Many Christians wonder about the nature of the unforgivable sin and whether or not they have committed it. It is often taught in some churches and Bible studies that cursing the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin. This post shows that while it is a sin to curse the Holy Spirit, cursing the Holy Spirit is not the unforgivable sin.
First of all, we must recognize that there are various sins we can commit against the Holy Spirit. These include the sins of grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30; 1 Thess 5:19). Quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit are basically a denial of what the Spirit is doing or a refusal to participate in His work, which means blasphemy against the Spirit must be more serious than these.
Blasphemy against the Spirit is also a sin, and is a sin which will not be forgiven. In fact, it is the only sin which Scripture says is unforgivable. But is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit the same thing as cursing the Holy Spirit? Some think so. In Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus equates blasphemy of the Spirit with speaking against the Spirit. As a result, many argue that the unforgivable sin is cursing the Holy Spirit.
But when we understand what a curse is and what it means to curse the Holy Spirit, we will see that cursing the Spirit, though a grievous sin, is not the unforgivable sin.
What is a Curse?
We begin to understand what it means to curse the Holy Spirit by first understanding what constitutes a curse.
To curse someone is more than just being angry at someone, or calling them bad names.
A curse is when one person wishes or expresses a desire that some sort of adversity, calamity, or misfortune would fall upon someone else. A curse is when we tell someone, “Go to hell,” or “I wish you were dead.”
But a curse is different than blasphemy.
Blasphemy is best defined as “a reviling judgment,” usually in reference to God. It is a decision about God in regard to His source, origin, destiny, purpose, goals, or intents, which equates these things with the devil. Blasphemy is not condemning someone with a curse.
While cursing God and blaspheming God are similar, they are not the same thing.
We will discuss in a later post exactly what the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is, but note for now that it is not cursing the Holy Spirit.
Not only are the words “cursing” and “blasphemy” different, but notice that in the context of Matthew 12:31-32, there is no hint anywhere of anybody actually cursing the Holy Spirit. There is no hint of anyone in the context committing this sin, or even thinking of doing so.
In fact, most Jewish people at that time did not even believe in the Holy Spirit, so how could they curse Him? They couldn’t.
So cursing the Holy Spirit is not what Jesus had in mind when He spoke about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in Matthew 12:31. Cursing the Holy Spirit is not the unpardonable sin.
If you have made the mistake of cursing the Holy Spirit, or cursing at Him, do not be afraid that you have committed the unforgivable sin.
You haven’t.
Instead, go to God, confess your sin, and thank Him for the forgiveness you already have in Jesus Christ.
Do you fear that you have committed the Unforgivable Sin?
Fear not! You are forgiven. You are loved.
Fill out the form below to receive several emails from me which explains how you can know that you are loved and forgiven by God.
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I copied this from another site, this confuse me , ther are so much teaching that it’s confusing
Yeah, I believe all sins have been forgiven through the finished work of Jesus (except the one that Jesus said would not be forgiven – see below). If a person doesn’t believe before they die, they have already been forgiven of all sins, but they haven’t received it by faith. They die as someone who has been forgiven through what Jesus did, but without having received His life. That’s the difference right there. Being forgiven isn’t the same as being born again as a new creation… born again into new life.
The sin that won’t be forgiven… blasphemy against the Holy Spirit… is made a little more clear in the Mark 3 account of this same story. Jesus has just cast out a demon from a man, and the scribes are accusing Him of casting out demons by Beelzebub.
Jesus responds to them by saying that a house divided against itself cannot stand, etc. He says a strong man’s house can’t be plundered unless the strong man is first bound. In other words, it’s a silly notion to say that Satan can cast out Satan.
Jesus then leads into His talk about the unforgivable sin.
Mark 3:28-30
“Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation” — because they said, ‘He has an unclean spirit.'”
They are saying that the spirit that Jesus has is UNCLEAN. They are blaspheming (speaking evil of) the Holy Spirit. And to that effect, they are unbelievers.
I am not sure I understand your questions, but I think I answered it in some of the other posts on this topic, which are listed in the links above. Read through some of them and let me know what you think.
I know I grieved the holy spirit and made him leave is there anyway I can get him back? Also after doing this I said Go does not exist,the holy spirit does not exist I cursed the holy spirit etc can I be forgiven and still be saved?
The Holy Spirit is the most wonderful gift in this world among the trillions of gifts in this world the Holy Spirit is number one he’s alive and active in a world hopefully he is still alive and working on you if you feel the need to come back to God I feel he’s still working on you
Hi Tally,
Thank you for writing us. I think as believers we need to first start by asking ourselves who was Jesus talking to. secondly, He says in the same chapter who is not with me is against me. It is clear that you said things out of ignorance, but you did not commit the unpardonable sin, hence you are still hungry to be saved. A person that committed this sin will probably not even know He/She committed it. They do not feel any need to be saved, as no one will draw them to the Lord. Remember; no one can be saved without the conviction of the Holy Spirit. He is the one that convicted you, but the enemy want to condemn you. So do not let him talk to you. The Lord forgave you and your name is written in the lamps book of life. This scripture was never meant for believers. We are His children, born of the Spirit. The Word says, the Lord will never reject anyone who repents. So my dear; rest in Him and read the word and put the accusation of the devil away from you. It is a lie that you are no longer welcome in God’s kingdom. It is a pure lie. Stand up and kick that devil on a face with a word and never allow him to reason with you, He is a lier.
Hey, has God given you grace?
I have done the same thing and it scares me.
I got mad at God and cussed at the Holy Spirit and now this is all I think about 24 7. I can only hope God knows my heart and that I did not mean the words I spoke.They were out of anger,I went through a period where I was hearing voices telling me I Blasphamied The Holy Spirit. I was seeing evil Spirits and almost died. I Love God with all my Heart now and want to Serve him so bad yet this hangs over my head, I cry so much everyday.Its hard to believe Jesus will Forgive Me when It says in Gods word Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit will never be Forgiven.
You have been bought with a price. Your name is in the Book of Life. Remember that God is near to the brokenhearted and He knows your hurt and has already forgiven you of all sin. Do not fear what the enemy says because it is not who you are in Christ Jesus. The sign of the Son of Man shall appear in the heavens. Keep your eyes on Him.
“It is forgiven!” says the Lord…I did thr same thing in my youth lost my way and repented- then the “voices” came – everywhere I turned I heard more blasphemy more accusation – the Lord showed me ot was Satan attacking me woth accusation and condemnation. “It is FORGIVEN FOREVER!” “I love you” is the word of the Lord – rest in His grace
Yes, you can be forgiven. You only ask for this sincerely, and He will freely give. Admit you are a sinner and flawed. Ask the Lord to come into your heart and life. Ask Him to turn your life around. You will be redeemed.
Yes, the Holy Spirit is always with you. In fact, He has never left you’re side. We live in a fallen world. In this life there will be troubles and tribulations but take heart for there is one who has overcome the world and that is Jesus Christ. The spirit of this world wishes you to feel lost but once you have been bought by the blood you are His. Rest in the rewards of eternal life which the Savior has purchased for you and know some days will feel like hell but if we endure to the end we will be saved.
My brother, just to emphasize about forgiveness.
Unbelievers are not justified meaning they’re not saved from the guilt of sin – unforgiven. It’s black & white.
Forgiveness is a previlege for those in Christ preceeding from His atoning work at Calvary. Those not in CHRIST can’t share in this benefit. Just like it’s anticipated in OT.
Jeremy, this is AJ. I sent you an email about a week and a half ago on my situation. Please write back when you can. I am waiting on your response. Thanks, AJ
Jesus is not the Holy Spirit. This is two parts of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is to speak through those ‘Chosen’ to speak to the Antichrist. You are NOT to speak yourself, this is the Unpardonable SIN, rather let the Holy Spirit speak through you.
There is God, our LORD, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit . You can speak to God,our LORD, and to Jesus ,the Christ, because He died . You can not speak to the Holy Spirit, It speaks through you!
This is why Yahweh is literally the author of confusion. And any father who faults his toddler child for not understanding his ways (like he even speaks of throughout the not so good book) who are much higher than the toddlers ways, well, is abuse. Add to this the punishment of hell, eternal torture infinitely bc the crime of not understanding, believing the wrong doctrine, wrong denomination (which there are 40,000 in Christianity alone), wrong sect, wrong religion, wrong god, but thinking or having full confidence that you were believing the right belief of the hundreds of thousands. This accountability falls directly on the director and fabricator of all things known or knowable. How dare the all knowing God father expect us to get it right and sentence us to be tortured, even if we did out very best. He is responsible and he is not a just God. Therefore I stopped believing years ago. It’s flawed from beginning in Genesis( Adam and Eve had no idea what right and wrong were, until AFTER they ate the fruit from the tree giving the knowledge of good and bad, right and wrong, righteous and evil. So how could a just God hold them accountable, especially when he was the one who lied and the serpent actually told the truth? Let alone punish people 6000 years later for original sin. Lame) all the way to Revelation, (bc the mark of the beast is actually the number of emperor Nero’s name, 666 or 616. They were speaking about their time, during his rein and torment of Christians. Not an actual mark, or card, or chip, or any other bullshit for today.
Matthew 12:37 isn’t talking about idle words. This is something that certain teachers have read into this text.
Yes, I have seen that translation. I think I answer the question about the curse in my book or in my posts on this topic.
Thank you !
Even though how many times you cursed God, You can still be forgiven even though how big your sin is , it can sill be forgiven …
Just convert to Roman Catholic Confess Your sins to a Priest… all sins are forgivable esp. when you confess them at Easter Sunday, Jesus is waiting for you there… but don’t abuse it….
I hope you are speaking facetiously?
your wrong I don’t have to confess my sins to man only to God and through his son Jesus Christ iam forgiving I am not going to get into religion.I believe in Jesus Christ and his the only one who can give me forgiveness not no priest in a booth I don’t believe in that way.Scriptures tells us how to be forgiven and reading and studying our Bible helps us to not be confused and to know God’s word and the truth so no man can be deceived by another man’s words we must study and read God’s words so we ourselves can have a personal relationship with him and know what’s right from wrong.Jesus tells in his own words in Matthew and Luke mark John and Paul tells us Peter so many tell us in the bible but it was God gave man revelation to understand and to write his words for falling world that we might know him through his word The Holy Spirit is from God and Jesus is from God they are 3 in one.Ask God for discernment and you will know the difference no man on the planet earth can forgive you of your sins only Jesus Christ.
I’m sure I have committed this sin, because one night when I was praying to God I thought of when the Holy Spirit talking to me and a I said the word bad. I don’t know why but for some reason I meant that it was bad at the time. I don’t know if you can help but I don’t know what to do.
You definitely have not committed this sin.
God is not so petty that a misspoken word will offend Him enough to send you to hell. He loves you WAY more than that. Even if you had spoken bad words on purpose, this is still not enough for God to cast you away from Himself forever.
THANK YOU so much for “doing your homework” and breaking apart these words. I have done a lot of studying in the past (and heard lots of sermons) on blaspheming the Holy Ghost, but they never addressed this particular topic which I have always wondered about–off and on–because of my cursing the Spirit long ago in my past (but after being saved). One of the best teachings I had heard, that you alluded to, was that the religious leaders wanted the praise of men more than the approval of God, and hence condemned Jesus. Knowing that I hadn’t done that brought some degree of comfort; but under the Mosiac covenant anyone who spoke God’s name lightly was put to death; therefore, I thought, one could deduce that saying, “I curse you, _____,” etc., would be much worse than simply saying, “God,” or “Yahweh,” in the O.T. as a byword. I am so glad I found your website, thank you so much. I feel this nagging doubt I have had has somewhat crippled me spiritually. I will “arise” now by the grace of God;) and move on up spiritually, with, I feel, more strength and confidence in God. Thank you.
Thank you Tresha. I really want to write more on this subject (and related topics) in the future, and will hopefully be able to do so later this year. Hope you stick around and learn more along with the rest of the people who are here.
along time ago my mom told me not to swear on the holy spirit its unforgivable and i said i swear on the holy spirit a lot of pastors said i diddnt commit the unforgivable sin but two agree i did but they said i could repent and be forgiven did i commit the unforgivable sin my name is john horton and im terrified!
if your worried about it and want forgiveness you can be forgiven
Is cursing god the unforgivable sin I don’t think so because it’s different then bismeery
many years ago i had just given my life to jesus and was in a great deal of emotional pain and turmoil because my mother had been very verbally abusive to me and i came home and was looking for comfort in the bible-i instead found those words and in my pain cried out to god that this holy spirit as a comfort was a lie because i felt no comfort and was afraid he was rejecting me like my mother had-i was so upset when i told him this, but immediately told him i was sorry for saying such things and talked to him about how i was feeling, that i was just really confused…i never thought of the holy spirit being demonic or that jesus was demonic-nothing like that…i had not always understood people falling out under the spirit and never had it happen but even in my lack of understanding it was not because i thought jesus or god or the spirit was demonic or anything….what has worried me is that a few years after that i had forgotten it, assuming i was
forgiven because i repented straight away and did not revisits i, but other things in my life were causing me continued pain and hurt…i became so overwhelmed by it and thought maybe god had abandoned me, i still was going to church and clinging to what faith i could, was even playing music for ministry and yet because of the depression and pain i got really sick and stayed so for many years, to the point of being bedridden…i had committed some other sins during this time but a year ago began to make my way back to god and it was like being a lost prodigal child…at first it all seemed very exciting…i prayed and asked jesus to heal me and in a week was off over many medications and out of bed and able to walk without help i was elated and was doing my everything to really have him back in my life-i felt it was his conviction of my sins which led me to repent of them fully and i truly did end them all as i was being shown them…but one day i came
across a scripture from hebrews talking about sinning after knowing jesus and suddenly felt all this condemnation flooding my very being….suddenly all my sins were right back on me including the words i spoke that day about the holy spirit being a lie as a comfort because i hurt so bad…it seemed someone was yelling in my chest that all these were held against me….i was now more confused and terrified because why would i feel the holy spirit convict me of sin and lead me to repent and also to be healed the way i was if i was unforgiven, yet the fears and terror of this have haunted me to this day…try as i might and i have my husband and some friends who are saved tell me i did not commit the sin i thought i had and that because i had repented and had been so seeking after him , that i am allowing the enemy to accuse me….it is awful because i have no lasting peace in this…beyond healing and then the conviction of sins and a few visions and
what what i thought was jesus telling i was forgiven but to have faith in him, [my dad even called me up when this first happened and told me that the spirit had come to him in great power and told him to let me know i was forgiven and saved by his grace-he did not know i was going through this at the time and felt an urgent need to call me with this message] so why can i not get inner confirmation in this and why am i still so afraid….i need help and am not sure what to do….
when i spoke out like that calling the holy spirit as a comfort a lie, i was really upset with god because i thought he had betrayed me by letting my mother keep hurting me…i even asked him am i now condemned do you hate ,me too? i then immediately regretted doing this and told him so and was very upset and then afraid he left me in that moment….after many years of going through much pain and having it brought back to my remembrance, i feel so hopeless….i have told him over and over how so sorry i am and have asked him to please come back into my life ….i need help and i truly now have no comfort from him at all
God loves you and forgives you and He wants you to know it.
He fully understands the pain and suffering you have experienced, and He cries along with you at what you have experienced. You should not have been abused by your mother the way that you were.
I am not a psychologist, but I believe that the separation you feel from God is probably related to the treatment you received from your mother. She should have protected you, loved you, and encouraged you, but did the opposite.
So I would invite you to change your prayers a bit. Rather than asking God to forgive you and come back into your life, instead, KNOW that He does forgive you, love you, accept you, and is already in your life. Based on this, when you pray, thank Him for His love, forgiveness, and acceptance of you, and thank Him for being in your life, and ask Him to reveal things things to you in real ways as you go about your day. Then look for these ways that God is showing you how much He loves you.
They may come as a word of encouragement from a friend. A bird landing on your hand. A beautiful sunset that brings you to tears. A song that speaks to your heart. A hug from a child. A lick from a puppy. You never know where these “kisses from God” might come from, so be on the lookout!
God DOES love you, and He wants to show you.
I lashed out at God many years ago. I prayed that God would bring me peace after I was praying about something that bothered me and He didn’t . I then sarcastically said God you didn’t lift me up when I was down and then I said God all I asked was for a measly peace and you wouldn’t even give me that . It has haunted me for 20 years . I have begged God for mercy and forgiveness but I can’t find inner peace with this . All I want is to serve Jesus.
you can be forgiven. God still loves you!
So he sent me a dove but you have to believe and yes here’s your peace if you know what I mean I knew I had to tell you that your going to be alright here’s a dove
thank you jeremy-i have one other worry and it is in regard to teh hebrews books of chapters 6 and 10…i am afraid that because i was so afraid he had rejected me, for the past 20-ish years i had resorted to trying to earn back his love but i lied about many things, giving a flase testimony and a fasle idnetity….i have since repented fully of those things which were many and now worry of this also is unforgivable/ it is these things and the post aboe which are keeping me stuck in accepting He loves me and is willing to truly forgive me…i really would like to know that i know he truly has forgiven me even after all this time and for those many sins…thank you for any help in this…
“Love” forms a circle because one individual always benefits/puts the other first (doing for others), but does your “heart” agree?
Simple logic shows that “Love” is always firstly dependent on “Hope” because although you may choose to “Love” another (person or thing), there is no valid way of guaranteeing that “Love” will be returned/reciprocal; therefore it is a “blindtrust”/”Hope.”
Ps. “Love” is the best tangible manifestation of “Hope!” If we are to “Love” our neighbor as ourself and for ourselves it is w/o limit; imagine “limitless.” Nevertheless, as long as the one (“infinitely perfect”) ultimate rule/law of “E.O” is followed then the respect of life and choices will exist. What is not an “absolute truth” of “Hope” as “choice” if/when it always exists whether we choose to do or not do?
Another excellent post. Looking forward to meeting up. =)
I am so thankful for find others who are going through what I am right now. I was saved 4 years ago and after that my life went down hill and never seemed to get better until just a few months ago. God put me through a trial and temptation period and I feel like I failed Him miserably. Right at the end of my trials and temptations, my husband and my sister-in-law turned on me. They all hurt me very very badly to the point where I did not want anything to do with God anymore. I felt that He had turned His back on me.
I didn’t say the words out loud, but I shouted a curse word towards Jesus in my mind with all my heart so loudly that I felt my soul actually pull away from God in an instant and sink into hell. I felt like God had hurt me so badly that I did not want anything to do with Him anymore. Immediately afterwards, I realized it was wrong and tried reading the Bible to see if I still had the Holy Spirit. I felt like I had lost my salvation. I was crying over and over again because not only what I was going through with my in laws. I felt like Got hated me as well. The words about Esau immediately came to my mind about being profane and selling his birthright for a morsel of food. And even though he wanted to repent, he couldn’t. That was months ago that it happened and I literally haven’t stopped crying about it since. I keep asking God, why are you keeping me alive if you hate me this much?
Before this happened I constantly heard these blasphemous thoughts coming into my mind day and night. No matter how I tried to stop them they wouldn’t stop. When I would eat or drink anything, all I could think about is saying blasphemous thoughts towards God, like ALLAH IS GOD, and other ridiculous things. Sometimes I hear the most ridiculous thoughts in my mind come out of no where.
A few days ago, I laid in my bed crying out to God for forgiveness of the sins that I committed against him. I confessed the sins that I had committed that led me to that sin and asked for God to please forgive me. The next morning i felt a sense of peace and calmness and assurity in my heart with God that i havent felt in years! I tried to hold on to that feeling for as long as possible but as the day went on, those stupid blasphemous thoughts starting coming into my mind again and i began giving into them as a sign that I am cursed to hell and too weak to overcome Satan.
I started feeling urges from God that I needed to put away my Bible for a white and just pray and focus on aligning up my soul with the Holy Spirit. This is day 2 and I can tell you that it feels IMPOSSIBLE. I don’t think I can stop having those thoughts and feelings towards God. I want to keep trying to beat this, but I honestly don’t know if I can or not. Its like once you cross that line, you go down a hole that you can’t get out of . It seems to happen every time I am angry with someone or something around me, I immediately get angry at God for my situation. I truly feel like I am cursed. But then on the other hand, why did God restore my heart for a brief time when I repented. Should I keep repenting of every single sin I commit and ask for strength to over come it? I prayed for God to help me overcome the devil and it doesnt seem to be working. My existence seems utterly useless and I can’t even understand the point to why I was born in the first place.
The Bible says those who can’t stop sinning only have a fearful looking for the day of Judgement and frankly, thats all i go through everyday. Crying, weeping, anger and sadness. What kind of a life is that to live? I’m trying to get baptized next month and per John 3:5, I am truly hoping that this might help overcome my wicked flesh to help me stop cursing God. Please pray for me. I am a mother of 6 very young children. Thank you
I’m certainly no expert on hearing the voice of God, however, if I were you, I would question whether it was actually God telling you to put away your Bible for a while. That is unless since having done that, you feel your problem is getting better (and even then, I wouldn’t put it away for too long, that can be dangerous, I ended up backsliding for 10 years because I stopped reading the Bible and almost ended up never picking it up again. A day becomes a week, a week becomes a year etc. Really).
Is it possible that He was actually just telling you to stay away from the passages that are troubling you because you’re seeing them through the lens of condemnation? There are many “safe” passages, for lack of a better word, that you can read without having to dwell on your fears of being unable to repent. Also, that passage in Hebrews doesn’t say that Esau moped around and cried out to God for restoration and was refused the ability to repent. There’s not a single example in the Bible of anyone wanting to repent but not being able to. Repentance is a change of mind, a choice to turn back to God. It feels more reassuring when that decision is accompanied by the emotions that we feel should be present, but those will come if you keep asking. Remember Jesus’ parable about the man who bothered his friend until he got up out of bed to bring him some food. God wants us to be persistent in seeking Him. Remember Hebrews 11:6. God rewards those who diligently seek Him, and it doesn’t give a time frame for that. But God will do what He promises in His time.
In the meantime, unless you’re sure God is actually telling you not to read the Bible yet, you should read something, maybe Isaiah 53 or the Psalms, but you need spiritual food to get well.
The word of God is living and active, and if you spend enough time consuming it, eventually it will transform you by the renewing of your mind. Think of it like taking medicine. You don’t have to be a chemist and understand how it functions chemically for it to be effective, you just have to take it. Just find passages that don’t scare you, read them without putting pressure on yourself to achieve some kind of result in your state of mind, and trust God to help you in His time. After a long period of backsliding, I realized my heart had become very hard and apathetic toward God, and for weeks or months (it’s been a while, not sure of the timeline) I prayed for Him to change that for me. After weeks of praying without any results as far as I could tell, I thought I had crossed the line where I could no longer be “renewed to repentance”. Then one day my heart started to change suddenly, and I came to believe that God had delayed helping me, not to punish me, but so that I will be less likely to backslide in the future (since now I understand that it may not be up to me to simply decide to pick up where I left off with God any time I feel like it. It has taught me not to take God for granted). I also struggled with fear of the unforgivable sin, and wondered why God didn’t just take my fear away if I hadn’t committed it. But if He had done that when I asked, I wouldn’t have gained the empathy that I have for others who struggle with these problems, and I wouldn’t have studied the topic so extensively, making myself better equipped to possibly help others who struggle with these types of problems.
It may be that God has allowed you to suffer these things for a time, simply so that you will come out stronger, and have greater compassion and understanding for others you will meet in the future with similar struggles. Even the Lord Jesus experienced something on the cross that prompted Him to ask “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” The servant isn’t above his master. Therefore, if even Jesus, Whose character is perfect, was allowed to suffer spiritually as well as physically, we who are imperfect and need to build character shouldn’t be surprised when we are allowed to suffer spiritually for a season. It doesn’t mean God has given up on us.
Remember that the one who trusts in Jesus will never be put to shame. The Bible cannot contradict itself, otherwise it cannot be truth. Read John chapter 6, it was very encouraging to me when I was in a similar state of mind. God bless you.
take a minute to check your heart. take a bit and actually check if there is hidden heart iniquity, and if your heart is truly seeking God and truth. see if there is anything you believe God is asking you to do that you are running from. and then actually decide to surrender to Him. open the door to His Holy Spirit. He is greater than any thought you may have, or any lie the enemy puts in your head. remember, the enemy is trying to make you focus on their voices, focus on God’s voice. Don’t forget to look at Jesus.
Hey, wondering how this turned out. I have sinned against God, and was wondering if there is any way back to Him.
I’ve not read another commentary making a distinction between cursing and blasphemy, Jeremy. But a couple of citations from the Hebrew scriptures may be relevant here, especially as we consider some of the personal experiences your readers are posting. I’m speaking of distinquishing between what goes on within us in our thought lives and what comes out of our mouths in speech.
In Job 1:5, Job offered burnt offerings continuously, for he said (in the KJV), ‘It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts’. Why did he offer sacrifices if the sons could never be forgiven? On the other hand, after trials came upon him, Job’s wife urged him to curse God, and die. Job rebuked her for her foolishness , and did not sin with his lips (Job 2:9-10). So cursing God in your heart is terrible sin, and is one thing, but doing so in your speech, if your heart overflows with such evil, is quite another. Job resisted his wife and would not curse God for the trials he was facing.
I hope these observations may offer some hope to people who posted earlier like Rachael and Suanne (Suzanne?), and others like them, who have experienced great turmoil in their hearts and felt/feel hopeless and cut off from God forever. The One to cling to is, of course, the Lord Jesus the Christ, who rose from the dead after dying for and atoning for all our sins. He would not/could not have risen from the dead had He failed to offer the sacrifice needed to reconcile us to God.
There’s much more I could say on this important topic that may offer additional hope to those who feel hopeless, but perhaps this is enough for now.
I have had so many bad thoughts about the holy spirit and when i say bad i mean they are horrible hateful things but i have never said anything i have only thought them… I try to say sorry when i pray but i feel like it isnt forgiven.. I know god is very forgiving but i feel like i just keep pushing the limits and i fear god will (if he hasnt already) stop helping me… I would like some help with this
Hey, could you respond to this comment? also, how are things going? another thing, is to check your heart, is it right before God? or are these things showing you that there is another issue? like, have you fully put your trust in Jesus to save you? have you surrendered your heart in truth to Jesus Christ’s leading? and have you truly given Him your heart? have you been getting promptings from the Holy Spirit? if you have LISTEN TO HIM. take a minute to think about how powerful God is, think about eternity in hell, and then think about eternity with Him, and remember that He is the only One who can keep you from Hell, He is mighty to save. He is the One who created you, and He is the One you should be putting full trust in . He is the One who desires to save you, and you need to trust that. He is saving you. He has already overcome Hell. He has already given you His Son. He has already paid the price, He has paid it in full. so trust in Him. follow Him.
Hello nick i to,have these horrible blaspheming thoughts about God and the Holy spirit,its like they come when they want to torment me,i think the devil is trying to accuse you and me and so many of us,when we aren’t lusting and living a life of sin he attacks us spiritually because he hates that we are on the right path toward advice brother is pray as much as possible and always ask for forgivness,pray so you are accounted worthy,if you have any addictions of some sort pray to God so he can help overcome these things whatever they are,PRAISE JESUS.good luck my brother.remember GOD is always with you no matter what.
Finally found some people that going through the same thing as me Im 16 when i got saved i wanted to know alot about the Bible and God then there was one day in my bedroom where i was watching someone talking about blasphemy of the holy spirit and i kindda got curious and said something that i didnt mean and after that i felt a barrage of thoughts saying blasphemous things about god i wanted it to stop but it wouldnt it would allways happen randomly and finally figured that cussing god wasnt the unforgivable sin i finnaly calmed down and accepted that God still loves me but the thoughts still wont stop
my mom and i was talking and she said something was unforgivable and one day i said i swear on the holy spirit i spoken with alot of pastors and they told me i diddnt commit the unforgivable sin and that their not lying to me did i commit this im asking you please write me back im scared
Yes, you are fine. God still loves you and accepts you. It was a brash thing to say, but God forgives you and will not reject you for what you said.
and one time my mom said if i swear on the holy spirit its unforgivable and then i said i swear on the holy spirit will god forgive me i must be the biggest sinner Jeremy myers
Hello. I’ve been listening to some teaching about God’s love, and one thing sticks out at me after reading all these posts.
People say God is convicting them of sin.
Two things I have to say about that.
Number 1- John 16:10
The holy spirit convicts us of ‘righteousness’. Notice that He does not convict you of unrighteousness? The Holy Spirit is not pointing out your failings, He is instead pointing out everything you are in Jesus Christ.
So God is not pointing out everything you do wrong. God is not the accuser. The one pointing out every thing you do wrong and think wrong is Satan. Jesus called Satan the “great accuser”. So it is Satan bringing up negative thoughts and getting you depressed over the wrong things you have done in the past, not God. Because God convicts you of being righteous, not unrighteous. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21
Number 2- Satan is good at what he does. Whenever he accuses you of something, the temptation is to try and justify yourself. I am being very deliberate with the word ‘temptation’, because the minute you try to justify yourself in response to being accused, you are actually trying to make yourself righteous. Self righteous-ness. If you try to make yourself righteous, then that is the same as saying Jesus righteousness isn’t enough for you. Satan is trying to take people’s attention away from Jesus completed work on the cross and get them focussing on themselves and what they can do to get back into relationship with God, instead of just accepting what Jesus has already done.
You can’t do anything.
Just accept that the price is paid for in full, and surrender.
Mark 5:25 tells us to agree with our adversary while we are on the way. Satan is always going to accuse you, and the trap is sprung when we decide to justify ourselves. So instead of doing that, when Satan plants thoughts in your head (they are not your thoughts) of cussing God and thinking all sorts of bad things, or if the spot light is on something you have done wrong, just say to the devil “You know what, your right. I did screw up, and I’m not even going to try and hide it. Because I know that “greater is He who is in me then he who is in the world.” So your right Satan, I did screw up back then, and I am confident I will screw up in the future.”
After agreeing with Satan that you are a screw up, you will not feel the need to justify yourself.
Then, just thank God for Jesus and that your sins have been paid for. Praise Him.
God is not the one convicting you of the things you have done wrong. If God is convicting you of the things you do wrong after paying the price on the cross for those same things, He would be a hypocrite.
God is not a hypocrite, so God is not the one convicting you of your sin.
Thank you
AMEN! and WOW Thank you
my son and wife use the words ”holy shit” is that blasphemy?
I think I have did the unforgivable sin but I’m not sure if I have I have called god the holy spirit jesus Christ them all bad words I have said there not the greatest I have said fuck them I have said the holy is unclean but again I don’t mean it I get thoughts then I say them or if I read something like the saying holy spirit is unclean that is the unforgivable sin I get thoughts like that in my head I don’t like they thoughts then i say it I don’t mean it I get thoughts so I just say it I think i might have did the unforgivable sin but I don’t know I don’t mean to say but have i did the unforgivable sin please help me thanks god bless x
The only “unforgivable sin” is denying the Holy Spirit. That doesn’t mean you don’t have horrible thoughts, or say horrible things, even against God. We all have it within us, we do it towards our loved ones when we lash out sometimes. we are not perfect. Why would God look after us if we were? We. all. do. it. What is important is afterwards, when you’ve had time for reflection and you recognise your mistakes, you seek and accept the forgiveness gifted to you. Friends and family may not be able to forgive us immediately, or ever, but God already has. To deny God’s wonderful gift to us is to deny the Holy Spirit and the sacrifice of Jesus.
Relax, enjoy your faith – don’t fear it, accept your mistakes – they won’t be your last, accept forgiveness and offer forgiveness. Mean it. Be kind to others…and yourself.
Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
Someone prove me wrong that cursing God is not blaspheming the Holy Ghost because to me Mark 3:29 says it all.
Heb 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
Heb 6:5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
Heb 6:6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Heb 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
Heb 6:8 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.
Rachael Jean needs to learn how to study the Bible and rightly divide the word of truth. If Rachael Jean would learn to rightly divide the word of truth putting scripture in its proper context Rachael Jean would know that when a person is saved they are baptized into the body of Christ and indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption which is when we get our new spiritual bodies.
Craig, you sound like a Pharisee that does not know God at all. Listen to your words hiss out of your lips like venom. Why don’t you just try and explain the meaning of the verses I posted above instead of putting me down and trying to prove yourself better at everything. “Onced saved always saved” is false theology and scripture is clear on that.
Beware because tares are always uprooted in the end.
Mat 15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
I don’t worry at all about theorizing on blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
I do get concerned that I am too argumentative and picky at times and I have to think about how I should take notice of the counsel of the apostle Peter who wrote ” rid yourselves of all malice, guile, insincerity, envy and slander ”
I examine myself in the light of this and it does not look pretty so many times. It seems I always have room for adjustment.
Rachael Jean, you are the one spouting false doctrine because you fail to follow God’s command to rightly divide the word of truth. Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles. To him was given more revelation about the church (and when I say church I mean the body of Christ) than anyone else. All of the Bible is written to us and is profitable, but not all of the Bible is doctrinally applicable to us. If you want to know church age doctrine and practice you always look to what Paul says first (which really isn’t Paul because he received all of his revelation from the Lord Jesus). When a person is saved their sins are forgiven, they are united with Christ, baptized into His body, receive His righteousness, become a part of His family, His household, His kingdom, are new creatures in Christ Jesus and are indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption which is the day we get our new bodies. The indwelling and sealing of the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of that we are His. The Hebrew passage isn’t teaching that a person can lose their salvation, but that if it were possible to lose your salvation you could never get it back since it would mean Jesus would have to be crucified all over again which is not going to happen because His death and resurrection are sufficient to save and keep a person saved for all eternity. The Luke and Matthew passages are not talking about Christians. This is before the cross and the context demands they are referring to the nation of Israel. Even though the four gospels (Matthew – John) are located in the section we call the New Testament they are still operating under the law until after the cross. These books primarily give the account of Jesus coming to the nation of Israel as their Messiah and their rejection of Him.
Craig, how can you say that the commands and warnings that Jesus gave us in the gospels don’t apply to us because they were before the cross? My bones would be trembling in my skin if I were to teach others such things. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Where is your fear of God at? Read Matthew 5:19.
Mat_5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
If you want a verse about losing your salvation outside of the gospels, read Hebrews chapter 12 where it talks about how Esau sold his Birthright for a morsel of food. Explain these verses please.
Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
Heb 12:15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;
Heb 12:16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
Heb 12:17 For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears
Racheal i dont believe that christians can commit the blasphemy of the holy spirit because the holy spirit has already taken up residence in our hearts.As christians we can greive the holy spirit but we cant blaspheme him otherwise we wouldnt have accepted Christ.When we ask Christ into our lives we are saved the holy spirit comes into our lives because we gave him permission to.We can sin and fall away from God but he is still there because nothing can separate us from the love of God.On the day we die we are saved why because when we were sinners he saved us it isnt dependent on what we do it is dependent on what Christ has done.Should we continue to sin of course not but we should follow him with all our heart.I think it is important to understand that Christ death has saved us from our sin the holy spirits role is to help us to overcome sin in our lives and to be come christlike.brentnz
Heb 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the ***Holy Ghost***,
Heb 6:5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
Heb 6:6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Heb 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
Heb 6:8 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; ***whose end is to be burned***.
A Tree and Its Fruit
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
***Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. ***
The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Luk 13:6 He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.
Luk 13:7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?
Luk 13:8 And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it:
Luk 13:9 And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.
I have been having uncontrollable blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit – that the Holy Spirit is satan. I never meant it at all but yesterday I thought it and it felt very deliberate. I don’t know what to do. Is this horrible act forgivable? I feel like ever since then God has forsaken me.
Please help how do you know that the thought is even yours satan sends fiery darts against us to destroy our faith that is a destructive thought sent by the enemy the word says to resist the devil and he will flee from you.Dont accept the thought send it back to the one that sent it.brentnz
What I have learned from studying the Bible more and more since my event is that we are saved by faith and if you still have faith and believe in Jesus with all your heart, mind and soul, then that is evidence that you are still saved!!! Keep on reading the Bible, keep on praying and asking God for His help to over come the flesh. God knows that we are sinners by nature and that we need His help. Read what Job said to God when he was angry. God forgave him too. Don’t faint and give up hope! It is the hope in Christ that purifies us. Don’t look back to what you did, but look forward to what Christ did and has waiting for you and keep praying every day for God’s help. God bless everyone. 🙂
Racheal that is great God forgives you for your past decisions and he will help you to make better decisions.It is the Lord who empowers us to live the christian walk we cant do it in our strength because we all are weak.Our naturally inclination is towards sin that is why we must surrender all our heart to the Lord.In the past i tried to live as a christian in my strength and failed miserably i felt guilty and condemned and powerless to change that is why we need the holy spirit.Since putting my trust in the holy spirit he has helped me to be an overcomer and live a christian life.I realise the quickest way of getting my life right is when i get thoughts that arent of the Lord to just admit them to him that i am weak and need his strength to help me and he does.He is your strength as well and will help you to become all he created you to be which is really awesome.In Christ you are more than an overcomer more than a conquerer.regards brentnz
Did we ever discuss in a later post what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit actually is?
I curse god every day. What a pack of lies I grew up with, and believed. You pray, even for a sibling’s life, and what do you get? Zip. But braindead Christians tell you to worship anyway.
I am obsessed with the Unpardonable Sin and tonight in bed while thinking about it I accidently said out loud “The Holy Spirit is dead” when I actually meant to say something praiseworthy to counter my bad thought. I am afraid now that I havee actually committed the unpardonable sin althought I know that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and I believe in Him. Is there anything I can do to rectify this situation as I can feel it starting to sap my hope inside.
….sigh …. you did not commit the unpardonable sin … if you are in a church that teaches that believers can commit the unpardonable sin then get out of that church as fast as you can and find a church that really believes the Bible is the word of God and rightly divides the word of truth . If you will follow Paul’s admonition to study to shew thyself approved unto to God a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) then you will quit this nonsense of being obsessed with the Unpardonable Sin. The truth will set you free!
Racheal the holy spirit promises in 1philipians 6
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
All it takes is to believe and trust in Jesus he forgives you despite your unbelief you have a choice to carry on with your life and live for yourself or surrender to his will that is where your struggle is.You must make a decision and dont listen to the enemy.Once you have made that decision there is no turning back.
2 pet 2:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
May the Lord guide you through this uncertain time brentnz
Thank you Brent. I was very hurt and angry and upset with God for a short while in my life, sometimes I still am. But I know that the “The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works” (Psalm 145:17 ) I really have no place being angry with God at all and that is something that I am working on is being humble and patient in God’s plan for my life.
Here are the verses that have helped me the most in keeping my faith in God.
Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Rom 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Rom 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
Rom 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Rom 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
Rom 8:33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.
1Cor 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
1Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
1Peter 1:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
Hope this can help somebody else and God bless. 🙂
Racheal i understand how you feel there have been times i really felt lead to go in a particular direction for the Lord and then the doors were shut its crushing at the time and i felt very angry and disappointed.But he has other plans better than we could imagine but at the time we struggle because we dont see it from his perspective he certainly cares more than we know.Something that encourages me is the verse psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.Tell the Lord you are angry and dont understand but dont shut him out its when we feel afraid angry or discouraged that we need to ask him to strengthen us as he wants to help us.regards brent
Hello! I recently subscribed to your newsletter redeeming God, it has been so helpful. One letter spoke on the unpardonable sin and that was something I use to worry about so much. Recently, it started weighing heavy on my mind once again. Not only that, my main concern has been my heart lately. I use to fear this sin so much, but now when I hear about it, I no longer fear it, nor do I worry about it. I’m not sure if that is God’s peace or if I’m really not concerned about it. Another issue I’ve been dealing with is doubt, I know for a fact that I believe in God, I just fear that I have doubted the holy spirit. I believe in him I just feel like there is a constant battle with my flesh and my spirit. (My mind is saying one thing but my spirit is saying another. I want so badly to get my spiritual life back on track but I feel like I have so many road blocks. I feel that God won’t forgive me, My reason for believing this (1) I willfully sin numerous of times (since then I have repented and haven’t done that again). (2) Blasphemous thoughts have returned and I fear that I have sinned because I haven’t been reading my word to fight them off.(I fear that not fighting them off is accepting them) (3) I feel desensitized for some reason.( I know that it is not all based on your emotions, but I feel like I don’t feel at all, like a numb feeling and it scares me. (4) I fear that I have doubted the holy Spirit, I believe in him and he has been there for me in many ways. I just fear that I have doubted him. (5) I fear that I rejected God in my heart. (I’m not sure if I really have and I have repented. I’m just really concerned about all these issues. I want to know that without a doubt that I’m in right standing with God. These are the things that I’m currently dealing with. Thank you so much!
Recently i left the christian faith. i said F the Holy spirit. more than once so i know im going to hell. Long story but i know there is no way i can repent and come back
the Book say whoever speaks a word against the holy spirit will not be forgiven. so by me saying F the Holy Spirit i spoke against him
to be honest i think God is a “Hypocrite” he says if we don’t forgive people he won’t forgive us. and yet turns around and says this one sin is the only sin he will not forgive
i think that is being a “Hypocrite”
hey onmywaytohell, bro don’t give up! i read your message , i am not an expert to the subject but i think you haven’t committed. Come back to Jesus, i know it’s hard. Jesus will never give up on even the worst sinner. I think for someone to commit this unfortunate sin, he has to or wants passionately to convince people who come to Christ that God’s power is of something else ( you know) and he does it continuously with no regret.
If you feel regret or feel that you need Jesus in your life, then you haven’t done it. For something to be unforgivable it means the person will never come to Christ again . Don’t worry i know it’s scary
Seek Jesus and you will find Him! Jesus can forgive everything while you’re still alive . The fact that you came to read this, you are concerned. Believe in the unlimitless mercy of the Lord , just BELIEVE and ask for forgiveness. I watched a video about a Man who used to smoke in his life, do all sorts of abominable things. One time he went out of church cause he was angry and cursed God with hands towards the sky, he said everything bad against Him he cursed everything holy and sweared he will break every rule of God. He went home drank some drug and died. He went to Hell , but he screamed for Jesus and then a huge battle began for his soul…the demons pulling him to hell but Jesus came and rescued him. Jesus told him “You knew about me. You cursed Me, you mocked My Spirit, you rejected me, you don’t deserve a second chance! But i am a Gracious God of Mercy, and I am going to give you a 2nd chance”.
Incredible video. I watched it. It can give you hope
I think the unpardonable sin could be “taking the mark of the beast”. Although Jesus does say those who take it will suffer forever.
I hope this helps you. Jesus is our Saviour and is looking for his 1 lost sheep. That could be you
Come back bro don’t give up I did it also in my anger I didn’t mean it!!! I know though it’s gonna be a tool that the enemy is gonna throw at me daily, but like matisyahu said I’ll fight with all of my might to get these demons off of me, looking onto Jesus Christ an if you get weird feelings toward him rebuke it an keep coming to him because they are just lies of the enemy, Satan shows no mercy no mercy no mercy, and God is gonna used this to make the warrior out of you
Hey, have you come to any conclusions about this?
I wanna know if i can be forgiven if i crused and thought evil the holy spirt and would i be forgiven :'(
Yes you can be forgiven, my friend talk to God an ask him dad I know you forgiven me but I have a tough time accepting your forgiveness an when I ask for your forgiveness this unpardonable sin thought comes to my mind an stops me from believing you forgiven me or even accepted me I even have trouble believing your listening to me now, my feelings are a mess dad my thoughts are mixed broken an shattered, I just need your help Jesus to know you have not condemned me and have not given up on me an have not left me.
THIS IS A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT: a person who commits the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit has no care for God church Jesus Christ nothing completely living his own life,,, I also recommend that those battling this nip it in the bud quickly accept his promise an if you still feel the same great welcome to the warfare, we walk by faith not sight, every spiritual blessing we get from God has to be receive by faith not feelings Jesus is moved by faith not feelings YOU ARE SAVED, SEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS IN LOVE WITH YOU,, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD,
It doesn’t matter what you have said against God he is deeply in love with you and willing to pardon you if you just come to him
Question: would someone who has committed the unpardonable sin be able to praise God….to sing praise songs to Yahweh?
Jeremy, it looks as though you haven’t been here in a while, but I’ll give this a shot anyway, and if anyone else would like to answer that would be fine. So, for starters, I believe I may have committed the unpardonable sin. Let me briefly frame that event in my life for you;
-I was sexually abused as a child, which led to a lifetime of sexual immorality until a few months ago when I decided to come clean about everything, repent, and try to live a life for God.
-In the midst of my sin, I would cry out to God asking for forgiveness, and having been taught that repentance is a gift from God, when no dramatic change would occur in my life, I would conclude that God was not willing to offer me the gift of repentance, so I would become angry and continue with my lifestyle.
-On two occasions that I can remember, I was so angry with God that I said vile things against God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These things were said in desperation and irrational rage, but they were said nonetheless. These words were intentional mockeries based on what knowledge I had of God at the time. They were constructs of slanderous language making intentional mockeries of specific attributes of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and the work They have done and are doing in the world but which I felt they were not doing for me. The utterances against the Holy Spirit happened on two occasions, but my tirades against God the Father and God the Son happened on many occasions, and sometimes for really stupid and childish reasons. These rages were always in a spirit of trying to get some sort of reaction out of God (which I now realize is tempting God) rather than the silence I was experiencing (which I now realize was due to my indwelling sin and my unwillingness to turn from it).
I have repented of these sins, and many others, and am now seeking God and His will in my life, but I continually face this fear of having committed the unpardonable sin, and therefore am not able to fully enter in to any uninhibited relationship with God or to feel that I am adopted because as many people who deal with this fear, I feel that I may have had the option of repentance withdrawn from me due to my actions.
So, if the unpardonable sin is in fact lashing out at the Holy Spirit with vile, slanderous, and exceptionally disrespectful utterances, I have indeed committed it, but let me now address one of the comforts I have received in my search for answers. That is; the comfort that anyone who fears they have committed this sin, and finds themselves trembling in terror at the prospect of being damned because of it, has most certainly not committed it. I have some questions about this comfort;
– How do I know my search for answers isn’t simply based on a selfish desire to escape what I have coming to me rather than the drawing and coaxing of the Holy Spirit?
– How do I know that any comfort I receive isn’t simply a construct of my imagination to escape the paralyzing fear of eternal condemnation?
I believe that my inquiry speaks for many people who may not want to be completely honest with themselves about the full extent of what they have said against the Holy Spirit, but let me go ahead and set the leading edge to its fullest by saying that when you reply to this post, go ahead and assume that I have said the worst things you can think of to the Holy Spirit (because the honest truth is I don’t remember exactly what I said). That will eradicate any tendency to hedge your response or try to minimize the gravity of the words uttered.
So what say you? Do you believe I have committed the unpardonable sin?
Yes. But I did to. I struggle too. I have done it even when I don’t mean to. Everyone tries to tell me I did not. But it feels like they don’t want to accept my possible fate. I have a demon. For 1.5 years I have been in jesus name to cast it out and it is still here. Everyone tells me to have faith’s. I do. I have faith that if I did not commit the sin I will be saved but that I did I won’t. Jesus said we needed to believe in him. John said if our hearts condemn us he knows the heart. So even if my heart is condemned to think I committed the sin. By his word my faith that he can heal me. That he died and resurrected. That he was the son of God. Should set me free. But it hasn’t because the demon is not gone. So every time I go for expressing exorcism I leave feeling more condemned of the sin.
I just got saved on July 28. I accidentally said “I’m gonna let the Holy Spirit leave”. I then said that I wasn’t going to let it leave. I asked God to forgive me. Did I commit the unpardonable sin?
I believe I have committed the unforgivable sin. I have cursed God for punishing me for all of the evil I have done in my life. Two years ago, I was married, with three beautiful children, lived in a mansion and had what I would say was a blessed life. After breaking every commandment several times over, committing adultery, lying, cheating and stealing, I am left divorced and homeless with the clothes on my back. I said “MAY GOD STRIKE ME DEAD IF I AM LYING” and I was lying. I heard a pop go off in my spirit and ever since that day over two years ago, I have lived with every day feeling like 1,000 years. I believe I swore an oath that day and tried to have God justify a lie. Since then, blasphemies have been in my head constantly and I have had a spirit of antichrist, murder, lying and unbelief take over me. I believe I am not one of the Elect of God but rather one who God has prepared for destruction. I do not want to go to Hell or be separated from God. I want to believe Jesus died for my sins too and that I am part of His family.
Just ask God for forgiveness and for the free gift of the Holy Spirit. It will free you from your sins. Amen.
Luke 11:13 KJV If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
After reading some of the comments from others on this site, I decided to give my full story in hopes that maybe someone can shed some light on what has happened to me. I am new to this site but came across it this morning after searching for answers.
I am a 52 year old female who just a few years ago was a successful businesswoman, wife and mother to three beautiful children. At 50 years old, I had everything that the world would deem as desirable. A godly, loving husband, 3 beautiful children, a huge business, a mansion, furniture stored to fill 3 homes, a different car to drive for every day of the week, designer clothes, shoes and handbags, 4 or 5 luxury trips a year, 3 children in privates schools with nannies, drivers, gardeners and housekeepers at their disposal.
Fast forward to today. I am homeless with literally the clothes on my back. I have lost everything. I am divorced, lost custody and visitation of the children, no home, business, health insurance, credit cards, cars, furniture, shoes or purses. All is gone. I have some clothing stored in garbage bags in a storage unit 10 minutes from my parents home. How could this happen, I have asked God? Well here it is:
17 years ago, I got hooked on opiods and became a drug addict, alcoholic, liar, thief and adulterer but even before that when I look back, now that the scales have been lifted from my eyes, I was always a liar and a thief who then became a murderer (2 abortions), drug addict, alcoholic and adulterer. I would like to preface all of this with, although I was not in my own mind during the drug and alcohol use, my choices were my own and no one made me choose to do all of the things I did. I would like to say the devil made me do it, but I don’t even have that excuse. I can remember lying to the priest in confession so that I would have something to confess.
I was raised Catholic by a father who was an officer in the military and a christian mother who stayed at home full time to raise 5 children. In my teens, my mother became non denominational Christian and so did the rest of the family. I was taught about Jesus from an early age and called myself a christian regularly attending church, bible study, prayer meetings and having a large library of bibles, scripture books, journals and resources that I would give to people to lead them to the Lord because I was so blessed.
My husband filed for divorce in December of 2015 because I fired him from his job because he would not stay up at the office so I could take the children out Christmas shopping. (Good reason to fire the love of my life) He tried everything to reconcile with me but my heart became hardened and I was having an affair and had aspirations of being with someone else with no thought of what I was doing to him and the children. We had been married 25 years and had known each other since we were teens. I threw him out of the house with the clothes on his back, cut off his credit cards and left him without any money. I would not let the kids see their dad, lied about him and accused him of trying to kill me and started a war with him that lasted two years until our divorce was final in July 2018. In May of 2017, I was taken to the mental ward because my parents had taken a mental health warrant out on me believing I was a pill popping drug addict and I was. I was left there for 7 days and they finally released me when they realised no family was coming up to check me out and take care of me. I was diagnosed bipolar and put on more medication. I came home and decided to leave with the children for a short vacation only to be taken to the mental ward again for calling the police to have my parents and brother removed from my property. I was there 24 hours and came home to an empty house. The kids were given to my brother by the court, my business was taken over by an attorney and my husband was living with his girlfriend till our divorce was final. I checked into a hotel and went on a drug and alcohol binge, fired my divorce attorney, fired my two brothers, sister in law and uncle from work and called my soon to be ex to come and pick me up and take me home which he did.
When I got home, he went thru my cell phone and found out I had been cheating on him which I vehemently denied and even said “MAY GOD STRIKE ME DEAD IF I AM LYING!” and guess what God struck me dead right then and there. I felt a pop go off in my spirit and I could no longer distinguish between days. Every day feels the same (no end no beginning) The time just stopped and every 24 hours feels like 1,000 years.
I ended up getting the children back in August of 2017 only to lose them for good when I tried to commit suicide on November 2, 2017. I was taken to the hospital to have surgery and then went into the mental ward for the 3rd time and was released to my parents after 21 days. I was then sent me to a womens home for another 30 days seeking outpatient treatment for 6 hours a day with a group under the direction of a physiatrist. My parents reluctantly came and picked me up and let me live with them for the next two years while I attended church, bible study, prayer meetings, saw psychiatrists and counselors and used a spiritual warfare bible and a scripture book to pray the demons off of me all to no avail. I continued to lie because when I told the truth no one believed me because of all the lies I told. My life got worse. Everyday still feels like 1,000 years and I can’t walk or stand for any amount of time due to the unbearable pain I feel in my back, hips, legs and feet. I have lost it all.
I have been researching what has happened to me for over two years now and believe that I am a vessel of wrath and that God did not choose me to have eternal life in heaven. The first passage I came to after getting to my parents house was Romans 9. God HATED Esau before he was born, before he did neither good nor bad, god hated him. WHY? I asked God how this could be true and it is because God is omniscient and He knows what we are going to do before the foundation of the world. The scriptures say God did not choose everyone but it says Jesus died for the whole world so I am confused. Everyone was called but only few were chosen? I was given resources and teachings to make different choices than the ones I made but continued on a road that destroyed my life and everyone I was close to. Now that my eyes have been opened, I feel like it is too late. I believe God hates me. The scripture say that Jesus only takes those that the Father gives to Him indicating that there are those that the Father does not give to Jesus. Is this the case? The scriptures say that God curses who He curses and blesses who He blesses. A few years ago, I would have told you that I was one who God had blessed but today I would tell you that when I say Lord, Lord, He will say I never knew you, you cursed and send me to the pit.
I am not saying I don’t deserve to go to Hell because I do deserve it and I made all of those terrible choices and I was definitely taught right from wrong and I did it anyway. Everyone inherently knows right from wrong but I can tell you when I was doing all the things I was doing I was deceived into thinking I was doing them for a reason. Drugs to remove the pain from a birth defect I was diagnosed with, alcohol to escape from doing the drugs, lying to cover from my guilt, stealing to cover from my spending gross amounts of money and an affair to get back at my husband for cheating on me first. I had an excuse for everything and I was a Christian on top of it. Now looking back, I see all the warning signs that I ignored or was too wasted to notice.
I was always taught that evil was the devils work but the bible clearly states that God created evil just as He created good and everything is ordained by God. Either he is omniscient or he isn’t. It does not work both ways. I have broken all the commandments, have not honored my father and mother and have destroyed many lives in the process. I do not take drugs or any kind of prescription medicine and have tried to stop sinning but fear, doubt, unbelief, anger at God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit enter my mind constantly because I believe God has rejected me.
I want to be a Godly woman and have a chance to be a mom and grandmother. I kicked my ex husband out of the house and kicked Jesus out of my spiritual house when said what I did and I don’t believe God will justify a lie. I believe God has left me because all I hear in my head is I am not of the elect of God and terrible blasphemies constantly and the time element? Every day feels like 1,000 years (I have been told there is no time in eternity)
Jeremy, have I committed the unforgivable sin? Is it possible to be the un-elect of God even though Jesus died for everyone?
You cant hear God calling your name because of the noise in your house! The devil hates the idea of repentance and he will distract, deceive and literally try to destroy your thought life. Those blasphemies you hearer are the evil one that voice telling you that you are the “un-elect” is satan or his demonic assassins trying to drive you insane. I walked a path of darkness as well and the moment i repented the attacks came just like you are mentioning. Its not you its the devil and he is out to kill steal and destroy you. please take comfort in this passage: 2 Peter 3:9 states, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” – Ask the Holy Spirit into you heart and mind to clean up your spiritual house and He he will be faithful and just and merciful to do so.
I committed long term adultery, my soul is in anguish every day all day. I was a Christian at the time so I feel like since I had the Holy Spirit in me then I committed SERIOUS sin against the Holy Spirit. My husband, who has passed since, forgave me and I ask God for forgiveness all the time even tho I know he forgives and forgets so I’m just reminding Him all the time. What’s worse is it was WILLFUL sin. 😢 I will go to my death wondering where I am going.
Every since I heard about the unforgivable sin I began to swear at the Holy Spirit, it’s like my consciousness knows it’s bad and that I would never be forgiven for it and that it wants to use it against me. I am absolutely terrified of reading more into the topic because I’m scared of what I will do with the information but I’m glad I can be forgiven for this one. Its just I’m terrified of everything, I think once I did commit it but I remember I acted very ignorant and I felt psychopathic and selfish because I was tired of asking for forgiveness and I thought maybe if I didn’t believe in God i wouldn’t go to hell for not being saved in time. I remember very super overwhelmed before it because I was trying my very best to get closer to God but I kept winning and I became tired of it and then I began to feel like that and I felt like something evil was taking over my emotions and thoughts. I know now that, that WAS NOT ME! Because even I identified at the time that this was not like me and I asked God to changed my thought process about the whole situation… I’m trusting that God will forgive me of that if it was the unforgivable sin but I do not know.. any thoughts?
Instead of winning I meant sinning* sorry
So if you say f the Holy Spirit can it be forgiven?
The Pharisees committed the unforgivable sin, and they didn’t curse the Holy Spirit. If Jesus wanted to say that cursing the Holy Spirit was the unforgivable sin, he would have said so.
I believe blaspeming the Holy Spirit is turning against God and being rebellious towards God in anyway. It’s hardening your heart towards God in a way that you no longer care what the Bible has to say. It’s turning your back on the things of the Spirit and towards the things of the flesh. So cursing God or the Holy Spirit is still blaspheming the Holy Spirit because youre blaming God for evil which isn’t true which makes you turn away from God and the truth. 😞
If I cussed at the Holy Spirit will I be forgiven please help me I’m really scared
Sub conciously I curse Holy Spirit I don’t know what influenced me how will I be punished thank you
i thought cursing the spirit of God was blasphemy but this helped me a lot once i thought of the sin because i said ”god damn” and i feel overjoyed of hearing this i am so happy…THANK YOU…
I’ve cursed and blaspheme the Lord several times bc I’m in a spiritual battle that I’m losing. I wanted to know am I condem bc I got upset with God and said plus thought those things?
I have cursed the Holy Spirit. I have told god and Jesus that they are the same. My grandmother on her deathbed called me the devil.
Thank you. I have begged God to forgive me, for cursing the holy Spirit in My mind. People keep telling me that I could be forgiven but I didn’t believe them. I quit reading the Bible and thanking God for all he has done for me. I went back to Bible study and started to read the Bible again and your article really helped as you have no reason to lie to me.
Please give an example of Cursing the Spirit means, please. Thank you
a person who claim to be my friend Assaulted me and he claims to be a Christian and I said F the holy Spirit 15 times and gave God the middle finger. I always knew I was cursed anyway from the Womb
I always Believed God never cares about me my dad is a Christian and he Abused me I always knew it was God in him Doing the Abusing
I’ve Accepted that I never will be Forgiven so when the Time is Right I will Commit Suicide
I inadvertently uttered an expletive after I mentioned the Holy Spirit’s name. It wasn’t with any malicious intent. I was rehearsing the sung Creed and when there was a long pause in the music, I was thinking in my mind, “Next comes the Holy Spirit and stuff” but out loud the word “stuff” had been replaced with a four-letter S word and the “and” got deleted. Immediately when I heard it come from my lips I wept and repented because that hadn’t been my intention and I was so afraid I’d blasphemed the Holy Spirit and still carry the fear that I did. My stomach is in knots over this. A couple of weeks prior to this I was doubting my faith. All I want is to feel God’s love and forgiveness. I want my name in the Book of Life. I can’t and don’t want to imagine life here or in eternity without God.
if you are fearful that you have committed the unforgivable sin then that means you have not done it.
I have a question if I said god was evil could I repent
Hi, I am so distressed because I lashed out at God. I have been a Christian for 10 years, and I believe Jesus is the Messiah, and that He has come to save us from our sins.
Just recently, I had been dealing with unforgiveness and condemnation from a certain individual because I was so hurt. I cannot fully remember what made me do it, but I remember lashing out at God in full anger in my head and telling Him that He and His advice was the cause of all this annoyance. In an instant after that, I had a sobering thought that I just blasphemed the Holy Spirit as He was trying to speak to me.
I have never been the same ever since. Honestly, I felt that the Holy Spirit has left me. I have indulged in so many sins too. My conscience is screaming that I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit, but at the same time, I feel dead inside, like my spirit has been zapped away from me. I can no longer read the Bible the same way. My conscience is so blurred too.
I don’t know what to do. I want to repent. I am so scared and hopeless. I feel that the Lord has left me.
May someone help me? May someone give me a confirmation? I am so scared. I don’t know what to do. May someone please pray for me? Has anybody had the same experience?
I also cursed the Holy Spirit back in 2014. I had backslidden something fierce and wasn’t thinking properly about everything at all back then. Someone who I thought was a friend encouraged me to do it and I did it. I’ve been told by Jesuses in dreams that I had 10 years from the time I did it to live. I’m at the end of the road if it’s true and that was truly Jesus. I love God with all my heart soul and strength. I feel blessed in Spirit when I sing for him and read the bible and pray but I still don’t know if I’ll live past the time or not. 1 month and 16 days left until I find out. Please pray for me. I read what you said and you, Billy Graham, and Focus on the family all agree on this theology but in the end only one holds the keys of life for us. I’ll try to remember to check back in if i make it past the 10 years and let you all know.
hello i’ve been having horrible religious intrusive for months and they get so so bad and i pray every day and i am so terrified of angering god with them but i do know that god already knows that i do not mean these thoughs but i’m just so mad at myself i am at my wits end with these thoughts. my family are trying to get me an appointment with a psychiartrist and i do not know when i will be able to see the psychiartrist.and i also cry alot i am a mess.
Thank you for this post that you given me from God! I appreciate that cursing the Holy Spirit isn’t the unpardonable sin.
I want to get back with God what do I have to do
when jesus was talking about them blasphemy against the holy spirit they knew everything about Jesus and they had read scripture an knew better but they didn’t believe that Jesus was the son of man an was God that came to earth as a man so they thought it was someone who was portraying to be him an that wasn’t the case but never the less they did an there was no return for them no forgiveness an it has to come from the heart when you do that it goes hand an hand you have to mean an know who God is in the first place
Ive long struggled with this. In highschool my mother was very religiously judgmental going to church then cussing, then always judging me. I called her out on her profanity and she replied Dont you be my ——- Im not typing the word because I fear saying it. I replied Im not trying to be your (cussword) ——————— So I used his name and cussword in same sentence out of frustration due to what I thought was her being hypocritical. Ive been tormented for 30 years thinking I committed the ultimate sin. Fast forward to 2021 my mom died and that fear of blasphemy tormented me like never before. Every angry thought towards My maker for taking my mom, dad, grandma in the same year along with my injury. My faith was depleted and I am still searching for it trying to find my faith I feel numb lost and my thoughts religiously were in overdrive. We are taught not to question life in anger, not to question our faith not to question why things happen. It was a wakeup call to realize that faith doesn’t always heal our loved ones and that sometimes his will is different from our own. That hurt. That being said Deep inside i feel condemned and my thoughts tell me I no longer feel God because Ive committed the unforgivable sin. Ive tried to discuss it with others but they don’t understand and dont give me any assurance. Thank you for this post as I feel new hope. That God is still there Im just grieving still and hes not mad at me and he understands me. I never thought I needed to confess this to him and ask him for forgiveness of this and maybe this would open the door of my heart once again.
Is everyone forgiven?