I want you to invent God.
This blog post is an invitation to you to invent God, and then tell me about this God in the comments below. If you are uncomfortable sharing what you write, feel free to leave an anonymous comment.
This is a practice I have occasionally done in small groups of people, but I am interested in seeing what sorts of response I get from you, my blog readers.
Here are the guidelines I want you to think about and follow as you invent God.
1. Forget Everything you Know about God
In order to invent God, you need to forget everything you have ever learned about God. Forget what the Bible says (or doesn’t say) about God. Forget what you have read in theology books. Forget what you have learned from Bible studies and sermons. If possible, just forget everything you know (or think you know) about God.
2. Look into your heart and imagine the perfect God
If you could invent God to be and do anything you wanted, how would God behave? How would God act? What would be the character and qualities of this God you invent? What would you want this God to do?
Describe this God in the comment section below.
There is the one caveat to this exercise I want you to keep in mind….
Remember that the God you invent will be the God of the entire world. So however this God behaves toward you is also the way this God will behave toward others.
This means that if you have this God give you $1 million, God will also give every other person $1 million, which doesn’t put you ahead of anyone else, and essentially makes that money meaningless.
Similarly, if you have this God kill all your enemies, just know that this God will also kill all the enemies of your enemies, which most likely means you yourself will get killed.
So in this exercise, whatever God does for one, God does for all.
Got it? Good.
Sound fun? Of course!
Is this dangerous? You bet!
But has that ever stopped us before? Nope.
So … On your marks … Get set … GO!
What would God be like if you could invent God? Leave your description in the comment section below. I am excited to read what you write.
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