Do you want to start a blog, but don’t know where to begin?
Do you have a blog already, but are having trouble gaining readers or keeping it going?
Do you have a message or idea God has laid on your heart that you want to share with others?
Do you have a book or product you want to tell others about through a blog?
Let me help.
You Too Can Become a Blogging Author
While I am not a full-time professional blogger, this blog is one of the top Christian blogs in the world (depending on who’s doing the ranking). I don’t say this to brag, but just to say that when it comes to blogging, I have learned a few things about how to blog. I have learned some tips and tricks about blogging that are important for others bloggers to learn.
Furthermore, for several years now, I have been helping scores of people just like yourself set up blogs so they can write what God has laid on their minds and share their ideas with others.
And guess what? I want to help you out as well, and I just created 15 blogging tutorial videos to help you become a blogging author.
But here’s the big question:
How much does cost?
It’s FREE.
I know, I know.
People say that if you give stuff away for free, people won’t value it.
Maybe that’s true.
Maybe I should be charging $97 for this training, or maybe $997. I certainly spent enough time on these videos to make them worth this much. There are currently 15 videos in my “Start Blogging Series” and these 15 blogging tutorial videos took me hundreds of hours to complete. I could, with a good conscience, charge a couple hundred dollars for this blogging training series.
But you know what? I love to see other people learn to set up blogs and write about the message God has laid on their hearts.
In the past, I have been helping people do this one at a time. But recently, more and more people have been asking for my help, and I simply don’t have the time to help everybody any longer.
So I made these blogging tutorial videos, and I am making them available to you for free.
Get the Blogging Author Tutorial Videos for Free
These first fifteen blogging tutorial videos only walk you through the initial steps of setting up a blog and getting writing. But even if you already have a blog, you may want to watch these videos for I provide several tips and suggestions for how to prepare and write your blog for maximum impact.
Go here to learn more about my own blogging history and why I created these blogging tutorial videos.
If you just want to get started, fill out the form on this page.