Chapter 10 in my book, Close Your Church for Good, is called “Let Prayer Meetings Cease.”
In it, I explore the idea that prayer meetings, as beneficial and important as they are, might actually hinder the church from fulling the Great Commission and accomplishing our task of advancing God’s purposes on earth. To live and practice the way of love as modeled by Jesus, one step we can take is to reduce the number and frequency of our prayer meetings.
Note that I am not talking about praying less, but only about the official “prayer meetings” at church, which often become a substitute for action. This idea will be filled out in more detail through the various posts.
Please note that due to some of the feedback I receive on these posts, this chapter might be radically revised for the final edition of the book. These changes will only be available in the print or eBook version when it comes out.
Here are the blog posts that are based on the chapter about prayer meetings:
- Types of Prayer in Prayer Meetings
- Praying with Magic Words
- Let God do the Talking
- Father God Jesus Christ Glory Hallelujah
- Praying to the Devil
- Pitfalls of Prayer Meetings
- Learning to Pray
- Lord, Teach us to Pray
- Prayer Meeting with Jesus
- Prayer Meeting with Paul
- Praying the Psalms
- Pray Without Ceasing
- Getting Answers to Prayer
- Pray According to God’s Will
- Work and Prayer
- Answer Your Own Prayer
- Faith Alone is Useless
- Ask, Seek, Knock
- Conclusion
To read the content of any other chapters, check out the post which contains the Table of Contents to Close Your Church for Good.
Jeremy – Apparently you have not seen the Holy Spirit’s date book.
The Spirit always shows up for scheduled events, and on time…
That’s right. Especially those revivals. 😉
Agree with you Jeremy, as believers we have neglected Matthew 6 verses 5-8
We are relying on groups and corporate prayers and not on our personal prayers