How do you feel about abortion? Sex slavery? Child sex slavery? Prostitution?
Have you seen how your tax dollars go to support some of these things?
Check out the following video:
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Edit: The full-length video is at the link below, along with three other videos which show this was not an isolated incident.
To learn more about Human Trafficking and sex slavery, check out some of these posts:Human Trafficking Posts
- Sex Slaves
- Would You Fight Slavery?
- Rescue Russian Sex Slaves
- Rescue Russian Girls from Sex Slavery
- Stop Her Nightmare
- Another Girl Rescued Today
- Girls for Sale
- Goal Reached!
- I Want to be a Prostitute
- $52,000 raised!
- 31 Million Sex Slaves
- Renting Lacy
- More Than Rice
- Human Trafficking Ring Busted
- The Other Big Game
- Sex Slavery, Planned Parenthood, and Your Tax Dollars
- How to Minister to Prostitutes
- Wisconsin Woman Held as Sex Slave in Brooklyn
- Coked-Up Whore
- Human Trafficking has Many Faces
- Into an India Brothel
- You Need a Girl?
- Human Trafficking Media
- The Son of God is Selling Children
- My Girls Raised $300 to help stop Human Trafficking
- Rape for Profit
- Human Trafficking Statistics
- Help Rescue Girls from Forced Prostitution
It’s sickening that you compare Planned Parenthood with slavery and prostitution. Planned Parenthood is a lot more than abortions. People have the right to control the size of their families and neither you or anyone else can tell women they have to have babies.
If you succeed in outlawing abortion and closing down all the women’s clinic that counsel birth control what are you going to do with all the children born into abject poverty? Are you going to take them in? See that they get a good education? Make sure they have enough to eat? A good roof over their head?
I doubt it because you’re not doing it now with American children that are already living in third world conditions. Why don’t you devote your time and godliness on something worthwhile instead of telling men and women what they can do within their family.
P Brown,
You make some great points. I do believe that the church has failed miserably in taking care of all the children in the world who are suffering and starving from lack of food and care. We spend more on buildings, sound systems, and parking lots than on feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. So you are right in that respect. But the answer is not to fund abortion clinics. where millions of children are murdered. The church needs to step up to the plate and take care of these women and children.
I agree with you Jeremy & we need to remember that WE are the church- we each need to do all we can to do what GOD would have ME to do-with HIS help!
There is no evidence from this film that you are even at planned parenthood? This could be completely set up and fake.
In retrospect, if this was real, the manager could have been playing along to get the women safely into her building to save the workers.
There isn’t enough credibility here for this to be believable.
I wasn’t the one who filmed it. But regardless, I think the authorities looked into this, and this manager lost her job. So it really did happen.
Go to the Live Action Blog link above to read more.
1. You cannot pick and choose where your tax dollars go. I don’t want any of my taxes going to “the war on drugs” or any military efforts in Asia/the middle-east. However, that isn’t up to me.
2. If you want to stop abortion, then you need to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Get your heads out of your collective butts about birth-control.
3. Focus on the love and grace of Christ, and please stop being obsessed about what people do with their genitals.
All I got.
Ehhh… I didn’t say anything about birth control. I like birth control. I use birth control.
So… I guess my head is out of my butt…
I used “collective”:)
I’m really referring more to the “abstinence only education” crowd.
There also seems to be a rabid anti-birth control coningent. (not just for Catholics anymore).
I see. Well, I am not part of that crowd at all.
I do think, however, that the media is not accurately presenting the view of the “rabid anti-birth control contingent.”
They are not really against birth control, as they are against using tax-payer dollars to pay for birth control, or the government requiring churches and religious organizations to offer birth control as part of their group medical insurance plans.
I discussed the tax dollar issue earlier. We don’t get to pick and choose.
What about employers who have deeply held beliefs against other medical treatments: anti-depressants, antibiotics, and don’t forget the anti-vaccination people. Do we have to start accomodating everyone because religious organizations are getting their feelings hurt?
In an ideal world your employer would have no involvement in your healthcare. It isn’t their responsibility and it certainly is none of their business. However, that won’t change any time soon, and in the meantime my employer’s beliefs should not limit my choices involving healthcare.
I agree. Employer beliefs should not limit your choice in healthcare. Nor should government beliefs.
And what if my choice in healthcare is that I don’t want healthcare? Isn’t it my body and my health? Why am I not free to choose?
I find it ironic that so many people who are Pro-Choice do not think people should have the freedom to choose how to take care of their own body.
I assume that you are referring to the individual mandate. It isn’t ironic at all. I would argue that many people who are pro-choice are not big fans of the mandate, but they accept it as a better situation than having a significant portion of the population with no benefits (and no choice).
I have heard that some Amish folk do not have insurance. However, aside from that, I have not met a single person who voluntarily went without coverage. So I think the whole “the evil gov’t is forcing us to have health insurance” is insincere in most cases because most of those making it would never seriously consider not having insurance.
Also, who is forced to accept medical treatment? Did I miss something?
No, I wasn’t referring to the individual mandate. Also, I didn’t say that people would be forced to accept medical treatment, nor do I believe that they would.
I think you might be confusing my beliefs about healthcare with those of somebody else?
jeremy, i read a verse in the bible (lev 25:46) and it seemed to promote slavery. is it really promoting it ? or did i misunderstand something ?