Maybe this is a pointless question, but why did Jesus wait three days to rise from the dead?
I mean, once He died, He had fully paid the penalty for the sins of all mankind. Why couldn’t He just resurrect right there, jump down from the cross, dust himself off, and call it good?
Maybe he needed to be buried in the grave. Fine. But why wait three days for the resurrection? Why not get wrapped in burial clothes, then rise sometime during that first night?
Here are some possible reasons, but honestly, I find none of them satisfactory.
To prove He was dead
I suppose some could argue that He had to stay in the tomb for three days to prove He was dead. There is, after all, the “swoon theory” in which people say Jesus didn’t really die, but just went unconscious. I suppose if Jesus “resurrected” two minutes after dying on the cross, this theory would be much more plausible. But when Jesus is buried in tomb for three days, this theory loses all credibility.
But at the same time, this still doesn’t answer the question. If Jesus wanted to prove He was dead, why not wait seven days? Or thirty? I suppose these longer periods can be disregarded because God did not want Jesus to see decay (Ps 16:10; Acts 2:27). But even in three days the body of Jesus would have started to decay.
To fulfill prophecy
Some say that Jesus had to spend three days in the grave to fulfill prophecy. Which prophecy? The sign of Jonah, who spent three days in the belly of a great fish (cf. Matt 12:39-40). But we must be careful here because the story of Jonah is not really a prophecy. Yes, Jesus prophesied that He would be in the grave for three days, just like Jonah was in the fish for three days, but if Jesus had never said this, then there would be no such thing as a prophecy about spending three days in the grave.
So this answer just kicks the question back a little further: Why three days? Why couldn’t Jesus have connected His death with the creation of the world, and said a prophecy about how “Just as the world was created in six days, and on the sixth day, Adam was raised from the dust of the ground, so also, after six days the Son of Man also will rise from the dust”? Jesus could have taken any number of stories and accounts in the Bible and turned them into a prophecy about how long He would be in the tomb. Why did He pick the story of Jonah? What is special about three days?
To increase faith
Another possible explanation is that Jesus wanted to increase the faith of His followers. By not resurrecting right away, they had to question why they had followed Him, and whether He was truly the Messiah. They had to work through the despair of losing Him, and the questions of what would have happened if they had not followed Him, or if they had defended Him better, or if they had simply been duped.
By waiting three days, Jesus allowed them time to work through some of these issues and questions. But again, this begs the question. If three days does this, why not seven, or twelve, or forty, all of which are also significant biblical numbers.
Could not rise during the Sabbath
It could be argued that resurrection is work, and so Jesus could not rise on the Sabbath, but had to wait until the Sabbath was over. This argument actually has some merit. But Jesus was always doing things on the Sabbath that other Jewish people frowned upon, including healing on the Sabbath. So it seems He could have been raised on the Sabbath also.
Acting as our High Priest
Maybe Jesus was busy “doing stuff” in paradise, hell, and heaven. You know, High Priestly stuff like sprinkling blood on the altar in heaven, defeating sin, death, and the devil, preaching to spirits in prison, that sort of thing (Hebrews 9; 1 Pet 3:19).
I suppose this is possible. It just doesn’t really explain why these things took three days.
It doesn’t matter
Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe it was all just random. Maybe Jesus picked a number out of the air, and selected Jonah as a way of making a prophecy about it to prove that He could predict the future, which would then prove that He was a prophet of God when the prophecy came true. But the number of days in the grave is irrelevant. It just happens to be what Jesus chose.
I just struggle with this because the biblical authors seem to place such an emphasis on three days in the grave.
But in the end, I have no answer. But that’s okay, because …
The important thing is that Jesus rose
We can all agree here. Maybe questioning why Jesus spent three days in the grave is a pointless question which only theologians ask. The important thing is that Jesus rose from the dead, and for this, we can praise and thank God for all eternity.
It is difficult to know why Jesus spent three days in the grave. But the important thing is that He rose again!
Theologians like to ask these sorts of questions about Scripture, theology, and Jesus, but in the end, what it all comes down to is believing what God has done for us in Jesus Christ, even if we do not understand all the details.
The cross of Jesus is CENTRAL to everything!
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Out of all the explanations, the last one is my favorite…
“The important thing is that Jesus rose from the dead, and for this, we can praise and thank God for all eternity.”
Good stuff. Have a great weekend with your family 🙂
Thank you, Brian. The same for you and yours.
Yes it is important that messiah rises— but even more important for each of us individually is that we follow the true risen messiah- He must follow all scriptures and the Word does reveal the day of death and resurrection quite clearly when rightly divided. Mat
I think I know the answere too this question. Remember when Jesus was on the cross, he was told he can destroy the temple in one day and in 3 days he will build a new one. They challanged Jesus too back up his claims. He fullfilled this test. The temple was indeed destroyed in one day and on the third day Jesus resurrected. Jesus ressurection was the begining of the Christian religion, the Catholic Church. So, in a sense, a new temple was created on the third day.
Yes. Plausible. I concur.
Great answer
Over here in Ireland we have a wake when someone dies. Involving 3 days until burial. One of the explanations for this is that many years ago people drank out of cups made with high toxicity materials which could cause a comatose state. So a wait for a period of 3 days was set to make sure it wasn’t that comatose state.
To me he tells me He is and was in control of this world, and the fact that he never shared or revealed this mystery during his ministry to the Apostles and now the Holy Spirit inspired me through reciting the Creed to inquire and pond on it leaves me in awe! My faith has deepened and moved from just a relationship with Him to one of intimacy with Him. This question reminds me when he spoke to Job and asked him among other questions: “Where were you when I created and place the earth on it’s axe?; when I commanded the oceans to go and stop no further? His magesty is fascinating and yet humbling as we experience him so near and yet so far.
Interesting question! And one I was thinking about in connection with Matthew 27:52-53, where it seems that others were raised to life as soon as Jesus died, although they didn’t come out of their tombs until he rose again. Could Jesus also have actually come back to life immediately but waited in the tomb for the first day of the week?
I suspect part of the reason is one that you didn’t mention. Jesus by rising again is inaugurating a new creation, a new creation week. So it is significant that his work in the old creation was finished on the sixth day of the week he had spent in Jerusalem (here reading the gospel chronology in the traditional way), he rested in the tomb on the seventh day, and then he rose again for the new creation on the first day of a new week.
I should add that for what I wrote I depend in part on Kurt Willems’ post The Easter Surprise – Resurrection Changes Everything.
I REALLY like that idea of the new creation. I think this is probably the best option… Thanks!
And I had never noticed that about the others who rose from the dead also, but did not appear until after Jesus did. Very strange indeed. I assume the “graves” they were in were not caskets or ossuaries…
You’re welcome!
Well, if they were in ossuaries, that could explain some of the strange goings-on at Talpiot…
He waited for three days because Judaism taught that the spirit of a person hovered over the body for at least three days. He wanted to remove any doubt that He was raised by the power of God. (notes from classes on Judaism in the first century years ago by the legandary Dr. Fruchtenbaum)
That is an interesting idea. I did not consider looking at what Fruchtenbaum said about this.
Do you know if he writes about this in any of his books?
Yes, it is probably in one of his manuscripts that deal with the Life of Messiah or you can wait a few more months unril his book Life of Messiah is published. (probably the most anticipated book I have ever been associated with. Can’t wait.
My guess is that, because Jesus truly was human in every way, and a Jew, He had to not only die a human death, but in death, be buried by the Jewish laws. That’s why He had to be buried before sundown, the beginning of the Sabbath – no work is to be done on the Sabbath. There also might be a Jewish law (at least, at the time) that the dead must be buried promptly, to avoid uncleanliness, but I don’t really know.
Following this line of thought – which might be completely erroneous; just a guess – it would not have made sense for Him to come to life, and show himself on the second day, as that would have been the Sabbath, and I believe that pious Jews are not supposed to travel on the Sabbath. In other words … no one would be at the tomb. I also imagine that people would not have been out and about that much after sunset, if for no other reason than the Romans may have imposed curfews, so to arise after the end of Sabbath, Saturday night, wouldn’t make sense either.
It is my understanding (and belief) that God the Father always stays true to his own Word and plans, so it seems that He would fully carry out his plan for His Son to be born, live, and die in fully Jewish tradition and by Jewish laws, before arising from the dead to eternal life. For all of us, for which I thank God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, every day.
Yes, I think this had something to do with it.
The New Testament records three resurrection miracles of Jesus: the widow’s son, Jarius’ daughter, and Lazarus. None of these three occurred on the Sabbath. While Jesus does heal people on the Sabbath, it may be that resurrection would have actually violated the Jewish Sabbath.
Dear Jeremy and All,
I may be a bit late contributor to the discussion (not late for myself). However, your question also occurred to me recently, that is how I have found this thread. It is a good question! I do not have a full answer (the one referring to the Jewish law on the declaration of death is sympathetic to me) but I think the specific Sabbath in question has a special place within the climax of the gospel. The story tells about the only son of God, who is God’s sacrifice for the world. The Jews do not accept him as the Messiah they are awaiting but kill him (remember that Jesus does not want to die, he has to). He is sacrificed on the first day after the Passover dinner as the Lamb. The Lord dies. The next day is the Sabbath, the day of the Lord according to the Jewish law. That Sabbath is the day of the Lord’s death, and that day of death is the sacrifice that connects the Jews and the Christians, the old and the new in faith. That day is a day of building the new temple visioned by John in the Revelations. On the third day, the temple is raised, and the gospel is ready to be taken to all people in the world. In sum, I think it is not the number of those three days but the meaning of each day that matters.
I like the last option. He is risen and that is all that matters! Happy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter! He is Risen!
Blessed article. God bless Bro.Jeremy
Why does anyone think that he waited three days? Could have been three minutes after the stone rolled. Prophecy, perhaps, about three days and three nights, but He just couldn’t wait? .
He may not have shown Himself, or He could have gone and visited a lot of folks, who didn’t bother to mention it to someone who could write. Or maybe they didn’t recognize Him-that seemed to happen a lot after He came back–maybe dying gives you a new “look”. Possibly He went wandering in the wilderness, or, true to His Markan past, went for a boat ride. Guy loved boats, and we know that at some point He went fishing (See the last chapter of John).
Houdini routinely escaped from dangerous situations and sat smoking and reading the paper until the audience reached a frenzy. As good a reason as any for Him to cool His heels.
Jesus rose from death 3 days after following the nature of origin, The Father, The Son and of the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes from a Holy Trinity, and 3 is the creation number. Remember, in the Bible we read: The three of them got together to make creation…
Does this seem odd to you?
“Come, let us return to the LORD;
for he has torn us, that he may heal us;
he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.
After two days he will revive us;
on the third day he will raise us up,
that we may live before him.
(Hosea 6:1-2 ESV)
I see this potentially as a prophecy that God will revive his covenant with his people after 2000 years (For a day with the Lord is as 1000 years, and 1000 years as a day says Peter). So 2000 years after Christ ascended would be roughly 2030 or so. So I would personally expect the Third Temple to be up and running around that time, and Christ returning a “week” later. Not a prophecy, but I’ve been reading and listening into this. God does nothing arbitrarily. I believe the entire history of Earth is in accordance with a week of millenniums(That’s why Revelation says Christ will reign on Earth for 1,000 years- it’s the true fulfillment of the Sabbath). Study and pray, and do not be caught off guard.
On further research, that particular linkage may not be accurate, since other sources say Christ may have been crucified on passover on Wednesday and was indeed in the earth for three days, so drawing that comparison may not be a good one. I’m just not sure on this one!
OK. Sorry if I confused anyone. After doing a lot more reading, I believe I’ve finally come to the right answer on this. Christ waited because he was fulfilling the Feast of Firstfruits in Jewish custom. You can read about it here:
If only I could edit or delete! I’m not trying to spam this board.
So once AGAIN I’ve changed my mind about this after reading the following article: (This is an extremely tricky issue apparently)
The fact that Jesus was given vinegar when he said I thirst is a reference to the jewish wine making custom in that the fruit does not transform into wine before three days. Had Jesus cone out from the tomb any less days, they could argue he was only comatose.
Interesting questions and insights nonetheless! I have heard that Hosea 6 connection before, and it will be interesting to see what “End Times” mayhem is published over the next 15 years …
In my opinion, if a question doesn’t directly better somebody’s life in a significant way, it’s meaningless.
With that said, I agree with the last and second to last answer.
Thanks for asking a good question! The answer that satisfies me is that Jesus had to fulfill the role of the high priest giving the firstfruits offering on the Sunday during the days of Unleavened Bread. In this, He is both the pure, unleavened (sinless) offering and the priest offering. In this, He continues to fulfill the Old Covenant types by first being the Passover lamb killed while the other lambs were killed. He also sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. I can hardly wait for the Feast of Trumpets! Realize, this is my understanding and not divinely inspired, so weigh it against the Word of God.
Wonderful insight! My understanding is not inspired either, but am simply trying to understand the Scriptures more!
My understanding is this, heavenly Father took three days to resurrect Jesus from death. in order to fullfill the below prophecy. Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” (John 2:19 NIV)
Ok, that is undoubtedly correct, but then why make the prophecy of three days? Why not 30 days, or 3 hours?
“I make ALL Things New”… ♥️👣God
Jesus was waiting for another command from God. He also wanted to know who love Him enough to wait for His return.
For instance, many of the world’s crucified “god-men” have their traditional birthday on December 25. This is because the ancients recognized that (from an earth-centric perspective) the sun makes an annual descent southward until December 21 or 22, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly for three days and then starts to move northward again.
During this time, the ancients declared that “God’s sun” had “died” for three days and was “born again” on December 25. The ancients realized quite abundantly that they needed the sun to return every day and that they would be in big trouble if the sun continued to move southward and did not stop and reverse its direction. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the “sun of God’s” birthday on December 25th. The following are the characteristics of the “sun” of God:
I do not disagree with your point. Jesus obviously was not born on December 25.
I am just not sure what this has to do with the content of this post?
It’s interesting that the 2 stories Jesus mentions when he mentions the sign of Jonah, both of them involve prophets going to non-Jews, and those people turning to belief. I think the OT prophecy reasons have more weight than you give them credit, including Jonah, as the OT is filled with events, directives and feasts which God ordained to foreshadow the Christ. Also, as someone mentioned, the timing is indicative that he fulfilled the role of the passover lamb, and then rose in fulfillment of the feast of first-fruits. These feasts and prophecy were set up long before Jesus walked the earth, and they are important because God directed them.
I like that people are asking these questions and seeking truth. It’s always important to search for truth, and too many people these days are settling for relativism or lies. I think it’s also important, too, to remember that God’s “ways are above our ways, his thoughts above our thoughts” so just because something God said doesn’t quite make sense to us, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make sense, we’re just not seeing it from His perspective.
I just read something recently about the sign of Jonah which was really insightful. I wish I could remember what I read and where it was…. arrgh!
Ultimately for me the significance is that Jesus died to save all mankind from certain death, and that all our questions will be sufficed upon our own resurrection. The peace that passes all understanding in the humility of his grace carries me personally forward albeit 3 or 3 thousand days.
Yes, our questions will be answered then. It still is enjoyable and worshipful to ask questions such as these, though. Right?
Sure it is…anytime we engage in thought when it comes to a closer walk with God our father and Jesus is good…through out the bible it is riddled with god’s numbers…that’s what my bible study and your forum are all about…my post like Jeffery’s was merely what satisfy s me.
That’s the goal! To learn from each other and challenge each other to understand and obey God’s Word more every day.
Jesus was not in the belly of the earth for three days. Friday afternoon to Sunday morning is not three days so his prophecy is unreliable.
Possibility Leviticus 19:23-25
Remember he (and others) were the first fruits.
God instructs to leave the harvest mention in Leviticus for 3 years and we know time is sometimes symbolic (a day like a year).
IMO, there is a definite requirement for the body to DIE. (lock away the tree of life or we’d live forever) – so we must die. Also Jesus says we must be born from the GRAVE. I believe this 3 days is symbolic and serves a real purpose.
With exception to the very end when some will not have died but be transfigured or “changed”.
Take care and peace and love to all.
Some people belive that people could be considered dead and then become a live in three days.
Jesus was always having to prove who he was and in order to eliminate the ideas that he was not actually dead, he had to be risen after three days that way people who belived that after the third day you are finally dead..
There are things that, at the end of the day, we simply believe God for! I know folks that just don’t see that as a relevant statement. Even those who profess to believe think that if you can’t find a legitimate, satisfactory (to them anyway) answer then using the “pat” answer of just believe God is preposterous.
Yes. We can never understand everything. But that is part of what makes following Jesus so infinitely interesting. We will never ever be bored! He will always be showing us new things, leading us in new directions, and calling us to step out in new ways.
I would also like to add something else. I’ve been saved for 8 yrs. at the age of 35 after a life long battle with addiction that began at a VERY early age. Needless to say that not only did I have to learn a lot about the Christian faith but also how to live life I’m general…I had to learn to cope with stress, in relationships etc…crazy huh? An adult realizing that you have the coping skills and maturity of a teen practically!
Any way I now can thank God for my pastor. When I would go through some of my more difficult times instead of giving me some long line of psychobabble he would say something like: when you read the story of David he seemed to be a person who had many emotional ups and downs. Pray and trust the Lord.
It use to aggravate me a little because deep down I wanted the psychobabble but he gave me what I needed. To see in scripture that I was not alone and unique to theses things and to talk to God about it and trust that He would be the One to ultimately help me.
And for these things I can thank God for a wise pastor!
I have heard that in Jewish tradition a person is not declared officially dead until the body has lain for 3 days. It could be that Jesus remained in the grave 3 days to remove any arguement (at that time) that He was not truly dead.
Matthew, That is absolutely correct
I like this idea. I saw your comment on a different thread, and realized your comment there helped me with this post as well. Thanks!
I was about to say the same as Matthew. Custom and traditions were held in importance: see Lazarus where Jesus ‘waited’ (perhaps) for the same reason.
that is correct, the Rabbi who taught us Hebrew explained us that a dead person will only be officially declared dead after 3 days = Jewish Law
Technically it wasn’t three days. He rose on the third day but he was only in the grave for about 48 hours
The first day was when He died on the cross. Not when He was placed in the tomb. Does that help ?
Yes. Of course, I believe that Jesus was crucified on Thursday instead of Friday…
Maybe Jesus resurrected sooner but no-one knew. The Bible says that 3 days later one of the women went to the tomb and saw Jesus missing but it didn’t say anything before that. What if she went the day before?
1.) Lord Jesus is the Predominant Light of the First Three Days of Creation.
(Genesis 1:3, Genesis 1:16, John 1:3, John 12:46, Proverbs 8:22-31)
2.) It took Abraham exactly “Three Days” to sacrifice His Son at the Same General Location.
(Genesis 22:4)
3) “After two days he will revive us; on the Third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him.”
Hosea 6:2
The revelation is deeper, much deeper. The three days represent 3000 years as in 1 day is unto 1000 Years. Jesus died 2000 years ago (2 Days ago) and will resurrect on the third day and appear that is in the last 1000 years. we about to wind up 6000 years since Adam and 2000 years or (2 days) since his death. The first year is death (shedding of the blood and sacrifice) the second day or the second thousand years is the revival though he himself is not seen because he is operating in apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists (this was symbolized in him preaching to the lost souls or spirits imprisoned) then the third day represents the last 1000 years which signifies his second coming which he will appear and reign.. All in all it will be likened unto 7000 years or seven days to which Christ died on the 5th day and His spirit will preach, perform miracles and deliver many on the 6th day will appear Second coming in the 7th day (the Lords day) or the 1000 years. we are fast approaching the last day my brother. Just died 2000 years therefore we are now in the very last days.. He is about to resurrect. Welcome to the revival….Come to Africa…to Zimbabwe especially. Read Hosea 6 vs 1 – 3.
This is what I arrived at yesterday. I Googled it to see off anyone else put it together. Awesome.
Many people believe the Jesus resurrection is borrowed from one of the first resurrection beliefs, that of the moon, specifically the 3 days of the new moon phase when the moon isn’t visible. It’s believed that most of the story is taken from these early agricultural societies that practiced human sacrifice in order to gain salvation from the gods. Ingesting the blood and body was a way to harness the power of the sacrifice and in turn really allow the sacrificed to live on through them. They also didn’t sacrifice just anyone the person would have to be important and considered a king. In modern times you refer to it as communion.
I used to believe such things as a devoted Pagan of 2-1/2 decades, until I discovered that Jesus, His death, & His resurrection were historical reality, not mythology. Since coming to the truth in Him, I have found the perfect peace, joy, love, security, & freedom that I sought all along.
These ideas that the Jesus story is a legend based on Pagan beliefs have been refuted many times over. For a thorough discussion, you can check out the book The Jesus Legend by Paul Rhodes Eddy & Gregory A. Boyd. Many blessings to you.
I believe that the three days has a relevance on which there are lots of debates and understanding… i feel that and understand that Jesus died as a son of man (human), and rose up as a Son of God (God Himself). So if he had to die as a son of man, he had to go to the grave, not in spirit but in flesh. His flesh remained in the grave for three days. Jesus (in spirit) took 3 days to accomplish His task to proclaim to the spirits in the prison (a different subject altogether) and return to the Father. He had to come back to the grave enter his dead body (a body which cannot decay as the body was sinless) and rise from the Dead as He was the Son of God.
We know from scripture that Jesus had to resurrect from the dead in three days, one of the reasons why was because he said that he would. (John 2:18-21, Matthew 12:40)
As we know from scripture the Jewish leaders of the people wanted to be able to point to Christ and accuse Him of being a liar. What better way than to post a guard at His tomb and keep Him there for four days. Then it would have been a simple matter for them to shown that His corpse was still in the grave and it began to corrupt. Remember that Martha the sister of Lazarus said to Jesus when He told them to take away the stone that “by this time he stinketh: for he had been dead four days.” John 11:39 The body of Lazarus by this time would have begun to decay.
If Jesus would have been dead four days then He would have begun to corrupt and the Jewish leaders could have pointed to Psalms 16:10 and said “see, even the word of GOD teaches that the Messiah would not see corruption.”
So yes, it was important that Christ be risen on the third day. The salvation of man was dependent upon that. If He was in the tomb four days or more our hope would have vanished forever and He would not have been who He said He was.
The BEST answer out there…. Why does Jesus rise on the THIRD day?
You hit on two of the major reasons:
We believe that Holy Saturday is the fulfillment of the Sabbath. That in a way not obvious until after it happened, the Sabbath foreshadowed Christ’s “rest” in the Tomb. To put it another way, Christ came to fulfill the Law, not to abolish it, so He observed the Sabbath even in His Death; and
Three is an important number for the Trinity.
There are a few other reasons as well:
Christ calls Himself the Sign of Jonah, and explains that as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days, so He’ll be in “the belly of the Earth” for three days (Jonah 1:17; Matthew 12:40). [The sign of Jonah is two-fold. It also contains the “40 days” prophesy to Nineveh (Jonah 3:4). If Nineveh had rejected Jonah, the city would have been destroyed in 40 days. When Jerusalem rejected Jesus, the city was destroyed in 40 years.]
The year that Jesus died, Passover began on a Friday night. Since this is also when the Sabbath began, some observant Jews celebrated it on Thursday night instead. So the timing here is fascinating, because it means that Christ (called both the High Priest and Passover Lamb in the New Testament) is killed at 3 PM on Preparation Day, the time when the Passover lambs were slain. But since Jesus and His Disciples celebrated the Passover a day early (again, out of respect for the Sabbath), it meant that the Last Supper on Thursday night was the fulfillment of the Passover meal.
Meanwhile, the Resurrection was on “the first day of the week, very early in the morning” (Luke 11:32). It calls to mind the beginning of Creation (Genesis 1:1-5) and of time (John 1:1-2). It shows that the Resurrection marks a new beginning — not only a New Covenant, but a New Creation.
So there are good reasons not only for the three days, but also for the placing of the Last Supper on Thursday, Good Friday on Friday, and Easter on Sunday.
Copied and pasted from Catholic Answers: Posted by Belloc Fan
Thing is, God lost his son Jesus for only 3 days, but then got him back, so God knew he was going to have his son back after 3 days. When we lose a loved one we have lost them 4ever, big difference. God would never have sacrificed Jesus if Jesus was going to be dead 4ver. Jesus died, came back to life after 3 days, wish God did us the same favor with our lost loved ones, why only 3 days for his own son, but everlasting heartache for us. Scales unbalanced there.
We know from scripture that Jesus had to resurrect from the dead in three days, one of the reasons why was because he said that he would. (John 2:18-21, Matthew 12:40)
As we know from scripture the Jewish leaders of the people wanted to be able to point to Christ and accuse Him of being a liar. What better way than to post a guard at His tomb and keep Him there for four days. Then it would have been a simple matter for them to shown that His corpse was still in the grave and it began to corrupt. Remember that Martha the sister of Lazarus said to Jesus when He told them to take away the stone that “by this time he stinketh: for he had been dead four days.” John 11:39 The body of Lazarus by this time would have begun to decay.
If Jesus would have been dead four days then He would have begun to corrupt and the Jewish leaders could have pointed to Psalms 16:10 and said “see, even the word of GOD teaches that the Messiah would not see corruption.”
So yes, it was important that Christ be risen on the third day. The salvation of man was dependent upon that. If He was in the tomb four days or more our hope would have vanished forever and He would not have been who He said He was.
We know from scripture that Jesus had to resurrect from the dead in three days, one of the reasons why was because he said that he would. (John 2:18-21, Matthew 12:40)
As we know from scripture the Jewish leaders of the people wanted to be able to point to Christ and accuse Him of being a liar. What better way than to post a guard at His tomb and keep Him there for four days. Then it would have been a simple matter for them to shown that His corpse was still in the grave and it began to corrupt. Remember that Martha the sister of Lazarus said to Jesus when He told them to take away the stone that “by this time he stinketh: for he had been dead four days.” John 11:39 The body of Lazarus by this time would have begun to decay.
If Jesus would have been dead four days then He would have begun to corrupt and the Jewish leaders could have pointed to Psalms 16:10 and said “see, even the word of GOD teaches that the Messiah would not see corruption.”
So yes, it was important that Christ be risen on the third day. The salvation of man was dependent upon that. If He was in the tomb four days or more our hope would have vanished forever and He would not have been who He said He was.
maybe three days, signifying and becoming one. The Father, the Son and the Holy spirit.
The story of Jesus being dead for 3 days is because the ROmans has to incorporate pagan metaphors into the Bible in order to get Pagans to accept Christianity. Jesus is a metaphor for the sun (The Son of God), and his being dead for 3 days is a reference to the fact that in the Northern Hemsiphere from Dec 21 (winter solstice) to Dec 24th the sun’s position on the horizon at sunset stays the same, and on the 25th it begins it’s ascension and the days begin to get longer again. It is a metaphorical story meant to mark a very important day of the year.
Over here in Ireland we have a wake when someone dies. Involving 3 days until burial. One of the explanations for this is that many years ago people drank out of cups made with high toxicity materials which could cause a comatose state. So a wait for a period of 3 days was set to make sure it wasn’t that comatose state.
3 is a fairly consistent figure throughout scripture. Including the 3 states of man. But also the 3 states of the elements of planet earth and its constituents. The most obvious being water as in ice, fluid, steam. Without water there would be no life. Hence the search for it throughout space. And guess what. Who, s the living water out of the samaritans well. Yup. Jesus. The whole of “being” points to that man.
There are several reasons it is significant Jesus was dead for three days before His resurrection.
According to Jewish tradition, (remember this was Jewish territory) a person’s soul/spirit remained with his/her dead body for three days. After three days, the soul/spirit departed. If Jesus resurrection had occurred on the same day or even the next day, it would have been easier for His enemies to argue He had never died. Significantly, Jesus waited several days after Lazarus had died Before Jesus came to resurrect Lazarus so that no one could deny the miracle.
The three days were significant in other ways as well. Jesus died on a Friday, Nisan 14, the day when the Passover lamb was sacrificed. is death represents the death of a perfect, unblemished sacrifice on our behalf. His resurrection on the third day took place on the first day of the week, illustrating a new beginning and new life to all who trust Him.
So, why was it important for Jesus to be dead for three days before His resurrection? (1) So the unbelieving Jews could not deny that Jesus had truly been dead. (2) Because three days is what Jesus Himself prophesied.
I believe Jesus referred to Jonah and the great fish because Jonah was virtually dead in the belly of the fish. I think it is clear in scripture that Jonah had no control any longer over his life. So what did Jonah do in the belly of the fish? He reached out to God and prayed passionately to Him. And what did God do in response to hearing what is in Jonah’s heart? God saved Jonah by having the great fish spit him out. I believe with all my heart that this is why Jesus referred to Jonah; when anyone dies who has been running from God, that soul still has an opportunity to be saved. The message here from Jesus is there is still a chance once someone has died to desire and choose God. Shalom!
Why did jesus came back from the dead. What scipture tell the answer
Resurrected in three days because of ancient sun god myths(before christianity). The winter solstice(shortest day of the year(dec 21), then the sun appears to become back to life (in 3 days). Sun fully conquers the dark on the first Sunday after the full moon after the vernal equinox(when the day and night are equal in length). And the “sun” gets help on its journey from the 12 months( thus 12 apostles). That’s where resurrected in 3 days and 12 “apostles” comes from.
And the Dec 25 date is simply because of the “sun gods”. After the shortest day of the year (solstice on Dec 21), the sun is shortest of the year, then after 3 days the days appear to get longer. December 25 is just a date taken over by christians from previous myths .
Your conclusion appears not to follow the preceding points you made ‘None of this matters because he rose’?!
Thank you for all the comments although none reallyfully explained the significance of the three days.
Why would you make such an issue about what JESUS said . He knew the beginning and all that would follow so he used the the statement of three days and three nights to show his authority. He fulfilled the required time to be declared officially dead. There was both a weekly sabbath and a Jewish yearly sabbath on the week that JESUS was crucified. He was put to death on Wednesday before the first day of the feast of unleavened bread which was a high day and sabbath and therefore was in the grave Wed., Thur., and Fri., nights then also Thur., Fri., and Saturday to complete the Three days and three nights that he had said would be. Most only factor in the weekly sabbath but the Jews had several yearly sabbaths. JESUS knew exactly the timing of events. When they went to the tomb before daylight on the first day of the week the stone was rolled away because he had arisen well before they arrived.
Tradition of man has changed the facts in many ways. Look at what the thief asked JESUS on the cross for him to remember him when he came into his kingdom and JESUS replied that he would be with him in paradise. They were knew that they were speaking of the future when JESUS came into his kingdom at the second coming. Also the paradise will be on the new earth and will be the Kingdom of Heaven. here on the new earth. No one has or will ever go up to the throne of the FATHER. That is simply put when Revelation says that the new JERUSALEM will come down with the FATHER to live forever on the new earth. Remember thy kingdom come thy will will be done on earth as it is in HEAVEN.
I believe when Jesus (Yashua) paralleled His place in the grave with Jonah’s experience in the belly of a great fish, I see something revealing about that. In summary of Jonah; 1) he is running away from God 2) he finds himself virtually dead inside the belly of a great fish 3) while inside the fish, Jonah prays earnestly for God’s forgiveness. After Jesus death in his human body, His Spirit was still very much alive – 1 Peter 3:18. During the period of 3 days and 3 nights, Jesus preached to spirits in prison 1 Peter 3:19. I believe that all of this reveals from God Himself that He offers everyone a period of time after death to make an eternal decision about their destiny.
It is to God’s glory that He has a way to explain questions like what happens to infants who die in the womb and never fully experience God’s creation or what happens to those people in this world who never had an opportunity to hear God’s word or know Jesus…. Shalom!
It wasn’t AFTER 3 days, that would have been Monday.
It was ON the THIRD day, after ~48 to ~60 hours approximately.
He also stated he had to go down into the bowels of the
earth, no heavenly altar sacrifice was involved, he WAS that sacrifice.
You flaming idiot
Do you think the 3 days had anything to do with humans not being able to go without water for 3 days. He is the Holy Water to our body there to cleanse and fill our bodies for a life in Jesus name for Gods creation. He must be made of water as we are so he could have been in a coma and healed and had to have water to fill in where he had bled out. Idk just one of a few theories. Another is maybe it takes that long for people to mourn to remember the good, the light and the purpose of it all. Then he was awaken but if spirit. This equaling the father the son and the Holy Ghost. What do you take if this?
Jesus spent three days and three nights in the grave because “HE Said He Would.” What is the significance of this? It shows that he was in control of the grave/death. It couldn’t hold him any longer then he allowed it to.
One could also say that three days and three nights is symbolic of the Trinity.
Another explanation could be- Jesus died on Friday, then came the Sabbath (Saturday). This interrupted and prevented his rising from the dead till after the Sabbath was over. So, he arose on Sunday, the next open time slot.
I perceive that three days symbolize the trinity of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. God, incarnated in Jesus, experienced death and resurrection within three days. Subsequently, the Holy Spirit descended after Jesus’ resurrection to indwell believers. The significance of this trinity underscores the divine plan for redemption and salvation.
Furthermore, Jesus’ death at the age of 33 holds importance for several reasons. Firstly, it fulfills prophetic scripture, demonstrating the divine fulfillment of God’s promises. Additionally, Jesus’ age at the time of his death aligns with significant milestones in Jewish tradition and numerology, adding layers of symbolic meaning to his sacrifice. Ultimately, Jesus’ death and resurrection at the age of 33 underscore his role as the Messiah and Savior, fulfilling God’s plan of salvation for humanity.
I AM” signifies existence, “3 letters” refers to “G-O-D,” “2 words” are “I am,” and “1 message” implies the message of God’s presence and omnipotence. Thus, the phrase encapsulates the divine essence and omnipresence of God.