Matt Aznoe is a friend of mine from High School and College. Like me, he seeks to do what he can to stop human trafficking in the United States and around the world, and has recently recorded a song about involvement in the human sex trade.
Check it out here:
“Another Long Day” by More Than I
Also, Anthony Ehrhardt alerted me to a movie that is coming out about human trafficking which is called “Cargo.” Here is the Cargo Movie website, and below is a trailer. Warning: Even the trailer will make you cringe. But you should watch it anyway. This sort of thing happens every day around the world, and even here in the United States.
To learn more about Human Trafficking and sex slavery, check out some of these posts:Human Trafficking Posts
- Sex Slaves
- Would You Fight Slavery?
- Rescue Russian Sex Slaves
- Rescue Russian Girls from Sex Slavery
- Stop Her Nightmare
- Another Girl Rescued Today
- Girls for Sale
- Goal Reached!
- I Want to be a Prostitute
- $52,000 raised!
- 31 Million Sex Slaves
- Renting Lacy
- More Than Rice
- Human Trafficking Ring Busted
- The Other Big Game
- Sex Slavery, Planned Parenthood, and Your Tax Dollars
- How to Minister to Prostitutes
- Wisconsin Woman Held as Sex Slave in Brooklyn
- Coked-Up Whore
- Human Trafficking has Many Faces
- Into an India Brothel
- You Need a Girl?
- Human Trafficking Media
- The Son of God is Selling Children
- My Girls Raised $300 to help stop Human Trafficking
- Rape for Profit
- Human Trafficking Statistics
- Help Rescue Girls from Forced Prostitution
This subject is absolutely brutal to the soul. I cried after watching the clip (yes I know it is a movie). So many industries keep this going, chiefly pornography, but there are others.
I was at a concert not too long ago and a great little band played a song called “beautiful slave”. Most of the men left to go to the bathroom at that time or they went to get something to eat only to return to find their wives, sisters or girlfriends crying. You can watch a video of the song here:
Thanks for posting a horrible subject that I have heard no one, absolutely no one, talk about.
Thanks for the comment and the video link. I will go check it out.
I think awareness to this horrible issue is increasing. There are books and movies and songs being written about it. I saw that Compassion Intl. has an article in their most recent magazine about Human Trafficking. It was an interview with Chet Lowe, an old friend of mine who now pastors in Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale.
To a devout Christian man this seems so depraved. My Bible, My Christian teachings, the Old Testament is very clear on the treatment of slaves. This is most certainly part of the New Age Secularism given birth by the excesses of America’s “Golden Age” of fantastic prosperity, fed by the “Cheap Oil Era”, now fading away leaving irreparable damage and carnage, destruction of the human spirit behind. Given a female or male “slave”, a situation only the very rich could afford, would mean the total integration of this individual into the society, as a slave but a respected ‘occupation’ and not a position for abuse! Apparently Americans could never get this right!
Human trafficking and slavery has never really stopped. It just transitioned into different targets and different customers.