How can you know if you, or a friend, or relative, have committed the unforgivable sin?
Believers Cannot Commit the Unforgivable Sin
First, if you have believed in Jesus Christ for eternal life, then it is no longer possible for you to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
Since you have believed in Jesus for eternal life, the Holy Spirit has ceased the work upon you which He performs on unbelievers, and is now living within you to mold and shape you into Christlikeness. Due to this, a Christian can quench and grieve the Holy Spirit, but cannot blaspheme the Spirit in the way Jesus talks about in Matthew 12:31-32.
If you are a believer, do not worry about committing the unpardonable sin. The possibility of committing the unforgivable sin is forever in your past.
Unbelievers who Worry about the Unforgivable Sin Have Not Committed It
If, however, you are not a Christian, and worry that you might have committed the unforgivable sin, be encouraged. Nobody who commits the blasphemy against the Spirit wonders if they have.
They no longer care about such things.
The unbeliever who commits the unforgivable sin has become so morally and spiritually blind that their heart is hardened. They Holy Spirit has stopped trying to convince them of sin, righteousness, and judgment. As a result, they have become fully enslaved to sin, to the point that they no longer care about spiritual things and will never believe in Jesus.
Such a condition is clearly not true of you, because you are reading this book and are concerned about your spiritual state. This proves that the Holy Spirit is still working on you, and therefore, you have not yet committed the unforgivable sin.
A Warning about the Unforgivable Sin
But be warned.
If you have not yet believed in Jesus for eternal life, then the warning that Jesus gave to the religious leaders in Matthew 12:31-32 may apply to you as well.
Jesus told the Pharisees that if they continued to reject the truths which were clearly before their eyes, then there may come a day when the Spirit stops trying to convince them.
So if you have not believed in Jesus for eternal life, do not resist the Spirit any longer. There is still time. Do not delay. Receive eternal life and become a member of God’s family by believing in Jesus Christ (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47).
Once you have believed in Jesus for eternal life, the possibility of committing the unforgivable sin becomes an impossibility forever.
Do you fear that you have committed the Unforgivable Sin?
Fear not! You are forgiven. You are loved.
Fill out the form below to receive several emails from me which explains how you can know that you are loved and forgiven by God.
(Note: If you are a member of, login and then revisit this page to update your membership.)
Dear Jeremy,
Thank you for your help. Can I email you privately? I have some questions.
Also is the result of one speaking against the holy spirit going not going to heaven even if one confesses Jesus as Savior?
Hi Molly,
To protect your email, I edited it out of the comment. Contact me using that contact form on the right, and we can communicate from there.
As to your question, it is difficult to answer because I am not sure what you mean by “confess Jesus as Savior.” There is a wide variety of understandings of this term in churches, and I would need to talk with you further to see what you mean by your question.
you deleted my two comments
Your comments are there. Look at
Thanks i am indebited to you i thought that Jeremy couldn’t answer my comments i sent and so i search 100 times wasting my bandwith and i found three different sections with different comments and i even wrote it in his facebook account now i am going to apologise
Thanks kind man
I am doomed at 17th or 16th may i visited your website and i came to know about the unforgivible sin and i started abusing the holy spirit in my mind because i was temped and it was one of the worst slangs in the world and i continue it till now and i even confessed it with my mother but because i and my mother are not cristians but follow Hinduism so i told her that i was browsing the net and i saw somthing about the unforgivle sin and if you abuse souls you will commit it and wll not be forgiven and i started abusing it again and again in my mind bit my mother was asking me to tell whome to abuse but i din’t wanted her to go to hell so i did not tell her whome all these days i was able to regret properly and i told my mother about this she told me it is nothing like this then i asked her for a tecunice to forget it then she told me by medititaion but i skipped it and never did this and yesterday which was the 20th may i wanted to go to bathroom but i was busy speaking scilently but i wanted to go to the bathroom and i was telling my self in my mind that i should go to the wash room but i was speaking scilently(just moving my lips and i was thinking i hate you and then i imigened a soul and then as i went to the wash room and washed my self and then i tried repenting but i was able to repent as usual and i am not as scared as now when i am vewing the sites about this sin but i prayed to god for forgiveness and i was trying and i am tring to do the same thing again and again with out imaging any soul or spirit but it is not working hoow ever i was cauntiounus to confess to god and tell this to you so you tell me have i commited the unforgivle sin ad if i have then tell me is there a way to be forgiven because i don’t want to spend in hell forever please and also give me a tecunice to forget it and please do it fast becuse i am only a child(i am 11 years old ) please and i have left the website field blank because i don’t have any website and i have also suscribed for your ebooks and your news letter so also email me
Thank You
and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don’t want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn’t sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn’t stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don’t want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools(you all)and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don’t listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don’t go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata(the capital of west bengal,India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments and please note i copied this comment from the temprory link and i am cornced about this matter Thank you
And i heard of a day of judgement when millions of Christians and babies will disappear and they have already started disappearing and will continue to and then the others will be left behind for 7 year tribulation period but what can i do i am not even ready i did not confess all my sins repented for a few but for most of them very little because i learnt about them just before a few days and as i told you before i am only 11 years old so what can i do please help me i don’t want to die and be melted like this please help !
Why you all are not replying to my comments
Dear Rudransh Saraf,
Are you really 11 years old? Please do not be afraid. I think Jeremy has been gone for a few days. I have not seen him on this website in the last few days.
You have written many things. I have not been able to read everything you have written but it seems you are afraid that you are sinning and will be punished. You have heard many things about the Christian faith and it has frightened you. It sounds like you are Hindu.
Christians believe that God sent Jesus to help us. God knows that we are all sinners and because he loves us, he wants to help us. Maybe you have read this verse;
John 3:16 – for God so loved the world, he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him, will not perish but have everlasting life
That is what Christians believe so that we are not frightened when we sin. We call Jesus our Savior. We know that God loves the world and that is why he sent us a savior.
Jesus loves children. It is written in the Bible that Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.”
Jesus said many things and there are many things to learn if you have questions about what we believe.
I just don’t want you to be so frightened. God is not angry with you. Do you know any Christians where you live that you can talk to and ask questions?
Lisa is right. I was gone all last week, and am only now getting to look through some of the comments. I did respond to your comments here:
but now that I have read some of the others comments on this page, I will respond a bit more below. Thanks for your patience!
Oh Lisa thank you yes i am i Hindu and i am 11 years old and i am very scared because the sin which i am talking about will not be forgiven never in this world and nor in the world and the punishment for this sin is going to hell for eternity suffering from hell fire forever that is why i am scared
Rudransh Saraf, Jeremy has been away, but has now returned. He is trying to catch up and will be answering comments in a few days.
I can’t speak for Jeremy, but I doubt that you have committed the unforgivable sin. The fact that you are very concerned about it probably means that you have not. Have you trusted Jesus for eternal life?
No but i believe in him and i am concerned about this and that is why i come to your website again and again and i have told you honestly about this in my previous comments and you can already see that in my previous comments and i know that i am concerned but i don’t know weather i am concerned or very concerned but i have never been so scared in my entire life so please help
Only once in our Christian Bible did Jesus ever tell anybody there was an unforgiveable sin. We really don’t know exactly what he meant. Most of the teachers I have heard do not think it is possible for us to commit this sin today. They think it was a sin committed when Jesus lived on earth and the leaders of his country told him he was not from God but that he was a devil. They told him this even though they saw the good and miraculous things he did. Jeremy can probably explain this to you better than I can because he has studied about this more than I have.
Having bad thoughts in your mind is not an unforgivable sin. Our minds are very silly and I will tell you a true story about this.
When I was 5 years old, my neighbor told me that there was a farmer down the road who had some special animals in his field. These animals were part elephant and part lion and part cow. My neighbor told me I must NEVER even think about these animals or they would come and eat me. I believed him and was very frightened of these animals and I tried very hard to NOT think about them. The more I tried to not think about them, the more they were in my mind!! My neighbor had pulled a trick on me. I was too young to understand that it was a trick to keep me thinking about imaginary animals. My neighbor was mean to pick on a 5 year old and if I met him again today I would tell him he was a bully and then we would laugh at that trick.
This is how our minds work. If you are trying VERY hard to not think certain thoughts, then those thoughts will keep staying in your mind! This does not mean you are repeating and repeating an unforgiveable sin even if they are bad thoughts. If you are afraid that you are thinking bad things, God knows that you are afraid and that you are afraid because you do not want to be bad. So God knows that you do not want to be bad.
Lisa you are forgetting what was written in the Bible let me remind you of it
described in Mark 3 and Matthew 12. These passages involve Jesus Christ’s repeated and widespread public defeat of Satan and his demons. Many readers and theologians have been confused about the true nature of this sin. As you read these verses for yourself (below), bear in mind part of the purpose of Jesus Christ’s ministry was to directly confront darkness with the light of truth in a public battle of pure good versus pure evil. The only being in the universe that is more powerful than the Evil One, is God. He is the only one with enough power to bind Satan himself and forcibly dispossess him.
Mark 3:22-30 states,
“And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, ‘He has Beelzebub,’ and, ‘By the ruler of the demons He casts out demons.’ …‘Assuredly, I [Jesus] say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation;’ because they said, ‘He has an unclean spirit’” (NKJV, emphasis added / Note: The Pharisees made the same charge in Mat 9:34.).
In Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus says to the Pharisees,
“Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come” (NKJV, emphasis added).
please note this is copied and pasted from ok Lisa thank you but i am confused between the theory of Quantum and the theory of Creation
Sam and Lisa have said exactly the same things I might have said to you. They both love you dearly, just as God does, and we all want to help you through this very difficult time.
Please know that Jesus is with you and wants you to understand the love and forgiveness of God in your life. No matter what you have said or done, Jesus loves you more than you can ever possibly know.
I would invite you to read the books of the Bible called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to learn more about Jesus. Especially John. It is in this book that we really see the deep love of God for us in Jesus Christ.
As for the various teachings about quantum physics and creation, don’t worry too much about these. Learn about them if you want, but know that God is gracious with us in our humanity, and knows that we cannot understand Him or His ways all at once, and so He works with us where we are at. You are 11 years old, and need to know that God is leading you somewhere to help you know Him and understand His love for you. But this journey will take some time. So be patient, and try to remember that God loves you.
I went to the link. I read the article.
The teachers on that link are describing the unpardonable sin in Mark 3 and matthew 12. They say that Jesus was doing miracles of creation when he was healing the sick people but the leaders did not believe him.
Is this what has frightened you? You are confused about creation? Did the word creation frighten you in the article?
Jesus healed all types of sicknesses and deformities. He made some paralyzed people walk and he restored a withered hand. He made blind people to see and he made mute people speak. The article you linked calls these miracles of creation. I suppose they say that because healing a withered hand is like creating a new hand. Jesus could heal with miracles. He didn’t need to operate like doctors do today.
The article you linked says the unpardonable sin was when the leaders in Jesus’ country saw him heal people and said that the power to heal came from the devil. Instead of seeing that Jesus was good, they said he was evil. They said he used evil power to heal people.
I do not know HOW Jesus healed people. Maybe quantum physics was involved? Somehow he was able to change withered hands into whole hands. I do not know how he did this. He did not explain how he did it to us. He told us that he was doing the work of God. He told us that it was good power, not evil power.
We do not have to understand how he “created”. He wants us to know that he is good and that what he does is good. The leaders in his country were sinning because they did not think it was good when he healed people.
They were not happy when people were being made well. They were not thankful to God. Instead they were planning to kill Jesus.
Thank you, Lisa, for the beautiful, patient, and loving response. I came to tears with how you and Sam have commented here. You both reminded me exactly of Jesus.
This is the first post I haven’t liked. .sadly..
Its refreshing to read an article from someone who understands what the unforgivable sin today really is. ie not beleiving in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Its quite simple. The Jewish leaders leaders rejected Christ as Son of God along with every thing he did. This Rejection stills equals the unforgivable sin. So much false teaching today has confused believers and scared them. Blessings
I need to speak with someone ASAP PLEASE THANKS about the unforgivable sin.
Patrick. Have you received what you need?
is saying that the holy spirit is of the devil the unforgiveable sin ? ive also said he is of god
ive asked god for forgiveness for it. i have since stopped saying that
i accepted jesus before and after this happened
i beleive in jesus christ as lord and savior
Dear Pastor … my name is Steve and I desperately need peace and assurance about this matter. I have struggled with the agony that I committed this sin since I was in my late teens. I’m 54 now. I have struggled with lust, pornography & all that goes with it since my youth. One night many years ago, I was tempted and gave in to lust and so I thought to myself , “I’ll just commit a sin unto death.” I had heard that God would end your life early because of sin. In a moment of rebellion, weakness and frustration, I had that thought before going to bed that night. I even had blasphemous thoughts about the source of my temptation too. I remembered thinking … “That’s probably just the devil telling me it’s wrong when it’s probably alright”! I wanted to keep my “pet sin”. I was sick of myself and thought God was too ! I had a horrible nightmare that night that has plagued me ever since! In my dream God said ” you have decided to go your own way and in the end, I will destroy you”!!! I woke up in a cold sweat and IT FELT LIKE THE SPIRIT OF GOD HAD LEFT ME !!! I immediately got on my knees and begged him not to abandon me. I’ve wondered since that day if I’ve blasphemed the Holy Spirit. It bothers me constantly day & night. I thought I was saved at the time but maybe I wasn’t. I’ve asked Jesus to save me and to help me turn from my sins. I truly desire to follow him as my Lord & Savior for the rest of my life. I’ve asked him,as best that I know how, to give me eternal life and to forgive me before and after this happened. I desperately want to know that I haven’t crossed a deadline for which there’s no return. Scripture passages like Hebrews 6:4-6 & 10:26 along with 1 John 5:16-17 trouble me because I think that it’s talking about me. Please help me sir ! I want peace and assurance that I’m truly saved and not beyond God’s grace and forgiveness. Thank you sir. Sincerely, Steve
I not a Christian but I had come to know about an unforgivable sin as I read the bible before.
I believe blaspheming the Holy Spirit is a consistent and willful rejection of Jesus, it’s a prolonged attitude of rejecting God. If one’s heart is so hardened that one will be unrepentant until he dies, it can be said that the person is committing the unforgivable sin. People who keep saying no will someday reach the point of not be able to say yes anymore.
For me, I had heard about Jesus Christ and the gospel since 10 years ago but did not accept him.
All the time in the past when reading the bible or the moment when I come across someone or a situation which reminded me of Jesus, I had not felt the need or want to pray to Gods for forgiveness or become a Christian.
Even after knowing about what the unforgivable sin is, I still can’t get myself to feel the needed to become a Christian.
Does it mean I have already committed it?
I am an in unbeliever who committed the unforgivable sin over 2 years ago.
I want to repent, but God won’t forgive me. I have to go to hell.which is terrible I lost my chance to be saved. I am the stupid est, selfish and most evil person on earth