I don’t know much about the Holy Spirit.
And I think that’s the way God wants it.
I used to think I knew a whole lot more than I think I know now.
It’s funny how that happens. Just when you think you’ve got God all figured out, He shows up and turns it all upside down. This is especially true with the Holy Spirit.
So I know less today then I knew ten years ago…you know, back when I had all the answers.
Don’t get me wrong. I tried to hold on to God. I tried to keep Him boxed up and tied down. When I felt Him slipping out of my grasp, I tried to corner Him.
But I found that the more I chased, the faster He ran. The more I tried to trap Him, the slipperyer (try saying that 10 times) He became. God’s tricky that way.
It’s like trying to catch a fish with your bare hands. Have you ever tried it? The more you move, the further away they swim.