I spent a few posts this week (Questioning the Church, Extreme Church Makeover, What if You Were God?) talking about how you and your church and figure out what God wants you to do in your community with your time, energy, and money.
Part of this process involves imagining different ways of being church, different ways of loving others, and different ways of serving our neighbors.
Some people calling this “casting vision” but in my opinion, the word “vision” is one of those overused churchy buzzwords which makes most people gag. So following the ideas presented in books by Walter Brueggemann and Greg Boyd, I invite you to imagine what the church can be and do.
Imagine new ways of being the church, living within the Kingdom of God, loving others, serving the needy, and revealing Jesus Christ to others.
Here are some great “What if” questions to move you in the right direction: (Note: So I don’t pull a Driscoll… These 18 questions for re-imagining the church originally came from a post by Kevin Bussey in 2008, but I can no longer find that post.)
What would happen if…
- Followers of Jesus concentrated on sharing their faith with a lost and dying world?
- Followers of Jesus prayed for the church across the street?
- Churches didn’t see other churches as competition but as allies?
- Churches rejoiced when another church is thriving?
- We realized our view might be wrong?
- Their church is just as important to God as yours?
- We recognized God likes variety?
- Followers of Jesus didn’t shoot their wounded?
- We acted like Grace really is amazing?
- We give Grace beyond the point of conversion?
- We realized God likes worship–no matter what the style is?
- Churches in a community partnered with each other to reach the lost and hurting people that God has given to them?
- Churches didn’t criticize other churches?
- Followers of Jesus didn’t nit-pick other believers, churches or ministries?
- Followers of Jesus became part of the solution rather than being the problem?
- We really prayed…?
- Followers of Jesus could put aside differences in order to minister to a dying world?
- Followers of Jesus really became one?
Do you have any questions to add to this list? Include them in the comments below? How do you and your church seek to find new ways to share the love of Jesus with others?