to this particular question i would refer you to his audio teaching “going in and coming out”.
Its a whole new wilderness as most of us have been so brainwashed by religion and not relationship with Christ.
hope this helps.
Yup. Me too. How long ago was that? I ended up joining another church but now I’m slightly regretting that. Where did you land?
This same thing happened to my family and I. We were told to ‘get out’ because of lies that were told. Afterwards we went to another church building but, after a while, felt The Lord saying that this was not the way He meant for things to me. Jesus is so much more than our all too predictable programs we stick to every Sunday, and He is definite so much more than a building! I find people’s mindsets are misconstrued by the very act of attending. They put on their church clothes on “church day,” go to the church building. And people will say bring your minds in, its church time. But afterwards they take their church clothes off as well as turn their church minds off and prepare to live their ‘regular’ lives the remainder of the week. Having a building termed “church” puts people in the wrong frame of mind. The Bible says that we ought to let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus,not just on Sundays but everyday. The reason its hard for most is because the setup that we have grown so used to today is wrong, plain and simple. Jesus said no longer will I dwell in temples made of stone, do why are we telling people that the church building is the house of The Lord? We’re lying. That’s a fact.
Indeed, I, too, have gone through all but one of these experiences you described above, Jeremy; the only exception was the “missionary safari trip”. 😉
In the beginning every experience was refreshing due to its newness, then I got used to it and was more and more bored (yaaawn…). Finally, discontent or even anger arose about not being able to change my negative feelings. But neither blaming myself nor blaming others worked.
What seemed strange to me was that this unrest you spoke of also accompanied my doing outside the (visible) church in the very beginning. Looking back at those many years as a still self-centered churchgoer, I thought I had to immediately make up time by feeding and clothing the poor, visiting the sick, welcoming strangers (Mt 25:35-36) and sharing the gospel with everyone (Mt 28:19-20).
Oh, what a stress!!
Although working (mostly) outside the church, I was still trying to please the Lord by doing this and doing that and…eventually I (secretly) blamed Him for stressing me that way. I believe if Jesus hadn’t helped me see my fallacy, I would still be running like a hamster in its wheel.
Unrest always shows that there is something wrong in life. And yes, it is the Holy Spirit who nudges us to change something. However, I was so used to act in order to be accepted, acknowledged or even loved (not only by God but also by others), that I couldn’t hear God’s voice whispering softly, again and again,
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mt 11:28-30 ESV)
Unrest never disappears with doing new things unless I have “received” my rest from Him through prayer before. And strangely enough, when I feel this peace only God can give, I never feel stress but only joy to do what He nudges me to do. Then it is no longer necessary to meditate on those things I think I should do because they quasi pop up in my mind whenever He wants. Without any prior warning and without any explanation, as you also said, Jeremy. If Jesus says, “Rest,” then we ought to take the time we need. If Jesus says, “Do!” then we will be happy to do those things He had in His mind before. Or in other words,
“It is only as we rest IN Christ and His righteousness by faith that we will find ourselves doing the finished works of the Father. Like Jesus said to the disciples, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 RSVA – emphasis added). I have found that those who rest in this fact drive the practitioners of religion crazy. These builders of churches and church organizations are the same builders who reject Christ as the Chief Cornerstone, Cap Stone and Master Builder of the temple which is the Father’s design for His temple is made of living stones (see Matt. 21:42-43 and 1 Peter 2:5-9) not wood, bricks and mortar.”
(Michael Clark, http://awildernessvoice.wordpress.com/2014/03/15/called-to-be-servants-not-masters/)
Thanks for the comment. I have gone on a few missionary trips, but none that cost $10,000. One six-week trip to India cost several grand, but I cannot remember how much.
Are you suggesting a “church” that lives and is modeled after the “shared community” as described in the Book of Acts?
No. I am not actually suggesting any sort of model. Mainly, I am just suggesting that if people feel like Jesus is leading them, they should follow Him, wherever that might be.
And that could be after the Lord takes everything away…He may send you all over the country, Living in a van, with no income or provisions except for what He provides…He may tell you not to turn to any church but to rely on Him.
I believe He is calling the faithful to fully trust in Him for everything..and then send us to teach and walk through the wilderness with others. It’s difficult, painful and frustrating..but in the end of that season…you will have a better knowledge of who God is and how He wants us to walk.
Yes. God can lead us in a variety of directions … some of them not very “enjoyable.” But on every path, He shows us new things about Himself and His care for us.
You just described my last year-and-a-half in church Jeremy. In fact, that’s what lead me to your site…and beyond. The turning point for me was George Barna’s book, “Maximum Faith”. He lays out everything discussed in this post, and I suspect that you’ve read it Jeremy…?? To the point, this “unholy discontent” that we feel is exactly that — Jesus is pulling us into discipleship and a closer relationship with Him.
Today I still go to my church, but at a greatly reduced level of involvement. I attend services (if the sermon series is something I need/want to hear) and pay the man well for his services (*not* 10% of my income), but I don’t engage in all their reindeer games. I’ve found a wonderfully rich life of discipleship outside the church walls. Praise God, Praise God, Praise God Amen!
Actually, I have not read that book. I didn’t even know about it until just now. It is good? I may have to get it and read it. Glad that you are experiencing this new-found freedom in Christ!
I’ve found myself to reducing my level of participation and the “reindeer games if church” I’m being belittled during sermons they’re not name calling but when they preach I know they are talking to me. All because I will not tell them my every whereabouts when I leave town and why I do no want to participate. I come to worship God and as long as he knows what I’m doing where I’m at and I’m living a Christian life and have a relationship with God that’s all that matters. Thank you for your post.
Solio Del Gloria, you just used a phrase I’ve used, but never heard anyone else use before- reindeer games!
So often, I have felt like “Rudolph” in church or ministry scenarios, who either wasn’t included in, or didn’t feel able to include myself in the activities- or, “reindeer games”.
I so relate to many of these feelings! My journey did not lead me to other churches or missions or seminary to find contentment. But, The Lord was so compelling, gripping in His unrest over myself, and my wife. He kept saying over and over, “Take a break and follow Me.” So we did, and have never looked back.
Yes, Brandon, that is one reason I love your blog! I read every post, and am thrilled to watch where Jesus is leading you and your family.
Thank you Jeremy.
It is an amazing difference, right?
Organic? Yes, I like the sound of that (y)
We left the institutional church and found Jesus – in the neighborhood, in the streets, in parks, among the LGBTQ community. We discovered that Jesus loves to hang out in such places and now so do we. That’s where we find church.
Sam, as I seek to follow Jesus, you have been an inspiration and friend to me on this difficult path. Thank you so very much.
The institutional church is exhausting! It leaves no time for spending time with family members that aren’t believers, no time for “couple time,” no time for friends, no time for rest. It drains your budget to create more reasons to be busy. There is the CONSTANT pressure to conform imn word, thought and deed and the CONSTANT judgment & rejection if you don’t.
People who have chronic illness or little money are judged as uncommitted or lacking im faith.
The peer pressure on teenagers is unrelenting and destructive.
Most of the harm my family ever suffered at human “hands” happened in the church community. I think my 23 year old son’s atheism is largely due to “church.”
I’m freer in Christ and so much abler to focus on Jesus by not going to “church.” It’s easier to hear God’s voice without all the other demanding voices. Deprogramming takes awhile. The loneliness can be rough at first, but not as bad as the loneliness of being “in church.”
Chip Brogden’s site, TheSchoolOfChrist.org helped me in my struggle to get free.
My pastor parents concern is my hardest conflict, but it’s easier now. I tell them, “I need you to be my parents! I need family!” They worry but have stopped nagging so much. I can tell they know I’m walking with Jesus & know I’m not backslidden! Lol
I yelled “Amen!” at every sentence. You get it.
Again, it isn’t this way for everyone who “attends church” and to them I say, “Blessings upon you as you continue to follow Jesus in that setting.” But I think that more and more people are starting to find a different way of following Jesus.
Yes Jeremy, the content of this blog is right on. I left institutional church one year ago and I was a bit confused as to why I was being called away from it, but after I obeyed and did so, The Spirit’s calling to leave institutional church has become crystal clear. This blog describes about the first 12 years of my Christian walk superbly. Very edifying. It breaks my heart that more institutionalized Christians don’t get this. (And they tend to think I am apostate of The Body of Christ.)
Thanks, Chris.
Yes, it breaks my heart too that some Christians think that when someone “stops attending church” they are backsliding or becoming apostate, when really, we are only seeking to follow Jesus more closely than we ever have before.
So true. The most judgement I’ve ever felt from human beings came from those attending Church. Don’t misunderstand, I love them. They can judge me all they like. I have a job to do for Christ. In the world.
I came out out of organized religion. God is not contained by a building. I find that I can be the church in my own home studying Scripture and obeying.
Hebrews 10:25 King James Version (KJV)
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Great post man. . . sometimes think that that unrest isn’t always about others we’re spending time with on this journey. Reality is there’s just one body no matter how much we try to mess it up. Find that unrest is often that I be with him more. Gospel’s good news cause we can enter in. . . sell it short when sin and forgiveness is the only/main thing. Glad/necessary that I’m forgiven. . . living presence is better still.
Great point. Yes, there is only one body. I am fine with the fact that some of my Christian brothers and sisters want to participate in the Body by attending church in a building on Sunday morning, and I hope that they would be fine with other brothers and sisters wanting to participate in the Body by doing something else (whatever that might be).
Man, sure wish we cared less about size and form. . . if there’s 2 or 3 believers, or 2-3000. . . or if we meet in a building or home or the street. . . and cared more about if the living presence of God in power is there. Wish all ‘churches’ would take the unbelievers challenge found in Corinthians. . . that when unbelievers come into a meeting of believers, and brothers and sisters are according to the Lord, talking about Jesus, that the secrets of the heart are revealed and the unbeliever falls down and confesses that God is really there. The measure of things is whether God is really there.
I don’t think place is the issue. More important is the clergy laity divide. Clergy is a manmade institution and not based on biblical principles.
Dan, so agree. . . location isn’t critical, brothers and sisters in Iran and China have church in prison. Thinking the place the Lord has in our hearts counts, not location. Don’t understand pastor-as-head ways we’ve fallen into. . . when believers come together all should have something that helps the body to grow thru whatever way the Spirit has given each. If God is present in things in living ways, then no/less reason to pound on other brothers and sisters. . . sometimes seems the criticisms are only because God isn’t present in our meeting either. If God is really present, wouldn’t it be invitation that goes out, not criticism. “Come and see” if real is more than “we do it better.”
Thanks man. Bill Bright used to ask, if every Christian in the world lived as you do, would the world be reached with the Gospel in this generation. I’ve never felt closer to being able to say yes since we “left the church.”
Great quote! I feel the same way.
Robyn has echoed some important thoughts and experiences very well. I am an ex pastor and dean of a Bible school who also left the institution some six years ago. I still visited here and there, but it became increasingly difficult to sit and listen to messages and teaching that were often less than biblical truth.
You have made this ‘dangerous’ post in a responsible way Jeremy. Still, You will probably remain branded as a rebel in many quarters. But you are certainly not doing what you are as popularity drive among people. You are touching the lives of many by helping them to shed the burden of judgment so often heaped on them. And if I remember correctly, Paul was not actually the most popular person around. Can you imagine what would happen today if you were to write a Corinthians type of letter to a congregation?
Oh man! The pastor would get fired immediately!
Dean of a Bible school? Very cool. Online or residential?
Hi Jeremy,
It was a Bible school with evening classes, therefore I could say residential. However, I used the material of a Christain Quality Assurance accredited group and therefore also helped correspondence students.
I am so Happy I found this site Dan! I left a Church of 12 years 2 months ago and have never been happier. I talk to Jesus More than any Church Members talked to me. Most were rich as I used to be and the Pastor ignored me as I have Epilepsy and other serious illnesses. The Pastor talked more about himself and his doctorate it made me angry. When he ended my second to last chance service with ” you can all go now, all sins are forgiven even SUICIDE, I flipped inside. There were several suicidal people in the Church and that was so SICK! I am with Jesus more out of Church and spreading the Good word. Most of the wealthy people were using phones and taking about where they were going to Lunch?
Just some thoughts on this: The Bible says “the church is the pillar and bulwark of the truth.”….’the’ church; not ‘a’ church. It also says that in later times people will seek teaching that will be pleasing to their ears (not the exact quote). Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, to whom else can we go.” When Saul was persecuting the Church, Jesus said to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? signifying that the Church and Jesus were the same. It is important to gather with the brethren. Jesus wants people who worship Him in spirit and in “truth.” If one reads the writings of the early Christian fathers in the times before the Bible was officially compiled, you will see how the church “operated” back then.
Consider this. If you feel like God is telling you to leave, before doing that, there are always opportunities to, as you said, to do things like “personally loving our neighbors, hanging out with “sinners,” spending time with societal rejects, defending the cause of the weak, and a variety of other ways of living that look just like Jesus.” Instead of leaving a church to do this, why not try doing it while still in the church you want to leave? See if the Spirit leads other people to participate with you, and maybe you will be a factor in renewal there somehow, instead of abandoning it. Like a marriage, anything important in our lives is worth putting effort into. Just like we wouldn’t separate from our spouses without first trying to make our marriages better with counseling, etc., maybe we can better evaluate our participation in our present church family before going elsewhere.
I agree. People who are attending a church should try to do those things. I would love it if more did. It seems to me though, that when most church attenders do these things, there is always that sense below the surface that the true goal or agenda in the relationship is to “invite the person to church.” This seems to hinder true friendship from forming. If a church-attender can develop true friendships with people without ever feeling like they HAVE to invite them to church, that would be wonderful!
I could write a book in response to this. I was feeling extremely discouraged last night, since the newest church I went to seemed to be the “one”, only now every time the one pastor talks my spirit literally cringes at some of the things he teaches. I leave feeling like someone sucked the life out of me. The sad thing is, it all sound hyper intelligent. I doubt anyone would question his conclusions. A teaching on Daniel 7 ends with the idea that we are all “beasts”. There’s rarely the word “sin” mentioned. Anyway… I grew up in the church and became quite zealous about following Jesus when I was just 17. I quickly realized my zealousness and passion for the truth was NOT welcome among “Christians”. After Bible College and mission trips around the world, I was completely burned out, depressed, and confused. I went through a horrible divorce, and lost everything over night. After hanging out in the darkness for some time, I believe I started to know the love of Jesus for the first time. It had nothing to do with anything I was able to do. He loved me in the darkness and the desert. I tried going to church, but every single time I just had a very bad feeling in me. The sermons were full of comedy, self-help, intellectualism, heavy doctrine, and in my mind most completely misinterpreted the Bible. I’ve seen pastors that said they want the church to look like a Christian music video, I’ve seen the acceptance of bible studies for gays, I’ve been rebuked because I questioned the Trinity and was looking for answers, I’ve seen pastors literally tell me they knew who was giving money to the church (he even admitted it was really him they were giving too). The same pastor said that giving time wasn’t the same as giving money. I’ve seen pastors and worship teams sell their albums in the back of the church. I’ve seen too much and that’s just hitting the things have happened recently. Every time I stop going to “church” and read my Bible and get on forums like this and pray, I feel a lot closer to Jesus. But when I go to church I feel further.. I feel I’m depending on them to speak to me, for God. But there is only one mediator between God and man and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ. One of my biggest disappointments has been the lack of believers that are looking for the second coming of Jesus. I believe he’s coming again, but you would never think so. The church it’s self all but mocks his coming. At least here in the Pavific North west Hipsterville churches. All that silly stuff we grew up learning, is just that, silly. As far as fellowship goes, what fellowship? I often have tried to talk to people before and after church and no one wants to talk about Jesus or the word. It’s uncomfortable, and it makes others uncomfortable. If the church truly functioned as the church Sunday’s would be about fellowship, prayer, worship (not rock concert that I can’t sing too), and the gifts of the people displayed. I’ve realized I’m never going to find the church I’m looking for. That’s because the true church is scattered through out the earth and they may be loners like me, just looking for Jesus. Prophesy is coming true right before our eyes and the church is fat, rich, and comfortable with their programs. It makes me sad. My husband grew up a JW and I’ve been trying for four years to lead him to Jesus, unfortunately the things he has witnessed along side me have not helped.
You are speaking the thoughts and feelings that millions of people around the world have as well. I believe that Jesus is inviting you to follow Him in outside the 4 walls of churchianity. It is quite an adventure! And who knows, maybe one day you will write that book!
River, It is indeed possible to find the fellowship with other Jesus followers outside the walls of institutional religion, fellowship that often does not exist within those walls. There is that feeling that “wouldn’t it be wonderful to walk into a place that was filled with Christians where we could be instantly accepted and where we could find fellowship with other believers”? Unfortunately, that often doesn’t happen for many of us.
My wife and I find the church among people we know in many venues, including our neighbors, LGBTQ friends, the homeless, and people we know in all kinds of places. We do not feel the need to agree exactly with all of these people on every point of theology and doctrine. Some people seem to think they have every doctrine figured out down to the smallest detail, but are lacking in the greater things – love of God and neighbor. If those things are present, they are invisible to the rest of us. We seek fellowship with those who readily display those qualities and generously share them with everyone with whom they come in contact.
Hey brothers,
Good discussion and input from all!
It’s encouraging to know that the Lord’s body is mobilizing outside the walls, eh?
May we all grow ever more bold in obeying His leading into the lives of others…
Most Sunday mornings at my McChurch, Jeremy, I sit in big, comfy, leather chairs in front of the fireplace.
There, over coffee and other things McD, I share with those Holy Spirit prayerfully brings to meet with me and my Best Friend, Jesus.
I go to my McChurch, rather than traditional church, where one stares at the back of people’s necks for an hour, so I can be the living, Biblically R-E-A-L (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Life-giving) Church.
I even stay for 2 hours, often, would you believe?
Blrsdings all!
Are you referring to McDonalds? I like what you are saying, but am confused about the “McD” references. If it is McDonalds, what kind of McDonalds has leather chairs and a fireplace???
If it is the one with jazz piano, and strolling musicians at night, it is in Ashville NC.
I don’t know if the one in Toronto has jazz piano. The one in Montreal occasionaly had jazz at night. Perhaps the operative word is “Had”.
I am very interested to learn more about this. I thought it was a command to not neglect gathering yourself together? I have so many rules in my head from growing up, now I don’t know what is truth and what is tradition. I don’t particularly like any of the churches near me. I have tried several and just stuck to one that seemed better than the rest. It is a bigger church so I don’t usually talk to anyone but I joined some small groups and did make friends. I enjoy the worship music but don’t usually get much out of the sermons. I just thought I had to be in church and I have to take my babies so they would learn about Jesus. I fear that if they only have me to look to for Jesus, I will fail them miserably. their dad will certainly teach them it is all bologna. This option never occurred to me. I have so much guilt if I miss one Sunday. I can’t imagine if I allowed myself to stop going altogether. I guess I assume I would just fall away from God.
I always tell people that if they are attending a church, and benefit from it greatly, enjoy the fellowship, music, preaching, etc, and are able to serve others and be encouraged there, then they should stay.
If, however, they are going out of a sense of guilt, shame, and duty, then probably church attendance is hindering their walk with God rather than helping. If you stop attending church, you are NOT deciding to stop follow Jesus or be a member of His Body, the Church. Instead, you are simply seeking to be the church in a different way than by sitting in a church building with other believers on Sunday morning. Again, that’s a fine way for many people, but it is not the only way.
I cannot tell you what to do, though. But know this, if you decide to stop attending, God is not angry with you, upset with you, or disappointed with you, especially if you stop attending so that you can seek to love and serve your neighbors. (This takes time though!!! – Check out the recent podcast episode from Wayne Jacobsen at thegodjourney.com http://thegodjourney.com/2014/04/04/beyond-the-congregation/
I really appreciate this post. I have been feeling for 2 years that I wish to leave my church. My husband and I are life-long churchgoers who no longer want to be. We joined this church about 4 years ago because we felt we needed a good base and spiritual learning for our son. We also live extremely far from any family and we felt a good place to form bonds would be a church. I have been going to church my whole life. Although I have stayed away from churches that preach hell and damnation, I still feel so much pain and guilt about wanting out. Our church is a small congregation. Only about 40 people show up on any given Sunday. This means that as soon as you decide to become a member you are immediately roped into at least 2-3 committees to help serve. That being said, since we have a son we were automatically expected to teach Sunday school. Last year our organist wanted to start a contemporary service so we tried it for 8 weeks as a trial basis. I got appointed to be the praise singer which meant I had a 2.5 hour rehearsal every Saturday night and I had to spend hours during the week on my own with the music too. Our church is mostly made up of retired folks and there are very few families there who work and have young kids. Our contemporary service did not work out and I ended up in front every Sunday belting out these praise and worship songs to no one. Members of the congregation felt pressured to come to support us. Every Sunday there I was pretending to be filled with the Holy Spirit when all I wanted to do was crawl away. I don’t think this feeling would have been any different if 100 people were there. Problem was (and still is) I don’t think I believed half of the words I had to sing. So there I was, active in choir, Sunday school, contemporary service, among other things. Our little family of 3 rarely even saw each other on Sundays. After our contemporary service ended we gave it a rest for several months. When the organist brought it up that we should start up again, I said I didn’t have any interest in doing so. She got very upset with me even though the pastor agreed that it was not working for our church. As for teaching Sunday school, my husband and I dread it because we don’t fully believe the lessons and don’t want to be there anymore. As you can see church to us has turned into an obligation and a job. We are not serving with gladness and love, but out of a sense of obligation so as not to let anyone down. I have heard people in the church complain about other people that don’t do enough. Our fellowship hall is used by many external groups and the church gets rent income for use of the hall. That means that many non-Christian groups use our hall. I have heard members complaining that non-Christian groups should not be allowed to use the hall. I feel like dying inside when I hear this because 90% of the time I want to see what they do in there and wish to join them! I’m totally desperate for spiritual fulfillment. I feel so dried out. Then, last year we had a congressional meeting about the possibility of using our church for civil unions. That caused such an argument in our church it was horrible. Half of the people were totally against it and half were okay with it. I just wanted to walk out because if that isn’t excepted I didn’t want to be there anymore. Yet, we still slog on. Why? Part of me can’t really believe Jesus would call me away from church. I have been questioning for the past 2 years if I am even a Christian at all. I don’t buy most of Christian doctrine, but I DO want Christ in my life. I feel so much guilt about leaving. The Christian Ed department will likely fall apart and I fear what people will think of me. I worry too about our son and at age 9, how this will affect him. As we draw close to the end of another Sunday school year we must make a choice so that by August when they start up again, they may have a plan in place to keep it going without us. I feel so much bondage and entrapment in church. It isn’t only our church, but all of them. Long ago we attended a church in New Mexico with a female pastor who opened our eyes to other religions and ways of thought. She loved Jesus so deeply, but also embraced many other religions as well. It changed me forever and I have not been comfortable in a traditional church since. My husband has un-evolved from a Southern Baptist into an Agnostic and I don’t know what I am anymore. I was so excited yesterday to learn about Gnostic Christianity. Can I really take Jesus with me out of the traditional Christian church? Part of me wonders if I am listening to a false God telling me to leave and wonder if I’ll wind up in hell for this. Aren’t we supposed to serve? Aren’t we supposed to help others? I will be letting people down and hurting them by leaving. I am literally sick today because of this. I just want to be free, but I am afraid of the consequences. Sorry this is so long, but I felt I needed to put this out there.
Thank you for sharing some of your story.
Where did you hear about Gnostic Christianity? This is an early church heresy, so be careful!
Anyway, yes, Jesus wants us to serve and love others, but this need not stop just because you stop entering a building on Sunday morning which some call “the church.” You are the church and can be the church to others whether you sit in a pew on Sunday morning or not.
You can follow Jesus wherever He leads. If it is to a place that some call “church” on Sunday morning, fine! But be open to other directions that Jesus wants to take you. Know that the guilt does not come from Him. If you trust Him to lead you, He will.
FWIW, it was a Christian Gnostic Church that published the first translaion into English, of _The Gospel of Judas of Keiroth_, back in 1992. Unfortunately for them, more pirated copies of it were distributed, than were sold. Perhaps even more unfortunate for them,is that that translation remains pretty much forgotten by academia, laity, and other Gnostic organizations.
hey jeremy first i wanted to say that i believe God lead me to your website… second i wanted to thank you for thinking outside the box i believe thats what jesus did…taking a break from church is not a bad idea, anyway
you gotta come out of the boat sometime and star waking on the water most christians are afraid still stuck in the boat. you got to go where God is and 9 out of ten times he’s not in the church like you said he’s with the homeless and the broken….. God was telling me you gotta come out of the boat and i was saying no god i like it here…he was saying you gotta come out of the boat!! i want to show you something and i was like no god i”m comfortable here he say’d you gotta come out of the boat or your gonna miss what i have for you..so i said here i come God!!!.. i’m diving in:)
Good points! There is nothing really wrong with being in the boat… until Jesus calls us to step out of it! But boy is that scary, right! And half the time, we start sinking right away, and just want to climb back into the boat, never to get back out again.
But following Jesus by faith can lead us into some scary places.
Jesus never called anyone out of the church, it would be difficult for me to believe that. I would like to think He led me out and kept me out all these years but that wouldn’t be true.
I am making plans to go back.
I miss a lot of things about the church, yes there are problems, significant problems in some churches but not all. Movements like this one led by Jeremy and many others tend to be one generational, a temporary trend or fad that doesn’t have any theological or spiritual moorings. Alternative interpretations of texts won’t get you very far.
Because I have stayed away for so long I will likely never preach or even teach again and that is fine. I will assist when and wherever I am able. I will be the good that is lacking or whatever else is lacking, I will try to meet the needs that aren’t being met and pray for them all, that God may receive glory for what the body is doing.
I learned that staying away did more harm than good, it is lonely and even at times, dangerous to one’s faith. I am not a martyr. I have forgiven the church that condemned me. I long to see the churches in my neighborhood grow and their influence increase in the community. Will that happen? Maybe not but it is better than contributing to their decline by staying away and writing about their premature death.
Christ is Risen. Christ is risen indeed,
You are right. Jesus never calls anyone out of the church. Never. My post title was a little … provocative.
But I think that if you re-read the entire post, you will see that I am not saying that Jesus calls people to leave the Church (His Body), but rather, that Jesus might be calling some members of His Body to be the church in a way that looks different than the Sunday morning activity of sitting in a pew and listening to a sermon. This is undoubtedly one way of being the Church, and it helps a lot of people, but it is not the only way. That’s all I was trying to say in this post.
Even with my limited knowledge, I do not agree. Firstly, I doubt whether Jesus will lead you so and secondly it is mostly because you are not getting what you wish to hear or wants it to be like you want it to be. Thats pride. Helping the poor, social rejects etc yes its a good thing to do but we can do that both in and out of the church. Going individual is more like praying out aloud in the market, cos then people know its YOU in other words its ME who helped. Just my view. The real problem is, not being part of any church organisation, after we bring a sinner/unbeliver to Jesus and he does the same, what or where do we suggest them to continue having fellowship? Or we suggest them to be like us. Most possibly if we go on like this ultimately we too have the high possibilty of becoming a church organisation. If every one does follow your principle, there will be no more church (organisation), so where do people meet to learn, teach, admonish, praise n worship together etc. If I’m not wrong, the NT christians too felt the necessity to come together and worship God. Apostles and early christian leaders plant churches everywhere they went. For what? Not going to church/fellowship is not at all advisable in my personal opinion. We should be humble enough to understand eachothers weakness & grow in love and wise enough to discern the good and the bad. It is because of this pride today and even in the NT times we have so many denominations and so called non denomination groups. In your present church it is for you to decide whether to accept the wrong teachings or not. If it is wrong, then confront, if it still does not corrects the pastor etc, then you can find some other places where you believe its right for you. We can never find the perfect place not even in yourself in this world, if we have the attitude of always finding faults. The truth is even if you happen to build a perfect fellowship with the perfect truth and only truth with all the answers available, still there will be people who will not be satisfied with either your ways of worship, singing, conduct of services etc. So leaving the church may be ok but not going at all is not advisable. If ultimately, everyone stop going church and preach the gospel as you stated, then whats the point of paul telling how the structure of the church should be and the qualifications etc. I believe every word is inspired by the Holy Spirit and thus I do not accept the view. Please convince me with bible verses. Our views, sentiments etc doesnt mean anything.
You are giving us your viewpoint, but at the end you say our viewpoints don’t many anything. It is most difficult to speak wisely about where Jesus will lead another. We do not all understand these things alike, and rather than condemn others for the way they understand these things and follow Jesus, is it not best that each of us focus on where Jesus is leading us?
Yes you are right. Being from non english speaking country it is sometimes difficult for us to express things clearly. I m not condemning anyone, for it is not for me to judge. All I want is such view should be supported with bible verses. I myself have and is going through such trouble times. It is not easy to leave not because of social stigma, but because I fear that it may be wrong. It is very easy to get cold in Christ if one is not strong enough. There are many out there including me who are weak and such claim or views may make our feet/faith even weaker. Just my two cents.
Teeya, I will pray with you that you will find your way in this. Leaving your church may or may not be the best thing for you to do at this time. Many of us understand the church as the body of Christ, and a local congregation can be a part of that. However, it is not the only way the church is found in this world. Many of us are part of the body of Christ with our neighbors, friends and other people in the community. We meet in ways that are not the same as a church service with songs and sermons. We may meet over a meal, in a discussion in the street, as a group of neighbors getting together and discussing Jesus and in many other ways.
If the group you are part of now is causing your faith in Jesus to grow cold, maybe you need to seriously look for other people who are part of the body of Christ with whom you can meet in His name. This may mean getting to know neighbors, co-workers and people in your community. I do not know what is possible where you live, but pray that you will find those who follow Jesus who can help you strengthen your faith in him as you follow him.
May his peace rest upon you and your family Teeya.
Nobody said anything about going out as an individual.
As to “going to church,” this is not a New Testament concept. It is not something the early church did. They fellowshipped with one another, yes, but not in “church” buildings, not by sitting in pews, etc, etc, etc.
The bottom line is that yes, Jesus has led countless millions of people to follow Him in ways that do not involve sitting in a pew on Sunday morning.
I believe Jesus had led me out of church I was a member of this church for many years and now since I’ve been out of church I’m having a better relationship with Jesus I don’t know the journey that he’s taking me on but I’m trusting him
Jesus states in (Matthew 18:12 ; Luke 15:4 ) that He “leaves the ninety nine and goes out to seek and to save the lost”…we are also commanded to be as Him in the world.(1John 2:6 )
(Jeremiah 51:45 ; Revelation 18:4 ; Revelation 2:18-29) also states: “Come out from among her my people!”
(Matthew 24:10-14 ;1Timothy 4:1-6 ) states in the last days there will come “a great falling away” / “many leaving the “faith”… not “the church(es)” they (the institutionalized churches) seem to be the ones that have “fallen away” from the faith and are “carried to and fro by every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14-21)
“Listen to what the spirit is saying to the churches.” (Revelation chapters 2-3)
Hmm. Interesting. I have never read those passages in quite that way before.
We are suppose to be winning people into the Kingdom of Heaven not the churches…those we bring to Chrst we should also teach and shepard them ourselves personally through the scriptures until the are of a full mature spirtual age to go and help us win others into the Kingdom of God…much like the apostles did mentoring those learning from them and observing all things they were taught in spirit and in truth and holding on to what was good.(Matthew 28:20;John 4:23-24)
Like the Apostle Paul mentored Timothy to take his place after he ” fought the good fight ,finished the race and kept the faith” ~ Paul (1 Timothy 4:7)
The Institutionalized Church(Catholic Church) is “The Whore of Babylon,MOTHER of Harlots (The institutionalized Protestant Churches) She is the “False Bride”.
Notice she is the “WHORE Of Babylon” not Babylon “the great city (Vatican City) that “sits on the seven hills/mountains” of Rome. The church leaders (Bishops and Carnials) dress in purple and scarlet robes. She is also one of the worlds most wealthiest institutions and has sway with the kings and nations of the earth in the political arena.
“And if you look at some of the coins the Vatican has produced, you will see an images of a woman with a golden cup in her hand on them. Blantantly boasting who she is!” (Revelation 17:1-15)
Weeellll, I wouldn’t go so far as to call the Catholic church the whore and the Protestant church the false bride, but I do see your point and agree with you that much of institutional religion is not at all what God intended or wanted from followers of Jesus.
I remember feeling crazy when I was told to leave, and being turned around by God when I tried to go somewhere else. At the time there were no safety bars, nothing to confirm I was doing the right thing, and I was looked at as a backslider by many I grew up with…but respected by the world because they saw I was after God himself and willing to sacrifice everything for it. (Though I don’t remember feeling so heroic; it was hard and I was struggling.)
For a while I was anti-church, considering that if the Spirit led me away, then church is bad, and all who attend are not following the Spirit. But oh how God has a gentle way of breaking ‘conclusions’ and revealing how much bigger He is than the pipelines we create. He put a worship leader in my life, a Pentecostal with major health issues, and a Roman Catholic couple – all of whom were ‘children’ of Jesus and their lives seeped Light everywhere they went. They each were pillars for me in a hard wilderness time of life – literally 3 years on the dot. I also saw how God was leading others back to church, not for sermons and programs, but to love people and be loved by people.
I share your view that Life with Jesus is neither place or technique, but rather the ‘interaction’ with God TODAY…leaving tomorrow where it would be. Just as the wind comes and goes, and is outside of the organization of people, so are those led by God’s Spirit. The global church is beautiful and timeless, and it’s amazing and exciting to imagine the crazy ways Jesus guides each member.
Now I find myself helping out in music in my old home church once a month. I long to be there for the people and the unity, but it is extremely difficult and awkward to endure the culture, language, traditions, and perspective of it again. It is like a thick wall of religion that I have to press through…a wall that reminds me of a former existence that I don’t want to relive.
I don’t mean that it’s all bad, but it no longer relates to me. My relationship with God is as natural as it is with any other person; going back into a situation where your walk is a ‘regiment’ of reading, prayer, attending, singing, etc. is seriously a challenge, and I’m not sure what to do at this point…especially when confronted with “so how did you like this or that?” Many view me as the prodigal son that came back to his senses…which isn’t true. I can’t shake what I’ve been taught by God, but I know that division is not the answer. Unity and love, sharing God and playing our parts is. I long for this, and I don’t care about who’s right or wrong in ‘how to do it’…but when I see wrong, or at best, ‘forced’, it’s hard to shake off.
A weird place to be – called out of church, now perhaps called back in, but not sure how to fit in. Oh well, like I started at first, there are no safety bars. I’m blown away at what God has done in my life since I left church, but at the time, despite the peace of being led, it seemed like it was going no where. Wouldn’t trade it for the world now that I look back. What a story!
Now things feel largely the same – “what am I doing right now? Where is this going?”
Oh well, let’s see if I can do a little better this time at not squirming. 🙂
Sir, thank you for your thoughts and willingness to post this article. And thank you ALL for sharing. Your stories are valuable. And even if your opinions differ, let us all be like Mary fixated on Jesus, and not Martha fixated on the ‘service of Jesus.’ You all posted because you care, because you’re struggling to know your Creator and please Him — this is what makes us sisters and brothers, and puts a smile on our Lord’s face.
But I gotta go to bed. Being in accounting is a dangerous job when you’re tired. Hah hah!
Thanks for the comment and for sharing part of your story. Yes, Jesus is leading many different people in many different directions, and I think this is all part of His plan to expand His rule and reign upon the earth. Keep moving forward!
I found this post as I was researching being called out of church. It is happening to me right now. God has called me to leave. I obeyed yesterday. I have no idea where to or what next. I will keep dwelling in His Presence till He gives me next instructions. He led me to start this blog and youtube channel some weeks ago. I am so speechless because of Jesus.
Jesus will not lead you to another church, group study, bible study or anything that requires another human teaching you. No one need to teach you that’s what the holy spirit is for. Continue to learn from Him.
“No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.” Hebrews 8:11
“No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the LORD. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”Jeremiah 31:34
For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” 2 Corinthians 5:1
“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands
“Acts 17:24
“Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;” Revelation 18:4
The HER he is referring to is the church system. Man made traditions that contaminants the word of God. That’s why Jesus said worship him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH
Hi there, I am from Africa. Have left the charasmatic institutions, after much wondering from building to building, with more unrest at each. It wasn’t easy, back at the last ‘church’, we were taught some stuff, how to defend our man of God against critics, we were warned if we walk away of the spiritual covering (the man of God) we would die. The devil would mess us up. Because of the poverty here, we were told that in order to get out of poverty you gotta give more than you have, so we flocked to give more than we have, ,, after finally deciding to follow Jesus Christ, as is in John 1, with the disciples. It felt to me, as if Jesus was saying, come follow me. With time it became clear that i wasn’t following Jesus but a pastor.
So after leaving, well i lived in fear that the devil would destroy me coz i was out of spiritual covering, i was told i will dry up if i left, and so on… But i find that i am experiencing the opposite. So in simple i will say, to leave an organisation is not to leave Jesus Christ, after all he is not an organisation, so we were called to follow him…. If we are alone i am of the view that at the right time we will meet others, whether by telling them the goodnews or whether they will be like us out of organisations, the Lord has it all worked out.
Great site, encouraging to many of is…
Yes, I imagine you are experiencing the exact opposite of what you were warned would happen. This is because they were teaching religious lies. They were trying to control and manipulate you, which is the opposite of what Jesus wants. So good job leaving!
That’s wonderful.Hope you are still out of that building and enjoying your relationship with God.
I found Jesus in the church many years ago but in all that I have attended while searching within these last few years have found that they no longer have room for him. I finally get it after all this time and now celebrate him with family at home and now have finally found peace. Blessings to all of you for your courage! Thank you for your example!
Glad you are finding freedom outside of the walls of institutional religion. There are millions of other people are following Jesus in similar ways!
How i can have eternal life ? .am looking for eternal life
i believe Jesus die for me
Here is a link about obtaining eternal life with Jesus. http://www.gotquestions.org/eternal-life.html
God will do the picking! He will pull at your heart. Looks like he already put the desire there. Let Him alone instruct you, don’t contaminant the pureness of his word by getting counsel from a man.
” But before they were born, before they had done anything good or bad, she received a message from God. (This message shows that God chooses people according to his own purposes; 12 he calls people, but not according to their good or bad works.) She was told, “Your older son will serve your younger son.”[g] 13 In the words of the Scriptures, “I loved Jacob, but I rejected Esau.”[h]
14 Are we saying, then, that God was unfair? Of course not! 15 For God said to Moses,
“I will show mercy to anyone I choose,
and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” Romans 9
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” John 12:32
Thanks a lot Jeremy. Your 2 year old post has been helpful for me. I would like to have some one-to-one interactions with you to know more on this.
I’m from a Charismatic Pentecostal church and am currently going through a very tough time in my church-going aspect. I just feel out of place there.
I could relate to every single thing you’ve mentioned in your post as well as those who’ve commented but just don’t find the courage to take the next step. Share the same concern as few of the others. Am I getting colder? Backsliding? Deceived by the enemy? What about my family?
I was so confused. Thank God I landed on your blog after 2 years of internal struggles.
It’s like a confirmation. Let’s interact once, if possible.
Thanks Jeremy (my son’s name is Jeremiah). 🙂
You are not getting colder, backsliding, or being deceived. Instead, Jesus is leading you to follow Him in a more relational way. And guess what? There are countless millions of people who are following Him in exactly the same way. https://redeeminggod.com/adults-have-left-the-church/ Many of those who “leave” the Sunday morning system find that they have not left church at all, but have only just started to experience church and be the church the way they had always dreamed of. I know this has been true for me.
Thanks Jeremy. just to add the good news to all of you.
This make sense, if we are Gods Church and also His dwelling place, why should we go and insult Him (GOD) by going to another counterfeit Church Temple, Tabernacle, TV evangelists or any place of worship ??? Is this a treason ?
*The most deadly danger facing anyone today is to insult the Spirit of God by refusing obedience to His conviction.
*I’ll tell you why: because the Holy Spirit is the only way God can reach an individual. There is no other way for God to save a person except through the Holy Spirit.
The Scripture is very bold and emphatic in attributing to Christ’s followers likeness to Him, in nature, in character, in relation to the world, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 3:16-20 and 1 Corinthians 14:33 because all genuine believers have the Spirit of God who dwell in them; and Christ has promised to be always in the midst even of two or three who are gathered together in his name.
Romans 8:11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
[and number two] ; 1 Peter 4:17 For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with Gods household. And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed Gods words? Gods judgment rest upon all the corporate and local churches temples, tabernacles, TV evangelists, ministries and congregations ever for all their false teachings and deeds, and God does not want any of His people to suffer the spiritual plagues which are being brought upon them.
Revelation 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: Come out of her, my people so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues. for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.”
2 Peter 2:2 Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.
Matthew 15:14 Let them alone; they are blind guides.
And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
Revelation 11:7 bottomless pit that is.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.
* James 1:22 But don’t just listen to Gods word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves
Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Make yourself understand that these are things God says HE will do.
Notice: how many times God uses the word “I” to declare what HE will bring to pass. The reader is left to decide whether he believes God, or the ministers of any religion.
* Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
Proverbs 28:9 If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.
And this is not my opinion. AMEN
I said something bad about Jesus in my mind I called him the anti Christ and it just randomly appeared I am now scared I don’t wanna go to hell I want to go to heaven can i be forgiven
This thought did not come from you but from Satan. When a thought “spontaneously” enters your mind as you described- it is likely from the Holy Spirit or the enemy- not you. This one is obviously from the enemy. Do not feel condemned- but resist the accuser of the brethren! Take that thought captive under the blood of Jesus, and tell the spirit of the enemy speaking lies to you to make you fearful and confused that he needs to flee in Jesus’s name. The Bible tells us to take every thought captive, resist the devil and he will flee, and to test the spirits. It also says there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. If this thought has caused you to feel guilty, condemned, or fearful- or doubtful of your salvation- those are strong signs the thought was from the enemy. Cast it down. Don’t accept it. When thoughts come- it is important to discern what voice spoke it.
I want Jesus to forgive me
You are fully loved and forgiven!
Hi, this post made me feel so so relieved that others can see through all the glamor and gaudy lights and performances in church meetings.
I would really like prayer, I love God with my entire being. I cannot explain in words the difficulties I have faced in following Him, nor the incredible miracles He has brought into my life. The main issue is right now I feel so alone and so judged.
Please pray for the Lord to lead me very very clearly and that I can have fellowship with Christians regularly because I miss being with them in larger groups/as often.
Yes, it does get lonely sometimes, and people will judge you (because your way is a threat to their way). But God will lead you into new friendships and greater freedom over time.
A few years back i was being led by god to help some homeless people.I’ll tell you about the first homeless lady.my girls and i were driving by a liquor store and i seen a girl a lady sitting next to her cart.god showed me through his eyes the hurt she was living with.he spoke to my heart and said,don’t pass her up.i turned around whent back and asked her if she was hungry.she was in shock and said yes.god told me to tell her that she is loved.she started crying and had me call her family so she can go home.anyways after that i joind a church and told them and asked to start a homeless ministry.i was told yes and all of a sudden i started getting pushed aside and they took over the homeless ministry.i feel lost and hurt.now i feel like god is telling me to leave the church.i quit going out with the group because of what happened.i don’t know what to do.now i feel lost.
Theresa keep what you were doing when you reached out to the homeless lady that was the right thing to do that was motivated by the holy spirit dont follow what the church does do what the Lord wants you to do and it will bear fruit.Let them do there thing you just keep following the Lord and listen to him in your heart and let him lead you.People do things for different reasons to please others for power to be seen to do the right thing all those are the wrong reasons they are just dead works without the Lord we can do nothing.Dont let others turn you away from what the Lord wants you to do its him we need to please always.Be encouraged that the Lord used you to touch a life that is awesome.And dont take the rejection personally because its not you they are pushing away it is the Lord the yare not listening to him but doing wha tthey want to do it will bear no fruit.May the Lord bless you and your family in your ministry step out in faith and trust him he will not disappoint you because he is with you. regards brentnz
Thank you so much, ,, God has been calling me out of the church,i recently just left,i want to continue to follow God only.i thought he wanted me to start a homeless ministry but his purpose is a relationship with me.I’m excited to see where the spirit leads me next.this time i will not get ahead of christ ever again.
Jeremy thank you this is so refreshing for me to read all these posts of so many others that have been led in similar ways to come out from the so called church and BE THE CHURCH! I left attending a church building and so called charismatic services over 12 years ago and I have never been led to return . I do interact with other Christians across the world by reading and commenting on a few similar blogs such as yours. I am now closer than ever to the Lord, having been alone for so long depending on Him that he has removed every stone from my pockets to enable loving without judging no stones left to throw! So whilst not being a part of the world system I am carrying the light and love of Christ within me wherever I go, just in everyday events, communications, interactions I do not attend a church but believe I am a part of the Church, the Bride of Christ watching waiting and doing His will until He comes and all by His Grace for I know that without Him I can do no good thing of myself. He is my Saviour, My Lord, My God and He is my friend. I often wondered why I was brought out from the Church and the only thing He revealed to me at that time was that it was a travesty (an imitation). I think The Lord is bringing His Bride out of the false apostate church and many many more are hearing the call to come out and be separate. Thank fully we are never truly alone for He is always with us and will lead us where He will .We are one body made up of many parts!
Its sad that religion is the gospel of many churchs today rather than a real relationship with Christ based on his grace rather than works.Just as cains offering wasnt acceptable to the Lord its the same for churchs today the Lord is not pleased by our efforts he doesnt need our efforts they do not build Gods kingdom nor do mans programmes..All we do is trust in his grace and he does the rest He helps us to do the right thing at the right time and its not an effort its a joy to be of service to him..No wonder people get worn out by the church and feel resentful.
Amen I totally agree. !!!:)
Hello Jeremy, I have been attending a church for 9 years but I have not felt close to God because of personal struggles. I asked my pastor for guidance and he said he cant help me which is sad. I had come to a place where I am no longer satisfied with who I am. I felt a strong calling to leave my current church that I worshipped at for 9 years. A few days later, I was walking the street and I came face to face with these friendly warm people who were handing out their church information. The church is a church opened 7 days a week 365 days to offer spiritual help and it does not believe in religion but in the saving power and grace of Jesus Christ. I knew I needed the help and believe I found it. I did not find this church but I believe it found me. I feel a big difference now. Do you agree that this is Gods doing? I would like some feedback. Thanks!
I have searched to find other people who feel they are being called out of the church. I believe that the Lord has said to me three times now to leave the church. I believe it is just for now. I have so much unrest in me when it comes to the church. I have tried for years now to find a place where I “fit” and it just doesn’t seem to exist. I have been very hard on myself because of this. I ask myself, “What’s wrong with me?” I don’t know how to become part of the “machine”. When I came to Christ, it was outside of the church, even though I had gone to church all of my life. I finally accepted that it was Christ calling me out of the church yesterday and the peace I have is just untouchable. I don’t know what this means, but I know that He is talking to me and I am finding joy again. He has said for me to just spend time in the word and with Him. I honestly feel like crying from relief.
Kim, I can relate. I too was saved outside of the church and all the experiences I have had with God have occurred outside of the church. I always felt if I got plugged into the “machine” as you say, I would be kept so busy that I would eventually resent it and not be of good service to anyone. I am still struggling with the religious mentality that say we must perform for Jesus. All I see in churches these days is watered down fake gospel, self help pablum, and churches being run like businesses that must rely on constant growth. What is the harm in discipling a small group of twenty or thirty people from milk to meat and maturity in Christ? The answer is one can’t build a megachurch empire on that. Small groups don’t buy the pastor a private jet or mansion. I too believe the God has called me out of the institutional church and having stopped attending, I am spending more time in prayer and coming away better for it. I am considering starting a blog that explains the Bible in straight forward terms and shows Jesus to people with no agenda, no money involved, no programs, etc. Just give me Jesus and his word. The world can keep the rest. That being said, I know about the scripture that says not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together. The more I look however, the less I see God in these institutions. I know there are no perfect churches but what I am seeing is a complete absence of the Holy Spirit. I thought there was something wrong with me as I have had this restlessness in my heart for a long time and asking God where is the reverence for you, Lord? Since discovering blog posts like this, of which there are many, I now know I am not the only one. God is calling a number of us out away from one thing and toward something else. It has been my personal experience that Jesus never tell us the destination ahead of the journey. He just says come, walk with me. Where this path will lead only He knows. I can tell you this, He is taking us to a better place where we can be truly His.
Wow! Thanks Jeremy, I think this has come at the time i needed it. God spoke to me since last year to leave but not been telling me where to go. So i waited until God would show me where exactly to go but all i hear is leave. Now i understand why because before i joined the church God is asking me to leave i had spent about 5 years without attending any church but grew daily in fellowship and intimacy with God, which later i lost when i got a church. It became more like following procedures(religion) do this, do that, church at this time, that time, in this case i lost what i had initially and i long for it. So its what i needed at this time. Its time i left by faith. My question is could it be that God is leading me back to experience Him the way i did before starting to attend the current church i am in?
I was born a Jew, but became a born again Christian. Praise Jesus. I do not attend any church but God is with me every day. I keep the Saturday sabbath.
Many pastors are false teachers. I read only the kj version.
Glad you are following Jesus! There are many better translations than the King James, so don’t be afraid to try one of them out.
Hey Jeremy! This article really blessed me. I am a pastor who struggles with this every day. I feel as though I need to step away from the church but guilt has nailed me firmly into place. I guess I feel mostly like that if I leave the church, I am leaving God. This isn’t true of course. But I have found the petty bickering over meaningless issues as well as prejudices and simply being judgmental of everyone more than I can bear. I’m working on finishing my degree and will be done in early 2020. This isn’t a ministry degree (which I have) and I have struggled with staying or leaving. Thanks for being brave enough to post this. God bless you!
I have been feeling this pull for a couple of months now.. When I pray, I keep hearing the word, “leave.” I feel closer to God when I am speaking to my roommate, or someone on the street, than I do in my church. The church is not a building, the church is us.. I want to be His church everywhere I go. I want to meet Him everywhere I go. I want Him to lead me, I want to trust Him completely. Whether that means leaving my place of birth(I have been in the same 30 mile radius my entire life) or simply reaching out to my neighbors, He will let me know as time goes on! I believe He wants me to start in my neighborhood, my old friends that I cast off because of how I believed when I first started up church again… I am ready! Jesus, lead me!
Thank you so much for your posts and feedback. I struggled for the last twenty years in Charismatic/Pentecostal churches. I struggle with the rules, tithing, the false humility and the circus shows. It’s almost as if the focus is on the man instead of Christ! I really can’t take much more!!! I love Jesus so much…..and I am free to express that to so many people. I am a full time teacher and my ministry are those children every day. I have learned many lessons in forgiveness for sure! I don’t feel so alone any more! Bless you!!!! I will keep following the Holy Spirit as much as I possibly can!!!
The new Temple is made for satan to seat in man made temple. [ 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ]
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Do you not know that you are God’s Temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s Temple, God will destroy him. For God’s Temple is holy, and you are that Temple.
Acts 17:24 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man,
Acts 7:48 Yet the Most High does not dwell in temples made by hands, as the prophet says,
Mark 14:58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.’”
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God ( made by man hands ), proclaiming himself to be God.
Satan uses Religions to Mislead us.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.
Acts 17:24 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man,
Acts 7:48 Yet the Most High does not dwell in temples made by hands, as the prophet says,
Mark 14:58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.’”
2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple (made by human hands) of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
So tired of church..sought the Lord and he told me I had always been looking for a place and my place was in the inner chamber. My life at that time was upheaval and that journey is finally over. Moved to another state and started going to a church close to the house…thought it might be different. Ten months later I am bored, discontent and just have no desire to go….do love the people I have met but I am leaving. Have conversed a bit with the Lord today, wanting to be sure he is leading me and not myself. Then I found your article and it was for sure. Thank you for giving a different perspective, encouraging us to obey the Lord so we can BE his church as he has called.
Hi there. My husband and I left organized church after each of us had a clear revelation from the Holy Spirit to leave. Not to go to another “church”. We haven’t been led to get involved with a religious organization since. Of course we were very much misunderstood by our church going friends. In their minds, we had really backslid and fallen of the turnip truck. It’s okay. We love our family in Christ. What we really enjoy now is occasionally and often randomly, getting together with other Christians and just sharing stories of God’s goodness, sharing a meal and praying for each other. Often, very unplanned, opportunities to express His love and kindness to people we come across on any given day come our way. Sometimes we see the Lord draw hearts to Himself and once in awhile we observe Him healing the sick. Not that we didn’t experience some of this before we left church. It just seems we have more opportunity than before. Most of our “ministry” was within the four walls of a building. Not now.
For many scenarios, I have been confused. Plenty of examples. Not of disdain or offence. But, of Jesus, I see that all inkling of Holy Spirit has been saying to me, including frown of church parishioners that my place is not in a building or emotions expected to be shown. Life can be more peaceful for me to be outside dedicating myself to one group. No tether. Just Jesus. I will be able to focus whole heartedly, full effort and conviction to do for someone when I didnt get it. Life experience makes for the best leaders. I get to cover those gaps that I felt.
I know this is years later but this is exactly what happened to me years ago. For years Jesus leads you to one place, then another, then another church. He was leading me, to teach me how people are lukewarm, and not open to his Spirit, they were like dead-weights, it was appalling to watch it.
I was constantly dissatisfied. I’m actually grieved watching online churches these days, and I’m not apart of any building nor do I attend a church now, but watching them, I see what is wrong with many of them.
Some put too much emphasis on The End times and douse the Holy Spirits fire out with speaking about the things that are going on in the media and that we’re on the cusp of the end and we are, but 80% of their teaching isn’t bible study, but watchman study, and showing you what the leaders of today are planning, wow, Jesus never said to put that much into it, he said be watchful and get to know him.
They do this so much they actually make a person who wants to eat of the meat of Jesus to leave and stop watching them. Then there are people who won’t talk at all about the end Times. What better way to serve the Lord Jesus, then to leave the entire gambit, seek his face every day, and stay watchful and ready for his arrival. It’s astounding how this simple way things use to be in churches has mysterious vanished.
They are all flash and glam and they don’t respect the sovereignty of the Lord’s Spirit. It’s no wonder there is a Great falling away, and that falling away appears to be happening now. Thank you for pointing out what I’ve been noticing for a long time.
Btw, I was once in a small group gathering with other Christians, and the person who was leading, his little group broke apart too, and he was rebelling against the solemn assembly in that church we use to be at.
You see, Jesus wants you to follow his lead, buildings, and especially conferences do not impress him, but so many think they need to see more pastors, more leaders, and more teachers about things that they can seek the Lord for at home.
Thanks for this insightful piece. I had to search because I have clearly heard the Lord but still not at pace even though I moved.
I am praying for clarity of focus as I am wouldnt want to be in a place that God didn’t choose for me or where gifts are used for self exaltation instead of Gods glory
Thank you for this article. I recently read a book called “Come out of her my people” by Peter Whyte ( downloadable PDF available online), after leaving another church. I have been, like you, through all the steps, except the last one and the one of going to seminary. I needed to hear that there are others like me. I love Christ, but I can definitely not go back to church. Thank you for this.
hi….my name is Kylie and recently my African priest arranged a liturgy council. I wasn’t invited.i did do the altar flowers,children’s liturgy and sre over 16 years.since coming back from covid I haven’t been treated kindly by my priest.before christmas he allowed me to do the church christmas flowers.i then paid the money out and was bombarded by rules and requirements not just by him,but also by his council representative.on the day we did the flowers for Christmas at church the priest turned up and demanded purple flowers and insisted he would take everything off the altar…..the year before it was him calling me yelling about the christmas banners…..abuse.I have been through alot with him.i resigned from all of my responsibilities.he never thanked me for anything.he waited until christmas eve to praise my mum and myself in front of the congregation and there had been a misunderstanding….he didn’t tell them what he said and did to get rid of me.jesus would not want me to put up with abuse.so I left my church after 16 years of service.i told him leaders can lead with kindness or can lead as dictator.i told him he wasn’t God too. now I’ve worked with many priests in my 16 years of service and I found others as being kind and just.i also could see jesus working thru them.where jesus wants me to forgive I want justice.
but unfortunately there won’t be.i worked diligently for 16 years only to be discarded.why did they do this to me…..I think it’s a power issue.i know my job and do it well….maybe too well.i found in lockdown covid I didn’t like being away from the church.now I’m awaiting jesus help to show me what to do.why do priests do this….why to pastors and church leaders believe they have the right to destroy someone’s happiness.
Your posts are always so informative and well-written. I’m a big fan!
It’s really interesting to stumble across this website and have this opportunity to relate in many ways with others.
I have been to various churches on and off my entire life. I know at times God has used various pastors and teachers to help me grow spiritually. I definitely feel like God has called me away from the church buildings, yet not away from Him.
I really hope what I have to say helps shed some light on what some may question so heavily, yet not know the answer to. I’d like to start with the lonely feeling that may hinder anyone from stepping away from organized religion.
Jesus said He will never leave you or forsake you and that is true. Does anyone recall numerous church buildings that advertise or promote their organization in the Bible? When Paul wrote letters to the “church ” It says to “the church at Corinth” or “the church at Ephesus ” not to ALL the churches at Ephesus, etc. There were divisions among people, but there was ONE church. Those who have believed into Him (The bride of Christ). 1 John 2:27 says, ” and as for you, the anointing that you received from Him remains in you and you DO NOT need anyone to teach you. But just as His true and genuine anointing teaches you about all things, so remain in Him as you have been taught. ”
“forsaking assembling” (Hebrews 10:25)- When the book of Hebrews was written, please remember that there were no church buildings at that time even (323 AD Emperor Constantine ordered them to be built). The organized religion leaders and members will try to argue that it means don’t miss joining their church services.
I think if you read the entire paragraph Paul is writing, that you will see more!(Take into account what these people were going through and their brothers and sisters getting thrown in prison for their faith and I believe He’s telling them to be there for each other and remember their hope and not fall away but to build each other up IN CHRIST!)
The more churches, the more pastoral jobs, the more members, the more money. The more $ the churches can use to “advance the kingdom ” & “building fund”. Does God need a magachurch with a pastor driving a Rolls Royse or a fancy building to pull people to Himself or advance His Kingdom? Does man?
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel, baptizing ” Does this mean stay in a church building and push and promote yourself to get people to come to your organized religion buildings?
Church’s are given donations from food banks to feed the hungry, but I have not personally seen many of them putting church funds into helping poor (I cannot speak of any churches I have not well seen and realized personally, but u might can relate). I do know there are bills for operating a building but beyond that, what does the money go to that advances the kingdom?
I’ve literally watched a homeless man (he technically lived in a shed) with no running water be a long time member (and possibly tithe regularly) to a church
that did nothing to help him and, in my opinion, discriminated against him or belittled his comments in a group setting. Is that what Paul did? Or Jesus? Or was he praising those who were saving to give to the poor?
I personally am disappointed in this area especially with church organizations.
I would rather help a homeless person on the side of the road with my tithe and treat them like a human being. ” inasmuch as you’ve done unto the least of these, My brethren, you have done it unto me.”(Read Matthew 25:34-46)
I have seen churches play the part, yet be dead spiritually. “They praise Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”(Matthew 15:8)
As I mentioned earlier, I have learned truths from occasional pastors/leaders and I have also learned truths from their erring. It’s been hit or miss. Hot one week, cold the next as well.
What God does is sends His Holy Spirit to REVEAL things to us. Have you ever read the same scripture or seen/heard it taught 90 times, yet ONE DAY, it suddenly came alive and had true meaning for you? The Holy Spirit taught u. If man says something and it happens, then His(meaning God’s) Spirit bears witness with ours. This can happen anywhere! In buildings that aren’t “churches” like a grocery store or hardware store, or a football game. God puts others in our paths for us to edify one another in love and admonition! (You will know them by their fruit- If they are IN Him, they will bear fruit and you will know they are real by His Spirit bearing witness with yours). God does all the work. He sets our divine appointments and we need to be watchful and aware.
God’s people are the CHURCH, not a building, and while we are all different, we are one body. The hand needs the arm and so on. It’s easy to disagree and cut people off but I like to pray about it and use the questions and comments to help more church building goers I may cross to understand the word more clearly. I do feel God is calling a certain bunch to Himself out of organized religion to follow Him and not the organization. This in no way disconnects you from the world. To be connected to organizations promoting themselves is worldly in a sense. “Come out from among them”(2 Corinthians 6:16-18) That’s a true eye opener!
I could go on and on but I have to get to sleep lol. I am praying for you all. The truth will set you free.