Some people believe that abortion is the unforgivable sin.
However, there is no biblical or theological support for this idea. Some might argue that killing a baby is one of the worst types of murder since babies are innocent, but if this were so, what would make abortion worse than infanticide? Nobody claims that infanticide is the unforgivable sin. Do children somehow become less innocent the moment they depart the mother’s womb?
No, I suspect that most who teach that abortion is unforgivable are simply trying to scare women into not having an abortion.
If life begins at conception, then abortion is a form of murder. Sure, it may not be the same as shooting someone with a gun, but at its core, abortion is one person taking the life of someone else.
Therefore, if abortion is unforgivable, then we must also argue that all forms of murder are unforgivable, and this view cannot be defended from Scripture.
To the contrary, numerous people in the Bible committed murder and were forgiven by God and accepted into His family.
Murder is a Sin, but it is Forgivable
Moses murdered an Egyptian (Exod 2:12), David had Uriah killed (2 Sam 11:14-17), and even Paul went about arresting and killing Christians before he became one of the greatest missionaries the world has ever seen (Acts 8:1-3). When it comes to killing children, many Israelite people fell into the sin of sacrificing their children to false idols (Ezek 16:21). Nevertheless, such sin did not keep God from promising to remember His covenant with the people of Israel and provide atonement for them (Ezek 16:60-63).
If God can forgive people like Moses, David, Paul, and the idol-worshipping Israelites, God will also forgive every mother who has had an abortion.
Abortion is not the unforgivable sin. There is grace and forgiveness for all who have had an abortion.
If you have had an abortion
If you have had an abortion, do not worry that God has not or cannot forgive you. He can, He will, and He already has. And since your unborn child is already with God, then your unborn child has forgiven you as well. They both understand the situation you were in, and the fear, guilt, and shame you went through. Both God and your child forgive and love you.
The important thing now is to make sure you now live for the living. Do you have a spouse? Do you have children? Live for them. Love them. Serve them.
You have been forgiven, so live in light of that forgiveness.
Do you fear that you have committed the Unforgivable Sin?
Fear not! You are forgiven. You are loved.
Fill out the form below to receive several emails from me which explains how you can know that you are loved and forgiven by God.
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I think God is far too forgiving if abortion is forgiveable. An innocent human life was destroyed. I have to question the Righteousness of a God who would forgive murder of any kind. I would have righteously condemned Moses, David, Paul and those idol-worshipping Israelites and sent them straight to the lake of fire for eternity. If I married a woman and found out she’d had an abortion I would divorce her immediately without a second thought. Forgiving a woman for abortion is like a Judge letting a convicted murderer walk free..that’s unjust just like forgiving a woman for an abortion is unjust. Blood for Blood. Life for a Life.
Thank goodness you aren’t God then, for if you were, not one person would be forgiven.
Jesus said that anger is the root cause of murder, and so if we have been angry at someone, it is as if we have murdered them in our hearts.
Jeremy your awesome, thank you! I have been having a rough day dealing with the consequences of my sins and when I read this I just busted out laughing and you made me realize that we are forgiven no matter what we do. However, if we love God we will follow his commandments because he knows us personally and when we continue to sin He is disappointed in us. Just like a parent child relationship. However, just because the child messes up and does something stupid doesn’t mean the parent will condemn him for the rest of his/her life. We are children of God thanks to Our Savior Jesus.
My question is how do we flee from the enemy, and pursue righteousness. I want to pursue righteousness but it seems so unattainable in a unrighteous ungodly world. I recently decided to stop drinking because it leads me to more sin but I don’t want to fall back. Help, I want to please my Abba, not make him disappointed.
Kaylee if you have asked Christ into your life then the holy spirit {he is the spirit of Christ} dwells within you it is him that changes us all we have to do is tell him that we are weak in whatever area we struggle.You mention alcohol when tempted to drink just tell him Lord i am weak but i am trusting in your strength to empower me and he will thats is how we change.If we try and do it in our strength we might succeed for a couple of times then fall back into our old patterns.Then it becomes forgive me Lord for my sin we feel guilt and condemned and that is the work of the enemy who is out to destroy our faith in God and because of our feelings we go and do the same things all over again.But we have a better way and that is to trust the one who is able to overcome having been set free from my old life style of sin i am grateful each day to be walking in his strength not mine.So the Lord has given you the victory in Christ and even if we stumble sometimes in the process we remember there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus God bless brentnz
I believe the unforgivable sin and the worst sin of all is not accepting Christ as Savior there ios nothing God cant forgive other than that one
I have committed every one of the sins in the 10 commandments. I can only hope God forgives me. I was in darkness and continue to battle everyday. He who thinks he is without sin, deceives himself.
Micheal God forgives your sin if you confess it to him we are are sinners and only Christ can cleanse us.The word says if we confess our sin he is righteous and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.brentnz
I agree! It just pains me that people,Christians included, justify sinning by reasoning that everyone sins!
Yes. I wasn’t trying to say that though. Did you think I was saying that?
Oh no. Just my two cents! Things going on around me personally that #1 pains me as I said #2 makes me much more aware about my own traps #3 sends me to the Lord in thanksgiving!
That’s what I thought. I just wanted to clarify my post if I was being unclear. Thanks!
Abortion is murder but some of the greatest murderers in history became God’s greatest servants. Probably the best example would be Paul.
My wife recently had a termination done. She felt very strongly that there was something wrong from the beginning, she then started having blood pressure (low) issues, dizziness loss of balance, lethargy etc. she has a rare blood disorder as well and we have had 2 miscarriages in the past 3 healthy births total. She had seen/spoken to her dr regarding Everything and the dr and her felt it may be best for her to consider termination. I was very against this and extremely bitter as well as angry. I am having such a hard time forgiving her and worried that her salvation as well as mine is now lost because of this. I’ve been reading and praying spoke to family and friends etc and j just can’t seem to find peace. I will get it for a short time and then it is lost again. Please do not respond with any derogatory comments, as the Lord says to the measure by which you judge others you will be judged by Him…any insight and possibly scripture would be greatly appreciated in helping me cope with and to forgive her. Thank you. May God bless and be with you always
If she terminated for health reasons on the advice of her doctor, taking into consideration the health problems she was experiencing and has experienced with previous pregnancies, it is probably for the best. You still have your wife. Most people who are opposed to terminations make exceptions when the mother’s health and possibly her life is at risk. Trust her gut feeling that something was wrong, and trust that she and her doctor made the best decision. In my opinion no ones salvation has been lost because of this.
Sam, thank you for your input and I should rephrase…I have forgiven my wife I am just having a hard time coping with it all because she was so early. However listening to what you have said and more discussion with my wife as well as showing her this thread (communication and truth is always our priority) along with other reading and lots of prayer, I am coming around I guess. It’s harder on me I guess because I couldn’t feel (physically) what she did. You’re absolutely right about the fact I still have her, and the history it may have been for the best health wise. Thank you again for your input.
Neither of you have lost your salvation. Eternal life is a free gift of God to all who simply and only believe in Jesus for it (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47).
While abortion is a sin, it has already been forgiven by God. Repent and confess of your sin and know that your children are waiting to reunite with you in eternity.
Jeremiah was known by God before he was born that he is gonna be a Prophet, God blesses even the unborn children, but when a parent slaughters a child we call it a crime and when she aborts a baby we call it human right. So those are both sin, if we had right to kill people, you would have been even not existing.
Dear Steve I have 2 kids. Since my first conception day I could feel life. A mother will never waste her child trust me. But cannot keep it if she feels she is not strong to sustain it. We are nothing before god’s will n he has plans for u n ur wife love her n be with her strong God will soon bless u both
It sounds like you’re grieving and I’m so sorry you and your wife had to face such a hard decision. I will be praying that you are able to talk with people and that the lord will protect you from situations that can bring hurts back to the surface. Termination is a hot topic amongst Christians and people who have never had to face a dangerous, unplanned or scary pregnancy. So please be strong especially when it comes to comments that are blurted out from no experience. Father is with you all through it all and you have an inheritance of peace which I pray you will find here on earth and look forward to have eternally in heaven with your three other kids who are blissfully waiting for you. Much love and thoughts your way.
I thank you very much for your kind words. As we can see from my original post of this it has now been 8-9 months since….while I still have many times I am “reminded” of or think of this I sadly still carry much hurt, guilt and animosity. I have been praying so hard on this and I find such little peace….these last few months have been so trying. I have a neurological condition that has brought on sever complications and financial issues, my brother inlaws wife (my wife’s brother) recently died (suicide suspected) and now today, my brother inlaw (my wife’s brother) took his own life. They had a 14 month old boy which it seems we are going to be taking in to love and care for. While I do not mind and will gladly take on this role, I can’t help but feel my wife and I are being punished…..please pray for us
There is no condemnation in Jesus! I spoke to a counsellor recently and talked about how I feel like so many grevious things seems to happen to me or around me… So much I feel like I might be cursed or like you say, be being punished, or maybe there is something wrong with me or something I don’t get. The spirit of death. The bible talks about generational family curses. My counsellor shared how a curse of death had affected her family since the tragic death of her grandmothers first son. Her grandfather and others (and her grandmother too probably) had silent blame against the grandmother. In a sense this blame brought a judgement or a curse against their family and welcomed the spirit of death in. One which affected their family so that suicide, accident, abortion, miscarriage you name it kept occuring. I don’t know what your personal beliefs are in regard to spiritual warfare but I think you might like to consider that. I know you arent being punished by God – no way! But the devil is certainly focusing on your family. So I’d like to pray with you to break the curse and hold that a spirit of death might have on your family. Break the cycle of grief, break the judgements that might be over your family, and release the blessing of joy and peace and assurance of Christ’s never ceasing love into your family for this generation and generations to come. With love, a sister in Christ.
You’re absolutely right and thank you so much for your uplifting reply reminding me of Gods unfailing love. Spiritual warfare is real, and you’re right the spirit of satan is alive and running wild on earth. My brother inlaw became somewhat of an atheist in college, my mother inlaw stopped praying for many tears when she lost her parents, and most recently began cursing God and blaming Him for taking my brother inlaws wife. As for me, I am a former addict and very violent individual. This was spurred by the loss of my mother to cancer when I was 20, my father essentially left my much younger brother and sister to my care for many months at a time only coming home 1-2 x a week and then less and less until it would be only a call every week or two to “check on things”. I tolerated it for a year and could no longer handle it and demanded he “take back” at least my brother and preferably my sister who was 17 by then. I became very angry and bitter, began drinking and street fighting etc. I partly turned from many of my ways when my wife and I started dating coincidently she and my sister are good friends, and her brother (the one who just removed himself) and I were good friends from the time we all were young. I didn’t give myself entirely to Christ until 2013/4 when I suffered a severe injury at work that I lost 80% use of my eft am and have a permanant nerve condition which has unbelieveable effects and no cure. From that firs day of wholly giving myself, the spiritual and physical financial and every aspect of life has tormented and pulled and destroyed so much of what I had, and it is all satans game of “see God doesn’t really love you as much as you think”….but that’s just it exactly, once that seed of doubt is planted it grows and takes over like a weed in the garden. And that’s what’s happening to my family. My mother inlaw about 6 months ago began to “believe” again….my brother inlaw similar timing. So you’re right, this is all spiritual warfare that is taking place for satan to “keep” the nonbelievers, and create doubt in Gods love and the salvation through Jesus Christ. Thank you for your emncouragement, your words, your time, thought and most importantly prayers. God blesss and be with you.
Steve your testimony is that God is able to pull us out of satans stronghold i can see that satan has had a huge influence over your family as he has mine.But i also see its turning around big time so keep trusting the Lord let him break through where you have failed in the past.You are the light in your family so be encouraged that God has placed you there to be that light to give others hope and healing and restoration.
Victory is yours in Christ it is the holy spirit who strengthens us and he will not let us fail for he has overcome satan.I believe for you its time to take back what the enemy has stolen including healing for your arm so today look forward not back let the Lord reveal his plans for your life because he has a hope and a future for you.regards brentnz
Dear Steve, I recognise this comment was written in 2015 but I have only stumbled across it today. How are you? How is your wife and did you find peace again? I empathise with your right to feel angry and bitter – that was your child too and men deserve a choice in such a heavy decision. I am thinking of you and praying for your peace. Your child waits for you in heaven.
Thank you for writing about this!
I have 3 kids they all have one father recently i got pregnant by someone else while me and my fiancé was apart for 6mths. The problem is the man i was dating dont want kids so he wants to have a abortion and i dont but lately he been really bringing me down with his negective thought so i am figuring it might be the best thing to have a abortion somebody please help i am scared and dont really know what to do
I have to have an abortion because im at risk for preeclampsia again. After my last birth, I was ICU for one month. If it’s for health issues I’ll say do it. Like me, death is knocking at my door if I continue this pregnancy because of heart issues and toxemia(preeclampsia) and I need to live to rake care of my other children. If you are not having health issues I don’t think you should abort because of a failed relationship.
God always work in mysterious ways.
At the age of 19 I had done a unforgivable sin that makes me unhappy, and being devastated.
That I time I did not connect to God and even did not pray.
But after one night that having a dream ,.it was clearly said to me by a woman who is in charge of calling the name of people who can only ride that hot air ballon in the middle of the world that tends to end Said,” think of what you have done and if your done that would be the time you can ride to it.”
For my own interpretation its the time as I says to myself the calling of God and time to repent rebuke and time to return to God.
I was being happy until today because I found all the answers that in Hands of The Lord Jesus.
All I can advise to you is to always pray to God accept mistakes and as I always pray that God help me to always strenghten the foundation of my Faith and to have a stronghold of my life.
I hope this experienced of mine can help those who are also feels being lost and tries to get back to God.
I am planning to have an abortion but also sad about having abortion… I have been crying while searching online if abortion is a sin. I had 4 kids, I had diabetes and high blood for all my pregnancies. My last child, I had to stay more days in hospital because of my high blood pressure. Please help me….
I’m in a relationship with a nonbelievers which my family and society are totally against it but I really think he loves me. But the time I thought of leaving him I realize I’m conceive with his child. We’re totally unprepared. I had abortion 7years back n promise god it won’t happen again while seeking his forgiveness. But now I really don’t have the strength to tell the truth to my parent or to continue it. I’m dying inside when I should be happy. Please help me.
I wrote it briefly I’m ashamed to say all this but all I need right now is help. I told to few friends everyone tell me my carelessness or just can’t help n don’t know what to say which make my stress grow. I actually think before if I conceived maybe my parents can determine our relationship. I didn’t know it will be this hard. Please help me soon.
This is a very difficult situation. No matter what you do, know that God loves and forgives you. It is difficult to know how your parents might respond… If this is causing difficulties, you might want to see the help of a professional counselor.
I don’t understand how God can be Holy, Righteous or Just and forgive even ONE abortion. That is a sin whose price hasn’t been paid and a life that has ended in vain. Abortion should be the unforgiveable sin and God should ensure that the woman spends eternity hearing the screams of her baby as it died over and over again forever. I would rather not spend eternity in heaven at all than have even one woman who murdered her child for her own selfishness. That would be worth giving up my salvation over. Justice must be done. A Life for a Life. Blood for Blood. If I was that unborn child I would never forgive the selfish woman who denied me my rightful life on earth just for her selfish desires.
Abortion and Infanticide should be unforgiveable. God should also not have forgiven Moses or David or even Paul. All three men should have gone straight to hell without passing go and so should any woman who has an abortion. They do not deserve to continue to draw breath and I question the righteousness of God who would forgive such actions. How can he be Holy and Righteous and forgive abortion?!? How is such a God worthy of worship?