Chapter 12 in my book, Close Your Church for Good, is called “Pass on the Offering Plate.”
In this chapter, we look at some of the issue of tithes and offerings in the church, and whether the practice is truly biblical or not, and what alternative ways there might be for churches to obtain funding for their various ministries.
Please note that due to some of the feedback I receive on these posts, this chapter might be radically revised for the final edition of the book. These changes will only be available in the print or eBook version when it comes out.
Here are the blog posts from the chapter on tithing:
- Introduction
- History of Tithing
- Scripture on Tithing
- Abraham Tithed. Should We?
- Tithing Your Taxes
- Tithe for your Right to Party
- Tithe 3 Percent to your Church
- Modern Tithing
- Will a Man Rob God?
- Malachi 3 and Tithing
- What Jesus Taught About Tithing
- Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s
- The Widow’s Mite
- Devouring Widow’s Houses
- Don’t Tithe to a Decaying Temple
- Tithe or Die!
- Generous and Joyful Giving
- How to Spend Money
To read the content of other chapters, check out the Table of Contents to Close Your Church for Good.
Thanks for all these fascinating links! I’m not personally religious but I’m very interested in how the offering plate is used.