It’s a few days late and also a few days early, but this is my final post on the the book I have been reading along with several of you, The Theology of the Book of Revelation
by Richard Bauckham.
It’s a few days late because I was supposed to blog about chapters 5-6 on this past Monday. It’s a few days early, because I am scheduled to post about chapter 7 on next Monday. I’m going to combine both into this one post.
Why? Because I’m sick of this book. And besides, I find it somewhat ironic that I am writing a blog post that is both late and early about a book which argues that the Book of Revelation was historically fulfilled both late and early.
Theology of the Book of Revelation
The final three chapters of the book dealt with the Holy Spirit in the book of Revelation (chap 6), what Revelation reveals about the New Jerusalem (chap 7), and how we can read, teach, and understand the book of Revelation today (chap 7).