Some people say that prostitutes like what they do. That they enjoy it. As my family and I have been trying to get involved with rescuing girls from the sex-slave industry, we recently read Renting Lacy by Linda Smith. It it, she has a section where she shows how ludicrous it is to think that some women want to be prostitutes. This, of course, is especially true for child sex-slaves, many of whom are 9, 10, and 11 years old.
Here is what she writes:
When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute.
I want to be used by men however they wish.
And I’ll say, “Oh baby, yes, I love it. I love everything about you.” And I’ll hold back my vomit and keep on my smiles to convince them, so they’ll stop slapping me. But because I love it, because I love the taste of everything about them, they’ll say I’m a slut, a dirty little girl who needs to be punished. They’ll burn cigarettes into my skin, jab me anyplace they like, bloody my nose, blacken my eyes, laugh at my tears, hold a gun to my head, cut me, tattoo me, as their eyes grow large and excited. I’ll scream and cry and beg because I can’t act anymore.
I don’t want to be riding a pink bicycle with a basket in the front. I hate the little girls with their hands held tightly by fathers, fathers who look at me in disgust and cover their daughters’ eyes so they don’t see me. I don’t want to be one of those girls with a decorated bedroom and frilly pillows on my bed. I don’t want to giggle and talk about whether a boy likes me or not. I don’t want to decide for myself whether to wait for marriage to have sex or remain a virgin.
When I grow up, I don’t want to attend college, consider joining a sorority, or have my own apartment. I don’t want to try different career paths or figure out who I am. I don’t wish for a wedding day in a church or on a beach with bridesmaids, a dad walking me down the isle, little flower petals beneath my feet. Who cares about baby showers or decorating a nursery? I don’t want to learn how to cook or decide between being a stay-at-home mom or a working mother. I don’t want any of those things.
Because when I grow up, I want to be a prostitute.
Can anyone believe that?
Don’t believe the lies. Prostitutes did not choose to be prostitutes. They are enslaved, in one way or another. What are you doing to end such modern day slavery?
To learn more about Human Trafficking and sex slavery, check out some of these posts:Human Trafficking Posts
- Sex Slaves
- Would You Fight Slavery?
- Rescue Russian Sex Slaves
- Rescue Russian Girls from Sex Slavery
- Stop Her Nightmare
- Another Girl Rescued Today
- Girls for Sale
- Goal Reached!
- I Want to be a Prostitute
- $52,000 raised!
- 31 Million Sex Slaves
- Renting Lacy
- More Than Rice
- Human Trafficking Ring Busted
- The Other Big Game
- Sex Slavery, Planned Parenthood, and Your Tax Dollars
- How to Minister to Prostitutes
- Wisconsin Woman Held as Sex Slave in Brooklyn
- Coked-Up Whore
- Human Trafficking has Many Faces
- Into an India Brothel
- You Need a Girl?
- Human Trafficking Media
- The Son of God is Selling Children
- My Girls Raised $300 to help stop Human Trafficking
- Rape for Profit
- Human Trafficking Statistics
- Help Rescue Girls from Forced Prostitution
very sad
yes, isn’t it?
This story is bullshit. Sex workers have families, get married, travel the world, go to graduate school, and more. Not all women in prostitution are “sex slaves,” and the majority of migrant men, women and children to suffer labor exploitation.
Are you a sex worker? I don’t condemn you if you are. I agree that there are other forms of human exploitation other than sex slavery.
However, just as nobody plans on suffering from labor exploitation, I doubt anybody plans on being a sex worker either.
Here are some sobering statistics about sex workers.
Sex Slavery and Prostitution and NOT the same thing. Prostitutes get paid, slaves do not.
The things you speak about usually occur in places where prostitution is illegal. After all, they can’t go to the police and report their pimp because what they are doing is illegal and they would be exposing themselves. Take the Moonlight Bunny ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada. Those girls pull in quite a bit of money and abuse of them is not tolerated.
Try to think about it. What is the difference between pornography and prostitution? Both people are getting paid to have sex, just one through the studio rather than directly by their clients.
So, they suffer none of the things you talk about. Nobody would want to be a prostitute?? Come on, you’re telling me if say Jennifer Lopez came up some guy or you and offered you $1000.00 to spend the night with her, something you’d do for free anyway, you wouldn’t want to?
I certainly am no expert on prostitution or sex slavery, but from the studies I have read, the vast majority of prostitutes do not find it enjoyable or pleasurable, and most of the men they service are not in any way comparable to the male version of Jennifer Lopez. Furthermore, studies report that the vast majority of them have been sexually molested as children, and so they figure that if they are getting raped anyway, why not get paid for it?
Any way you cut it, the practice is demeaning to women.
I saw a special on the Moonlight Bunny ranch, and they interviewed some of the girls. Not a single one enjoyed what they were doing, and most of them had tears develop in their eyes when asked about what they were doing and why they were doing it.
I am with you on this one. Just because a person does something that appears to be voluntary to us does not mean that they are any less in bondage. My experience with prostitutes as well as drug addicts is that even when the actions seem to be their choosing, there is an element of slavery involved. I could go into all the various things that have the potential to enslave, but that list is nearly endless. The fact is that the behavior is destructive, and even when a woman “chooses” this lifestyle, there is a deeper bondage than can be seen on the outside.
Men of Praise Motorcycle Ministry
Yep. I do think all the time that I don’t like, and I do them with a smile on my face.
The statistics on Prostitutes are sobering. Many are addicted to drugs, and the death-rate among them (by murder) is quite high also.
I don’t anybody plans on being a garbage man, but the world still has plenty of them, and not slaves.
i working as a prostitute and i really like my job!
my i have very high income (4100$ in month).
to work as a prostitute isn’t like you see in the movies 🙂
my pimp is not cruel, and you have a salary. period.
thank you,
I really wish my wife and I could sit down and talk with you somehow. I am very interested to learn more about your life and your hopes for the future.
both of us have e-mail..
if you have any question i there 🙂
I believe the Amy who posted is Amy Myers and indeed a sex worker, pornographic actress, activist and prominent member of the Australian Sex Party (google all) She has a very unfortunate view and whilst yes, she shouldn’t be condoned it is very worrying that she is out there pushing her warped views on the impressionable young.
Hmm. I have never heard of her…. but that is not much of a surprise… although, I wonder if we are somehow related… Jeremy Myers… Amy Myers…. my long-lost sister!
If it is true that some women have a good life (in material things only) as prostitutes, then they are the exception. Most prostitutes aren’t leading the great lives that some of the commenters attempt to portray. I have a friend who prostituted to support her cocaine addiction, and she certainly didn’t have a great life.
That scenario is more common in America than the lifestyle some of the commenters tried to convey.
I do street evangelism in the Johannesburg CBD once a week at night . I start of at the one side of town starting with the prostitutes and work my way to the other side where the vagrants sleep. From what the girls tell me it’s a horrible lifestyle and they do get abused terribly by some men. These woman are desperate sometimes charging $3 and every single one I speak to stands with a little pouch carrying heroin ,syringes rubber tubes etc. I’ve held woman crying in my arms because they have no hope. I don’t know how it is in other parts of the world but where I go it’s hell its a terrible way to live and I feel so sorry for these woman . I don’t see how a woman would want to choose to stand around a fire on the pavement until the early hours of the morning addicted to heroin waiting to sell her body to a stranger that will do what he wants to her under some abonded bridge sometimes beating her. No woman does this willingly
If anybody has advice for me I’m willing to hear it. As for going with other men or woman that’s out everyone already thinks I’m mad going there in the first place
I really like this topic since I have a lot of friends or people I know working as prostitute. Sometimes I imagining my self to try and I did it. It’s not a good feeling after all. A feeling of a shame,guilt,etc.
Until now I still surviving and being contented of what I can earn …. I wish I can survive my small income and not tempted to sale my body again.. making love the person you love is the best feeling still .
Don’t believe the lies!
The article claims, “Prostitutes did not choose to be prostitutes. They are enslaved, in one way or another. …she shows how ludicrous it is to think that some women want to be prostitutes.”
These statements are ludicrous! I bet no little kids dream of being an accountant but we don’t assume that means they are forced into it if they choose to do so as an adult.
Everybody (with an ounce of compassion) agrees that sex trafficking, sex slavery, child prostitution are terrible and should be stopped.
But it’s ludicrous to claim that NO women ever choose to be prostitutes – freely without being drug-addicted or forced into it in some way! There are plenty of sex workers who are happy with their choice and say so but people refuse to believe it.
Yes, there are way too many women forced into or choosing it out of desperation and hating it. But there are also women who want to do it and don’t hate it, even enjoy it. The two facts can co-exist people! You can believe that SOME women choose this job without condoning sex slavery. You can accept that SOME women are happy to do this job – it doesn’t mean that you don’t care about the terrible things that happen to other women. Ok?
Being a prostitute is not necessarily demeaning nor destructive. Anything is if you’re forced into it. Getting paid lots of money to do something you enjoy is not demeaning, nor destructive.
Yes, I know what I’m talking about because I have chosen to be a prostitute – for fun as much as for a little extra cash. I’m not on drugs, or desperate. I have never been abused. I don’t feel demeaned. The men are sweet and respectful. I enjoy the sex, the adventure and the cash that will go on a luxury holiday. Ditto my friend.