I am not asking, “Who would Jesus vote for?” That question has been beat to death.
Instead, I am asking the more basic question: “Would Jesus even vote?”
I believe He would. But before I explain why, let us look at two of the arguments some Christians give for NOT voting.
I know most of the arguments for why some Christians say that we should not vote (see, for example, this book: Electing Not to Vote), and I understand their concerns, but I think that most of these arguments are invalid. Here are two examples:
Voting for Evil
Some say that a vote for “the lesser of two evils” is still a vote for evil.
Well, of course. But unless the candidate is Jesus Christ, you will always be voting for the lesser of two evils.

But note that even when we do not vote, we still vote in other ways. Voting is one way of supporting your chosen candidate, but so is paying taxes, using government services, attending school, and supporting our military. Anything that the government does for you, and which you make use of, is a form of affirming and supporting the governmental system that we have. If you do not like the governmental system that we have, then it is your responsibility to help change it. And even if you are successful in changing it, it will still not be perfect, but will be the “lesser of two evils.”
Voting is a Cop-Out
Some Christians say that rather than try to change the world by voting in a flawed candidate, what Jesus really wants is for us to get out into the world and be the change we want to see.