Many believe that the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit — or the unforgivable sin — occurs when someone attributes the works of the Holy Spirit to the works of the devil. This view is based on Matthew 12:31-32, where some of the religious rulers state that Jesus was casting out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons (Matthew 12:24).
This is one of the most popular views about the unforgivable sin.
Attributing the Works of the Spirit to the Devil
It is often taught that this sin is committed when a person sees a miraculous work of the Spirit, and rather than give glory to God for what was done, gives credit to the devil instead.
It is believed that this sin is committed when people see the works and miracles of God, but state that the miracles are being performed the power of Satan rather than by the power of God.
This view is commonly held in Pentecostal charismatic circles where miracles, healings, and demonic exorcisms are a frequent occurrence. Leaders of these ministries sometimes state if other people write off supernatural healings, demonic exorcisms, and the gift of tongues as possibly coming from the devil, such people deny the power of the Holy Spirit and commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which supposedly is the unforgivable sin.
Of course, in some charismatic circles, the behavior goes way beyond healing and prophecy and speaking in tongues. Some churches engage in holy laughter, barking like dogs and braying like donkeys, getting slain in the Spirit, rolling in the isles, and having tooth fillings changed to gold.
Yet when non-charismatic Christian leaders state that these sorts of activities are unbiblical and therefore not of God, they are sometimes condemned by charismatic leaders as having committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
So essentially, those who believe that that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to the devil use the fear of this sin to keep other people from challenging or questioning whether are not their miracles really come from God.
In other words, those who hold to this view use it to quell any challenges and quiet any questions about their ministry. They tell others to not question and not challenge them, because if they do, they might be committing the unforgivable sin.
Problems with this View on the Unforgivable Sin
Though this is a popular view, it is not the best interpretation of Matthew 12:31-32.
First, Scripture is clear that not everything that appears spiritual is from the Holy Spirit. Satan can and does counterfeit the work of God.
Second, we are supposed to test the spirits and see if they are from God (1 John 4:1). If we believe a certain activity is not from God but is a counterfeit deception, it is our obligation to denounce it. It does not seem that God would tell us to test the spirits and denounce those that were false if doing so could accidentally cause someone to commit blasphemy against the Spirit. The warning of Jesus against this sin in Matthew 12 seems to indicate that one commits it intentionally; not accidentally.
Furthermore, many religions and cults other than Christianity see miracles, signs, wonders, speaking in tongues, ecstatic experiences, dreams, visions, healings, and other such things. Certainly charismatics would be quick to denounce these practices as not being from the Holy Spirit, for they are not performed within “Christian” churches. But since these practices are nearly identical in form and frequency as those done in charismatic circles, these charismatic teachers must be careful about condemning these practices in other religions, for could it not be possible that these other miraculous experiences are also from the Holy Spirit? If so, then these charismatic teachers are attributing a work of the Holy Spirit to the devil, and are therefore speaking blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (according to their own definition).
After all, God works in mysterious ways, and we cannot be certain that the Holy Spirit is not at work in the lives of other religious practitioners—even in miraculous ways—with the intent of bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ.
If charismatics are right, they must not condemn any miraculous utterance, prophecy, sign, miracle, answer to prayer, or spiritual experience of any person or religious group as being of the devil, for there is no way to be certain when and where the Holy Spirit is blowing (John 3:8).
So although this theory is compelling and seems to fit the context of Matthew 12:31-32, the fact that it is impossible to live out in real life indicates that it is not the proper understanding. Theology must not only fit with Scripture, but must also fit with what can be lived out in life.
Fourthly and finally, however, this view does not actually fit the context of Matthew 12:31-32.
While it is undoubtedly true that in the context of Matthew 12:31-32 Jesus is performing miracles and casting out demons, and the Pharisees accuse Jesus of doing such things by the power of Beelzebub, this does not mean that condemning the work of the Holy Spirit as a work of the devil is the same as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Note that Jesus does not actually say that the religious leaders have committed the unpardonable sin. Instead, He says they are in danger of committing it. They were on the path to committing this sin, and Jesus was warning them about it. After all, if they had already committed it, why would Jesus warn them about it? He wouldn’t have.
Though the Pharisees accusation Jesus of working together with the devil, Jesus warns them that if they continue on the path they are on, they may likely commit the unpardonable sin. They have not committed it yet, but if they persist in denying all the evidence that is before them, they may come to a place where they put themselves beyond the reach of forgiveness.
So this proves that attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil is not the unforgivable sin.
If you make a mistake in testing the spirits, you are forgiven!
Though we should always strive to rightly discern the Spirits and to see when something is being done by the Spirit of God or by an evil spirit, if we make a mistake and discern wrongly, we have not committed the unforgivable sin. We have simply made an error in judgment, for which there is infinite grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
The Holy Spirit is not so sensitive as to condemn forever those who confuse His works with those of the devil.
He understands that we are influenced in many ways by many voices and that sometimes we lash out at Him in anger, saying things that we do not mean, and thinking things we later regret.
It is a serious sin to say that something is evil when it is good, and this is why Jesus warns the Pharisees when they say this about His miracles. So while such a sin is getting close to the unforgivable sin, it is not the sin itself.
If you have attributed to works of the Holy Spirit to the devil, do not think that God has left you or that the Holy Spirit has abandoned you. Neither is the case. God still loves you and forgives you, and the Holy Spirit is still with you, drawing you to be more like Jesus Christ. If this were not so, you would not be reading this post.
So be encouraged. Be comforted. Recognize that you are forgiven. Then ask God to help you move on from whatever you have said or did so that you can know the truth of His infinite love, and be drawn deeper into fellowship with Him.
Do you fear that you have committed the Unforgivable Sin?
Fear not! You are forgiven. You are loved.
Fill out the form below to receive several emails from me which explains how you can know that you are loved and forgiven by God.
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I’m half way through Unforgivable Sin. Why do people still believe that they are NOT forgiven? Good work on debunking poor thinking.
pray for me, when I was growing up I always had this thought in the back of my mind, that I would do something that would caused me to be eternally lost, so I was afraid of heights, if I drink I might curse God or something, so I stay away from that, I was a very fearful child, I always was interested in God, I always believed but didn’t know how to live a saved life,people that were saved they always talked about the don’ts never that God loves you . I prayed the pray for salvation and asked Jesus into my life. Then I joined a church I loved reading the Good News bible back in the 70s. I was very legalistic. 2 yrs into my walk,I would hear cursing over my head, one day at church I heard a voice that said clap your hands I said go to he–.and it felt like The Spirit left me I became weak after church I went to this scripture in Matt 12 I prayed and prayed it was like silence I continued in church but dry I would get hope but still no peace about what I did, every 5 yrs it seems like it would reoccur,get counseled get better, so to make a long story short, here I am today still struggling with the curse word, evil thoughts to myself, I read your comments again and again. I feel like my life is just going around in circles never really accomplishing anything.
I am sorry you are experiencing this. Know that no matter what, Jesus loves you, forgives you, and is not upset at the thoughts or words that enter your head. We live in a broken world where bad things happen and people have difficulties. He understands and is with you in your pain and fear and doubt.
Hi Jeremy, I absolutely love your blogs and especially your definition of the eternal sin. Since most people just say if you attribute the works of God to the wrong side then you’ve done it, then probably most people would be headed for hell, like me with ocd. For a year and a half I have lived everyday believing I’m going to the worst part of hell when I die because I have had those types of thoughts. Important question, when you say it is a serious sin to attribute gods work to the devils work is a very serious sin, do you mean to say that even if you have ocd and have doubts about Jesus divinity and have attributed it? Or are you just meaning those who know in their hearts that Christ is God and attribute anyway to the wrong side out of jealousy, unbelief or hatred? Please answer this, it is very vital to me
Hi Straan,
I am glad the site is helpful. I will be coming out with a book later this year which deals with the Unforgivable Sin in even more detail. It will be an updated and revised version of my other book on the subject.
Having OCD makes this entire sin a whole different ball game. Even though grace is already infinite, God is extra gracious with people with OCD (I know … there is no such thing as extra grace when grace is already infinite, but I hope you get the point).
While it is sinful to attribute the work of Jesus to Satan, this sort of sin happens all the time, and God forgives it every time. He knows that we do not know all the details about what is going on in life and in the lives of others around us, and so we make mistakes. We make wrong judgments. So he forgives us.
So whether these are just thoughts in your head or words that come out of your mouth, God loves you and forgives you completely.
Thanks Jeremy. I just keep getting uncontrollable blasphemous thoughts, doubts about Jesus and demonic thoughts. I can’t control my thoughts. At times I’ve felt like I’ve believed the Pharisees because of reassurance seeking. Basically whenever I read anything about the unforgivable sin or what the Pharisees said my mind latches onto it and I can’t shake it out, no matter how hard I try. I don’t want to blaspheme Jesus or anyone for that matter and at some points I say to myself – well if Christ was with you know who then I wouldn’t be following him. I’m not like the Jewish leaders at all, who were deliberate, jealous, knew Jesus was God but let their own pride take over. With me its all this fear that I’m going to hell, uncontrollable thoughts and doubts, eg. When I think about Jesus the thought lucifer power comes in and I start breaking down and hitting myself with all that analysis of paralysis. I just want to know how to beat this, and to know if I have done it
Hi Jeremy I just wanted to say: Is this actually accurate? Cause yeah others claim that attributing works of Jesus to the Devil is the unforgivable sin but I see it as any other blasphemy and I believe that its unbelief until death takes us away, Christian’s like us cannot commit it and unbelievers are CLOSE to committing it if they do not change. I’ve looked up Billy Graham’s site and its says that also, I just want to know the answer, thank you
MK the real issue to consider with your struggle is not what is disturbing you ie thoughts or actions because they seem to be outcomes. Find the cause get some assistance with it and the rest goes away. Ive seen this in lives of many people and they find freedom. Hope this helps.
Jeremy this is a great post thank you for it. Makes this issue so much clearer and shows just how much God loves us. Ive always found that in my musings over this issue it seems that such accusations and thoughts are not the real issue, just symptoms of it. Deception in many forms can effect us all but its when such thoughts lead people to rejecting Christ completely ie don’t believe in Him then that is a very bad place to be.
Jeremy, I’m terribly afraid I have committed this sin. I read a user comment on a website called under The Unforgivable Sin. It said that ‘ whoever has such an unrepentant, hardened heart capable of thinking ‘ You have Satan in You. ‘ then not feeling bad after has committed it.
Well here’s my story: I kept having all these thoughts. I don’t think I believe them in my heart. But I told the Holy Spirit he knew my heart better than I knew it, and he knows whether I have committed blasphemy or not. What if he thinks I actually did?! I’m really worried, please answer soon. It’s just every day the thoughts keep getting worse and worse. I don’t want my heart to be hardened.
Read, John Bunyan’s. Grace Abounding To the Chief of Sinners . . . download free at
You will find you have not done so . . .
Casting down imaginations that’s in 2 Corinthians. No matter how Scarlett your sin I can make you white as wool. Isaiah 1:18 . Some have strongholds some are possessed. 2 Corinthians casting down imaginations deal with strongholds. By his strips we are healed. Walk by faith not by sight. The enemy is the father of lies
It’s just that I’m worried, this man who commented online said The Spirit led him through Scripture and showed him what the sin was. I just really need assurance of my salvation because unlike this guy online, the Holy Spirit didn’t come and talk to me about this. I’m nervous. And sometimes I’m not worried at all. I’m not sure if it’s because I have been forgiven or if it’s because I don’t care because I have blasphemed him? Please help ASAP!
First, don’t believe that guy who said the Holy Spirit led him through the Bible to show him what this sin was. People say all the time “The Lord told me” or “God showed me” but this is just a tactic some people use to make sure nobody questions or challenges their ideas. In my opinion, it seems that this is taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Second, You have not committed the unpardonable sin. Are you concerned about it? Of course you are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be leaving these comments. That means that the Spirit is still at work in your life, and that you don’t want to hurt or offend Him. But even if you did hurt or offend Him, He would still love and forgive you. He is not so easy offended or scared off from us.
Could I email you about this?
I would call this vilification (blasphemy).
On second thought, it is actually the devil that is being accused here. Not God. The only sin is not believing that Jesus was God. This is not unforgivable. It reamined possible for the accusers (while they yet lived) to accept the truth at a later date.
Yes, it is a very difficult text.
The controversy about the sin that will never be forgiven is deep and complex, and so I must write more than a short response here. Jeremy, most Bible commentaries I’ve read (and probably that you have read, too) agree that the Pharisees of Matthew 12 definitely did speak against the Holy Spirit, and that the Lord Jesus strongly implied that they did so. Greek and Bible scholar Spiro Zodhiates wrote that “speaking against the Holy Spirit” in the original language refers to a single, not continuous, blasphemy. I can fully understand, therefore, why charismatics and many others maintain that a single incident of such a blasphemy will result in one’s eternal damnation in the lake of fire (regardless of any “change of mind” that might follow the incident).
Such is plainly the literal interpretation of the passage! Consider also the following: more than one Pharisee was involved in the accusation and Jesus knew THEIR thoughts, but in all likelihood, just ONE Pharisee was a spokesman for the others (otherwise they all spoke in unison!) Yet the text indicates that the accusation against our Lord was a collective sin.
On the other hand, as you indicated, Jeremy, the Lord did not explicitly say that they had spoken the blasphemy that would never be forgiven. And after His response to them, the Pharisees didn’t drop dead, like Ananias and Sapphira did, after the apostle Peter revealed that they had lied to the Holy Spirit, in Acts 5:5-10. Perhaps they themselves didn’t understand the Lord was telling them they were unforgiveable. (Yet if the Pharisees didn’t commit the unpardonable blasphemy, is there any example in the Scriptures of anyone who had?)
Furthermore, Peter also rebuked the hearers at Pentecost who said that the tongues speakers who were actually filled with the Holy Spirit were drunk, and corrects them, (Acts 2:13-21) but does not say they had spoken against the Holy Ghost. Truly enough, the Lord in His Matthew 12 response MIGHT only be issuing a strong warning for all of His hearers (and readers!), without also condemning the Pharisees of His day. But might implies uncertainty, and so the literal understanding could instead, in fact, be correct, in my opinion. Those who maintain that interpretation, of course, have to live by it themselves, so they must always be very careful about what they say, and think, all the time. They would have to believe that God would never forgive any misspeaking, carelessness, or confusion on their part on saying anything at all about or to the Holy Spirit or the work and person of Jesus.
In the first century, pious Jews would not utter the personal name of God, lest they mispronounce it and thus sin grievously. But are we not to have teachings about and indeed from the Holy Spirit in God’s word? Therefore, there could be a risk that we might say or hear something that would constitute blasphemy were it untrue, or in any other way wrong.
In my opinion, the “hard sayings” of our Lord are just that, that we might meditate on them, again and again. The most conservative readers of the Scriptures say, let’s be safe and careful, lest we speak against the Holy Spirit and end up in hell forever. Such a careful approach to this solemn matter is prudent for one to apply to himself, but quick condemnations are not appropriate for mere mortals to make concerning what others have said. God alone has the final word.
Could it be, if any of the Pharisees of Matthew 12, etc. had a change of mind, they were speaking against the Son of Man (forgiveable), but if not, they were speaking against the Holy Ghost (unforgiveable)? This speculative question is simply not answered directly in the Scriptures.
Then again, immediately after His solemn declaration about the sin that would never be forgiven (Matthew 12:32), the Lord says “Either make the tree good, and his fruit good…” (12:33, KJV) and seems to imply that the Pharisees (again, after their wicked accusation) and the other hearers (readers) should make/(choose?) the right (assessment of His work?) and reject the wrong one, in this context. (But again, perhaps 12:33 was really only addressed to those who heard Him whose hearts were open to a change of mind, and not to the wicked Pharisees.)
Consider also, an apparently earlier, basically identical, accusation in Matthew 9:34, where the Christ made no response to it. Then, there’s also Luke 11:15, where Jesus makes a similar response but no reference (in Luke 11:17-26) to a sin that will never be forgiven. No doubt the charge the Pharisees made was deliberate, and one they had premeditated, in a desperate effort to turn the people against Him. These and other incidents, especially including the one in Mark 3:20-30, are relevant, and probably other passages of Scripture are as well, in helping us understand what this terrible sin is, and is not. No doubt you cover them all as well in your book on the subject, Jeremy.
Many readers/hearers mainly only consider Matthew 12:32, about the sin never being forgiven, in all the relevant passages. It’s easy to imagine that there would/could/might be countless expressions made about or to the third person of the Holy Trinity that would constitute speaking against Him. Would denying His existence be one form of the blasphemy that would never be forgiven? How then could any atheist be converted and saved? How about denying the triune nature of God? If so, no Jehovah’s Witnesses could be saved, nor any of the other countless religionists who deny the personhood of the Holy Ghost. Could one commit this blasphemy (perhaps being unaware of the passages that discuss this sin) and simply have no memory of it, maybe doing so going off into, or in, a state of sleep? If so, any of us could fall into that category (we can’t know for certain that we never did it, since our memories are imperfect), and we wouldn’t know until Judgment Day that we had. Yes, these are extreme examples I am considering, but I’m just thinking through the matter with thoroughness. Ironically, also, a literal interpretation means a mute person like the one healed in Matthew 12 (or perhaps one that was completely illiterate, unable to write) could in no way commit such a sin. Is that what our Lord had in mind?
Finally, for whatever it’s worth, the Catholic Church, surely an ancient community of believers at least, teaches that “final impenitence” will never be forgiven, a conceptual interpretation of the passages rather than a literal one, but one that seems to have support within the relevant scriptures collectively. While at first glance this is a more liberal, gracious position, in another way of considering it, virtually any persistent sin could be considered an eternal sin, if not completely overcome by the end of one’s life. Is that what our Lord meant? Again, we must consider with all gravity and sincerity of mind what He did say, reflect on it soberly,and take heed.
Of course, much more can and should be said on this vital subject, but that’s plenty, more than enough, for now!
You said that the literal interpretation says the even after a “change of mind” you will still be eternally damned? I think I may have committed the sin, but now I want to follow God. I’m really scared.
Hi, LM. Thomas here. I’ll respond to the comment you made later on 11/27 in my next post.
I know I already replied, but for some reason my comment dissapeared. When I was a child, I think I was angry at God for some reason. I may have insulted the Holy Spirit out loud. I’m so scared. You said a literal interpretation of the text suggests that even if someone has a change of mind, they may still be eternally damned! I want to serve God! Help!
LM, have you tried saying to God, and the Holy Spirit, addressing the members of the Godhead in Christ’s name, and thus consciously praying to Him in all His revealed triune fullness, just what you wrote? You are scared, but also sorrowful for having offended the Lord, true? If you really want to serve Him, then this is so. After praying, remember that Christ bore your sin/sins at Calvary, and God indicated His acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice by raising Him from the dead. The basis by which you are accepted by God is the person and work of Christ, not anything you have done or could ever do, even in the acknowledging of and sorrowing over your sin/sins, be they sins of thought, word or deed, of omission or commission. Yes, it is true that a literal interpretation of the passage suggests that even if one has a change of mind, he may still remain unforgiven. If one holds to such a view, then God may hold him to that standard. At any rate, one cannot undo anything he has done, or unspeak anything he has spoken. But he can accept the offer of forgiveness, and not reject it. Either Christ bore all our sins at Calvary, or He did not. He is either our all sufficient sin-bearer, or He is not. You want to serve God, right? Then why not accept Jesus’ work as all sufficient and go on obeying Him, trusting in His grace for forgiveness if/when you do not? If I were a Catholic priest, I could assign you devotional practices for penance, of which there are a myriad. But I am not a Catholic priest, and penance would be assigned for completion after absolution is declared, not before. There would be suffering in purgatory for penances undone, but not eternal damnation, if I understand Catholic eschatology rightly. I present the Catholic position not as an endorsement of it, but as an acknowledgement of the major teaching within Christendom. While I think I have presented it accurately, you can look into that yourself to see if I am correct. I hope I have written something that will help you. May God grant you the peace you so desire. You can write me again if you like.
You say that they had not commited the sin yet, but you did not show scriptures are you just assuming? Where is he saying they are in danger of committing the sin?I dont see that scripture either.
Truthfully I don’t believe in my heart any of those lies told by those unrepentant jealous Pharisees but those analysing doubtful blasphemous thoughts still keep coming, and I’m on medication which isn’t really helping to be honest. I believe Jesus is our saviour and God, even when these thoughts come in. I don’t know what else to do, I don’t want to go to hell!! I want to stop these thoughts but it’s just not letting away
I was raised Christian and was saved young. As my family life fell apart, parents divorcing and ending up unwanted and living with grandparents… I got heavily into drug use. I began hating God and studying satanism and all kinds of occult practices. At fifteen years old though my power was strong and my spells were successful and clairvoyant abilities growing, I became convinced that Jesus was still holding me back and performed a satanic ritual specifically designed to blasphemy the holy spirit (using the bible as an instruction manual) by calling Jesus and his power demonic, calling the holy spirit a filthy demonic entity and swearing I wanted God out of my life forever.
I have continued on this path and am now 32. Yesterday I did go to a local church event, felt the love and power in that place, and am now feeling very sorry and fearful and wishing I could take it back. Yes I get what I want, don’t have to work, curse enemies and watch their lives fall apart or end if that’s my intention. But my life is just full of hate, and I know now for certain that there is only one true God and he is the source of all love and light. I want to be a child again. To be innocent and hear his voice. To be his child. To serve, follow, and submit to his will. But I don’t think it’s possible after my intentional acts (they’ve multiplied) of blasphemy, the life I’ve lived, and probably worst of all intentionally turning followers away from Christ by using and twisting their own scripture.
Be honest with me. Don’t lie just to get me stop doing these things, I don’t want to anymore anyways. Though I admit, I am afraid of living without my second sight…. can I be forgiven? How? Am I wicked for asking for God to give me a sign? What do I do?
No you are not wicked for asking God to give you a sign. As for forgiveness. I can’t speak one way or another because I myself struggle with believing I am forgiven for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I said the Spirit behind a miraculous icon was satan because bowing down and kissing icons was idolatry. It is not. But I thought it was and concluded that the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with icons because the where idolatrous in my eyes. I was wrong. They are not idols or worshiped and the Holy Spirit was probably the spirit behind the miracle. How can I tell you that your forgiven when I don’t know if I am. I have several demons that where there way before this us. In fact people kept trying to get me to go to the icon to get the demons removed I refused in fear that I would become more demonized by breaking the command to not bow down and worship images. Lol on my my soul I blasphemed the holy spirit as a result. I am sure satan got a laugh. I can’t get the demons out. It has been 2 years. They talk through me and move my body. Oh well. I hope all ends well for you. My priest says the only unforgivable sin is a sin you refuse to repent of
PLEASE HELP ME JEREMY MYERS. I had a bad day yesterday struggling with blasphemy thoughts and it was snowing bad and i got to my job and i thought i could just open up the door and just go inside then this old man just was holding the door open and i got upset and said the holy spirit is of satan. I didnt mean to. I was having blasphemy thoughts all day PLEASE HELP ME.
Oh God please help us that are in torment with this . We beg for mercy! Please oh God ! I feel for anyone going through this . I’ve been dealing with it for almost 2 years . It’s horrible. I pray for each person that is dealing with this .
I am very angry and hateful. For twenty eight years I lived in constand turmoil. Its a long story, but about two years ago, I felt an awful strike to my soul from a devilish source that left me under an awful power that burns in my soul, and my ears started ringing and my bowels dropped. I immediately said that I was under the wrath of God for having blasphemed the Holy Ghost. I knew right away that the holy spirit was no longer with me and that I only had one power in my soul. it is hell on earth. My punishment is great. Its awful because I only experience hate and anger and can no longer sincerely go back to GOD. Cant someone pray that GOd would reverse this awful curse. I know that when I die that I will go to hell and I have no power over it.
Surely the only unforgivable sin is refusing forgiveness. That’s why it is unforgivable.
If forgiveness is offered, then take it.
The problem is that I am no longer being offered forgiveness. I don’t have a choice between God and Satan. I no longer have that option. Its hell on earth. There is no longer any work of the spirit in my heart trying to reach me with GOd. its only 24/7 burning and torment. I no longer am tempted to sin, the devil has my soul and God is gone. Its so horrible. Its totally heinous to have to live like this. Its nothing but being sold out to the devil with no way back to GOd. About three years ago, I read about the unpardonable sin and it really bothered me, but I didn’t believe that I was in danger of actually doing it. I thought it would be an awful place to get to, but I didn’t believe that it was I who was in danger of it because satan had me deceived that I was doing what I needed to do to keep it from happening. When I felt this awful strike, the first thing that I did, was kind of yell/cried and said that I had blasphemed God and that God was no longer with me. I am totally trapped and cannot go back to God. I have nothing from Him to take me back. its hell on earth, because I burn in my soul with awful fire. I am totally stripped of anything that ever had to do with God. Satan is a cruel task master. I live with no hope. Its awful. The worse part is the iron grip on my soul, with awful burning.
Does GOD ever reverse the curse that follows someone that has actually attributed the work of God to the devil in a willful, blasphemous way?? My husband agreed with me in what I did, and he no longer has GOD striving with him, either, although hes not aware of it like I am. He shows no desire for GOd or spiritual things. I know that GOd is not working with me anymore and that I have cursed His spirit and the punishment is awful. its tremendous. I never knew that people could feel this way and still be alive. Everything went devilish, black, evil, dark, burning, and no power, when I felt that horrible strike. I have no motivation to work anymore. I just lay for hours like a zumby with awful devil power on my soul. its so sick. its so wrong. The worse part is that I cant do a thing to get out of it. There is nothing that I can do to please GOd anymore. There is nothing that I can do to go back to GOd. I’m just angry, hateful, and burning. This punishment feels totally unfair and wrong.
I once said randomly in my head “Jesus works with the devil because his birthday is on Christmas and Santa can also spell satan.” I asked him to forgive me and the reason I had that thought is because I read what blasphemy was and it also said accusing Jesus of working with satan and my friends when I was younger told me that Santa spelled satan but, I don’t how I thought of that.
But now I feel like I’m not sorry but at the same time I feel like I am.
Also, one day I said that the holy spirit was stupid and I said that I meant it and I felt like it was in the front of my head not an ocd thought but then it felt like I wasn’t sorry and I felt horrible that I didn’t feel sorry.
Blaspheming God does not necessarily mean you blasphemed “against” his Holy Spirit.
I have struggled with this EXACT issue. And it still comes up. I would love victory over this.
If a church is preaching that speaking in tongues is not from God and anyone who does speak in tongues is not saved , is this Biblical ?
Thank you for your article. Yes we are to test the spirits to see if they are from God. If in the test we have decided that this particular spiritual manifestation if not of God then we turn away from it. However we don’t take it an extra step and go online a make a You Tube video and tell the world that this particular person or manifestation is of the devil. What if we are wrong, then were in big trouble. The best thing to do is to turn away from it and simply say to ourselves I’m not sure if that was of the Holy Spirit and continue on our way.
Hi Jeremy,
When you say that we could have made a mistake initially for any of the reasons you give (see copy below)? Most other sites I think would disagree with you and say there are no “first tries”. Make an error once and your toast. I find myself in this situation and would like to try and ease my troubled brow and understand your rationale. I totally agree with you,. We all make mistakes and realise afterwards we were wrong initially, or made a genuine mistake. Other sites & gospel don’t seem to understand we are after all human and prone to error.
“He understands that we are influenced in many ways by many voices and that sometimes we lash out at him in anger, saying things that we do not mean, and thinking things we later regret.
If you have attributed to works of the Holy Spirit to the devil, do not think that God has left you or that the Holy Spirit has abandoned you. Neither is the case. God still loves you and forgives you, and the Holy Spirit is still with you, drawing you to be more like Jesus Christ. If this were not so, you would not be reading this post.”