Related to the view that divorce is the unforgivable sin, some people believe that adultery is unforgivable.
Note, of course, that adultery is different than premarital sex. Most Christians believe that God does forgive people for premarital sex. This doesn’t mean that such behavior is okay, for premarital sex is physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually destructive. There is forgiveness and restoration for such sin, but it often comes with numerous long-lasting consequences.
So adultery itself is when a married person has sex with someone who is not their spouse. But even here, most Christians believe that there is forgiveness for adultery. Most believe that if a married person commits adultery, they too can be forgiven by God and the marriage can be restored. However, just as with premarital sex, there are lots of long-term and destructive consequences for engaging in adultery. Even though God forgives adultery, this does not mean He erases the consequences that might come from adultery. The danger of the sin of adultery is not that God cannot forgive it, but that adultery destroys marriages and destroys lives.
Nevertheless, there is a specific form of adultery that many Christians think God does not, will not, and cannot forgive. Some argue that there is a type of adultery which can never be forgiven.
This type of adultery is the one that comes as the result of divorce and remarriage.
Adultery and the Unforgivable Sin
Some people believe that although God makes allowance for people to get divorced (Matt 19:1-10), such people may not get remarried as long as their ex-spouse lives. Why not? Because marriage lasts as long as both the husband and wife live. If someone gets remarried after a divorce, then, according to this view, that person is living in a state of constant adultery.
The logic for this view is drawn from Matthew 19:9 where Jesus says that anyone who is divorced and marries another commits adultery. People who hold this view further state that since a person who is divorced and remarried is living in a state of adultery, they can never properly confess or repent of this sin unless the get re-divorced and then re-marry their first spouse. Of course, then the person has two divorces instead of one, and … well … the “sin” only amplifies in seriousness.
The underlying premise behind the idea that adultery is unforgivable is based on the belief that in order for a person to go to heaven when they die, they must not have any unconfessed sin in their life. But if a person is divorced and remarried (which leads to adultery), then even if they confess of this sin, they are still living in this sin, which means they can never fully confess or repent of it.
Do you follow the logic there?
Though a person who has been divorced and remarried may be sorry for what they have done, they cannot ever fully repent of this sin because they are living in a constant state of adultery. In this way, divorce and remarriage becomes the unforgivable sin because the one who does this is in a constant state of sin.
So those who believe that adultery is unforgivable are not basing this view off of the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 12:31-32 about the unforgivable sin, but are basing their teaching off the belief that if a person dies in a state of unconfessed sin, they will not spend eternity with God.
Let us see how we can know that adultery is not the unforgivable sin.
Why Adultery is not the Unforgivable Sin
As with the view that divorce itself is unforgivable, the idea that adultery is unforgivable is based on a faulty understanding of God’s grace and the infinite forgiveness that is in Jesus Christ.
When we remember that there are two kinds of forgiveness, one which is unconditional and freely given to all, and the other which grants release and deliverance from the enslaving power of sin, we see that this idea that God does not forgive ongoing adultery is false. God does forgive adultery … all forms of adultery. Nevertheless, there are ongoing consequences to adultery, many of which God wants to deliver us from, but He can only do so if we confess and repent of our sin, and seek to work with Him to restore the broken relationships in our lives.
Aside from the theological truth of the infinite forgiveness of God, numerous Scripture passages clearly refute the idea that adultery is not unforgivable.
First, pretty much all of the forefathers of Israel had numerous wives. While many try to explain this behavior as a practice that was normal at that time, we cannot explain away the fact of God’s original plan for marriage was that it should be between one man and one woman (Gen 1:24). Therefore, even though the culture might have allowed a man to have more than one wife, the instructions of God did not.
So when Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob took more than one wife for themselves, they were committing adultery. The same thing can be said for nearly all the kings of Israel, who were specifically commanded to not take multiple wives for themselves (Deut 17:16-17). Yet even King David, a man after God’s own heart, had multiple wives (2 Sam 11:4; 1 Chr 3:1-9). And nearly all Christians believe that we will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and Solomon in heaven. There is also the possibility that Moses got divorced and remarried.
When we get into the New Testament where the prohibition against adultery is more clearly and frequently stated, there are numerous examples of Christians who commit adultery and yet are still considered eternal children of God.
One example is in 1 Corinthians 5:1-8 where a man sleeps with his father’s wife, and yet Paul clearly identifies him as a brother in Christ who has been led into serious sin (1 Cor 5:11). When confronting the rampant sexual immorality that was present in the Corinthian church, Paul does not threaten them with hell and everlasting destruction, but with the theological truth that as believers in Christ who have been raised with Him, we should not behave in such a manner (1 Cor 6:12-20).
Scripture is clear that while adultery is a sin, it is forgivable, for people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David lived in a lifelong state of adultery, but they were forgiven and accepted by God. There were even adulterers in the early church, and they too were forgiven and redeemed.
Adultery is forgivable. Adultery is not the unforgivable sin.
This doesn’t mean that we can just commit adultery all we want though, for remember that even though God forgives us of this sin, there are long-term and devastating consequences to adultery which can affect our lives, our family, our finances, our health, and our emotional and spiritual well-being. These are some of the reasons God instructs us to not commit adultery. It is not because He will send adulterers to hell, but because adultery is so destructive and damaging for the real joy and pleasure God wants us to experience in life.
If you have committed adultery, do not think that God has rejected you. He has not. He loves you, accepts you, and forgives you.
But at the same time, healthy and loving relationships are achieved only in the way God designed them: when they are between two people who love each other and are committed to each other no matter what. This is the sort of relationship God wants for you if you will let Him lead you toward it. (Go read the post about the woman caught in adultery.)
Do you fear that you have committed the Unforgivable Sin?
Fear not! You are forgiven. You are loved.
Fill out the form below to receive several emails from me which explains how you can know that you are loved and forgiven by God.
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Actually Isaac only had Rebekah but Solomon and Moses had many wives.
Hello i am becca, 21 year old. I got married to an army last year. we hardly got to stay together cause he was posted in the fields where family was not allowed so i have been staying at my mom’s place for quite sometime now. I cheated on my husband by sleeping with a friend of mine and i am feeling very guilty now and don’t know what to do. Please pray for me
God will definitely forgive you. But you should never do this again. God is most kind mind. Guilty feelings are required after sin for forgiveness but now you should pray for yourself.
If you had sexual relations with another man after a year of marriage, you are definitely not ready to be married. You do not have a feeling of your marriage as being a serious loving relationship that thrives of the dependability of that love. That kind of love mimics the kind of love that God is said to have. Marriage behind someones back and in front of their face should be the same thing shouldn’t it?
You mention your husbands deployment as your ‘reasoning’ (excuse actually) for all of this. Marriage is not like changing a pair of shoes when it doesn’t suit you, and slipping on another pair instead. You Knew Before your marriage that the man you were marrying was in the military, and that this is the nature of the military. This didn’t seem to bother you until After the fact.
Questions you Need to ask Your Self: Why did you marry your husband in the first place? What qualities did he possess that made you want to be and belong to him as a loving wife throughout your lives together? Does he still possess those qualities now?
In his place, how would You feel if he had done that to you if you were in military and deployed? What about the guy you call your ‘friend’ that you committed adultery with? What kind of a ‘friend’ knowingly violates someones marriage?? Do you still associate with him? Isn’t he also a ‘friend’ of your husbands?
Now then, what if you became pregnant by your ‘friend’? Would you tell the truth about who your baby’s father Really is, and allow your husband to express his justifiable shock, disbelief, anger and hurt about it??
Would you allow him to Choose whether he would want to get close to a baby knowing it was conceived within an affair, and that the biological father and his parents may wish to also be part of the childs life and he’d have to accommodate them as well? What if the childs father and his family wanted to take the baby away and your husband wanted to keep the baby??
I think that because of his choice to risk his life for his country, that he’s the kind of a man who would after the initial shock, disbelief and tears, indeed accept the child in willingly love and nurture, But what if he couldn’t accept You as belonging to him as his Wife anymore? Would you allow your husband to Choose to stay with you or to leave you?
What if you got an STD from your ‘friend’? Would you tell your husband about the STD and how you acquired it?
Would you be willing to tell him the truth and seek marital counseling for yourself, him, and your marriage? Do you still Feel married? What is the definition of ‘Marriage’ to You?? What do you perceive the union of sexual intimacy as?
There is so much in the dynamics of human relating, and the most loving and intimate one of course being marriage, the pledge that one embarks on to live, love and nurture all your lives together. So much that you didn’t even think about at all, it makes no sense since it is one of the most vital things in life one can give to each other, Themselves.
If a person wants a romp in the hay, doesn’t see marriage as anything but a signed document, or isn’t finished with whatever lifestyle they had entertained before they married, Don’t Get Married = problem solved! To marry someone, then go outside of that marriage is to sabotage it, and is to impose what you want over what the other party was lead to believe, that they actually Had a marriage.
Marriage isn’t about 1 person, it’s about 2 people, each giving to the other in nurturing love and loving relating. Sometimes life knocks you down, but its beautiful to know that there is someone on the other side of the table, who feels the same way about you as you feel about him, someone who loves you with the same intensity of love as you feel for them.
What’s good for you is good for him and vice versa, he never has to worry because you have his worries covered as your own, and you never have to worry because he has all your worries as his own, and that is a Marriage, it’s not for the weak and not for the selfish, just as raising a child is. And the weak and selfish who do enter such states, only create havoc for the other person. And when this other person is a child, the child grows up warped in design with an emptiness they seek to fill from the outside as they’ve learned nothing about the inside. Most damaged people damage others before those who do the work to know what that’s all about, come to terms with it, try to understand it and get help for themselves and society.
We can love and nurture each other into love and nurture. God always forgives, but you have to forgive yourself first. You have to See Why this was incorrect and correct yourself even if this means to divorce. You could always marry again later, but Only after you find out Exactly what a marriage is. Then you will know if you want it or not.
Pax tecum and Think.
We all make mistakes, none of us are perfect. I would like to introduce to a book and please read it. The 7 Principles of a Highly Effective Marriage it is a very good read and this author has many others are also very good.
Studies have shown the first marriage last the longest. The second and third marriage have an even higher divorce rate. So divorcing is not an option unless it is a mutual understanding from both parties.
Start going to church, start talking to God he will answer you. And forgive yourself.
I love the words of the speakers here that said, most answer’s here are in human logic but not based of the word of God. Anything that is not in the word of God can be misleading. However the posts are helpful. Thanks you all.
Beeca,you seem to be beating yourself up over this.Make your peace with God,then your husband and follow God not your emotions.Know God forgives you and asking his forgiveness the first step.The rest is spending your life making it good.Marriage after a divorce is No Sin!Many people are victims of a spouse’s infidelity.I was on a 10 month Navy cruise and came back to a wife who was six months pregnant with twins.God blessed me with my wife of 31 years and I’ve never looked back.Forgiveness here is up to your husband but know if you’ve prayed the sinners prayer and made peace with God,Jesus paid that price for us.
Please pray and take communion and tell God and Jesus U are sorry Amen then get Christian counseling and go to church to stay out of bad temptations ok?
God does forgive
But you need to repent and be honest with your Husband about your infidelity. It’s the only way that you will truly forgive yourself.
I had to divorce my husband coz he became a narcissist. Nothing could budge him from his selfish demands. He kept seeing the girl and cheated over and over again. I tried every possible communication both personally and routed through friends and relatives but didn’t work. This happened after being in a marriage of 15 years. But the relationship couldn’t last even a year after marriage coz I came to know all that he was doing behind my back .all thanks to lord fred ” for their investigative and hacking service that helped me gain access to all his phone activities .Cheating is cruel and it feels horrible ..A tip to all those women who have faced this mental trauma is to monitor the person’s every possible way before settling down with him. If u feel the person might be cheating discuss right away and don’t wait for the person to realize.. reachable on (hackmedia349@} ,he really helped me get a honorable divorce without fights.
Thank you for adressing this question. I am remarried and some years ago I came across the teaching you described. I almost got divorced from the one I’m married to now as a resault of that teaching. After years of living in fear of living in adultery I finally came to know the forgivness of God. His forgivness is so enormous and complet. It is not to be taken lightlay, but is to be honoured and received with praise and thankfulness. He hates adultery. But I think in that hate all His love and forgiveness is shown.
I am glad you found the post helpful. Yes, the love and forgiveness of God is limitless. I hope and pray we are all coming to see this more and more.
Thank you for this it has put my mind to rest, sadly after 19 years of marriage i committed adultery with my ex husband , i knew it was wrong and yet i did it , i think because he rejected me in the first place which led to divorce i thought i was getting something back . I did get something back indeed and that was six years of anxiety fear and condemnation , i truly believed i had lost my salvation and would go to hell, but by the saving grace of Jesus i know he forgives me and i am eternally his .
I have a wonderful husband who forgave me and we love each other and our marriage has gone from strength to strength , at the time i committed adultery i felt strongly that devil was controlling my behaviour it was such a powerful force and yet at the moment i was ending the affair the Holy Spirit was overpowering and brought me back to my husband and we celebrated our 25 th wedding anniversary last year , i have always loved my husband and didn’t ever consider adultery and yet my ex came back into my life and i was weak , but now i am strong and so in love with my husband and know i am forgiven . Adultery does come with consequences you’re right because it nearly destroyed my marriage my husband, me as a Christian and as a person who has suffered anxiety and panic disorder all my life , but even that is being dealt with now and both me and my husband believe this is the glory of God turning a bad situation round for his glory as our marriage is better than it ever was and my health has improved , Jesus forgives .
Hi I am robhin from India just think once if it was you husband did this to you
will u ever get piece of mind.
Husband and wife might forgive each other 1000 times each other.could be coz of 100 reasons but is it an excuse what u have mentioned.
Jesus will forgive coz he knows only to forgive , but the question is can u forgive urself, THINK……..
God not only calls for us to confess our sins but to repent as well. Am I mistaken in that I believe to repent or repentance means to turn away from sin and return to God? How then have we been repentant if we remain in our sin? Repentance is not asking God for forgiveness with the intention of committing the same sin over and over.
I would love to talk to you more about your situation, mine is just like yours
how can one remain, in a relationship that the Bible calls adultery….if you had not divorced, and remarried it would be bigamy…and you would have to remove yourself, from that relationship….how is this any different…
I wish I could message you about this. for I am in this boat. I am severely depressed, anxiety. I feel like I will not be forgiven. but your story is helpful.
It is important to remember when Jesus is teaching about adultery in Matthew chapter 19 that what he is saying is that if someone divorces for any reason other than adultery that the offending party has only two choices reconcile with their spouse or remain single and live as a widow the rest of their days. He is also clear that the one who has committed adultery has only those same two choices they are not allowed to remarry or else they commit adultery and the one who marries them commits adultery. (See Matthew 5:32 and 19:9). We must be careful not to twist scripture to try to extend grace in an area where God may not be extending grace. The person who the adultery has been committed against is free to remarry but the adulterer or adultress is not free to remarry. The big danger of this almost hyper grace view is that we must take Gods word as it is not how we wish it was. This is the biggest deception of satan himself… “Did God REALLY say…”
Is there an area where God does not extend grace ?
If so, then Abraham the liar, Moses the murderer, Jacob the con man, Rahab the whore and liar, David the adulterer and murderer, the serial adulterer woman at the well, Peter the cowardly liar and Paul the anti – Christ, could be in trouble.
That is so true! I think of King David having Bathsheba’s husband killed and marrying her and he is a man after God’s own heart.
When there is no repentance for the sin… a good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit, and a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit – either make the tree good, or make it bad.
these examples are not valid, because in this adulterous relationship….people are living in it, considering it to be ok, when the Bible calls it adultery….you can not repent, of a sin, and remain in it….
Do we demand that a person live in a cruel and ruinous marriage because divorce is against the rules.
Should we condemn a person to a life of frustration and cold loneliness because remarriage is against the rules.
Should Jesus have left the paralysed man in his bed because healing on the Sabbath was against the rules.
Jesus was distressed by the hardhearted rule enforcers, He told them that ” The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath “, but they didn’t get it.
Let us get it.
What if both parties committed adultery? Then what?
I am truly amazed at the magnitude of devastation I feel due to my spouse’s affairs. I remained married to him for 13 years after he admitted them because I know God hates divorce. Our divorce was final 3 weeks ago. Our Christian marriage counselor refused to ever counsel him again and says that I did all that I could; why do I have to exist on antidepressants and anti anxiety medications? I feel like I’ve had my heart just cut out of my chest.
It must be devastating finding out your partner has been cheating on you why should you feel condemned you havent done anything wrong.I sense that you dont know who you are anymore your life was your family and marriage and that is gone.I have been through a similar experience and it was really hard to cope with i felt broken and i lost my self confidence.I realised that my identity now is found in Christ and have slowly regained my confidence although i still feel weak in myself but in Christ i am an overcomer as you are.Trust the Lord with all your heart lean on him you arent alone he is always with us.Take care regards brentnz
how can one be…forgiven….while remaining in the sin….if the Bible calls it adultery how can you call it something else….where else, in scripture would one find this….could the thief steal, and keep the money…could one murder and not face legal charges…this has to be the biggest open secrets in the whole Christian church…
I divorced and remarried then both me and my husband became Christians, I was fine with this as we were not Christians before we got remarried , but i commited adultery with my exhusband and although i know God has forgiven me and my husband has forgiven me it has has an effect on my spirit, i don’t feel the same since i commted adultery , i feel unclean and my 100% security of eternal salvation isn’t there now . Everyone tells me im saved and that im forgiven but before my sin i felt peaceful and knew without a doubt i was going to heaven , its just not there now in my heart because i feel i deliberatley let God down becuase i knew what i was going to do and i did it and now i am suffering for my sin .
You are living in a state of fear, and we know that “perfect love casts out fear.” God loves you perfectly, which means you do not need to fear what He will “do to you.” The only thing God will do is continue to love you.
If one of your children committed adultery, would you say they were no longer your children? Of course not! So also with God.
Yes, there are damaging consequences to adultery (which you are experiencing), which is why God warns us against such behavior, but God still loves you as His very own daughter.
Samantha I am in a near idential situation, I would like to talk to you more in depth. Could we email?
I feel the same way. I committed adultery 3 times. I was so angry with my husband for finding out that he was with my sister’s sister in law right before we got married. They were together a few times. I was devastated because I felt betrayed. I was a virgin but come to find out he slept with her in the same place as me. The finding out he also dated my Aunt now mind you this was 27 years I found this out. As soon as I found out the memory of our wedding Day rushed back to my mind where right after we got married he dropped me off at my Mother’s house to get my stuff together as we we moving to GA from Tenn. I soon remembered that on our wedding day he went to her house to wrk on a car with his best friend. I was more then angry..So a few monthes later I started talking to someone and had an affair. I felt that I was getting even, later I learned that I had only hurt myself..but the anger just took over and I feel aweful now. I cant seem to get over the fact that he is my only true love and sometimes when I look at him I see her. We divorced and remarried 8 monthes later. I am still not happy because of my choices. I dont think I will go to heaven because I also knew what I was doing and I hrt my Savior. Im tired of living with this guilt. So does God forgive for numerous affairs?
GOD made us human and therefore we are imperfect. Since we are imperfect people we can never act perfectly. GOD has already forgiven you. Now you must forgive yourself. Once you forgive yourself you can love again and be happy.
I really needed this…I am remarried and am now committed to God, but recently I had run across the teachings that I could not go to heaven because of my remarriage. I was almost ready to just give up…and then I found your post today. Thank you , thank you, thank you..for preserving my sanity!!
I once counseled with a pastor on this. Here is what he told me. 1 All sin falls short. Period God hates adultery because of the devastating consequences that happen after to family , kids, etc. Remarriage is adultery but it is an act not a constant living in it. If you confess your sins truly God forgives you Period that’s what Jesus died for!!.He also showed me biblical scripture Deut. 24 that he considers a remarriage a marriage because he tells you not to go back to your ex husband after you remarry even if he dies. Point being confess all sin and God forgives. Anyone trying to keep bringing and bashing you down when you have been forgiven of a past sin is walking with the devil NOT God. That’s how the devil works NOT our Lord and Savior. Brush yourself of seek repentance and move on! Grow closer to him.
I got married to a married to a man and we have a daughter.We both are believers.My marriage life has been bitter as husband doesn’t provide for the family.He always says he is sick and stay lazy and watches TV most of the time.Initially I used togive him money and helped him complete his deebt.nowi stopped. Hehas become more abusive verbally and some time physically ours was an arranged marriage and I never felt he loved me but the money I earned which I realized much later.Now there is no love.He never nurtured me spiritually.I have gone away from God many a times and came back.I feel so stressed out with work responsibility and family.I have to do all house hold responsibility. He is still tied up with his parents.They are habitual borrowers. They know whatever happens with hi.m. But he never share anything with me specially no transparency in money.I am unable to guide.y daughter in God as I have backslided and feeling depressed about my life.Iused to be happy in God. Am I not allowed to divorce this noncooperative,abusive, not providing husband..What the Bible says.He does not want to comme for counseling Every day we have quarrelfrom morning.I told him we won’t talk to each other..but he ll start n go on …until he gets me there.Pls help..Do I need to live life long inn this unhappy marriage.?
I do not know all the details of your marriage, and so hesitate to give advice. Counseling is a good idea, but if he doesn’t want to, you cannot force him.
He definitely needs to work and provide for the family.
I would say that maybe divorce might be the “best option in a bad situation.”
Hephzi I was so sorry to read your post. In God’s eyes you are not married to this man as he already has a wife, so as he was not a widower he was not free to marry you. Only death ends your marriage, when your wife or husband dies you are no longer bound, but are free to marry a man who is a widower or a man never married before ie with a living wife. In the eyes of the so called secular world you are married by the law of the land, in God’s eyes you became an adulteress the moment you married this man who is already legally married in God’s eyes. God hates divorce. In Matthew 19, Jesus said Moses allowed a paper of divorce……who allowed a paper of divorce ? MOSES. But Jesus said it was not as GOD defined in the beginning in Genesis, a man would leave his parents, one man and one woman would cleave to each other, they would become one and never the twin part, only death ends the marriage and allows the remaining spouse to marry again, But only in the Lord. If there is life threatening circumstances and a divorce takes place then you are to remain alone until the death of the said husband or wife. In the meantime keep praying for the spouse you are divorced from, forgive them. 7x 70, no 7x 7000 keep forgiving them just as Jesus forgives us, we can only be forgiven from sin if we repent and STOP doing it. You are a free woman repent come out of this adulterous Union, it’s an illegal joining before God he already has a wife, although you have a child, make sure he can see his child and bring up your child in the ways of the Lord. May the Lord Bless you.
Best answer according to the word of God spoken by Jesus. I was surprised to see so many posts here from people who say they are happily remarried….that is adultery in God’s eyes, not marriage, no matter how happy it is in this life on the Earth, as long as the covenant spouse lives.
Hello. I fully agree with you and I wasn’t even looking for this site, stumbled on it, but I read it anyways and I feel compelled to comment on my own experience.
Some pastors are really confused about this re-marriage issue and they are sending wrong messages to believers. But if a believer reads their bible for themselves, the answers are there.
I am a divorcee, pre-believer, a sinner like everyone else, and I have re-married a wonderful man (we became believers and were baptised together while engaged) we are inseparable. God gave us to each other at a time when we were very down in life because of bad irreversible choices we previously made in life, and we thank Him daily for the gift of “each other”. We put God first in our marriage, He is the authority in our lives on all matters. We live in marital bliss because of this too! Yes, we have lost kids and family because of becoming Christians, but God comes first!
But my comment is…..when we were looking for a church to join as new believers like the bible says, the pastor at one of them (a church of Christ actually), actually stood at the pulpit one Sunday and shouted “if you are re-married”….you are living in a “state” of adultery, and WILL be going to hell, because you are living in a constant state of adultery. In addition to this, one of the congregation women stood up and read an apology to the church, and said she will be divorcing her new husband because the church taught her she would go to hell if she didn’t. Since when do two wrongs make a right?? God hates divorce. I have suffered great consequences of divorce just like you said, but God has lifted us up from this! I learned! This is also a church that believes that water saves, but that’s another topic.
We were both floored by this sermon, seeing as we HAD repented of living irresponsibly and in constant sin, as unsaved people, and had re-married in Christ, and are faithful and obedient (and very blessed), to/by God today, and have been since. God works miracles in our lives.
We called the pastor aside, and told him we would be leaving the church because of his false teaching. We have since learned to discern every thing we are told by anyone…also as the bible says to. Thanks for your posting brother.
Oh my. This is so sad. It pains me so much to know that there are churches out there like this who misuse and abuse the people in the pew in this way.
That poor lady. She should “divorce” her church, and go find another one. I am glad you left the church and are able to discern the guilt- and shame-based religion this pastor was preaching.
Even though I am suffering the emotional consequences of adultery and divorce I know God has a plan for making a message out of my mess. I’ve always desired a godly man who would lead me and our children. Right now I have to get to the acceptance that God is enough for me.
Pam that is a really wise decision most people rush into other relationships because they feel lonely or need a person in there lives as they feel insecure.thats our old nature.You have chosen the best path it is also the hardest.
Remember you are not alone the Lord is with you and he never leaves us nor forsakes us.This verse is for you to hold onto Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the Lord and he will fulfill the desires of your heart.He already knows what you need and will bring the right people into your life to help and encourage you through your trials.brentnz
I actually disagree with this article. A person who has broken their covenant with their spouse HAS denied God. Once you have done this you cannot just apologize because you never leave that sin. Adultery isn’t the question here……adultery can be forgiven if you repent. The premise here is that you have denied God when you left your spouse. That IS the unpardonable sin and you cannot be forgiven that sin until you return to your covenant and repent. Once again adultery isn’t the unpardonable sin ….denying God when you choose to ruin what God put together is. Tickling your ears will send many to hell.
By this logic, every and any sin is denying God, and therefore, no sin can be forgiven.
But we know that God freely forgives people all the time.
So what really “sends people to hell” is a works-based and fear-based religion that requires people to maintain perfection in order to earn the love and forgiveness of God.
So what he is saying is that God is not merciful to forgive divorce or adultery and every one of those people have no hope in Christ? Rejecting God and sinning against the Spirit is the unpardonable sin, the one for which there is no forgiveness-that is the constant, unrepentant, deliberate unacceptance of the Lord.
God is not willing that any should perish, right?
Michael I am not following your logic.
Wrong…the unpardonable sin is rejecting Christ as the Lord and Savior.
But I have also seen people who reject Christ, His teachings, and all he stands for, become true believers and lover of Jesus Christ. It is like saying that there is a sin more powerful than the Lord’s forgiveness, and in turn saying that a sin is more powerful than God.
We are all sinners and will and have committed sin. But God will forgive through his Grace and Love for us if we TRULY Repent….as in put in earnest devotion towards never committing sin again. We are weak so we will fall, but if we are earnest in our willingness to change for GOD, to put him first, and to follow in the foot steps of His son, Jesus Christ, then I know he will always be there holding us in his love. At least that’s how I’ve grown to know Jesus and God’s Love. That nothing in existence is more powerful than He.
There is a quote that really opened my eyes and made me think deeply:
“The devil says, ‘Focus on the Sin.’ Jesus says, ‘Focus on Me.'”
It moved me, truly. So I agree with this article. You are amazing God
Amen to that!😢😢😢😭😭😊😊😊💑👪👩👧👦👵👭👨👦👶👴👩💓❤💓💜💓💛💓💚💓💙💓💕💓❤💓💝💓❤💓Praise be to Jesus Christ, the precious Holy spirit, and our gracious heavenly Father💞💝💞💔💞💖💞💜💞❤💞”whoever is forgiven much, loves much💓💜💓💔💓❤💓
I and my husband married as a Muslim. I am now a Christian but my husband walked out of the marriage. I am now looking after the children alone. Sometimes I felt like having sex and romance. Can I remarried instead of committing sexual sin with a man who isn’t my husband.
You can remarry. Since you are now a Christian, you should seek a faithful Christian man. Don’t get married because you are horny.
I believe that adultery can be forgiven, what I don’t understand is, if a person who has been divorced and remarried would they not have to “turn from their sin” to be forgiven. To turn from sin means to not continue in that sin. If this person continues to have intimate relations with this person have they truly turned from their sin???? And if they have produced a child from this sin, how can they turn from that? I myself believe that that is a case where you have to rely on your faith to be forgiven with your last breath. Now here is the tough part of this… I am gay and share life with my partner. I truly believe that homosexuality is a sin, the bible tells me that. I continually ask forgiveness for this sin but this is as much a part of my life as the person is to their new mate. I believe that God forgives me and that I have the promise of eternal life. Do you believe that this is the same as adultery….
Well, there are two different kinds of forgiveness, so it would depend on what kind of forgiveness you are referring to.
Repentance also is a huge issue which lots of people misunderstand.
So my answer to your question would be filtered through these sorts of understandings about forgiveness and repentance.
Although I agree that true repentance is turning away from your sin, I do not think that this means to literally turn away from your current spouse, divorce him/her, then reconcile with your ex-spouse all in the name of repenting your sin. This interpretation misuses the meaning “to repent”.
In my purview, repentance means, “My Lord, I am very sorry to have sinned against You. As You know, I have broken a covenant with You and my wife, and have now taken another for my wife. I am asking Your forgiveness for breaking my original covenant, ** but this time, no matter what happens, I plan to keep my covenant with You **”. Make sense? For as much as He wants us to keep our covenant with Him, He knows we are human and that we will all fall short in some manner. So, do you honestly think that He wants us to divorce again or to live singly for the remainder of our lives? In this sense to repent the original sin means to ask forgiveness and to never make the mistake again.
For the record, the only unforgivable sin is to deny Christ as our Lord and Savior (i.e. Blasphemy). In this, I mean, you have completely turned away from Christ and His teachings and, thus, have denied God. For this, there is no forgiveness because, if God cannot reach you, how can He be just to forgive you?
Sorry but most answers here are in human logic and experience rather than the word. Look Revelation 21 vs 8 says no adulterer will enter the kingdom! That means a willful practicing one. Everyone has an excuse mentality of oh we have to return to our first mate to be forgiven….No! You have to come out of the unscriptural marriage and stay single and chaste to prove your repentance if your former spouse won’t take you back! This applies to those who were both believers and that the Father brought together for he only separates them in death. 1 Corinthians 7 vs 38 and 39 and Romans 7 vs 3 and 4 are NT as is Revelation 21 vs 8. Matthew 19 Messiah warned against this! People twist this to their own destruction! You can’t put experience before his word!Anyone in a marriage He doesn’t count will be counted as lukewarm at best and spit out! We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling! Quit using human logic and let scripture answer scripture! Telling the truth is love not lying to or agreeing with someone in their sin….Call me without love but consider the goodness and severity of Yah. Goodness on those who continue in his will but severity to those who fall and try to bring their sin back with them! The prodigal left the pig pen and there are so many more verses I could quote NT that warn us!!!! Also you can’t tell people they can remarry you when they did willful adultery against their believing spouse because you are agreeing with their sin by so doing.
Lets’ see what the Bible says about a person who believes the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1: 3)
Some of these blessing include:
Our sins are forgiven – Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14 and 2:13, Galatians 1:4
We have peace with God – Romans 5:1
We have the righteousness of Christ imputed to us – 2 Corinthians 5:21
We are a new creature in Christ – 2 Corinthians 5:17
We are baptized into the body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:13
We are indwelt with the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 6:19
We are sealed with the Spirit – Ephesians 1:13
We are sealed with the Spirit unto the day of redemption – Ephesians 4:30
We are preserved in Christ – Jude 1
We will be confirmed to the end by Christ – 1 Corinthians 1:8
We are citizens of the household of God – Ephesians 2:19
We are in the kingdom of God’s Son – Colossians 1:13
We are complete in Christ – Colossians 2:9-10
Ok Doug, it looks like I’m going to hell and I’m not being funny, I am utterly broken and daily experience the darkness of my folly. Then I might as well give up on life on earth too, there is no purpose to living. What you and your scripture reference says to people like me is, there is no hope whatsoever, God is either unwilling or unable to forgive some sins and not others. Very selective god?
What about all the scriptures Craig lists. Are they meaningless.
When I read the bible and turn to other sources to study something I am unclear about I end up totally confused and without hope, back focusing on sin instead of Jesus. I have tried to seek mature Christian help, but that is where my downfall occurred in the first place. I call out to Jesus and hope that he will show me personally how he views my situation and my sin.
Everyone is a judge, quick to comment, to strike with scripture. If I am not saved, damned to an eternal hell, here on earth too, then it won’t matter what I say or do. It seems that some people think they are the final authority on salvation, who will be saved and who is going to hell.
Broken you are not going to hell Jesus dealt with this issue in john 8 :1-11 everyone thinks this was the sin of adultery but it actually on all sinners as we all are condemned under the law we all are sinners we all have sinned and will sin and the penalty for our sin is death everyone of us.But when we accept Jesus that penalty is paid for all of us if we believe in him. John 3:16 so you saved by the grace of God sin cannot stop us from going to be with the Lord as he has paid the penalty for our sin.regards brent
Hi, i am with you on this and although i did feel better about my salvation for a few years the feeling is back again . I have no peace now again and i feel there is no hope. The only thing i do is to pray and even that is very difficult and i have asked the Lord to show me that i am saved but nothing as yet , maybe our guilt is our answer, if we feel bad about what we did then surly that means we have a repentant heart ?
Then king David is not in heaven
King David lived under Moses law. Jesus mentioned that specifically and it’s written in the gospel. we are not under the Moses law because Jesus’ crucifixion, rising from dead and ascending into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father and to send us the Holy Spirit, freed us from and broke the chains of sin. We must obey His word and love God with all our heart, that is repentance and coming out of sin fully ( that is remarriage here)
Wel said, Doug. That is true repentance related to divorce and remarriage and ongoing adultery. Stay single or chaste , or reconcile with the covenant spouse . If the covenant spouse is dead, then free to remarry.
Where in the Bible does it say that in order to fix the sin of a remarriage, you should divorce/leave that marriage? Perhaps the act of adultery was when the first marriage covenant was broken by the second marriage because the spouse was still alive. Where does it specifically say to divorce from the remarriage? Adultery is comparable to lying, not stealing. It was a lie to break the covenant. If you lie even once, you’re called a liar. That doesn’t mean you’re living in a state of lying. The only way to correct a lie is to tell the truth, but you can’t undo that you told a lie. Therefore, to correct adultery, you confess and tell the truth. This is not the same as homosexuality being a sin everyday because God never refers to that as a marriage at all in any way. Any time God acknowledges that a marriage happened, it was between a man and a woman. Choosing to get married to an unbeliever is not a scriptural marriage either, but nowhere does it say to get a divorce to correct it.
Hi Jeremy
This is such a confusing subject for me.
I was married to a guy I knew for quite a while and divorced without even trying to make the marriage work.
We both went on with our lives and I’ve tried to contact him a few years ago, but he ignored my messages of asking forgiveness and a second chance to make things right-which I understand as he is a proud man and I wish him all the happiness and blessings in the world.
A few years ago I met the new guy I’m with now-we started living together in sin, but recently decided that we want to do the right thing and I moved out into my own place and we would not have any intimate contact before marriage.
So, he actually told me the other day that according to the Bible he is able to re marry as his ex wife cheated on him-but because of me divorcing without this problem, I am actually not allowed to get married again.
I’ve started searching sites to better my understanding and to be honest there as so many sites confirming what he said.
My question is-Am I allowed to marry this guy, or am I because of my sin, bound to be alone until I die?
Marry him! It is not good to be alone.
But more importantly, commit to stay married to this man, no matter what. (Unless he abuses you … but that is a different subject).
Also, find a different church to attend that doesn’t get so hung up on sin. Jesus isn’t in the sin-management business.
Israel committed spiritual adultery time and time again when God warned the people of what was going to happen for their sin. Israel didn’t listen to God and they suffered great consequences. Yet God never disowned them as His chosen people and hasn’t to this day. When my own children disobey me, it hurts me as a parent , but I don’t stop loving them neither can I make them be unborn to me. My point being we may sin, even commit adultery, but if we are a child of God, that will never be undone. He does not send His children to hell.
Rita i liked what you said very true brentnz
God has more MERCY than there is sin in this world. adultery, abortion , etc…. Mercy…
Yes, He does. We are forgiven when we acknowledge the sin nd come out of it (repent).
My husband has committed adultery many times with several women. He made me feel as though I was to blame for his sin. Has decided to separate himself from our children and I to live with his other woman and believe it or not he goes to church with her then tells me that Jesus came for all of us. Here I am practically now a single parent while my husband is living as husband and wife with someone else who he is not married to. You talk about forgiveness, what about the hurting spouse who now has to pick up the pieces with children and carry on while their spouse abandoned his home to live in “bliss” with his new soulmate
I’m also interested in the answer for this lady’s question as I’m dealing with the same issue.
Honestly I don’t think that you are going to get an answer from the ear ticklers out there. They are only concerned about forgiveness, and have no concept that repentance is not just saying “Ooops, oh well God will forgive so I can continue in my fleshly ways”. Repentance requires that restitution be made, not just saying you are sorry. No spouse can really repent and be right with God without making restitution to the Covenant spouse. The ear tickler in the “church” are no different from unbelievers and feel that how they feel is more important than producing true fruit!
Erin,I have a few things I would like to say. My first is,have you read Deuteronomy? In there Moses says that a wife that has been divorced cannot return to her first husband after remarriage,as that is an abomination to the Lord. The second thing would be then by this logic,we would have to apply the same principles to a mother who had a child out of wedlock. To truly “repent”,she would have to get rid of the child. For it being alive is not only allowing the sin to be ongoing,but loving it as well. Thirdly, David came into his marriage with Bathsheba only by sin. And while her husband was dead,in order to repent,he would have to leave that situation. And the last thing,is that when Jesus is talking to the woman at the well,he says that she has had five husbands,five. He called them husbands,therefore it would seem that they were recognized as such in his eyes. I doubt that they were all dead,seeing as how she was nimble enough to fetch water from the well and then to “run” off into the village would lead one to think that she wasn’t very old. Last one…the word commits does not always mean an ongoing action in the Greek language. Sometimes it simply means that something has occurred. If someone commits murder,they are not continually killing someone. God obviously knew divorce was going to happen or it never would have. Gluttony is also considered a sin,so does that mean if someone is constantly fat they are going to hell? In order to repent,they would have to stop overeating and get into shape and stay that way their entire lives. The Bible says that few will find the narrow path,and yet the divorce rate in the Church is actually only 8 to 12 percent (contrary to what made up states say),which means the majority of the Church are still married to their original spouse and yet it says few,so obviously marriage isn’t one of the things that can get you in. The face of the matter is you either believe that Jesus’ sacrifice is sufficient or it isn’t. The word repent in the Greek language literally means “change of mine” as in God repented in the fact that he had made men. Just wanted to share these few thoughts with you. I hope you have a blessed day.
@Kimberly I am responding to your comment, I commented before and I did not want to comment again on this issue. I can see that you lack knowledge of the word of God or you might have another bible different from the one I have. Adultery was never accepted in anywhere in the bible, adultery violates God principles. Please read bible carefully and fear of God so that you may spare your life from sinning. Adultery is a sin whether you accept it or not, you may have many words to defend yourself but even so does not change the principle of God and it’s consequence. The book of Deuteronomy 24 that you are talking about you don’t get it, let me remind you that we are not under the law but grace so you are lost. Let me give you what the grace says concerning adultery, Matt. 5v31&32, 19v1-10, 1Corinthian 7v10. My conclusion let me inform you about marriage, marriage is a image of Christ and the church. Adam and Eve marriage was pointing to Jesus and the church that is why divorce is unacceptably. If God had divorced Israel then Jesus can divorce the church but if not then you cannot either divorce your wives. Tell me how can something which is made one can be separated, does not Jesus says that they are made one and no one should separate them? Problem is this people like the world more than God because they like everything of flesh because they are of flesh not of the Spirit. Those who live by flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God because God is Spirit and His word is Spirit and those who love him will live by Spirit.
YES! I am so sick of the “God will forgive”, lukewarm, pats on the back, slap on the wrist answers for UNREPENTANT, CONSTANT , WILLFUL SIN.
I have committed adultery a few times now. This last time, I have completely fallen in love with this man. He has accepted Christ in his life and we want to abstain from any sexual behaviour. We are both separated from our spouses and are getting divorced. We want to eventually get married but are so afraid we won’t go to heaven because of it. Can you please give me some insight on this. Also, I didn’t get married before God but did so by the Justice of the Peace. How does this work when you don’t feel you had God blessing your marriage when it didn’t happen that way?
I committed adultery and I have hated myself for it. I have received forgiveness from my husband and have prayed for forgiveness several times since it happened. I know that I will never commit this sin again and have always tried to figure out what I needed to do to receive forgiveness from God. I wasn’t sure if I should confess in Church, confess in front of the public, be baptized, etc. I have always prayed for forgiveness, for all my sins, even ones that I may not recall or may not been aware of (I.e. Liking someone’s purse and wishing I had one may be construed as coveting) but I was never sure that it was enough. However, reading this line “… do not think that God has rejected you. He has not. He loves you, accepts you, and forgives you.” immediately brought me to tears and I felt a great swelling of my heart and a great burden off my soul. Thank you for shedding some light so this person could remind their way.
Im sooooo disgusted with myself, my husband cheated on me the other day, im upset but i forgave him i love him to much so its easy to look pasts this, it still hurts dont get me wrong. But anyway the next day he sends me an angry text saying hes done with me we are no longer married or together… it hurt me so bad i didnt know what to do. Im alone all day everyday, I asked my mother to let me sleep at her place to give me comfort and to avoid these evil thoughts i begged her! but her tenant hates me so she said no. I have no friends in my life anymore, only my parents and brother but they are always busy and im always alone, I used to live with my husband but i have some healing to do on the inside so i moved in with my father so I could heal properly and come back to him a happy wife. Anyways, He told me he has cheated and tells me dont text me or call me we arent together anymore we are no longer married. This made me devastated so I figured id get drunk for comfort… i wish i turned to my bible instead…. i then went online dating sites and found a man, we chatted a little and we decided to meet up, He got me even moree drunk I blacked out and dont remeber much. But I do remeber a glimpse were he was having sex with me, i was to drunk and out of it to say anything or do anything i just remeber feeling shameful disgusting wanting this to be over wanting to stop, this isnt me, im so young i just met this guy I had NO INTENTIONS of this happening i figured id be sober and aware of my surroundings that if h did try anything i could push him away and say no. But i messed up, i feel ashamed!!!! Right after this happen MY husband texted me saying he was sorry for what he said that he does want me as his wife and the lord has already blessed our marriage. but he an i both cheated on eachother. I AM GOING TO REPENT AND PRAY. my life is broken and I NEED JESUS! Do you think lord will forgive me with time? I want to give up EVERY last sin in my life, will he forgive me?
I was baptized Catholic as a baby. At age 16, I accepted Christ as Savior and was water baptized. At age 20, I married my then husband who also was a Christian. We were married for 10 years. I divorced him due to his alcoholism, verbal, mental, and rare, minor physical abuse. We were divorced for 4 years. Within a year after the divorce, he slept with another woman. He then maintained sobriety for 3 years. We were remarried (I never dated; I wanted him to get sober and for us to reconcile). We were then remarried again for 5 years. He started smoking pot, and drinking again. His alcoholism in both marriages to me was not “functioning”. Meaning, for the majority of our marriage time, he was a non-functioning alcoholic; binge drinking, cannot keep a job, in/out of jail, suicide attempts – really horrible stuff. I really care about the man (father of our now 20 year old daughter) and really want him to surrender to God and seek freedom from his chains of addiction. I really wanted both marriages to work. Really. But, it came to a mental breaking point where I could just not do it anymore. It was unhealthy for our daughter, and me.
I had to give some background as to why I wanted to divorce – twice. I have now been officially divorced for 1.5 years and separated for 2.5 years. I am a Protestant Christian. My dad is a devout Catholic who was divorced by my mom within 5 years of their marriage; divorced over 40 years ago now. He has stayed single his whole life since then, believing it a sin to remarry. Now that I feel I am in a place to move on and want to think about remarriage, my dad is making me feel very guilty. He says that I will be sinning if I remarry. He tells me over and over what he believes about the subject. I try to kindly deflect the conversation. That usually does not work and I have to tell him to “stop”. I then get upset and end up leaving. He says I get upset because I am feeling guilty and know it is wrong to remarry. He says I need to “deal with God” on this subject. When I say let’s agree to disagree on how we see this topic, he says it is not him, but God who has given the commandant about remarrying.
I am so at the end of my rope with my dad. I do not know how to respond, via scripture regarding what I believe; that it is OK for me to remarry. Not that I think this is ideal. I think it would be better to be with my original husband, to reconcile. I cannot reconcile if my ex is a homeless alcoholic killing himself with booze. It is hard enough to deal with that fact. How do I answer my dad to get him off my back? Help!
You will probably not be able to convince your dad of anything, so the best approach might be to simply stop trying. He wants you to “deal with God” and so you might just be able to tell him that you are dealing with God and leave it at that. If God gives you the freedom to remarry, you can go ahead in that freedom.
Is it a sin to do so? As you say, it is not ideal, but at the same time, it is even less ideal for you to get back together with your alcoholic abusive husband. God has created you for a relationship and companionship, and in this world, few relationships are ideal. So while I cannot tell you to remarry, I think that if you can find a man who will encourage you and love you and support you, it would be wonderful to marry him. Know that God will never be upset or angry at you, no matter what you do.
Thank you. Very helpful.
I am confused by Jeremy about adultery’s sin understanding but sometimes its how person interprete the word but I like to start where he said Abraham had done adultery. Abraham did not do adultery but had two wives Sarah and Hagar. Again David slept with Uriah’s wife and killed him in a battle, he was judged for his sin to the point of losing a child to death and other punishment, 2Samuel 12. A woman who did adultery was forgiven by Jesus but given the word do not sin again not given the license to do adultery. John confronted Herold about adultery but he was the one who was jailed and killed. Adultery Jesus explained in his gospel and he said as long as your husband or wife lives you cannot marry Luke 16v18 so I don’t know your knowledge of the word but I comment to my knowledge too. All I know you confess your sins intended to repent but I don’t give word to those who feel they are in adultery but they should do what their consciousness say. God intended to judge devil not people, that is why he gave his only son to die for the sins of the world. You mean if I stole something and Jesus forgive me I must carry on stealing because I am forgiven because that what I understand your interpretation of adultery.
Hagar was not Abrahm’s wife. She was his wife’s maidservant. I am not sure what you are saying about David. Are you saying his adultery was okay because he later lost the son that came from that relationship?
Read this post about the woman caught in adultery.
Yes Hagar was maidservant to Sarah but was given to Abraham since Sarah was not conceiving so I’m saying there was no adultery here. To Davide I don’t know if you understand me because I’m saying he was judged for his action since he was confronted by Nathan and was told that if he needed more wives he should have asked God. All I’m saying is that adultery is a sin and it has been explained in the bible so I don’t think we should encourage people to do it. If your wife or husband divorce you you, you cannot marry while he/she leave unless she/he died. Please let’s read the bible well and help people understand the word of God. It is adultery to divorce your partner and marry another person wherther which way you do that’s what I’m saying and the bible say so. If you divorced remain that way or make a reunion. 1Corinthians 7v10&11
People of God please read the word carefully, God don’t accept divorce. Mark 10v11&12 if you remarried you committed adultery, forgiveness comes by the way of changing not by keep sinning. Jesus said Moses permitted divorce because of your hard heart otherwise it was not so from the beginning Matthew 19v7&8. Jesus responded to people who were given the law and Jesus answered according to the law. People need to come in their sence, how come that someone who made a vow that in happiness and sicknesses only death will set them apart then choose words to divorce spouse. Adam said this is flesh of my flesh, bone of bones, how come then choose to divorce your spouse if that is how we commit ourselves. Jesus new covenant does not allow divorce otherwise if you divorce you will not marry as long as your spouse lives. Read 1 Corinthian 7. Marriage is commitment and we need to show the world that it is from God not what the world’s do. If you divorce you will not marry if your spouse lives, unless your spouse died then you can, end of story.
OK so my husband left after telling me the other woman is pregnant by him a second time. He wants no parts of me and is pleading and spending his time with her money n engery. Do I hold on
I have a question I’m a newlywed who believes in Christ my wife and i was saved before our marriage. If my wide commits adultery before the union and continued after our union and a seed was produced from that union. Is that sin frowned upon and not forgiven even if she stopped and got an abortion? Will God not bless me in regards to this broken link between man and woman and not pour out his blessings to US as a restored union in our marriage. I’m struggling in dealing with forgiveness, and I don’t want God to punish Mr I’m looking for guidance and surety through scripture not opinions, can anyone assist in this matter? THANKS IN ADVANCE
God can still bless you, because of His grace and forgiveness. Look up how Jesus forgave an adulterous woman.
How Can The consequences of Committing adultery be forgiven and how can one know he is truely forgiven by God for Committing adultery,Can a one time Committing of this Sin be Forgiven? If you have never tried it again and truely repented,Can God forgive without you saying It out? Finally,How Can one Do away with the Guilt and emotions after Committing Adultery!What Can be Done to Bring About The Lost Glory,Finances,Destiny,Health deterioration experience within the period of Committing this Sin. .
I generally try to respect different interpretations people have of scripture, but it is difficult to have any respect for the legalists that want to white out enormous portions of scripture, proof text a couple verses in isolation to teach a salvation by works. Those that say you can lose your salvation by committing adultery haven’t spent much time reading the bible. If one accepts the premise that polygamy is adultery, who was the worst ‘adulterer’ ever? An argument can be made that King Solomon was, and yet, the bible considers King Solomon the wisest man to ever walk the earth(except Jesus), He was even used to pen God’s message to man in the scriptures(Ecclesiastes, Proverbs). What do we see from scripture? Hellfire and brimstone? Gloom and doom verses stating how Solomon was consigned to Hell or purgatory? No. Not even close, in fact, the sense I get from scripture is that it wasn’t THAT big of a deal. God says, ‘Yeah, He got carried away, you shouldn’t multiply wives Solomon, but I realize…boys will be boys.’
In fact, in some cases, it seems as though God put His blessing on polygamy with David:
2 Samuel 12:8 And I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your arms and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more.
If we accept the protestant canon, and we accept that the authors of the Old Testament weren’t deluded and weren’t making false statements, then the only way I see to maintain the integrity of the scriptures and the protestant canon AND be honest with the texts, is to see monogamy as God’s ideal, but that we should tread lightly when discussing divorce, remarriage, and acknowledge that God is the only one capable of judging these things, and note that any ethical considerations of this topic must weigh heavily, cultural and situational factors. The legalists that are anxious to condemn others would be wise to consider Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians…..the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.
I almost forgot, when God COMMANDED one of the prophets to marry a harlot:
1The word of the LORD that came to Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.
Hosea’s Wife and Children
2When the LORD first spoke through Hosea, the LORD said to Hosea, “Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the LORD.” 3So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.
4And the LORD said to him, “Call his name Jezreel, for in just a little while I will punish the house of Jehu for the blood of Jezreel, and I will put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel.
The legalists need to humbly search the scriptures and seek the heart of God, rather than creating their own works based religion.. As if Jesus’ death on the cross isn’t enough.
You are fully saved until you are called by Messiah out of the grave or are alive when He comes and given a new body. Salvation is by grace through faith but you have to endure til the end to be saved as Messiah warned. Everyone always throws out the term works salvation. Yet obedience is required and isn’t works. Also the Father is going to judge the world by those 10 Commandments and Messiah will judge his believers / followers by them in the here and now and the world to come. He spanks disobedient believers with circumstances and such in the here and now. He warned in the NT that adultery committed in the heart could send you to hell. How much more physically carried out and stayed in with some sort of excuse of we love each other or we have repented when these are lying they are still in it or just separated for a time til married like that will change the commandment Messiah gave. Lukewarm at best! Spit out is the future for such and spit is no longer in the body when spat out!
My husband and i was happily married for 16 year he committed adultery i forgave him when he ask me to because Jesus forgives any way the other women got pregnant he was with me and her i couldn’t take it it was making me depressed because he wouldn’t end it and lied to me telling me he wasn’t so i separated from him and moved on my own feeling lonely for 3 years i decided to find another man so i did in spite of the holy spirit convicting because i was bitter and lonely now i am mentally ill hear voices i hope it not to late for me i ask god for forgiveness every day i don’t feel the same i feel lost please pray for me
Sarah God forgives you for your actions if you confess it to God he doesnt change he still loves you.It is hard but as a believer we must forgive those who hurt us not for there sake but for ours harbouring anger bitterness and unforgiveness causes us to get sick that is where i believe your mental illness is coming from.Those negative emotions have the power to destroy us if we let them.Only Jesus can help us to forgive when it hurts so deeply like you are experiencing tell him you cant do it and ask him to help you by his holy spirit so he can set you free and bring healing and restoration to your life brentnz.
Hi, I enjoyed the article but my situation is different to many of the above readers. As I am not married. I fell in love with a man that I am currently living with to later find out he is separated. We have been together for the past 2 years and we both have been through a lot of self development due to struggles and hardships and have grown together. He is much older than me as well as a different race. BUT I have never met a man like him who lights up my life. He inspires me to be more inline with my capabilities. He motivates and believes in me. He knows me better than anyone I know and so do I know him. We know each others journeys in life and enjoy and understand each other. He is separated. I only learned this later. So technically he is still married but he is not planning to go back that way. He has not manned up to make it final to divorce. I don’t see myself going back to my old life, surrounded by judgement and users. I want to be a success where I am at. What is your take on this? I do feel ashamed according to what society and my faith deems as acceptable.
Well said brothers sisters, the only problem is this, you forgot to give the people the scripture that says adultery takes your right to heaven. Let me show you:
Galatians 5:19-21King James Version (KJV)
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; ADULTERY, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God.
He’s referring to lost people, not Christians forfeiting their salvation.
1 Corinthians 6
9. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11. AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU: BUT ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
Craig, you just contradicted yourself. Notice it says and such were some of you? He is addressing the believers in the assembly of Corinth and telling them to not practice these things that they once did or they would not inherit the kingdom. The book of Revelation warns in verse 21 vs 8 that no adulterer will enter the kingdom and we know by all of scripture that he means a willful practicing one. This bbok is written to the Angel of the 7 Assemblies that believe in other words believers……
I married a man. That lied to me. Was not there for me and did not care for his child. I separated from him. Two months latter a started seeing someone. I was not yet divorced for I had very little money I could not pay for one. But I am with a man I been with for 5 to 6 years and we have a son but he is now telling me we can’t marry or we both go to hell. I will take him to hell if I marry him. I do t feel I would go to hell. I feel I have done nothing wrong. I did not cheat on my husband I left him. Am I still doomed to hell???
No, you are not doomed to hell. Are you going to a church that tells you these things? Do yourself and your future marriage a favor and find a different church. They are not teaching you truth but are trying to control and manipulate you through the fear of hell and sin. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear…
Get married, enjoy your family, and thank God for both!
Thank you. Ever time I look I. The Bible and show I can be forgiven I’m shown I can’t u made me feel better thank and yes I’m looking for a new church.
PS… can I order ur book. Skeleton church
So what you are saying ,if you take someone. husband or wife.And you are still lving in that sin.God can’t forgive,you because you have not let go of that sin ,right?
No, the opposite actually. God forgives all sin, past, present, and future.
25 years ago I was a new christian and a single mum who was not truly familiar with the word of god neither was I in a sound biblical church which taught the true meaning of the bible. I met a man who I knew was already married and we started an affair where he left his wife for me, his former marriage was unstable and very unhappy. we Married in a church. unknown to me my now husband had a lot of inner problems he was not true to me about just as he had another affair with a neighbour of ours a few years ago. The guilt I feel has never gone away to how I allowed myself to go down the road of adultery where I was named as the woman he committed adultery with. I regret failing my Lord terribly whom I love dearly just as I am still haunted by my sin which I can not see my lord forgives me, or the fact I will not spend eternity with him in heaven, what I did has never gone away It constantly tears me apart time after time. My husband’s son blames me for his mum and dad’s marriage failing just as my daughter has a dislike to my husband, we have both even been judged by others. Should I leave my husband and start a new life on my own for my peace of mind?
Thank you so much for posting this. I have long struggled with these questions. In my case, I was divorced because it was necessary for our physical safety of myself and our only child. The decision to divorce was not done quickly or without years of praying and trying to adapt to my spouse’s condition. After learning from others who had similar situations, the decision was made after it became clear that either myself or our child or both might not survive. My spouse moved far away and is now with another and is receiving treatment.
Things have stabilized, but my heart has always wrestled with how I might remarry one day. Like any human being, I need to love and be loved, to lie with a person I can care for and who can care for me, and by being together we can be more than we can be apart.
I knew Christ can forgive anything. He promised the thief who was crucified with Him that he would be that day in Paradise with Him.
But the key that I took away from Christ’s forgiveness is that we must strive to not sin again. Forgiveness means the sin is erased but the forgiveness also means to never do that sin again.
So when I meet someone who I can share the rest of my life with, I know Christ has had mercy on me, that He has forgiven all of us, that we are allowed to remarry but that we must avoid repeating the sin, that we are given a new slate that we must strive to keep clean.
So I can smile with my future mate and know that we can walk together in Christ’s love and light.
Hi thank you for sharing… I am non christian yet but since yesterday i think I became Chistian in heart by fully accepting Jesus.
I am the worst sinner ever i think…i lost my virginity since when i was 14 or more years…the first time i intercourse with the married woman(i dont know she divorced or her husband died) and that was just once but kissed many times…then later i intercourse with another lady then after that with the another lady(girl friends)…then after that i have a long lasting relationship with another lady (nonchristian) we already intercourse for many times…and as years pases by..time for me to leave my country for 5 years study(medical field)…and while i am i that country(China) once i intercourse with a prostitute(i am really shamefull)…then after few times i found another girl in facebook(from my hometown only) then fall in love with her and that loves get stronger day by day(she is a christian) and i told her that im not virgin and i had this girlfriend and i did with prostitute so she forgives me and ask me to lie new life…but still i havent leave my e girl friend(i found difficult to leave her,i dont love her much,but i dont know how i love her in first place,she is much older than me),my ex gf came to suspects about my new relationship via facebooks post,comments,likes and all and sometimes i did told her that i have this new friend…as time passes by,she realised it and she dont talk to me anymore till now…and last time i went home i met my new girl friend and we intercourse….but i ask forgien from God that i wont do any thing like this to lost girls vvirginity but i did it again with my new gf when i went home last time….but even do i broke her irginity but i promised to love her just her because i really found that peace and love within her not with my ex.
i Havent married yet,but had all these evil things….but i started to chnage my life and search for forginess,and search for Jesus…i really want Jesus in my heart…i know im a lost ship and a torned cloth which if even fix but scars will be there still…But i strongly belief there is place for me in Heaven if i really repent and search for Christ…so i used to pray but my believe is 50-50 as im still non religion,but my gf plays a role she always tries to make me understand and proves me that God is alive and since yesterday i really tried to believe in Jesus ,i tried to read and understand Bible so i believe jesus is in my heart now…i did masturbation everyday,sextings and all thos dirty stuffs but i believe im clean from today… still non christian…please help me…i really want Jesus in my heart …will still God forgive all these sins ? is there a place for me in Jesus heart?
And my ex gf im not so cleared…she forgives me or not ..sometimes she says no..sometimes yes…but im really sorry im not in love with her anymore because i think i found some one better for me.. thank you..please reply…I need Jesus.
Here is my understanding thus far. Followers of Christ must if they are true followers, repent of sin and recieve forgiveness, which God graciously grants to the truly penitent. When people in the church engaged in immorality Paul directed the leaders to expel them until they repented. So what is repentance? Some say it is a change of mind. However I would daresay that any genuine repentance will be following by a change of way and not just thought. I have no doubt that adultery can be forgiven when repented of. I am just not sure about what is currently taught on the subject. If we tell two fornicators in a live in arrangement that repenting of their sin means ending the fornication/living together and we tell thieves to cease stealing and work with their hands, etc, well, what about adultery? If we have taken a spouse we ought not to have taken, can we say we are repentant and continue in the sin of having someone we should not have? Just asking/ If I were living with my boyfriend outside of wedlock and claimed to be repentant but continued to live with him, could I truly be considered repentant if I was carrying on as before? That’s my question about adultery as it pertains to remarriage. Can I say I am repentant but continue on in the wrong relationshp? How does it stop being adultery by virtue of my saying I am sorry? When I try to apply that logic to any other sin situation ,it doesn’t add up. For instance, I ask God to forgive my sinning with my live in boyfriend, but I keep living with him and sleeping with him. Is my claim to be repentant credible? Or I say I am repentant of laziness but continue couch surfing. So how can I be repentant of commiting adultery via remarriage and remain in an off limits relationshp? Does any sin become right and not sinful by virtue of it being a fait accompli? Have we worshipped marriage so much that we are putting it ahead of God’s standards and justifying it? the verse with the woman taken in adultery says that Jesus told her to go and sin no more. Clearly her situation was one where she was visiting her lover on the pretext of being somewhere else, for secret trysts and the pharisees knew of it but probably ignored it because one of their own was the other party. It doesn’t say but it seems to be the case. At any rate, Jesus told her to go and sin no more. It is doubtful that she could have obeyed that command if she kept doing it. So, while I am not convinced either way at this point, I believe those who are challenging the teaching that those in second marriages are most often, apart from some biblical allowances, in sinful situations, may have a good point. How does saying you are sorry making something that was wrong, now okay? The answer most often given is the grace of God and yet Paul says shall we continue in sinthat grace may abound ? May it never be. Since this is an eternally weighted matter and not merely a question about debatable matters, I’d love to see a direct answer to how adultery becomes no longer adultery by virture of admitting to Godthe wrong done and asking for forgivness. Thank you for considering this.
When I consider these issues I always come up against the story of David ( ancient King of Israel ) .
David committed adultery with a woman, then murdered her husband. David repented of this and was forgiven.
But then David went on after that and married the woman ! Further, David was the author of psalms that even Jesus quoted as the inspired words of Scripture.
Although it appears that David was denied his wish to build the temple because of his blood guilt.
The issue of God’s dealings with the human condition seems to be much more complex then we can understand by applying a simple legal template.
Of course the NT discourages licence or what some call ” cheap grace ” , nevertheless I think we need to tread very carefully in an area where God knows all the truth and we don’t.
My ex-husband and I were both military and I had gotten pregnant after 6 months of dating. We were married before the baby was born, and we were only 22 years old. Although he was very jealous I thought I could help him trust by being loving an honest. This was not the case. He would blow up on me over little things. He gave me Chlamydia when I was 7 months pregnant. When the baby was born we more or less stopped sleeping together. When the baby was 3 months old he left on deployment. During that time he cheated on me with women over seas and ruined some of his closest relationships with friends because they saw how he was treating me, being verbally abusive. He told me he wanted a divorce. During that time I was heartbroken and feeling lost, wondering how I could have strayed so far from the person I had always seen myself as. I slept with a friend of mine and became plagued with guilt even though we were headed for divorce. When he came back from deployment we decided to work on our marriage. He asked me if I had been with anyone and I was honest with him. I told him the truth and he used my adultery as a means to justify his own. He continued to sleep with other women and lie about it. When we got out of the military we went our separate ways. We had tried counseling and it didn’t help at all. Our therapist told me to leave him. I raised our son with out him for over a year until we decided to give it another try. After a year of trying to work on our marriage I found out that he was again talking to other women behind my back when his text messages accidently got sent to my email address. We split for a second time and eventually got divorced. He now has a child with his new girlfriend but hasn’t seen our son in 2 & 1/2 years. I believe that God has forgiven my transgressions because my repentance was sincere, but the consequences definitely still continue. I was angry for quite awhile, having trouble understanding why god gave him another family while I struggle to make ends meet and raise a child without a father. However, I feel that I have healed a lot from my past and I know that if we hadn’t of split up that things would have continued on in similar fashion. I have tried dating since then with absolutely no luck. Prayers for clarity, guidance, faith and companionship would be greatly appreciated.
I know that in the loosest sense Mark 10:11-12 are at least saying that if somebody divorces someone in order to marry someone else they are committing adultery. In this case I would say the actual marriage ceremony would be the completion of the adultery. Let me ask do you think it would be okay to attend such a marriage given that John the Baptist was beheaded for opposing this exact scenario (Mk 6:17-29)? I have had tons of Christians say yes it’s fine, they’re lost. But then I ask them if it’s okay to go to a gay wedding and they say “NO WAY!”. I ask why and they say because “it’s sin.” Isn’t an adulterous wedding sin? Is there any possible justification for going to such a wedding because 90% of Christians I’ve talked to are fine with it, but based on scripture and the gay issue that feels like a double standard. Your thoughts?
Firstly gay marriage is not marriage in a biblical sense as it is homosexuality or lesbianism so you cant compare the two on grounds of biblical marriage as that is only between a man and a women. As far as divorce God instructed Moses that he would allow divorce it was never his plan that a couple would marry and then later separate it was meant for life till death separate them.
As far as attending the marriage ceremony of gay people i have two points of view the first is that that is there choice to live how they want to but to me that is clearly not Gods best and sin is sin and needs to be repented of but that is my standard not theres.As far as divorced people remarrying why shouldnt they if they have repented of there past God forgives them not condemns them.As he said to the women caught in adultery do they condemn you and she answers no and he says and neither do i.Go and sin no more.This was not just for the women causght in adultery this lesson was for every one of us he was addressing our sin publically for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God that being his son Jesus Christ he is telling us that we must make the same decision to go and sin no more to repent in our hearts and the only way to do that is to give our hearts and lives totally to Jesus Christ other wise we are no better than the hypocrites in JESUS day.brentnz
am so much blessed with the teaching, i have been in dilemma for so long, but after reading this article i felt relieved may god bless you so much.
When I was 24 I was married. She became pregnant and we had a girl. She started accusing me of running around on her and even jumped on me talking to my girl cousin at my grandma’s funeral. I after being accused of it was unfaithful at least 2 times . I told her about it and she forgave me. She then left me and took the child when I got a job offer out of town. I then moved out and then she moved back In The original house and still didn’t follow me. While in the new town I told my boss (cop) that my wife left me. He told me so I would t get fired to get a legal separation. I then started dating and sleeping with alot of women. In doing that I met a wonderful woman who loves me and she had been divorced twice both of which she was run around on and abandoned. After my divorce we were married and then found out my daughter was in danger of being killed because her mom was mentally ill. I got custody of her and we raised her and took her to church. She grew up and out of the will of the lord and I back slid committed adultery with Internet port and with massage parlor masterbation And sex with. A hooker. She has forgiven me but I feel that im not forgiven for any of it and living In Continuing adultery.
Tommy God has already forgiven you for your sin the moment you asked Jesus into your life and confessed him as Lord.From that point he paid for your sin in full past present future.It is not sin that stops us from being with the Lord so you are saved.The problem you are experiencing is the battle for your life in the here and now satan is out to destroy you and he knows our weaknesses.If you are honest there were already issues in your life that you struggled with and never got the victory over.So where do you go from here as i found myself in the same situation i was a christian but walking according to the flesh.God doesnt change his mind he always loves us but because of our choices we distance ourselves from God.The issue is that we like sin thats our wicked hearts and to be fair we cant change our nature only Christ can do that our old nature must be crucified with Christ.The stumbling block is our pride we have to admit that we cant do it For me that was terribly difficult i was so independent thinking i could do anything but the truth was a made a real mess of things.I sense you are at a crossroads and are feeling desperate and confused.So as a brother in the Lord you need to confess your sin to God and tell him that you are weak {we all are }and that you cant do it in your strength{None of us can} but ask him to send the holy spirit to help you deal with the temptations and the sin that you struggle with and he will help you to change your life he will empower you as he did me.Rather than look at who you are look to Christ and walk in him and he will make you a new man and sin will not have dominion over you.Jesus came to set us free from bondage.Having once been a slave to sin i know what it is like to have been set free by the power of God and that is what Christ is offering you today.All it takes is a desire to change or repent and admit we cant do it and trust him to give you the strength to walk in him regards brentnz
It would be great if you could answer this question for me……… Is a person still sinning if they decide to marry the person they committed adultery with? (keeping in mind that both parties are married and divorces are not finalized yet. All were members of the same church and group of friends).
K – A few years back one of my employees and his wife attended the same church that my wife and I attended, a middle-of-the-road conservative church. My employee’s wife left him for a co-worker. A few months later my employee took up with the wife of another couple in the church.
Church friends and almost everyone in the life of wife #1 shunned her, and sympathized with my employee, until he took off with the second woman who would become wife #2, then church friends and most others shunned my employee and wife #2, and sympathized with her first husband. Both of the new “couples” had difficulty finding jobs, housing, friends and so on, left the church and even moved out of the city. Last I knew, the only person who ended up well in the entire mess was the first husband of wife #2, who found a wonderful wife and remarried surrounded by family, friends and church.
Others here will probably weigh in on your question. In my case, your situation reminded me of my former employee and his story, a story unique in my experience, but not all that different from stories of other church couples we have known who had affairs with other church members, got divorced and married their lover.
Jesus told His disciples that it was harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.
When the disciples were appalled at the impossibility of the situation, Jesus said that what is impossible for men is possible for God.
Jesus also told His disciples that anyone who disowned Him he would disown.
Peter cravenly disowned Jesus three times at the High Priest’s house, some 40 days later Peter stood in front of 3,ooo people and proclaimed Jesus as Lord and Messiah.
Did Jesus ever say that the way to God was an obstacle course, hit one hurdle and you’re out. ( even two or three hurdles ) I have never read that.
Entering the Kingdom of heaven is impossible for men, but God has made the way , He is the way, He assures us that He determined and has the power to do it.
Everything is possible for God says Jesus. ( Matt 19 )
I was married at the time when i had my affair… the man i was with was not…. he is a very christian man and i my self am a catholic.. i knew from the first time i saw this man he was the one i was to be with… my marriage was never truly a marriage.. it was more of a friendship and a convenience for him … my daughter loves him very much so They decided we should get married and we did 8 years ago… known him for 14 and my my daughter is now 16.. i married him mostly for her… i loved him but not as wife should love a husband..we just recently divorced and the affair ended months before due to the man being very regretful and God fearing and knowing that we disappointed God… . But the man i had an affair with… completely different type of love… . the kind i can see myself with .. living life with.. i can feel love for him throughout my heart and soul… i want to grow old with this man… i am 47 and he is 45… he has never been married… he said there is not a chance of getting back together again regardless of how we feel towards each other because we committed adultery and God will never forgive us and it will be wrong to do so… so am i supposed to go on living my life being so deeply in love with this man i can never have… why would God put him in my life to make me feel so spiritually happy , so wonderful, so at peace with myself and someone I can finally worship Him with just to take him away from me… I’ve never been with someone who was so religious and i thought this was it… i finally have someone to read the bible with and go to church with and put God first and share things with my self and my daughter as a loving relationship would be….
Adultery is clearly not the unforgiveable sin that is reserved for those who deny the power of the holy spirit when Jesus was doing miracles and revealing to the pharisees and the people that he was the messiah the pharisees who knew Gods word should have known who Jesus was.He fulfilled all the scriptures and yet they refused to accept who he was even though the works he did could only had been from God Instead the pharisees claimed that it was the work of the devil and to deny the work of the holy spirit is to deny God himself in making that decision meant that they refused the grace of God so there is no salvation to those that do not believe in him.brentnz
I need answers if anyone can help me. I am being told by people of the Church of Christ that I might not can remarry again. Here is my background. My ex-husband was a non-believer while we were married. We were married for 22 years when he committed adultery and left me for that woman and eventually married her after our divorce. However my question to all of you is did I commit adultery also in the marriage? After my former husband committed adultery and left me he filed for divorce to me. It took about a year or longer for the divorce to be final. Sometime before the divorce was final I met a man and was with him for three months and had sex with him. This is after my former husband had already left me and committed the adultery. But my question is did I commit adultery too when I was with that man for three months even though my husband had already committed adultery and was seperated from me and was living with the woman? I have repented of my sins and asked God to forgive me but I am confused if I can ever remarry again.
Of course you can marry again if your ex husband was unfaithful brentnz
I am with my second wife. She has made it extremely clear that she wants a divorce. If we divorce do I have to live the rest of my life celibate?
I have a friend who married a man while he was in jail. She turned from him, and committed adultery. She wanted a divorce from him for awhile before she cheated, but never had the money for it. She is now divorced from him, but the man she is currently seeing is very in depth with not being with her since she committed adultery. What should she do? She has asked for forgiveness, and wishes to continue seeing him, but he won’t relent. Will she be able to remarry and be forgiven, or will she forever be considered a sinner?
I really feel for those who are struggling with adultery and it seems the reoccuring question is the same.Will God forgive me if i have committed adultery and the answer is yes we all are sinners and we all have sinned no sin is worse than the other to God.If you are feeling bad because for what you have done then it is the holy spirit drawing you to him repent and turn from your sin.God wants all of us to draw near to him to get our hearts right to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.If you feel weak he gives the strength to deal with it rather than trying sort it out on our own.He forgives us because he loves us but we may have to bear the consequence of our sin like David and his family suffered for his choices regarding his affair with bathsheba but God forgave him for his sin. God didnt stop blessing him eietheras it was through Davids line that Jesus was born.brentnz
I committed adultry with my cousins wife I have a child with her know and am a guardian to one of his kids . They are legally separated both have have had children her with me. and him with his new fiance . I do not know what to do anymore I am constantly plagued with guilt anxiety depression. I try to go to church but feel evil being there I want to be free of these chains I have shackled myself too I love her but not as much as I want to love God and to feel his love am I doomed to he’ll and what of my child
He forgave us my cousin but I am responsible for all this destruction in are lives . Can I truly be forgiven
Zerokool no matter what you have done God forgives you Jesus cleansed us from all our sins i can see you desire to follow him he can sort out the mess you have created and turn it for good.All of us have wicked hearts not just you just ask him to give you a heart like his.He promises to remove our hard hearts and give us a new heart he replaced my hard heart that loved to sin now i desire to walk in his ways.Just so you know when you accept Jesus into your life you receive the holy spirit and he is there to help you live a christian life just pray that in your weakness he will strengthen you and he will take away your fears.Putting Jesus first is the best way to sort what you are going through.I believe God has a plan for your life just trust him amd he wont let you down regards brentnz.
I was set free in the gospel of grace and in looking for a Church home, I too was confronted with eternal salvation by the Church Of Christ. I simply called to inquire about their Church and they told me along with not being able to play music for the Lord at Church, there would be no fellowship for adulterers. I asked a little more to find out that because my marriage is a second marriage, WE WERE NOT WELCOME UNTIL WE DIVORCE!! Obviously, I knew enough to go to the Bible and steer clear of that form of works based salvation. I was surprised to find that my marriage was considered afultery! I went to MANY Pastors and teachers and I am still researching this teaching regarding my marriage after repentance. I was in fact ignorant of the unbiblical divorce and unbiblical remarriage. We did not do it God’s way and I do not want to make the same sins again….divorcing and maybe setting my husband up for yet another marriage (more adultery). I am shocked at the guilt that has crept in over this issue! To me it seems that repentance does involve turning from sin, as well as admitting the sin. The Pastors I have talked to said that it is not only adultery, but that it is another covenant made before God, to each other in front of witnesses and LEGAL. It is a marriage covenant. Even though it was founded in sin, the marriage is binding. This helped me with the issue of being faced with “having to divorce”. I believe the sin is washed and paid for and while there may be residual consequences, that God sees us as married and we are to honor God in this marriage and NOT do what we did last time, which was divorce and lust and remarry. I do not claim to have this all figured out, but I seek the Lord and pray and realise what a cost the Lord paid so that I will not go to Hell for adultery and every sin I have committed. I must rest on Christ’s finished work and have faith. I have true godly sorrow and want to please the Lord. It is the lovingkindness of the Lord that brought me to repentance.
Where to begin. All I have ever wanted was to be the best husband and father I could be. I am 49 years young. I have been married 30 years this June. I have three boys who are grown and have families of thier own. I grew up from a broken home and never had a mother / father role model to show me about marriage. My marriage was awesome the first few years I bounced from job to job and wasn’t the best provider. I joined the military after 4 years of marriage and our lives got better and marriage was a lot better. I was gone a lot during the 10 years of service and my wife did an amazing job with the boys. After the military I was home more and tried to be the best I knew how. It seemed though as if me and my wife didn’t know how to live with each other. We had to learn it all over again. Things were going ok but the uncertainty of the next pay check was really on our minds. She works and even to this day still does. Something was missing. As it turns out I went back overseas as a contractor making really good money (6 figure income) it seemed as though we were a happy-go-lucky couple. While overseas I had an affair and I was scared to death to tell her. I thought by not telling her I was saving her from the pain. I think she suspected. I turned to God and gave him everything I was hurting about. In the process I learned that she was having an affair as well everytime I tried to talk to her about it it always turned into a fight. Finally it all came out and she admitted to me. Again I still did not tell her about mine for the same reasons I stated before. It want just one time with her or one person. I forgave her and told her I was there for her. (Fast forward) my wife told me she is not in love with me anymore the attraction is not there. She works out at the gym and has lost over 100 lbs. She is really looking very good. But I’m not the only one that notices. She told me she has a sexual addiction but not with me. She video chats and has even left the town to go meet people. The burden of not coming clean with her about my affair was to much and I finally told her. She tells me she has to fix herself before there can be used and I agree. I sleep on the couch as she said us being in the same bed was distracting to her fixing herself. I think it’s an open book for her to continue what she is doing. The guy she is currently having an affair with claims to be a Christian and now my wife thinks it’s God’s plan for them to be together. Having an affair has serious consequences although I am and know God has forgiven me it seems as though I am fighting for my marriage for no reason. I really don’t know what to do anymore I still love my wife despite everything that has happened but I feel she may never step out of this. She is at church as I write this and I pray that God is speaking to her.
I committed adultery with a married man. He had told me lies, that he was going through a divorce for 4 years and has separated from her; that she ran to another country and left the 2 year old boy with him. By that time the boy was 5-6 years. He cooked all sort of lies and deceits. I was young, ignorant and naive, I believed his lies.. I would visit him day and night at his apartment in urban area and there was no sign of a woman anywhere. I would cook, clean and do the laundry with no worry and I trusted him completely. Then I fell pregnant and that’s when he decided to tell me the truth. That he has 3 kids and a wife at the village. My heart broke, and felt very sharp pain.
He told his wife everything and I sat down with her, woman to woman and apologised. She told me her husband can have a girlfriend but not a wife. I said how can you allow your husband to have a girlfriend? she laughed… she did not visit him in urban area, that’s why I did not know there was a wife at home. I felt betrayed by him and her. She knew about me before I fell pregnant and her mother in law also knew about me, but thought I’ll just entertain him in urban area as long as he don’t marry me… It became a problem when I fall pregnant and now the man was committed to me and the baby, and he was not willing to abandon me just like that, so all hell broke lose.. They wanted me cast out like a rag with my son.
I have never felt any pain like this in my life. I prayed to God to kill the baby I was carrying so that I can escape the pain. I prayed for months asking for miscarriage, and it did not happen… I prayed for God to fight for me, as I had no 1 to fight my battles for me. Everyone was at the wife’s corner and I was alone. They hated my baby. God heard my prayers… He fought for me… I was not abandoned, and my boy is 19 months now, and I’ve never loved any person the way I love him… Thank God the miscarriage did not happen. I finished my schooling, and the pregnancy never gave me problems. He did not leave his wife and I did not ask him to.
I asked God for peace to reign, and there’s peace now. Everyone apologised to me and we now call each other. I’ve learned to forgive and move on. I now have peace of mind and have accepted what I cannot change… This man now wants to marry me. After what I went through and the hand of God I saw in my situation, I can’t help to wonder if God has really blessed this union. I did not like polygamy, but have learned to accept it… Have read the bible many times and cant find a verse that prohibit polygamy, maybe it’s because God know man are deceitful and always women are victims, I don’t know. I don’t worry about it any more. I just focus on my son, work and studies. I am now a true born again, and want to follow Jesus with nothing holding me back.
Do you think this union is blessed by God or I’m continuing with adultery? Where do I go with my son? He loves his son so much and I want my son to grow in a lovely home. I can’t help to wonder what God is saying about me and my son… I don’t know about her, but what I know is I have grown to love her and her kids.. I did not know that would be possible, but here I am praying for her and her kids and my mother in law… some people would say it’s not normal, but ey! I love them from the heart…. I Thank God for this kind of love.
I was married with an arab man, I am a fully believer who in my life love Jesus. My husband has been seeing this woman for 12 years we fought but as days passed i slowly accepted that he was with another woman, until he married this and having a child. The bible said forgive him, so I do forgive him, but still with her, how many times do I have to forgive him?
I had a girlfriend that we promised to marry in future but it came to a time that she fail her examination and was afraid to meet me, she hide herself from me and started schooling again, I look for her and never did, then I finally get married with two children with my wife, recently I we made and she was still not married and when I asked her why she is not married at the age of 32, she said since I left her she never had a boyfriend and that she is still virgin, (we were not sleeping we each other), she told me she cannot marry any other man except me, but truly I love both her and my with sincerely, I cannot divorce my wife never and I love my formal girl too so much not lust but real love, what should I do? can I go on marrying her in addition to my wife? because marrying her will make me released and happy because she is growing older and still afraid of men except me. I am also an elder in a church that do not accept marrying more than one. advice me, I truly love both of them can that be possible?
I believe I have sinned and come short of his glory, and I want to redidicated to my life to him and for him to bless me with the fruit of the womb
I want to, but I still don’t understand how the remarriage Is Forgiven when the adultery is ongoing.after repentance the adultery still goes on
Repentence means in the Greek a change of mind towards something. Godly Repentence is a God given thing that only happens when the Spirit of God brings a person to his senses about his sin and he sees it like God sees it. A person who has married another in an adulterous marriage who is a believer but God has brought to his or her senses about the wrongness of that marriage, may realize that he or she has willfully sinned against A command of God. He or she has admitted and confessed it to God and has a broken and contrite heart about it. Just like David did when he married Bathsheba and one year later after Nathan was sent by God to reveal his sin to him and he repented on his face before God.
That’s where psalm 51 was penned most believe. God revealed his sin of murder and adultery to David, but did not command him to leave the marriage. He had children with her and also married other wives as well.
I was young, selfish and stupid. I committed adultery and left my family. I knew my kids would be better off at the time because I was not taking good care of them. They ended up on a good stable relationship. I carry this burden everyday. How did I do such a thing. I would never do it now but that is no excuse. I am a better person today but I feel doomed.
Dear Linda,
I understand all too well your sense of doom you mentioned. I felt that way many times. I, too, committed adultery and married an unbeliever. It has broken my heart for many years the realization that I sinned so heinously and selfishly and without any care about weather or not it hurt any one else or most of all the Lord. But God has graciously forgiven me and restored me to Himself. It however, has taken me many years to let the grief and pain go. I love my now husband but the sin has wreaked havoc in my life in many ways.
I have committed adultery twice and divorced two times which led to consequences in this life that I expected. Although I made the bad mistake and choice of being unfaithful I still did not want divorces from either one. I wanted to try to work things out but neither of my ex’s wanted to. They filed for divorce. Both of my husband’s have remarried and are very happy and I’ve apologized and made peace with both of them. After 15 years of being single I am married to a wonderful Christian man but the devil continues to fill my head with guilt of not being forgiven but I know in my heart that God is there. I have repented from those evil dark ways in my past I will never ever go in that place again. I have learned from my mistakes and terribly bad choices. I was a Christian but low self esteem and my heart not being pure I strayed. I grew up a Christian and I’m a Christian now. I made some terrible mistakes and choices but I face the consequences in this life. Please pray with me for my soul and my salvation in peace so that I can do God’s will. I love God I’m proud to be a Christian and I want to go to heaven so bad. I would love to be able to forgive myself. I’ve repented. I’m so remorseful. I’m so ashamed of myself and I’ve asked God into my heart
I John I:9 says… if you confess your sin, and repent, you forgiven. So claim this verse when you feel condemned. The enemy is our accuser. He tempts us and then throws our sin in our face. You are forgiven. Don’t let the enemy steal your joy and peace.
Look, you sleep with another man’s wife, get caught, and do nothing to fix the damage you caused, don’t kid yourself God will forgive you. If you try and repair the damage and you are rebuked, well god knows you tried. If you do nothing to repair what you did then don’t kid yourself.
I believe this is so wrong those people who cheat should go to hell and those people who stay faithful but love have fade they have the right to divorce is good not the other way around so your saying cheating is okay so many people do suicide cause of cheating but divorce is bad/divorce to save your partner from getting cheated from you I think god on this is so wrong and should send them straight to hell cause they are going to continue to cheat and divorce people should be forgiven cause they didn’t hurt no body and nobody did suicide
If a person is living in adultery then they are not saved and cannot enter heaven. God never recognizes the remarriage. If you turn from God after you’re saved does He abandon you? Then we are to live exactly as He does. Luke 16:18 is specific on divorce and remarriage. Mark 10:9-12 is specific. Any second marriage is adultery unless it is a widow getting remarried. They are the only ones biblically allowed to remarry. Scripture does not support any one else remarrying at any time. If you are remarried by mans laws then guess what? God does not recognize that. The woman at the well john 4:16-19 proves that any husband after your original is not your husband according to Jesus own words. So by His words if you are living with and having sex with another then it IS adultery and God states adulterers in 1 Corinthians 6 cannot enter heaven. I suggest anyone who is living in sin repent and turn from it. If a person is unwilling to choose Christ over sin then they are denying Him.
Even Jesus recognized that the woman at the well has had five husbands but the man she now has she was not married to.
David and many of the patriarchs had multiple wives. David married Bathsheba and though he repented from his sin was not commanded to break off his marriage to her but was forgiven by God and had Solomon and Nathan and other sons from that marriage.
If adultery sends one to hell then king David is not in heaven
Actually Jesus acknowledged the woman at the well had FIVE husbands, but the sixth man was not her husband. Don’t twist Jesus words. Jesus didn’t focus on the first, original husband at all. He recognized and acknowledged that she indeed had FIVE husbands before… but the newest man was not her husband. Jesus acknowledged all five husbands as true husbands.
I committed adultery when I was married to my ex husband. He claimed to love me while we dated but it was a rocky relationship. We got married despite many red flags. I thought it would get better. I wasn’t walking with the Lord. After we married, he didn’t want sexual relations with me. He barely did at all. He liked sleeping in his bed. I found gay porn on his computer. I decided to spend time with work friends. I got caught up with a man who I committed adultery with. Months later, my husband found out. I became pregnant from the man not my husband. I got a divorce. Five years later, I asked my ex for forgiveness. He is getting married to someone else. Am I able to remarry bc of repentance?Or am I still bound to the 1st Marriage covenant
Hi Kim. I am sorry for your tragic and painful experiences. Yes, get re-married with God’s blessing. You are loved and forgiven.
I need assistance on this scenario.
Pharisees asked Jesus about divorce in book of Matthew by his response he said ” No one should divorce for any other reason apart From Adultery”
Now my question is:
Marriage can end if one of the partner commits Adultery and if a wife commits Adultery then a man if free to divorce and remarry.
Now, is a wife also free to get married again after committing Adultery?
A husband and wife loved eachother like anything always easy to do anything for eachother and were known to be the best couple seen by all and they weee into relationship since 10yrs and then they married but just after 1yrs of marriage her wife committed adultery but as soon as gets caught comes running and begged forgiveness speaks and tells and accepts what all she has done and asks for genuine forgiveness agrees to all those required to save her marriage
Demands her husband falls on his feet Husband denies to accept her asks her to leave he asks her to leave the house leave his business leave his all friends asks boycotts her from evrything and forces her to divorce he even denies to stay in same house even don’t want to talk to her
But the wife accepts all punishment his husband is going to give him other than divorcing him she pleads to all friends family his universe for her sin she runs here and there for help runs to evry his every temple seeking to purify her seeking for forgiveness seeking for restoring of her marriage she can’t make out what happened what made her do such a sin she feels like ending her life she is asking god for forgiveness cries out loud day and night and she from within now no longer complains for anything happened she feels it’s all lesson of her sins and she no more blames anyone or anything and she doesn’t have Harsh feeling about anyone that all boycotted and doesn’t want to punish any one she just pleads for forgiveness to save her marriage she prays for her husband her family inlaws whom she has given pain he wants god to heal her husband she wants to be with him wipe his tears wants to hug him wants to serve all people all around and serve his husband life long she begs god every second to restore her marriage she says god she loved her husband so much she can do anything to get her back into her life she believes Law of attraction to reconcile them and their families she
Is finding god she is asking god which way she should go she wants to pay any price to restore her marriage she is asking god to enter her heart and heal and asks repentance and her love for her husband is deep and grows day by day
She is crying out to god ???
What shall she do to restore her marriage ????
A husband and wife loved eachother like anything always easy to do anything for eachother and were known to be the best couple seen by all and they weee into relationship since 10yrs and then they married but just after 1yrs of marriage her wife committed adultery but as soon as gets caught comes running and begged forgiveness speaks and tells and accepts what all she has done and asks for genuine forgiveness agrees to all those required to save her marriage
Demands her husband falls on his feet Husband denies to accept her asks her to leave he asks her to leave the house leave his business leave his all friends asks boycotts her from evrything and forces her to divorce he even denies to stay in same house even don’t want to talk to her
But the wife accepts all punishment his husband is going to give him other than divorcing him she pleads to all friends family his universe for her sin she runs here and there for help runs to evry his every temple seeking to purify her seeking for forgiveness seeking for restoring of her marriage she can’t make out what happened what made her do such a sin she feels like ending her life she is asking god for forgiveness cries out loud day and night and she from within now no longer complains for anything happened she feels it’s all lesson of her sins and she no more blames anyone or anything and she doesn’t have Harsh feeling about anyone that all boycotted and doesn’t want to punish any one she just pleads for forgiveness to save her marriage she prays for her husband her family inlaws whom she has given pain he wants god to heal her husband she wants to be with him wipe his tears wants to hug him wants to serve all people all around and serve his husband life long she begs god every second to restore her marriage she says god she loved her husband so much she can do anything to get her back into her life she believes Law of attraction to reconcile them and their families she
Is finding god she is asking god which way she should go she wants to pay any price to restore her marriage she is asking god to enter her heart and heal and asks repentance and her love for her husband is deep and grows day by day
She is crying out to god ???
What shall she do to restore her marriage ????
Have you ever experienced being cheated on? I have and is the most horrendous pain I’ve ever experienced and has devastated my children. It’s seems a huge in justice to say that a person can cause this much devastation to their own kids and wife and carry on in the adultery inflicting more and more pain and your basically saying it’s ok. God looks past The hurt and devastation they are causing …. Really?
I do believe that the Lord forgives adultery, if we confess and repent of it. However, if someone is divorced and remarried the Scripture tells us that person is in adultery (Mark 10:11-12);(Luke 16:18); (Romans 7:2-3); Help me understand how someone who has remarried, who has a living spouse, can repent of adultery and continue in the sin? We are not forgiven for unrepentant sin. Genuine repentance would require us to turn away from our sin. This does not mean the person who remarried should seek a divorce and return to the first spouse. What the Bible says is a wife is not to depart from her husband, but if she does let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband, and a husband is not to divorce his wife. (1 Corinthians 7:10-11). What is the consequence if someone dies in adultery ? Scripture tells us that adulterers are among the list of sinners who will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9).
I have to know if christians walking with Jesus that are saved who are both on their second marriage that repented but both their previous spouses are alive and not know if the previous spouses walk with the lord. The remarried couple are living in sin, so if they are trying to be right with God in every way, are they truly saved due to the scriptures of to be repented of sin, you have to turn away, which means not getting remarried.??? So can divorce and remarriage thats not to each other be forgiven somehow. Or are all christian remarriages not forgiven due to they are continually living in sin.
It’s been 25 years since my husband’s infidelity and the Lord has been faithful. I was so mad at him when I caught him cheating on me with his ex of many years ago. He was appalled when he knew I already found out his unfaithfulness to our marriage. The next morning he came to me and kneel down to apologize for his wrong doing and promise such will never repeat itself. Needless to say, the pain was unbearable, but the Lord carried me and spoke gently to me. The first whisper to me from the Holy Spirit was a question, “do you love him (referring to my husband)? Initially I could only answer with a heavy sigh until He asked a third time and I responded, “yes.” From that time forward the Lord promised that he would do a new thing (Isaiah 43:18-19). The Lord relocated us to a new state and we struggled through the pain together with the Lord as the three-fold cord that brought healing and newness of life to our relationship. I had to position myself to hear and to obey God’s voice and to ignore my flesh that cried out for revenge.Since . It was difficult to shut out the worldly counsel and the other voices. I look back and marvel at His amazing grace/Now my husband has turn a new leaf as he’s trying to pay much attention to his family rather than cheating….Am highly indebted cyber hack!
I was married for 10 years and loved my wife very much. We were best friends.
We slowly fell out of love.. physically. I loved her emotionally (and still do) but I do not feel attracted to her nor yearn for her touch. But I love talking to her.
After 10 years of marriage I committed adultery with another woman.
My wife filed for divorce… and I did not fight it.
After another 3 years (we are now divorced), I am about to marry the woman that I originally committed adultery with.
We are very happy together and I would never cheat on her.
I have asked and prayed for forgiveness for my adultery almost every day- however I truly cannot even forgive myself for what I have done… the hurt I have caused to my wonderful ex-wife.
I still communicate with my ex-wife and I still help her financially.. as I always will… she gave me everything and I will give her what I can until I die… however I cannot give her me.
I truly repent and hate myself for what has happened, but I know my ex-wife has forgiven me.. but I cannot forgive myself (even now).. so I cannot see how God ever could.
Am I right to feel this way? I have read that God is all-forgiving and no sin is too big.. but I do not feel in my heart that this sin will ever be forgiven. Thanks for your time.
You are forgiven by God. I am glad your ex-wife has forgiven you. You hurt her deeply, and she will always bear that scar. THAT is the real issue of concern with God. Make sure you remain loyal and faithful to your new wife.
There is 1 wife and 1 husband per life until the death of one spouse. Luke 16:18, Mark 2 :1-12, Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:9, all speak clearly that remarriage is adultery and so the Apostle Paul. Teaching doctrines of man doesn’t lead to the Kingdom of God , even though some may receive a little comfort hearing and or reading them. But we will all see the Pure Unaltered Truth , that is Jesus Christ, at the Judgement day.
Listen to your conscience – let God lead you away from danger. Try to live alone in holiness in the time left to you. Is it worth going to hell to have a few years of marriage with your lover?
My situation is completely different and I have been crying every night because I am scared to be condemned. My ex husband was abusive and violent that’s why I divorced him. Whilst we were legally separated I slept with another man a few times. But the marriage broke down because of the violence not my sin. Now I can’t stop crying because I really want a remarriage someday as I was even abused by my Dad and not known a good man. I am scared of going to hell because my intention is to remarry. I do not want to live as an unhappy woman. I got bullied all my life, assaulted, put in hospitals so why should I stay single and be miserable? I have always wanted a husband but this one took the mick. Please help? I really must be happy I can’t live with this being able to function because I’m scared of hell. I need to remarry I cannot stay alone. Also I have an illness and need somebody and people always told me I did not deserve a good man. God cannot be so cruel?
if a person live his wife without divorce with a children and marriage a another girl and continuously go to the church for forgiven his sin . is he forgiven without proper divorce . as Malachi 2:16 ( God hate divorce ) Matthew 19:9 .
1. is he forgiven by church .
2. is he forgiven by God .
What chapter and verse. Is it in
About divorce and remarry?
So many people misinterpret scripture. When Jesus stated that it’s better to rip out your own eyeball than it is to lust after a married woman, he was referring to the literal meaning of lust and not that of desire. It’s natural to have a split second desire (or one that might last a little longer LOL). However, lust is different. To lust means that a person would be willing to do anything to get whatever he/she is lusting after. If a man kills another man and takes his wife, then he might very well get caught, thrown in prison, and maybe even worse things than just losing an eyeball might happen to him. Jesus spoke in parables because he had to be careful of the scrutiny of the Pharisees and Cesar. An analogy would be if one were trying to live in North Korea and be a preacher.
In order for us to be forgiven for our short comings we must for five others who wrong us. I’ve been married 24 yrs this year together almost 35 My Husband a deacon committed Adultry twice and Denied once back in 2002 I found a letter from his Jezebel breaking it off and the again 2010- 2011 from and old high school friend he actually took a trip and lied saying he went with friends I found communication with the two even after confronting him he lied until this day I have a horrible resentment towards him our marriage hasn’t been the same and he’s totally put on the back burner what he have done and think that I’m just being rude and nasty towards him. Even after all that time I’m still very hurt and disgusted thank you sir and I don’t feel the same about him as I once did oh, I still love him sometimes I think I’m in love with him and others I don’t because of the hurt he has caused me in continuously lied about it and has never admitted it, came clean and not even apologized. But I know that’s not what God wants need to do if he forgives us for our sins who am I not to forgive my husband for his but I am a human being I can’t and I’m finding it very difficult to just go on as if it didn’t happen. People don’t realize the adulterous affairs the hurt and pain that it causes but I feel it doesn’t give you the right to keep it to yourself as a cheater I feel that you need to come clean and apologize no different than asking God for forgiveness you need to ask your spouse that you broke your vows to for forgiveness that’s how I feel as a faithful wife that will give my husband the right to keep this to himself and to God. But what it has done it’s but a huge wedge and almost a 24-year / 35 years Total together. I don’t look at him the same I don’t feel the same as I once did, I just go with the flow. Some days I’m happy with him and some days I wish I could kick him up on top of a curve and never look back. The far as I’m concerned He’s been faithful to God and to me. But I feel like it’s late My heart 💔 and I feel like I never got the truth /apology that I deserved and that Has Put a Huge Damper over our Marriage.
This is excruciating. I’m so sorry. Sending you love and hugs.
What if you just ask God for forgiveness and turn away and not tell the husband. Will God still forgive ?
My husband has come out as a sex addict and we’re currently separated. The past 9 years of marriage have been filled with infidelity and lies. He just told me he flirted with a woman last week. He said he wants our marriage to survive. I never imagined my marriage would be filled with this much pain and confusion. This isn’t love and I’m at a loss.
I’m a lady aged 26. I’m dating a man who was once married and has 2 kids from the previous marriage. I only met him 7 months after he had sent his wife packing because she had an extramarital affair with her brother in law. This man is of high Christian values and he says, even if his wife is trying to apologize he xannot take her back because he cannot trust her anymore and he doesn’t want to defile himself by getting to bed with a promiscuous wife. He was honest enough to tell me his situation before asking me out. Now my question is, he is planning of marrying me so if i marry him is it a sin? If yes why and if no why? Thank you in advance
Most women do cheat unfortunately, and just can’t commit to only one man. Been there.
Thankyou for the article. It’s enlightening to see that adultery is not the end of everything.
question: My ex husband beat me a lot. I left him. I tried to work it out and failed. He beat me more and my son. He was always arrested for assault and felony assaults. After 10 years of dealign with this and trying I left him. I later married someone else. I repent daily but I am worried if I am living badly under the circumstances. He really wasn’t religious either. I’m not perfect but trying to be better daily. Also, he was carrying on romances online and with a girl down the road from his aunts. Were these acceptable reasons do you think for leaving him? Do you think God will forgive me for that?
You say that your husband broke the marriage with his adulterous behaviour. That frees you. You were no longer married spiritually when he cheated. What God has joined together, let no man tear asunder. Your husband tore your marriage apart. God divorced Israel for playing the harlot – and turned His attention to the Gentiles. Men who pattern their behaviour after King David are in for a real surprise come Judgment Day.
I’m remarried and I fear dying and going to hell. I repented and I still struggle with this issue. Pray for me.
Adultery is an attack on God – two people sought God and asked Him to sanctify their marriage, to make it holy. The desecration of this sanctified space is more the sin than the unfaithfulness to the marriage partner, the treading on hallowed ground, the abhorrence of that which God set apart from the world. Adulterers must live alone in order to be saved thereafter. Adulterers cannot be preachers ever again.
Thank you for the revelation God bless you sir/ma I need your prayers please pray for me God bless
What about Hebrew 6:6
What does that say about today now?
A moment of the attack and put in a spot to need cleaning and forgiveness of The Lord 😭 a last year. Last night hearing Hebrew 6:4-6 terrified me. I cut ties the immediately but I received forgiveness. Last night hearing this word in the New Testament has me in shock. Tell me your thought 💭
Jesus taught that if a man looked or lusted for a woman he has already committed adulatory in his heart. The way woman dress and the use of sexual attractions in advertisement lead me to believe it impossible. Attritive skimpy dress has become accepted even in church and appear even on Christian web sites. Lookin, smelling and acting to be attractive to the opposite sex seems to be everywhere. Are not those who do such guilty as well? To0 reviling, too tight and too short. The bikini is sex worship for the woman as well as the man. Juda hired a prostitute, Bathsheba was advertising and Rahab got her tittle from her occupation. People in the bible were just like people today. Most all of the kings, because they could, had many wives and girlfriends called concubines’
How is a man to survive? I know many Christian men who struggle trying to keep the eye and heart pure. Is it possible to ever get past this weakness? If not many of us who profess to be Christian will never make it and might come to believe John 3: 16 has been covered by John 3: 19. What is in the deep secrets of mind?
The bible says to repent and turn away from sin, God will forgive you. it is a sexual spirit in the world and you should rebuke those thoughts as soon as they come into your mind. Pray against these type of thoughts and ask God to cleanse your mind and heart. Ask God to give you strength in your mind and heart. Look at women as someone your are trying to help grow in Christ and not an object. You want to let your light shine so you can lead them to Christ. If you sin ask for forgiveness, God’s mercies are new on everyday. God knows your struggles, he said to take all your burdens to him and he will help you. God knows your heart and he knows your trials and tests.
I thought the only sin that is not permittable by God is that you do not except Jesus as your savior and he died on the cross to save us…according to the reading above if you have committed adultery you will go to hell
My sister-in-law is living with a man and they aren’t married. If she would die living in that situation would she go to heaven?
I came across you article and read it. After 26 years of marriage. We found out we were living in adultery thru Pastor Jennings. We were told that we have to divorce. Myself and my current husband have repented and are making arrangements to divorce. We had no clue we were in sin. It’s hard to let go but we rather honor God and not live in adultery.
Don’t get divorced. Your pastor is wrong. God hates divorce and it is better to remain married and faithful to your current spouse than it is to get divorced again. God’s grace covers your past divorce and it is best to remain married.
Thank you for this clarity… I want to get remarried, but have held back because of what was said by other biblical scholars. Now I realize that these scholars meant well because there is a sin involved, but God truly wants our happiness of course when it is within his will…. Thanks again…
My husband has been adulterous for many years! He thinks just because he is saved and ask for forgiveness each time he does it that
He isn’t doing anything wrong? True or false!
20 years Ago I had two times been with an old pastor. I finally said to him that it was wrong and we stopped. Now I know God has totally forgiven me but I never confessed that I did to my husband for many reasons which is too long to go into. But now 20 years later iam remembering about it and iam wondering if I actually do need to go tell my husband about it.
I’m really struggling with my issue. I am a Christian and I am married. In the last year and a half a man came into my life. I have been seeing him. My marraige with my current husband has been living hell since day one. We’ve been married 27 years. I’ve thought about divorce many times but being a Christian never did it. I’ve bern very unhappy in my marraige. I’ve prayed for my marraige for years even went to counseling and had a Christian mentor try to help get me through this. The man that came into my life is wlso a Christian. We didn’t plan on falling in love. We just did. It happened. He treats my like a princess. I’ve tried breaking it off with him because we both know it’s wrong. But we continue to be with each other. My question is if we stay together while we ate married when we die we we go to heaven still. He eats me to divorce my current husband because he is leaving his current wife. He said the relationship was over years ago. He is now in divorce process. Im really struggling. I absolutely dislike my husband and don’t want to be with him. It’s has been that way for most of our mareaige. I don’t know what to do. I’m very stressed out over this situation. I need advice from a Godly person.
Thank you so much, for encouraging words, I repent and I forgive myself too for am forgiven by God, I thought it was over but now believe that am still child of God…
The view that a marriage after divorce is adultery is not in line with how I read the Bible. If a spouse is a cheater and is unrepentant, but continues in that behavior, and THEN actually walks away and does not provide for his children, he is worse than an infidel. So the one who has been wronged is supposed to live her whole life being punished for HIS sin and is supposed to remain alone until he dies??!!! I can not and will not accept that the fact that if she is divorced and married again that she is committing adultery.
I swear he reunited me with my man. It worked after three days of the reunion love spell as promised. Just tell him your situation and he will help, Here is his contact… solution- temple.webnode. com
I’m a Adulterer I’ve watched porn enjoyed it,I’m still married but been slit up for ten years, I’m falling in love with a woman I’ve known for 27 years but never told her.I’ can’t see the lord forgiving me from these horrendous sins.
But what about these verse that say no adulterer will inherit the kingdom of God…(1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21 & Revelation 22:14-15)? It’s clearly stated in other verses that remarriage after divorce is in fact adultery (Luke 16:18, Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:11-12). So then how could the remarried be allowed into heaven? If we expect a homosexual or murderer to repent and change their mind (do it no longer), then why don’t we expect an adulterous person to do the same? Commit adultery no longer (such “were” some of you (1 Corinthians 6:11). Were in the past but after saved stopped doing it. Seems like we are placing adultery over the rest of sins as it being ok. What Jesus tells us to do or not do is sometimes hard. If He is saying no remarriage then it means no, right? We can’t ignore the verse in Romans 7:2-3 that says only death gives allowance for remarriage. I ask earnestly seeking answers, as I’m in this situation and in much distress🙏🏻😢Thanks
My name is Quianna I am now in a remarriage I’ve divorced and now I’m remarriaged I got married at 23 to my first husband he is 20 plus year older then me I did not want to marry him but I did I married out of pressure but I did it I’ve been reading my Bible I’m I’m in a 2nd marriage I wanted to know do I end my second marriage and how I do love him but I love God more it’s very hard
Hi my comment is my wife committed adultery with numerous guys I was doing everything trying to please her but more I do the worse she got she slept with three or my cousins and my cousin husband and now she having a relationship with my cousin’s son she left me and moved to South Georgia and they’re both living with my mother-in-law and she’s into witchcraft now and wishing idols and smoking marijuana and drinking should I divorce her when I tell her I will pray for her she blessed me and cursing speaking bad things about God in our Lord Jesus I forgave her for what she had done to me so I can have peace in my heart cuz I put my trust in God and trying to do the right thing but sometime this hurts when I think about her I asked the Lord to give me strength I prayed to ask him what should I do this is my comment
I’m a born again but recently i found myself in a relationship and had sex with the man whom I’m not married to yet.please can God still love me And forgive me?pls help me i don’t want to do this anymore
Is according to your article is adult for the unforgivable sin. The only time it would be an unforgivable sin if a Christian or someone who professes to be continuously continues to practice that adultery especially with many people while still a married person despite the warning of others in the church or the family that are christians. In a church an unrepented repeated sinner of adultery would be cast out or excommunicated according to Matthew 18 With the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses. Cast out into the world under the influence of satan. Of course this theological procedure is hoped to make the person think about the error of their ways and to repent and come back to the body of Christ. That would take a lot of prayer but not probable. if the production doesn’t repent then that would be called the sin that leaves unto death. It can be interpreted 2 ways depending on your theology that God takes the person out of the world so he or she will not continue to sin. Or if the person is condemned to the 2nd death on the 2nd resurrection and judgment day. I do agree with you that even as in the story of David when he repented there was still much consequences and hardship in his life is a result of that sin.
My husband filed for a divorce after 8 years of marriage it was difficult on me and the kids I did all I could to save my marriage and my family but all fail until a friend of mine told me about the wonderful work of Dr Hope I contacted him and he assured me 24hours all will be well the next day to my greatest surprise my husband came back home and he went on his knees and was crying begging me for forgiveness I’m so happy right now thank you so much Dr Hope, One message to him today can change your life too for the better. Email: su****************@gm***.com, And you can also reach him on WhatsApp: +2348079332881. Thank you Dr Hope my mouth is not enough to say thank you to Sir.
I am a single man who has been in a secret relationship with a married woman for almost a year now. On my most recent visit to her, she told me to let her go.
I believe I have committed the ultimate sin with which there is no forgiveness for.
Am I lost forever to Hell?
My husband having affair with a co- worker. He is her boss and refuses to get rid of her because he says they can keep it strictly business now. I don’t feel we can truly heal without the affair person out of our lives. My husbands work is right behind our home so I see her each day, and she moved her kids to my kids school. She is in every area of my life- it was too much for me to handle wanted her of our lives to have peace with my family luckily for me i saw a post of a lady who went through the same situation like mine talk about how she was helped with a love spell by solution temple . I chatted her up for recommendation which she did and introduce me to the spell priest as i speak right now the affair lady has been removed from the company and peace has been totally return back to my family thanks to the spell priest. Am also recommending him here as i promise Here is the contact information …..
Clear evidence that God forgives divorce and honours remarriage can be seen in the very Genealogy of Jesus. Who was born of the lineage of King David not only through Joseph (non-biological father of Jesus) who was descended from the lineage of King Solomon (King David and Bathsheba’s son). When we look at the lineage of Mary, we see it is also comes through Nathan (also one of King David’s and Bathsheba’s son). So the very lineage of Jesus has come through an adulterous relationship. Proof that God not only forgives but uses those that have had some very serious sexual sins in the past for His plan and Glory. Not a coincidence as Jesus came to fulfil the law and to be the Saviour of a world that needs saving as we cannot get to Heaven through our own works but through the Grace and sacrifice Jesus made for us on the Cross. Amen!
I am divorced from a mean alcoholic gay man. He remarried and she is deceased. I remarried in 2008 after being single sine 1989. I am told by the church CHURCH OF CHRIST that I cannot be a member and I’m for sure going to hell. My current husband is of the same faith. He divorced his wife as they just were not happy. So guess we are both going to hell. I think of this daily.
Who is the commandments for?
Is my first wife my real wife? We were married while in the world of sin. I divorced her when she left to live in another country and wasn’t planning on coming back.
My Fiancee who CHEATED ON ME with another woman wouldn’t leave until I accept him back, He has divorced her. I made that happen through a spell i got from the witch priestess did a spell to make my man return to me no matter what condition.
any problem concerning #divorce #relationship #breakup #dating #boyfriend #girlfriend #marriage #love #heartbreak etc… kindly go get your problem solved with a single powerful spell and bring love and happiness into your life like I did.
My Fiancee who CHEATED ON ME with another woman wouldn’t leave until I accept him back…..
I’m glad God can forgive me for watching straight porn when my wife isn’t around. I’m glad God is trying to work through my heart when I ask for forgiveness. I thought I was going to he’ll even though I never slept with a woman while married but I do confess that before I met my wife I slept with a person who was loose and constantly cheating on me. so if any of you guys and gals struggles with that I’m glad God lives us both and that we can trust in God and ask for forgiveness.
I have been married for 12yrs, throughout this oeriod my husband has cheated multiple times and us quite unrepentant. Surprisingly this year, l realised there was a shift in me beginning from him cheating and disrespecting me from the latter part of last year. The issue is I have detached from the marriage mentaly and emotionally, I’m only physically in for my children. I don’t even love him anymore and I’m trying to numb my emotions so I don’t feel anything even when I find out another cheating escapade. I have handed him in prayer to God for God to take revenge on my behalf but I feel God will forgive him without any punishment which hurts me. I want him to feel what I felt. I don’t pray for him anymore, I rather pray against him. I can’t find the will to pray for him. I consider him dead in my life. I’m I wrong
I would the same as you, stay strong!
When she/he is pointing out every tiny imperfection in the relationship, she/he might be looking for grounds to break up to be with someone else, It could be because she/he doesn’t want romantic messages from another to get discovered. Any sort of sneaky behavior like this is a sign, It is not so typical of me to refer to professionals online but I feel like I owe a lot to my ha*********@gm***.com who helped me track my cheating husband when he was having an affair, I got to find out that he has been lying to me for the past 5 months and seeing two other women. I was able to get direct access to his text messages, phone conversations and all social networks on his phone remotely : what was most amazing was that his recently deleted messages were retrieved by him. If you are getting less than you deserve in your relationship and want to be sure . you can also text or call on +1 (774) 202-9445 tell him i referred you
My daughter’s husband divorced her for another woman which means he committed adultery and my daughter is now free to remarry, and now two year’s later my daughter has a boyfriend who is divorced because his wife left him, not due to adultery, but just because she wanted to not be married anymore. Does this mean my daughter commits adultery if she chooses to marry him?
But what about all the filthy whore cheating women that God created these days that just love sleeping around with different men all the time instead of committing to only one?
Abraham died with one wife. Isaac never had more than one wife. Jacob had several wives, but the three of them were before the laws were given to Moses. They were not under the law at that time.
Hello, I have been in emotional and spiritual agony lately. I caught my husband talking to another woman on social media and they planned on meeting up for sexual relations. She told him that if he left me that she could take care of him and he told her that he was only with me because we have kids together. I am so heartbroken and since I am a forgiving person naturally I forgive him even though it’s constantly on my mind. I’m beyond hurt and have always been the best wife and mother I could be, have always been faithful, loving and put my whole self into my marriage. I can’t stop thinking about what he did and said and find it hard to let go even though I have forgiven him. My marriage means a lot to me and I just don’t know what to do. I feel tormented. All I do is cry, and when he asks what’s wrong and I tell him he either gets mad or just puts his head down as if he doesn’t want to deal with it. what should I do?
Hard-learned lessons young people should heed about dating:
(1) Not all “Christians” are Christians. Why would you date anyone you can’t even have a basic theological conversation with (even just about loving Jesus)?
(2) Never, ever, ever date or marry anyone who uses porn or lies about using porn. ONCE THE BIOCHEMISTRY CHANGES (Romans 1:28), the Holy Spirit Himself has to unharden that heart.
I do believe porn is adultery based on the Heart of Jesus, and the fresh perspective presented here of adultery being forgivable, just like any sin, does make me think that isn’t such a ridiculous assertation like some say it is.
I have a question about the birth of a child from an affair. Are they a consequence of a sin?
I would think so. My youngest if 4, I suspect, is the result of an affair. My wife pleaded strongly for an abortion, which I denied.
Once forgiven, will I groan at death like the Bible says?
1.Im a believer , and a single before. But along the way and I have sex with a married woman. Did I commit adultery? Will my sins be forgiven again?
2. I have done online dating sexual immorality. Will my sins be forgiven?
I got married at age 20 my husband was 23 we were not ready. Got married for wrong reasons. He cheated on me with past gfs and gave me an std. I didn’t care to be with him anymore and separated from him and had relationships with other men. I finally filed for and obtained divorce years later. I’m almost 50 now and I understand how things are supposed to be in a marriage, and would like another chance to be married the right way. Will God grant me forgiveness and a chance to do it right? When I got married the first time, it was to escape abuse and feel protected and have a family. I just got with the wrong man and didn’t know any better at the time.
I believe that divorce and remarriage is a sin. I don’t believe it is unforgivable but it is still a sin an all sin has consequences
Hello. I am seeking counsel on what I should do in my messed up situation that I played a big part in creating.
I was married at 23 years old after my then boyfriend and I had a baby boy. We were told to get married by my non Christian stepmom and her husband.
My husband accepted Jesus and said he was a believer. We went on to have another son 2 years later. I was using marijuana and would get very angry and sometimes violent with my husband. I did not cherish him like I should have. We were both blessed with great careers. When we were married for about 12 years, our house incurred damage and we moved to a hotel while it was being repaired. While our living situation was disrupted, we started eating out often and drinking more at these dinners. One day, my husband suggested that I go out to the bar and pick up a guy and have sex with him. I instinctually said no because it didn’t feel right at all what he was suggesting. He kept suggesting it and badgering me about it, multiple days, even weeks, of this. Finally I agreed to what he was proposing. He was like coaching me on what to do. I went to the bar and found a guy and ended up going back to his place and had sex. I was drunk. My husband wanted to know the details when I came back in the early morning hours. Me and the man from the bar texted and met up again, my husband knew about that and encouraged me. Then, I went back to the bar looking for the man, but ended up meeting a new man and had sex with him. I continued this relationship because he has a boat and we were wakeboarding and having fun. My husband knew about it and did not really try to stop me. I foolishly fell in love with this man and my husband ended up getting an apartment and not moving back into our house when it was ready. I was blinded by sun and developed a love for this new man. I got pregnant and had his baby. My husband filed for divorce as he had started seeing a woman and sleeping with her, and she convinced him to file ( even though he promised he would never do that ). I was numb but in lots of pain – my daughter was not even a year old when he filed the divorce. The father of my daughter was married too by the way, but had left his wife in Idaho. Anyways, he ended up being abusive and went to prison. My husband was still seeing his new girlfriend. They have now married. After they were married I became extremely depressed and went out and got pregnant from my boyfriend who is not a Christian. I now have a new 4 month old girl. He is living with me and helping me, but I am not having sex with him anymore because I’m trying to repent of my sins and we are not married. I have stopped smoking marijuana and being abusive. My ex husband is wanting to have sex , and he has been asking me to have sex for a long time actually , but I have always said no because I was either with the man who went to prison , or another boyfriend , and of course he was sleeping with his new girlfriend, now wife , and I was also hurt by all that had happened ( I lost my career when I got pregnant with the guy who went to prison) and how accusatory he had been to me during the whole process. Now I wish I had started having sex with him because maybe he wouldn’t have married his girlfriend, but at the time I just didn’t think it was the right thing to do. I feel I really blew it with that. Now he is remarried, and I have a new little girl with my current boyfriend. My ex-husband still wants to have sex and I am wondering if I should? I’m wishfully, hoping that maybe if we do start a relationship that he would leave his current wife, whom he had adultery with & she was the one who encouraged him to divorce me, which feels like she still my husband, even though I was not responsive to his request for sex before he was married.
Should I have sex with my ex husband?
Can I possibly get remarried someday to create a family unit for my young girls?
I feel sick and lost and I don’t know if I now am doomed to raise them alone and never remarry or have sex ever again in order to not continue in sin. Any help would be appreciated. I have really made a mess of my life but I want to repent.
My wife is a non believer and left me 6 months ago. I since have had sex one time with someone other than my wife. this was before finding God and my faith, but I do beleive it is still adultery. I want NY marriage to work so badly, but she absolutely does not want it to work. I do not know what her sexual activity has been since or even before our split.
The pattern I’ve noticed is people who lack self-awareness to cheat. People who are unwilling or unable to truly look inward tend to have unexpressed and unaddressed dissatisfaction. Over time, for relief, they fall into seemingly more “romantic”, less complicated relationships. Often they even seem to justify their doing so by blaming their partner for not tending to their (unexpressed, or passive-aggressively expressed) dissatisfaction. People without self-awareness seem markedly less capable of real intimacy, and therefore, more vulnerable than others to extramarital affairs .My husband cheats on me at any point and constantly accuse me of cheating ,all thanks to ” hackmedia349@} you can text him on WhatsApp +1 (856) 772-8691, for their investigative and hacking service that helped me gain access to all my husband’s phone activities remotely ,though the saga was so painful ,but i feel much better facing my fears.
As a victim, why should the cheater be forgiven? Multiple times with multiple partners!!! We have 4 beautiful children, when I confronted her, she denied all. Her comment, with tears rolling down her cheeks, “life isn’t worth living, is it!?” Good Lord…
Thank you. I cheated on my wife. Why you were married and I was a drunk and a drug addict for a while. And she just died of cancershe said she forgives me for what she’s known I’ve done, but I’m not sure God and her really do. And I wanna go to heaven and be with her, will this happen? I’ve been repenting every day and I don’t want to be with prostitutes. No more or anything like that I repented to God and I feel so bad. What do you think? Thank you very much jed
my wife slept with another man and they still live together is that sin forgiven?
I don’t know if anyone reads this still. I am a Christian woman who had an affair. My husband and I have separated but still love each other. My affair was of weakness to the world and I regret it every single day. It’s killing me inside. I have not told him I’m so afraid of losing what can be fixed, but I know I need to tell him. Will God forgive me when I cannot forgive myself
My ex-husband cheated on me and left me and my kids physically and financially, after stealing thousands of dollars from the marriage over a period of 10 years money and sending it to offshore accounts. To this day he denies cheating or stealing from my kids and me and accuses me of cheating on him. I did eventually leave him, marry a man who has been loving and faithful to me, but my ex still insists I’m living in sin even though he’s married as well with a new family. I started healing from my ex accusations and gossip to everyone and anyone who would listen how immoral I was when a very wise woman told me years ago that the enemy is the accuser and whenever your ex accuses you, he is being controlled by the enemy and not God. That was the day I began to heal and have never felt the need to gossip or belittle him to anyone.
I don’t condone divorce and I do believe the reason God said He hates it is because it causes so much pain for everyone, especially the children. However, as in my case, there are some husbands that are extremely abusive and leave the wife with little or no recourse but to escape. God forgives remarrying, but unfortunately, the hurt and pain caused by the divorce has lingering effects.
A woman I worked with was going thru a bad marriage. We had sex she got divorced and we got married in proverbs 6.32.33 says I destroyed my soul. Can I repeat and be right with jesus
Now I believe that there is nothing that’s in possible you can still smile again just like I’m right now because I was heartbroken by my Husband but today he is with me and I’m so much happy because I love him so much my Husband left me 6 months ago I tried everything I can to get him back but nothing work out for good for me not until I met Prist Osemu the great love spell caster who help me cast a spell on him that bring him back to me just within 5 hours I know that Prist Osemu can also help you that is also in pain just like as I was before, contact him today and be the most happy person you have never been